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2024-01-19 08:56:28 +00:00
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Master Sergeant Fox <Orbis Exchange Quest> - Orbis(200000000)
-- By ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Version Info -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2 - Clean-up
1.1 - Official Text [Information]
1.0 - First Version by Sean360
var status = 0;
var eQuestChoices = [4000073, 4000059, 4000060, 4000061, 4000058,
4000062, 4000048, 4000049, 4000055, 4000056,
4000051, 4000052, 4000050, 4000057, 4000053,
4000054, 4000076, 4000078, 4000081, 4000070,
4000071, 4000072, 4000069, 4000079, 4000080];
var eQuestPrizes = [];
eQuestPrizes[0] = [[2000001, 20], // Orange Potions
[2010004, 10], // Lemons
[2000003, 15], // Blue Potions
[4003001, 15], // Processed Wood
[2020001, 15], // Fried Chickens
[2030000, 15]]; // Nearest Town Scroll
eQuestPrizes[1] = [[2000003, 20], // Blue Potions
[2000001, 30], // Orange Potions
[2010001, 40], // Meats
[4003001, 20], // Processed Wood
[2040002, 1]]; // 10% Helm Def
eQuestPrizes[2] = [[2000002, 25], // White Potions
[2000006, 10], // Mana Elixir
[2022000, 5], // Pure Water
[4000030, 15], // Dragon Skins
[2040902, 1]]; // 10% Shield Def
eQuestPrizes[3] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2041016, 1]]; // 10% Cape Int
eQuestPrizes[4] = [[2000002, 15], // White Potions
[2010004, 15], // Lemons
[2000003, 25], // Blue Potions
[4003001, 30], // Processed Wood
[2040302, 1]]; // 10% Earring Int
eQuestPrizes[5] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2040402, 1]]; // 10% Top Def
eQuestPrizes[6] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2040402, 1]]; // 10% Top Def
eQuestPrizes[7] = [[2000006, 25], // Mana Elixir
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[4020000, 7], // Garnet Ore
[4020001, 7], // Amethyst Ore
[4020002, 3], // Aquamarine Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[2040708, 1]]; // 10% Shoe Speed
eQuestPrizes[8] = [[2020005, 30], // Hotdogs
[2020006, 15], // Hotdog Supremes
[2022001, 30], // Red Bean Soup
[4003003, 1], // Fairy Wing
[2040505, 1]]; // 10% O/All Def
eQuestPrizes[9] = [[2000006, 25], // Mana Elixir
[4020005, 7], // Sapphire Ore
[4020003, 7], // Emerald Ore
[4020004, 7], // Opal Ore
[4020008, 2], // Black Crystal Ore
[2040802, 1]]; // 10% Glove Dex
eQuestPrizes[10] = [[2002004, 15], // Warrior Potion
[2002005, 15], // Sniper Potion
[2002003, 15], // Wizard Potion
[4001005, 1], // Ancient Scroll
[2040502, 1]]; // 10% O/All Dex
eQuestPrizes[11] = [[2000006, 20], // Mana Elixir
[4010004, 7], // Silver Ore
[4010003, 7], // Adamantium Ore
[4010005, 7], // Orihalcon Ore
[4003002, 1], // Piece of Ice
[2040602, 1]]; // 10% Bottom Def
eQuestPrizes[12] = [[2000006, 20], // Mana Elixir
[4010002, 7], // Mithril Ore
[4010001, 7], // Steel Ore
[4010000, 7], // Bronze Ore
[4010006, 2], // Gold Ore
[4003000, 5], // Screwa
[2040702, 1]]; // 10% Shoe Dex
eQuestPrizes[13] = [[2000006, 20], // Mana Elixir
[4010004, 7], // Silver Ore
[4010005, 7], // Orihalcon Ore
[4010006, 3], // Gold Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[4020008, 2], // Black Crystal Ore
[2040705, 1]]; // 10% Shoe Jump
eQuestPrizes[14] = [[2000006, 30], // Mana Elixir
[4020006, 7], // Topaz Ore
[4020008, 2], // Black Crystal Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[2070010, 1], // Icicle Stars
[2040805, 1]]; // 10% Glove Attack
eQuestPrizes[15] = [[2000006, 30], // Mana Elixir
[4020006, 7], // Topaz Ore
[4020008.2], // Black Crystal Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[2041020, 1]]; // 10% Cape Dex
eQuestPrizes[16] = [[2000001, 30], // Orange Potions
[2000003, 20], // Blue Potions
[4003001, 20], // Processed Wood
[2010001, 40], // Meats
[2040002, 1]]; // 10% Helm Def
eQuestPrizes[17] = [[2000002, 15], // White Potions
[2000003, 25], // Blue Potions
[2010004, 15], // Lemons
[2050004, 15], // Divine Elixir
[4003001, 30], // Processed Wood
[2040302, 1]]; // 10% Earring Int
eQuestPrizes[18] = [[2000006, 25], // Mana Elixir
[2020006, 25], // Hotdog Supreme
[4010004, 8], // Silver Ore
[4010005, 8], // Orihalcon Ore
[4010006, 3], // Gold Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[4020008, 2], // Black Crystal Ore
[2040705, 1]]; // 10% Shoe Jump
eQuestPrizes[19] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2041005, 1]]; // 10% Cape Wep Def
eQuestPrizes[20] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2041005, 1]]; // 10% Cape Wep Def
eQuestPrizes[21] = [[2000002, 30], // White Potions
[2020000, 20], // Salad
[2000006, 15], // Mana Elixir
[4003000, 5], // Screws
[2041005, 1]]; // 10% Cape Wep Def
eQuestPrizes[22] = [[2000006, 20], // Mana Elixir
[2020005, 30], // Hotdogs
[2020006, 15], // Hotdog Supremes
[2050004, 20], // Divine Elixirs
[4003003, 1], // Fairy Wing
[2041002, 1]]; // 10% Cape Mag Def
eQuestPrizes[23] = [[2000006, 25], // Mana Elixir
[2050004, 50], // Divine Elixir
[2022001, 35], // Red Bean Soup
[4020000, 8], // Garnet Ore
[4020001, 8], // Amethyst Ore
[4020002, 8], // Aquamarine Ore
[4020007, 2], // Diamond Ore
[2041023, 1]]; // 10% Cape LUK
eQuestPrizes[24] = [[2000006, 35], // Mana Elixir
[4020006, 9], // Topaz Ore
[4010008, 4], // Black Crystal Ore
[4020007, 4], // Diamond Ore
[2041008, 1]]; // 10% Cape HP
var requiredItem = 0;
var lastSelection = 0;
var prizeItem = 0;
var prizeQuantity = 0;
var itemSet;
function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode <= 0) {
cm.sendOk("Hmmm...it shouldn't be a bad deal for you. Come see me at the right time and you may get a much better item to be offered. Anyway, let me know when you have a change of heart.");
if (status == 0) { // first interaction with NPC
cm.sendNext("Hey, got a little bit of time? Well, my job is to collect items here and sell them elsewhere, but these days the monsters have become much more hostile so it's been difficult to getting good items ... What do you think? Do you want to do some business with me?");
} else if (status == 1) {
cm.sendYesNo("The deal is simple. You get me something I need, I get you something you need. The problem is, I deal with a whole bunch of people, so the items I have to offer may change every time you see me. What do you think? Still want to do it?");
} else if (status == 2) {
var eQuestChoice = makeChoices(eQuestChoices);
} else if (status == 3) {
lastSelection = selection;
requiredItem = eQuestChoices[selection];
cm.sendYesNo("Let's see, you want to trade your #b100 #t" + requiredItem + "##k with my stuff right? Before trading make sure you have an empty slot available on your use or etc. inventory. Now, do you want to trade with me?");
} else if (status == 4) {
itemSet = (Math.floor(Math.random() * eQuestPrizes[lastSelection].length));
reward = eQuestPrizes[lastSelection];
prizeItem = reward[itemSet][0];
prizeQuantity = reward[itemSet][1];
if (!cm.haveItem(requiredItem, 100)) {
cm.sendOk("Hmmm... are you sure you have #b100 #t" + requiredItem + "##k? If so, then please check and see if your item inventory is full or not.");
} else if (!cm.canHold(prizeItem)) {
cm.sendOk("Your use and etc. inventory seems to be full. You need the free spaces to trade with me! Make room, and then find me.");
} else {
cm.gainItem(requiredItem, -100);
cm.gainExp(500 * cm.getPlayer().getExpRate());
cm.gainItem(prizeItem, prizeQuantity);
cm.sendOk("For your #b100 #t" + requiredItem + "##k, here's my #b" + prizeQuantity + " #t" + prizeItem + "##k. What do you think? Do you like the items I gave you in return? I plan on being here for a while, so if you gather up more items, I'm always open for a trade ...");
function makeChoices(a) {
var result = "Ok! First you need to choose the item that you'll trade with. The better the item, the more likely the chance that I'll give you something much nicer in return.\r\n";
for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) {
result += " #L" + x + "##v" + a[x] + "# #t" + a[x] + "##l\r\n";
return result;