Initial re-upload

This commit is contained in:
Hazel 2024-01-19 03:56:28 -05:00
commit 170dac174c
25040 changed files with 16444288 additions and 0 deletions

.dockerignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Project administration files
# Not used by the build.
# Created by the db when using docker-compose, large and causes rebuild issues if sent to the context.

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# build files
# Eclipse m2e generated files
# Eclipse Core
# JDT-specific (Eclipse Java Development Tools)

Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Initial Docker support thanks to xinyifly
# Optimisation performed by wejrox
# Cosmic JAR creation stage
FROM maven:3.9.1-eclipse-temurin-17 AS jar
# Build in a separated location which won't have permissions issues.
WORKDIR /opt/cosmic
# Any changes to the pom will affect the entire build, so it should be copied first.
COPY pom.xml ./pom.xml
# Grab all the dependencies listed in the pom early, since it prevents changes to source code from requiring a complete re-download.
# Skip compiling tests since we don't want all the dependecies to be downloaded.
RUN mvn -f ./pom.xml clean dependency:go-offline -Dmaven.test.skip -T 1C
# Source code changes may not change dependencies, so it can go last.
# Skip compiling tests since we don't want all the dependecies to be downloaded for plugins.
COPY src ./src
RUN mvn -f ./pom.xml clean package -Dmaven.test.skip -T 1C
# Server creation stage
FROM eclipse-temurin:17.0.6_10-jre
# Host the server in a location that won't have permissions issues.
WORKDIR /opt/server
# Copy the wizet files first since they're so big and won't change often.
COPY wz ./wz
# Copy the JAR we build earlier.
COPY --from=jar /opt/cosmic/target/Cosmic.jar ./Server.jar
# Scripts are sourced on server startup, so you can mount over them for quicker redeploy.
COPY scripts ./scripts/
# Config is read on server startup, so you can mount over it for quicker redeploy.
COPY config.yaml ./
# Default exposure, although not required if using docker compose.
# This exposes the login server, and channels.
# Format for channels: WWCC, where WW is 75 plus the world number and CC is 75 plus the channel number (both zero indexed).
EXPOSE 8484 7575 7576 7577
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "./Server.jar"]

config.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
#World Name: (0 "Scania", 1 "Bera", 2 "Broa", 3 "Windia", 4 "Khaini", 5 "Bellocan", 6 "Mardia", 7 "Kradia", 8 "Yellonde", 9 "Demethos", 10 "Galicia", 11 "El Nido", 12 "Zenith", 13 "Arcenia", 14 "Kastia", 15 "Judis", 16 "Plana", 17 "Kalluna", 18 "Stius", 19 "Croa", 20 "Medere")
#Flag types: (0 = nothing, 1 = event, 2 = new, 3 = hot)
#Recommended to use only up to 15 worlds
#Properties for Scania 0
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Scania!
event_message: Scania!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Scania!
channels: 3
exp_rate: 10
meso_rate: 10
drop_rate: 10
boss_drop_rate: 10 #NOTE: Boss drop rate OVERRIDES common drop rate, for bosses-only.
quest_rate: 5 #Multiplier for Exp & Meso gains when completing a quest. Only available when USE_QUEST_RATE is true. Stacks with server Exp & Meso rates.
fishing_rate: 10 #Multiplier for success likelihood on meso thrown during fishing.
travel_rate: 10 #Means of transportation rides/departs using 1/N of the default time.
#Properties for Bera 1
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Bera!
event_message: Bera!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Bera!
channels: 3
#Properties for Broa 2
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Broa!
event_message: Broa!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Broa!
channels: 3
#Properties for Windia 3
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Windia!
event_message: Windia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Windia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Khaini 4
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Khaini!
event_message: Khaini!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Khaini!
channels: 3
#Properties for Bellocan 5
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Bellocan!
event_message: Bellocan!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Bellocan!
channels: 3
#Properties for Mardia 6
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Mardia!
event_message: Mardia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Mardia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Kradia 7
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Kradia!
event_message: Kradia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Kradia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Yellonde 8
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Yellonde!
event_message: Yellonde!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Yellonde!
channels: 3
#Properties for Demethos 9
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Demethos!
event_message: Demethos!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Demethos!
channels: 3
#Properties for Galicia 10
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Galicia!
event_message: Galicia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Galicia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Kastia 11
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Kastia!
event_message: Kastia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Kastia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Judis 12
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Judis!
event_message: Judis!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Judis!
channels: 3
#Properties for Arcenia 13
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Arcenia!
event_message: Arcenia!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Arcenia!
channels: 3
#Properties for Plana 14
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Plana!
event_message: Plana!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Plana!
channels: 3
#Properties for El Nido 15
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to El Nido!
event_message: El Nido!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to El Nido!
channels: 3
#Properties for Kalluna 16
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Kalluna!
event_message: Kalluna!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Kalluna!
channels: 3
#Properties for Stius 17
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Stius!
event_message: Stius!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Stius!
channels: 3
#Properties for Croa 18
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Croa!
event_message: Croa!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Croa!
channels: 3
#Properties for Zenith 19
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Zenith!
event_message: Zenith!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Zenith!
channels: 3
#Properties for Medere 20
- flag: 0
server_message: Welcome to Medere!
event_message: Medere!
why_am_i_recommended: Welcome to Medere!
channels: 3
#Database Configuration
DB_URL_FORMAT: "jdbc:mysql://%s:3306/cosmic" # If the docker ENV for DB_HOST is anything but "db", this string format should be changed from 3306 to 3307 (or whichever port it was changed to in docker)
DB_HOST: "localhost"
DB_USER: "cosmic_server"
DB_PASS: "snailshell"
#Login Configuration
WORLDS: 1 #Initial number of worlds on the server.
WLDLIST_SIZE: 21 #Max possible worlds on the server.
CHANNEL_SIZE: 20 #Max possible channels per world (which is 20, based on the channel list on login phase).
CHANNEL_LOAD: 100 #Max players per channel (limit actually used to calculate the World server capacity).
CHANNEL_LOCKS: 20 #Total number of structure management locks each channel has.
RESPAWN_INTERVAL: 10000 #10 seconds, 10000.
PURGING_INTERVAL: 300000 #5 minutes, 300000.
RANKING_INTERVAL: 3600000 #60 minutes, 3600000.
COUPON_INTERVAL: 3600000 #60 minutes, 3600000.
UPDATE_INTERVAL: 777 #Dictates the frequency on which the "centralized server time" is updated.
ENABLE_PIC: true #Pick true/false to enable or disable Pic. Delete character requires PIC available.
ENABLE_PIN: true #Pick true/false to enable or disable Pin.
BYPASS_PIC_EXPIRATION: 20 #Enables PIC bypass, which will remain active for that account by that client machine for N minutes. Set 0 to disable.
BYPASS_PIN_EXPIRATION: 15 #Enables PIN bypass, which will remain active for that account by that client machine for N minutes. Set 0 to disable.
AUTOMATIC_REGISTER: true #Automatically register players when they login with a nonexistent username.
BCRYPT_MIGRATION: true #Performs a migration from old SHA-1 and SHA-512 password to bcrypt.
COLLECTIVE_CHARSLOT: false #Available character slots are contabilized globally rather than per world server.
DETERRED_MULTICLIENT: false #Enables detection of multi-client and suspicious remote IP on the login system.
#Besides blocking logging in with several client sessions on the same machine, this also blocks suspicious login attempts for players that tries to login on an account using several diferent remote addresses.
#Multiclient Coordinator Configuration
MAX_ALLOWED_ACCOUNT_HWID: 10 #Allows up to N concurrent HWID's for an account. HWID's remains linked to an account longer the more times it's used to login.
MAX_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT: 15 #After N tries on an account, login on that account gets disabled for a short period.
LOGIN_ATTEMPT_DURATION: 120 #Period in seconds the login attempt remains registered on the system.
#Ip Configuration
HOST: #WAN IPv4 address
LANHOST: #LAN IPv4 address
LOCALHOST: #Loopback IPv4 address
#Other configuration
#Server Flags
USE_CUSTOM_KEYSET: false #Enables auto-setup of the HeavenMS's custom keybindings when creating characters.
USE_DEBUG: false #Will enable some text prints on the client, oriented for debugging purposes.
USE_DEBUG_SHOW_INFO_EQPEXP: false #Prints on the cmd all equip exp gain info.
USE_DEBUG_SHOW_RCVD_PACKET: false #Prints on the cmd all received packet ids.
USE_DEBUG_SHOW_RCVD_MVLIFE: false #Prints on the cmd all received move life content.
USE_SUPPLY_RATE_COUPONS: true #Allows rate coupons to be sold through the Cash Shop.
USE_IP_VALIDATION: false #Enables IP checking when logging in.
USE_CHARACTER_ACCOUNT_CHECK: false #Enables one-character-per-account check when logging in. This might be resource intensive.
USE_MAXRANGE: true #Will send and receive packets from all events on a map, rather than those of only view range.
USE_MTS: false
USE_CPQ: true #Renders the CPQ available or not.
USE_AUTOHIDE_GM: true #When enabled, GMs are automatically hidden when joining. Thanks to Steven Deblois (steven1152).
USE_BUYBACK_SYSTEM: false #Enables the HeavenMS-builtin buyback system, to be used by dead players when clicking the MTS button.
USE_FIXED_RATIO_HPMP_UPDATE: false #Enables the HeavenMS-builtin HPMP update based on the current pool to max pool ratio.
USE_DUEY: true
USE_RANDOMIZE_HPMP_GAIN: true #Enables randomizing on MaxHP/MaxMP gains and INT accounting for the MaxMP gain on level up.
USE_STORAGE_ITEM_SORT: true #Enables storage "Arrange Items" feature.
USE_ITEM_SORT: true #Enables inventory "Item Sort/Merge" feature.
USE_ITEM_SORT_BY_NAME: false #Item sorting based on name rather than id.
USE_PARTY_FOR_STARTERS: false #Players level 10 or below can create/invite other players on the given level range.
USE_AUTOASSIGN_STARTERS_AP: true #Beginners level 10 or below have their AP autoassigned (they can't choose to levelup a stat). Set true ONLY if the localhost doesn't support AP assigning for beginners level 10 or below.
USE_AUTOASSIGN_SECONDARY_CAP: true #Prevents AP autoassign from spending on secondary stats after the player class' cap (defined on the autoassign handler) has been reached.
USE_STARTING_AP_4: false #Use early-GMS 4/4/4/4 starting stats. To overcome AP shortage, this gives 4AP/5AP at 1st/2nd job advancements.
USE_AUTOBAN: false #Commands the server to detect infractors automatically.
USE_AUTOBAN_LOG: true #Log autoban related messages. Still logs even with USE_AUTOBAN disabled.
USE_EXP_GAIN_LOG: false #Logs characters exp gains; logs world rate & coupon exp, total gained exp, and current exp, level can be calculated from "ExpTable".
USE_AUTOSAVE: true #Enables server autosaving feature (saves characters to DB each 1 hour).
USE_SERVER_AUTOASSIGNER: false #HeavenMS-builtin autoassigner, uses algorithm based on distributing AP accordingly with required secondary stat on equipments.
USE_ENFORCE_ADMIN_ACCOUNT: false #Forces accounts having GM characters to be treated as a "GM account" by the client (localhost). Some of the GM account perks is the ability to FLY, but unable to TRADE.
USE_ENFORCE_NOVICE_EXPRATE: false #Hardsets experience rate 1x for beginners level 10 or under. Ideal for roaming on novice areas without caring too much about losing some stats.
USE_ENFORCE_HPMP_SWAP: false #Forces players to reuse stats (via AP Resetting) located on HP/MP pool only inside the HP/MP stats.
USE_ENFORCE_MOB_LEVEL_RANGE: true #Players N levels below the killed mob will gain no experience from defeating it.
USE_ENFORCE_JOB_LEVEL_RANGE: false #Caps the player level on the minimum required to advance their current jobs.
USE_ENFORCE_JOB_SP_RANGE: false #Caps the player SP level on the total obtainable by their current jobs. After changing jobs, missing SP will be retrieved.
USE_ENFORCE_ITEM_SUGGESTION: false #Forces the Owl of Minerva and the Cash Shop to always display the defined item array instead of those featured by the players.
USE_ENFORCE_UNMERCHABLE_CASH: true #Forces players to not sell CASH items via merchants, drops of it disappears.
USE_ENFORCE_UNMERCHABLE_PET: true #Forces players to not sell pets via merchants, drops of it disappears. (since non-named pets gets dirty name and other possible DB-related issues)
USE_ENFORCE_MERCHANT_SAVE: true #Forces automatic DB save on merchant owners, at every item movement on shop.
USE_ENFORCE_MDOOR_POSITION: false #Forces mystic door to be spawned near spawnpoints.
USE_SPAWN_CLEAN_MDOOR: false #Makes mystic doors to be spawned without deploy animation. This clears disconnecting issues that may happen when trying to cancel doors a couple seconds after deployment.
USE_SPAWN_LOOT_ON_ANIMATION: false #Makes loot appear some time after the mob has been killed (following the mob death animation, instead of instantly).
USE_SPAWN_RELEVANT_LOOT: true #Forces to only spawn loots that are collectable by the player or any of their party members.
USE_ERASE_PERMIT_ON_OPENSHOP: true #Forces "shop permit" item to be consumed when player deploy his/her player shop.
USE_ERASE_UNTRADEABLE_DROP: true #Forces flagged untradeable items to disappear when dropped.
USE_ERASE_PET_ON_EXPIRATION: false #Forces pets to be removed from inventory when expire time comes, rather than converting it to a doll.
USE_BUFF_MOST_SIGNIFICANT: true #When applying buffs, the player will stick with the highest stat boost among the listed, rather than overwriting stats.
USE_BUFF_EVERLASTING: false #Every applied buff on players holds expiration time so high it'd be considered permanent. Suggestion thanks to Vcoc.
USE_MULTIPLE_SAME_EQUIP_DROP: true #Enables multiple drops by mobs of the same equipment, number of possible drops based on the quantities provided at the drop data.
USE_BANISHABLE_TOWN_SCROLL: false #Enables town scrolls to act as if it's a "player banish", rendering the antibanish scroll effect available.
USE_ENABLE_FULL_RESPAWN: false #At respawn task, always respawn missing mobs when they're available. Spawn count doesn't depend on how many players are currently there.
USE_ENABLE_CHAT_LOG: false #Write in-game chat to log
USE_REBIRTH_SYSTEM: false #Flag to enable/disable rebirth system
USE_MAP_OWNERSHIP_SYSTEM: false #Flag to enable/disable map ownership system
USE_FISHING_SYSTEM: false #Flag to enable/disable custom fishing system
USE_NPCS_SCRIPTABLE: true #Flag to enable/disable serverside predefined script NPCs.
#Events/PQs Configuration
USE_OLD_GMS_STYLED_PQ_NPCS: true #Enables PQ NPCs with similar behaviour to old GMS style, that skips info about the PQs and immediately tries to register the party in.
USE_ENABLE_SOLO_EXPEDITIONS: false #Enables start expeditions with any number of players. This will also bypass all the Zakum prequest.
USE_ENABLE_DAILY_EXPEDITIONS: false #Enables daily entry limitations in expeditions.
USE_ENABLE_RECALL_EVENT: false #Enables a disconnected player to reaccess the last event instance they were in before logging out. Recall only works if the event isn't cleared or disposed yet. Suggestion thanks to Alisson (Goukken).
#Announcement Configuration
USE_ANNOUNCE_SHOPITEMSOLD: false #Automatic message sent to owner when an item from the Player Shop or Hired Merchant is sold.
USE_ANNOUNCE_CHANGEJOB: false #Automatic message sent to acquantainces when changing jobs.
USE_ANNOUNCE_NX_COUPON_LOOT: false #Enables or disables the floating text when a player loots a NX card
#Cash Shop Configuration
USE_JOINT_CASHSHOP_INVENTORY: false #Enables usage of a same cash shop inventory for explorers, cygnus and legends. Items from exclusive cash shop inventories won't show up on the shared inventory, though.
USE_CLEAR_OUTDATED_COUPONS: true #Enables deletion of older code coupon registry from the DB, freeing so-long irrelevant data.
ALLOW_CASHSHOP_NAME_CHANGE: true #Allows players to buy name changes in the cash shop.
ALLOW_CASHSHOP_WORLD_TRANSFER: true #Allows players to buy world transfers in the cash shop.
#Maker Configuration
USE_MAKER_PERMISSIVE_ATKUP: false #Allows players to use attack-based strengthening gems on non-weapon items.
USE_MAKER_FEE_HEURISTICS: true #Apply compiled values for stimulants and reagents into the Maker fee calculations (max error revolves around 50k mesos). Set false to use basic constant values instead (results are never higher than requested by the client-side).
#Custom Configuration
USE_ENABLE_CUSTOM_NPC_SCRIPT: false #Enables usage of custom HeavenMS NPC scripts (Agent E, Coco, etc). Will not disable Abdula (it's actually useful for the gameplay) or quests.
USE_STARTER_MERGE: false #Allows any players to use the Equipment Merge custom mechanic (as opposed to the high-level, Maker lv3 requisites).
#Commands Configuration
BLOCK_GENERATE_CASH_ITEM: false #Prevents creation of cash items with the item/drop command.
USE_WHOLE_SERVER_RANKING: false #Enables a ranking pool made from every character registered on the server for the "ranks" command, instead of separated by worlds.
EQUIP_EXP_RATE: 1.0 #Rate for equipment exp gain, grows linearly. Set 1.0 for default (about 100~200 same-level range mobs killed to pass equip from level 1 to 2).
PQ_BONUS_EXP_RATE: 0.5 #Rate for the PQ exp reward.
EXP_SPLIT_LEVEL_INTERVAL: 5 #Non-contributing players must be within N level between the mob to receive EXP.
EXP_SPLIT_LEECH_INTERVAL: 5 #Non-contributing players must be within N level between any contributing party member to receive EXP.
PARTY_BONUS_EXP_RATE: 1.0 #Rate for the party exp bonus reward.
#Miscellaneous Configuration
CHARSET: US-ASCII # Is loaded first, so applies to the rest of this config. Defaults to US-ASCII if invalid or not set.
USE_DISPLAY_NUMBERS_WITH_COMMA: true #Enforce comma on displayed strings (use this when USE_UNITPRICE_WITH_COMMA is active and you still want to display comma-separated values).
USE_UNITPRICE_WITH_COMMA: true #Set this accordingly with the layout of the unitPrices on Item.wz XML's, whether it's using commas or dots to represent fractions.
MAX_MONITORED_BUFFSTATS: 5 #Limits accounting for "dormant" buff effects, that should take place when stronger stat buffs expires.
MAX_AP: 32767 #Max AP allotted on the auto-assigner.
MAX_EVENT_LEVELS: 8 #Event has different levels of rewarding system.
BLOCK_NPC_RACE_CONDT: 500 # (0.5 * 1000) Time the player client must wait before reopening a conversation with an NPC.
TOT_MOB_QUEST_REQUIREMENT: 0 #Overwrites old 999-mobs requirement for the ToT questline with new requirement value, set 0 for default.
MOB_REACTOR_REFRESH_TIME: 0 # (30 * 1000) Overwrites refresh time for those reactors oriented to inflict damage to bosses (Ice Queen, Riche), set 0 for default.
PARTY_SEARCH_REENTRY_LIMIT: 10 #Max amount of times a party leader is allowed to persist on the Party Search before entry expiration (thus needing to manually restart the Party Search to be able to search for members).
NAME_CHANGE_COOLDOWN: 2592000000 # (30*24*60*60*1000) Cooldown for name changes, default (GMS) is 30 days.
WORLD_TRANSFER_COOLDOWN: 2592000000 # (30*24*60*60*1000) Cooldown for world tranfers, default is same as name change (30 days).
INSTANT_NAME_CHANGE: false #Whether or not to wait for server restart to apply name changes. Does on reconnect otherwise (requires queries on every login).
REBIRTH_NPC_ID: 9010021 #ID of the NPC that should be replaced with the rebirth mechanic, if enabled.
#Dangling Items/Locks Configuration
ITEM_EXPIRE_TIME: 180000 # (3 * 60 * 1000) Time before items start disappearing. Recommended to be set up to 3 minutes.
KITE_EXPIRE_TIME: 3600000 # (60 * 60 * 1000) Time before kites (cash item) disappears.
ITEM_MONITOR_TIME: 300000 # (5 * 60 * 1000) Interval between item monitoring tasks on maps, which checks for dangling (null) item objects on the map item history.
LOCK_MONITOR_TIME: 30000 # (30 * 1000) Waiting time for a lock to be released. If it reaches timeout, a critical server deadlock has made present.
#Map Monitor Configuration
ITEM_EXPIRE_CHECK: 10000 # (10 * 10000) Interval between item expiring tasks on maps, which checks and makes disappear expired items.
ITEM_LIMIT_ON_MAP: 200 #Max number of items allowed on a map.
MAP_VISITED_SIZE: 5 #Max length for last mapids visited by a player. This is used to recover and update drops on these maps accordingly with player actions.
MAP_DAMAGE_OVERTIME_INTERVAL: 2500 #Interval in milliseconds between map environment damage (e.g. El Nath and Aqua Road surrondings).
#Channel Mob Disease Monitor Configuration
MOB_STATUS_MONITOR_PROC: 200 #Frequency in milliseconds between each proc on the mob disease monitor schedule.
MOB_STATUS_MONITOR_LIFE: 84 #Idle proc count the mob disease monitor is allowed to be there before closing it due to inactivity.
MOB_STATUS_AGGRO_PERSISTENCE: 2 #Idle proc count on aggro update for a mob to keep following the current controller, given him/her is the leading damage dealer.
MOB_STATUS_AGGRO_INTERVAL: 5000 #Interval in milliseconds between aggro logistics update.
USE_AUTOAGGRO_NEARBY: false #Mobs start following the player when approached.
#Some Gameplay Enhancing Configurations
#Scroll Configuration
USE_PERFECT_GM_SCROLL: true #Scrolls from GMs never uses up slots nor fails.
USE_PERFECT_SCROLLING: false #Scrolls doesn't use slots upon failure.
USE_ENHANCED_CHSCROLL: false #Equips even more powerful with chaos upgrade.
USE_ENHANCED_CRAFTING: false #Apply chaos scroll on every equip crafted.
USE_ENHANCED_CLNSLATE: false #Clean slates can be applied to recover successfully used slots as well.
SCROLL_CHANCE_ROLLS: 1 #Number of rolls for success on a scroll, set 1 for default.
CHSCROLL_STAT_RATE: 1 #Number of rolls of stat upgrade on a successfully applied chaos scroll, set 1 for default.
CHSCROLL_STAT_RANGE: 6 #Stat upgrade range (-N, N) on chaos scrolls.
#Beginner Skills Configuration
USE_ULTRA_NIMBLE_FEET: false #Massive speed & jump upgrade.
USE_ULTRA_RECOVERY: false #Massive recovery amounts overtime.
USE_ULTRA_THREE_SNAILS: false #Massive damage on shell toss.
#Other Skills Configuration
USE_FULL_ARAN_SKILLSET: false #Enables starter availability to all Aran job skills. Suggestion thanks to Masterrulax.
USE_FAST_REUSE_HERO_WILL: false #Greatly reduce cooldown on Hero's Will.
USE_ANTI_IMMUNITY_CRASH: false #Crash skills additionally removes the mob's invincibility buffs. Suggestion thanks to Celestial.
USE_UNDISPEL_HOLY_SHIELD: false #Holy shield buff also prevents players from suffering dispel from mobs.
USE_FULL_HOLY_SYMBOL: false #Holy symbol doesn't require EXP sharers to work in full.
#Character Configuration
USE_ADD_SLOTS_BY_LEVEL: false #Slots are added each 20 levels.
USE_ADD_RATES_BY_LEVEL: false #Rates are added each 20 levels.
USE_STACK_COUPON_RATES: false #Multiple coupons effects builds up together.
USE_PERFECT_PITCH: false #For lvl 30 or above, each lvlup grants player 1 perfect pitch.
#Quest Configuration
USE_QUEST_RATE: false #Exp/Meso gained by quests uses fixed server exp/meso rate times quest rate as multiplier, instead of player rates.
#Quest Points Configuration
QUEST_POINT_REPEATABLE_INTERVAL: 25 #Minimum interval between repeatable quest completions for quest points to be awarded.
QUEST_POINT_REQUIREMENT: 0 #Exchange factor between N quest points to +1 fame, set 0 to disable the entire quest point mechanism.
QUEST_POINT_PER_QUEST_COMPLETE: 0 #Each completed quest awards N quest points, set 0 to disable.
QUEST_POINT_PER_EVENT_CLEAR: 0 #Each completed event instance awards N quest points, set 0 to disable.
#Guild Configuration
CREATE_GUILD_MIN_PARTNERS: 6 #Minimum number of members on Guild Headquarters to establish a new guild.
#Family Configuration
FAMILY_REP_PER_KILL: 4 #Amount of rep gained per monster kill.
FAMILY_REP_PER_BOSS_KILL: 20 #Amount of rep gained per boss kill.
FAMILY_REP_PER_LEVELUP: 200 #Amount of rep gained upon leveling up.
FAMILY_MAX_GENERATIONS: 1000 #Maximum depth of family tree. (Distance from leader to farthest junior)
#Equipment Configuration
USE_EQUIPMNT_LVLUP_SLOTS: false #Equips can upgrade slots at level up.
USE_EQUIPMNT_LVLUP_POWER: false #Enable more powerful stat upgrades at equip level up.
USE_EQUIPMNT_LVLUP_CASH: false #Enable equip leveling up on cash equipments as well.
USE_SPIKES_AVOID_BANISH: false #Shoes equipped with spikes prevents mobs from banishing wearer.
MAX_EQUIPMNT_LVLUP_STAT_UP: 10000 #Max stat upgrade an equipment can have on a levelup.
MAX_EQUIPMNT_STAT: 32767 #Max stat on an equipment by leveling up.
USE_EQUIPMNT_LVLUP: 1 #All equips lvlup at max level of N, set 1 to disable.
#Map-Chair Configuration
USE_CHAIR_EXTRAHEAL: false #Enable map chairs to further recover player's HP and MP (player must have the Chair Mastery skill).
CHAIR_EXTRA_HEAL_MULTIPLIER: 10 #Due to only being able to be send up-to-255 heal values, values being actually updated is the one displayed times this.
CHAIR_EXTRA_HEAL_MAX_DELAY: 21 #Players are expected to recover fully after using this skill for N seconds.
#Player NPC Configuration
PLAYERNPC_INITIAL_X: 262 #Map frame width for putting PlayerNPCs.
PLAYERNPC_INITIAL_Y: 262 #Map frame height for putting PlayerNPCs.
PLAYERNPC_AREA_X: 320 #Initial width gap between PlayerNPCs.
PLAYERNPC_AREA_Y: 160 #Initial height gap between PlayerNPCs.
PLAYERNPC_AREA_STEPS: 4 #Max number of times gap is shortened to comport PlayerNPCs.
PLAYERNPC_ORGANIZE_AREA: true #Automatically rearranges PlayerNPCs on the map if there is no space set the new NPC. Current distance gap between NPCs is decreased to solve this issue.
PLAYERNPC_AUTODEPLOY: true #Makes PlayerNPC automatically deployed on the Hall of Fame at the instant one reaches max level. If false, eligible players must talk to 1st job instructor to deploy a NPC.
#Pet Auto-Pot Configuration
USE_COMPULSORY_AUTOPOT: true #Pets will consume as many potions as needed to fulfill the AUTOHP/MP ratio threshold.
USE_EQUIPS_ON_AUTOPOT: true #Player MaxHP and MaxMP check values on autopot handler will be updated by the HP/MP bonuses on equipped items.
PET_AUTOHP_RATIO: 0.99 #Will automatically consume potions until given ratio of the MaxHP/MaxMP is reached.
#Pet & Mount Configuration
PET_EXHAUST_COUNT: 3 #Number of proc counts (1 per minute) on the exhaust schedule for fullness.
MOUNT_EXHAUST_COUNT: 1 #Number of proc counts (1 per minute) on the exhaust schedule for tiredness.
#Pet Hunger Configuration
PETS_NEVER_HUNGRY: false #If true, pets and mounts will never grow hungry.
GM_PETS_NEVER_HUNGRY: true #If true, pets and mounts owned by GMs will never grow hungry.
#Event Configuration
EVENT_MAX_GUILD_QUEUE: 10 #Max number of guilds in queue for GPQ.
EVENT_LOBBY_DELAY: 10 #Cooldown duration in seconds before reopening an event lobby.
#Dojo Configuration
USE_FAST_DOJO_UPGRADE: false #Reduced Dojo training points amount required for a belt upgrade.
USE_DEADLY_DOJO: true #Should bosses really use 1HP,1MP attacks in dojo?
DOJO_ENERGY_ATK: 100 #Dojo energy gain when deal attack
DOJO_ENERGY_DMG: 20 #Dojo energy gain when recv attack
#Wedding Configuration
WEDDING_RESERVATION_DELAY: 3 #Minimum idle slots before processing a wedding reservation.
WEDDING_RESERVATION_TIMEOUT: 10 #Limit time in minutes for the couple to show up before cancelling the wedding reservation.
WEDDING_RESERVATION_INTERVAL: 60 #Time between wedding starts in minutes.
WEDDING_BLESS_EXP: 30000 #Exp gained per bless count.
WEDDING_GIFT_LIMIT: 1 #Max number of gifts per person to same wishlist on marriage instances.
WEDDING_BLESSER_SHOWFX: true #Pops bubble sprite effect on players blessing the couple. Setting this false shows the blessing effect on the couple instead.
#Buyback Configuration
USE_BUYBACK_WITH_MESOS: true #Enables usage of either mesos or NX for the buyback fee.
BUYBACK_FEE: 77.70 #Sets the base amount needed to buyback (level 30 or under will use the base value).
BUYBACK_LEVEL_STACK_FEE: 85.47 #Sets the level-stacking portion of the amount needed to buyback (fee will sum up linearly until level 120, when it reaches the peak).
BUYBACK_MESO_MULTIPLIER: 1000 #Sets a multiplier for the fee when using meso as the charge unit.
BUYBACK_RETURN_MINUTES: 1 #Sets the maximum amount of time the player can wait before decide to buyback.
BUYBACK_COOLDOWN_MINUTES: 7 #Sets the time the player must wait before using buyback again.
# Login timeout by shavit
TIMEOUT_DURATION: 3600000 # Kicks clients who don't send any packet to the game server in due time (in millisseconds).
#Event End Timestamp
EVENT_END_TIMESTAMP: 1428897600000
# GM Security Configuration
#Any NPC ids that should search for a js override script (useful if they already have wz entries since otherwise they're ignored).
#9200000: Talk to Cody # Cody
9001105: Rescue Gaga! # Grandpa moon bunny

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@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
USE `cosmic`;
# Scroll shop at Asia, chair shop at Kino Konoko, potion shop at T-1337
INSERT INTO `shops` (`shopid`,`npcid`) VALUES
INSERT IGNORE INTO `shopitems` (`shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `pitch`, `position`) VALUES
(2082014, 2040004, 480000, 0, 1),
(2082014, 2040025, 500000, 0, 2),
(2082014, 2040029, 500000, 0, 3),
(2082014, 2040017, 500000, 0, 4),
(2082014, 2040301, 400000, 0, 5),
(2082014, 2040317, 400000, 0, 6),
(2082014, 2040321, 400000, 0, 7),
(2082014, 2040413, 400000, 0, 8),
(2082014, 2040418, 400000, 0, 9),
(2082014, 2040501, 250000, 0, 10),
(2082014, 2040513, 250000, 0, 11),
(2082014, 2040516, 250000, 0, 12),
(2082014, 2040532, 250000, 0, 13),
(2082014, 2040613, 400000, 0, 14),
(2082014, 2040701, 450000, 0, 15),
(2082014, 2040704, 450000, 0, 16),
(2082014, 2040707, 450000, 0, 17),
(2082014, 2040804, 550000, 0, 18),
(2082014, 2040817, 550000, 0, 19),
(2082014, 2040914, 480000, 0, 20),
(2082014, 2040919, 480000, 0, 21),
(2082014, 2041007, 470000, 0, 22),
(2082014, 2041010, 470000, 0, 23),
(2082014, 2041013, 500000, 0, 24),
(2082014, 2041016, 500000, 0, 25),
(2082014, 2041019, 500000, 0, 26),
(2082014, 2041022, 500000, 0, 27),
(2082014, 2044901, 520000, 0, 28),
(2082014, 2044701, 520000, 0, 29),
(2082014, 2043001, 520000, 0, 30),
(2082014, 2043801, 520000, 0, 31),
(2082014, 2044601, 520000, 0, 32),
(2082014, 2040727, 50000, 0, 33),
(2082014, 2041058, 50000, 0, 34),
(2082014, 2040807, 1000000, 0, 35),
(2082014, 2040005, 22000, 0, 36),
(2082014, 2040026, 23000, 0, 37),
(2082014, 2040031, 23000, 0, 38),
(2082014, 2040016, 23000, 0, 39),
(2082014, 2040302, 25000, 0, 40),
(2082014, 2040318, 25000, 0, 41),
(2082014, 2040323, 25000, 0, 42),
(2082014, 2040412, 20000, 0, 43),
(2082014, 2040419, 20000, 0, 44),
(2082014, 2040502, 25000, 0, 45),
(2082014, 2040514, 25000, 0, 46),
(2082014, 2040517, 25000, 0, 47),
(2082014, 2040534, 25000, 0, 48),
(2082014, 2040612, 20000, 0, 49),
(2082014, 2040702, 20000, 0, 50),
(2082014, 2040705, 25000, 0, 51),
(2082014, 2040708, 20000, 0, 52),
(2082014, 2040805, 100000, 0, 53),
(2082014, 2040816, 100000, 0, 54),
(2082014, 2040915, 55000, 0, 55),
(2082014, 2040920, 55000, 0, 56),
(2082014, 2041008, 38000, 0, 57),
(2082014, 2041011, 38000, 0, 58),
(2082014, 2041014, 40000, 0, 59),
(2082014, 2041017, 40000, 0, 60),
(2082014, 2041020, 40000, 0, 61),
(2082014, 2041023, 40000, 0, 62),
(2082014, 2044902, 50000, 0, 63),
(2082014, 2044702, 50000, 0, 64),
(2082014, 2043002, 50000, 0, 65),
(2082014, 2043802, 50000, 0, 66),
(2082014, 2044602, 50000, 0, 67),
(2082014, 2049200, 170000, 0, 68),
(2082014, 2049201, 220000, 0, 69),
(2082014, 2049202, 170000, 0, 70),
(2082014, 2049203, 220000, 0, 71),
(2082014, 2049204, 170000, 0, 72),
(2082014, 2049205, 220000, 0, 73),
(2082014, 2049206, 170000, 0, 74),
(2082014, 2049207, 220000, 0, 75),
(2082014, 2049208, 140000, 0, 76),
(2082014, 2049209, 170000, 0, 77),
(2082014, 2049210, 140000, 0, 78),
(2082014, 2049211, 170000, 0, 79),
(2082014, 2040101, 540000, 0, 80),
(2082014, 2040100, 700000, 0, 81),
(2082014, 2040106, 540000, 0, 82),
(2082014, 2040105, 700000, 0, 83),
(2082014, 2040201, 540000, 0, 84),
(2082014, 2040200, 700000, 0, 85),
(2082014, 2040206, 540000, 0, 86),
(2082014, 2040205, 700000, 0, 87),
(2082014, 2070016, 120000000, 0, 88),
(2082014, 2070018, 190000000, 0, 89),
(2082014, 2030007, 1800000, 0, 90),
(2082014, 4001017, 60000000, 0, 91);
UPDATE shopitems SET price = 11*price WHERE (`position` >= 33 and `position` <= 79 and `shopid` = 2082014);
INSERT IGNORE INTO `shopitems` (`shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `pitch`, `position`) VALUES
(1031100, 3010015, 20000, 0, 100),
(9110002, 3010019, 7700000, 0, 92),
(9110002, 3010008, 10000000, 0, 96),
(9110002, 3010007, 10000000, 0, 100),
(9201020, 3010009, 4200000, 0, 96),
(9201020, 3010014, 7000000, 0, 100),
(1081000, 3010013, 4000000, 0, 100),
(9201101, 2022338, 2100000, 0, 100),
(9201101, 2022339, 2800000, 0, 104),
(9201101, 2022340, 4000000, 0, 108),
(9201101, 2022341, 2800000, 0, 112),
(9201101, 2022342, 2000000, 0, 116),
(9201101, 2022343, 4700000, 0, 120),
(9201101, 2022344, 5000000, 0, 124),
(9201101, 2022345, 4000000, 0, 128),
(9201101, 2002028, 5000000, 0, 132),
(9201101, 2022544, 100000, 0, 136),
(9201101, 2022545, 4400000, 0, 140),
(9201101, 2020027, 2100000, 0, 144),
(9201101, 2022113, 1800000, 0, 148),
(9201101, 2022121, 12000000, 0, 152),
(9201101, 2022123, 12000000, 0, 156),
(9201101, 2022277, 5300000, 0, 160),
(9201101, 2012008, 4200000, 0, 164),
(9201101, 2022251, 3800000, 0, 168);
# adding antibanish scrolls
INSERT IGNORE INTO `shopitems` (`shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `pitch`, `position`) VALUES
(1001100, 2030100, 450, 0, 130),
(1011100, 2030100, 450, 0, 142),
(1021100, 2030100, 450, 0, 142),
(1031100, 2030100, 450, 0, 146),
(1051002, 2030100, 450, 0, 142),
(1052116, 2030100, 450, 0, 118),
(1061001, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(1061002, 2030100, 450, 0, 130),
(1091002, 2030100, 450, 0, 130),
(1100002, 2030100, 450, 0, 138),
(2012005, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(2022001, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(2030009, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(2040051, 2030100, 450, 0, 102),
(2041006, 2030100, 450, 0, 134),
(2051000, 2030100, 450, 0, 134),
(2060004, 2030100, 450, 0, 134),
(2070001, 2030100, 450, 0, 134),
(2080001, 2030100, 450, 0, 134),
(2090003, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(2093002, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(2100004, 2030100, 450, 0, 130),
(2110001, 2030100, 450, 0, 130),
(2130000, 2030100, 450, 0, 126),
(9201060, 2030100, 450, 0, 114),
(9270021, 2030100, 450, 0, 118),
(9270022, 2030100, 450, 0, 114), -- Thanks Rednor for finding duplicate item on NPC
(1338, 2030100, 450, 0, 114),
(9270057, 2030100, 450, 0, 4),
(9270065, 2030100, 450, 0, 3);
-- Thanks to Vcoc
-- GMShop: Sacks, GmEquip, Cheese & Onyx, Utils,
-- Arrows, Bullets, Throwings and Capsules,
-- Others, Equips, Mounts, Scrolls.
DELETE FROM `shopitems` WHERE `shopid`=1337;
INSERT INTO `shopitems` ( `shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `position`) VALUES
(1337, 2100036, 1, 1),
(1337, 2100035, 1, 2),
(1337, 2100034, 1, 3),
(1337, 2100033, 1, 4),
(1337, 2100007, 1, 5),
(1337, 2100006, 1, 6),
(1337, 2100005, 1, 7),
(1337, 2100004, 1, 8),
(1337, 2100003, 1, 9),
(1337, 2100002, 1, 10),
(1337, 2100001, 1, 11),
(1337, 1002959, 1, 12),
(1337, 1002140, 1, 13),
(1337, 1042003, 1, 14),
(1337, 1062007, 1, 15),
(1337, 1322013, 1, 16),
(1337, 1072010, 1, 17),
(1337, 2022179, 1, 18),
(1337, 2022273, 1, 19),
(1337, 2041200, 1, 20),
(1337, 4006001, 1, 21),
(1337, 4001017, 1, 22),
(1337, 4031179, 1, 23),
(1337, 2070018, 1, 24),
(1337, 2060004, 1, 25),
(1337, 2061004, 1, 26),
(1337, 2330005, 1, 27),
(1337, 2332000, 1, 28),
(1337, 2331000, 1, 29),
(1337, 5072000, 1, 30),
(1337, 5390000, 1, 31),
(1337, 5390001, 1, 32),
(1337, 5390002, 1, 33),
(1337, 5390005, 1, 34),
(1337, 5390006, 1, 35),
(1337, 1492013, 1, 36),
(1337, 1482013, 1, 37),
(1337, 1452044, 1, 38),
(1337, 1472052, 1, 39),
(1337, 1462039, 1, 40),
(1337, 1332050, 1, 41),
(1337, 1312031, 1, 42),
(1337, 1322052, 1, 43),
(1337, 1302059, 1, 44),
(1337, 1442045, 1, 45),
(1337, 1432038, 1, 46),
(1337, 1382036, 1, 47),
(1337, 1412026, 1, 48),
(1337, 1422028, 1, 49),
(1337, 1402036, 1, 50),
(1337, 1372032, 1, 51),
(1337, 1122000, 1, 52),
(1337, 1082149, 1, 53),
(1337, 1912000, 1, 54),
(1337, 1902000, 1, 55),
(1337, 1902001, 1, 56),
(1337, 1902002, 1, 57),
(1337, 1912005, 1, 58),
(1337, 1902005, 1, 59),
(1337, 1902006, 1, 60),
(1337, 1902007, 1, 61),
(1337, 1912011, 1, 62),
(1337, 1902015, 1, 63),
(1337, 1902016, 1, 64),
(1337, 1902017, 1, 65),
(1337, 1902018, 1, 66),
(1337, 2044908, 1, 67),
(1337, 2044815, 1, 68),
(1337, 2044512, 1, 69),
(1337, 2044712, 1, 70),
(1337, 2044612, 1, 71),
(1337, 2043312, 1, 72),
(1337, 2043117, 1, 73),
(1337, 2043217, 1, 74),
(1337, 2043023, 1, 75),
(1337, 2044417, 1, 76),
(1337, 2044317, 1, 77),
(1337, 2043812, 1, 78),
(1337, 2044117, 1, 79),
(1337, 2044217, 1, 80),
(1337, 2044025, 1, 81),
(1337, 2043712, 1, 82),
(1337, 2340000, 1, 83),
(1337, 2040807, 1, 84),
(1337, 2210032, 1, 85),
(1337, 2050004, 1, 86);
-- Thanks to DietStory v1.02 dev team
INSERT INTO `shopitems` ( `shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `pitch`, `position`) VALUES
(1200001, 3010001, 1000, 0, 1),
(1200001, 1092003, 2000, 0, 2),
(1200001, 1072063, 10000, 0, 3),
(1200001, 1072062, 10000, 0, 4),
(1200001, 1072017, 10000, 0, 5),
(1200001, 1072049, 5000, 0, 6),
(1200001, 1072048, 5000, 0, 7),
(1200001, 1072008, 5000, 0, 8),
(1200001, 1072005, 50, 0, 9),
(1200001, 1072038, 50, 0, 10),
(1200001, 1072037, 50, 0, 11),
(1200001, 1072001, 50, 0, 12),
(1200001, 1062001, 4800, 0, 13),
(1200001, 1062000, 4800, 0, 14),
(1200001, 1060004, 2800, 0, 15),
(1200001, 1060007, 1000, 0, 16),
(1200001, 1041012, 3000, 0, 17),
(1200001, 1041004, 3000, 0, 18),
(1200001, 1040014, 3000, 0, 19),
(1200001, 1040013, 3000, 0, 20),
(1200001, 1002001, 3000, 0, 21),
(1200001, 1002019, 2000, 0, 22),
(1200001, 1002134, 800, 0, 23),
(1200001, 1002133, 800, 0, 24),
(1200001, 1002132, 800, 0, 25),
(1200001, 1002069, 450, 0, 26),
(1200001, 1002068, 450, 0, 27),
(1200001, 1002067, 450, 0, 28),
(1200001, 1002066, 450, 0, 29),
(1200001, 1002014, 1000, 0, 30),
(1200001, 1002008, 500, 0, 31),
(1200001, 1332007, 1000, 0, 32),
(1200001, 1312000, 3000, 0, 33),
(1200001, 1302007, 3000, 0, 34),
(1200001, 1322005, 50, 0, 35),
(1200001, 1312004, 50, 0, 36),
(1200001, 1302000, 50, 0, 37),
(1200002, 2330000, 600, 0, 104),
(1200002, 2070000, 500, 0, 108),
(1200002, 2061000, 1, 0, 120),
(1200002, 2060000, 1, 0, 124),
(1200002, 2030100, 400, 0, 128),
(1200002, 2030000, 400, 0, 132),
(1200002, 2020028, 3000, 0, 136),
(1200002, 2010004, 310, 0, 140),
(1200002, 2010003, 100, 0, 144),
(1200002, 2010001, 106, 0, 148),
(1200002, 2010002, 50, 0, 152),
(1200002, 2010000, 30, 0, 156),
(1200002, 2002005, 500, 0, 160),
(1200002, 2002004, 500, 0, 164),
(1200002, 2002002, 500, 0, 168),
(1200002, 2002001, 400, 0, 172),
(1200002, 2002000, 500, 0, 176),
(1200002, 2000006, 620, 0, 180),
(1200002, 2000003, 200, 0, 184),
(1200002, 2000002, 320, 0, 188),
(1200002, 2000001, 160, 0, 192),
(1200002, 2000000, 50, 0, 196),
(1301000, 2330000, 600, 0, 104),
(1301000, 2070000, 500, 0, 108),
(1301000, 2061000, 1, 0, 112),
(1301000, 2060000, 1, 0, 116),
(1301000, 2030100, 400, 0, 120),
(1301000, 2030000, 400, 0, 124),
(1301000, 2022000, 1650, 0, 128),
(1301000, 2022003, 1100, 0, 132),
(1301000, 2002005, 500, 0, 136),
(1301000, 2002004, 500, 0, 140),
(1301000, 2002002, 500, 0, 144),
(1301000, 2002001, 400, 0, 148),
(1301000, 2002000, 500, 0, 152),
(1301000, 2000006, 620, 0, 156),
(1301000, 2000003, 200, 0, 160),
(1301000, 2000002, 320, 0, 164),
(1301000, 2000001, 160, 0, 168),
(1301000, 2000000, 50, 0, 172);
# adding missing pirate items at Singapore npc's
INSERT INTO `shopitems` ( `shopid`, `itemid`, `price`, `pitch`, `position`) VALUES
(9270019, 1492006, 160000, 0, 80),
(9270019, 1492005, 100000, 0, 84),
(9270019, 1492004, 75000, 0, 88),
(9270019, 1482006, 150000, 0, 92),
(9270019, 1482005, 100000, 0, 96),
(9270019, 1482004, 75000, 0, 100),
(9270020, 1052113, 120000, 0, 92),
(9270020, 1052110, 100000, 0, 96),
(9270020, 1002625, 75000, 0, 100);

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
-- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 8.0.22, for Win64 (x86_64)
-- Host: Database: cosmic
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version 8.0.19
/*!50503 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
USE `cosmic`;
-- Dumping data for table `accounts`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `accounts` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES (1,'admin','$2y$12$aFD9BDeUocDMY1X4tDYDyeJw/HhkQwCQWs3KAY7gCaRG0cpqJcaL.','0000','000000',0,'2021-05-24 00:00:01','2021-05-24 00:00:02','2005-05-11',0,NULL,NULL,1000000,1000000,1000000,3,0,'2005-05-11 03:00:00',0,1,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,0,0,'1234-5678',2);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `accounts` ENABLE KEYS */;
-- Dumping data for table `characters`
LOCK TABLES `characters` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `characters` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `characters` VALUES (1,1,0,'Admin',1,0,0,12,5,4,4,50,5,50,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,30030,20000,0,'0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0',10000,2,6,-1,25,'2021-05-24 00:00:03',1,0,1,0,0,5,0,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,24,24,24,-1,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'','2021-05-24 00:00:04','2015-01-01 05:00:00',1,0);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `characters` ENABLE KEYS */;
-- Dumping data for table `inventoryequipment`
LOCK TABLES `inventoryequipment` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `inventoryequipment` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `inventoryequipment` VALUES (17,22,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1),(18,23,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1),(19,24,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1),(20,25,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `inventoryequipment` ENABLE KEYS */;
-- Dumping data for table `inventoryitems`
LOCK TABLES `inventoryitems` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `inventoryitems` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `inventoryitems` VALUES (21,1,1,NULL,4161001,4,1,1,'',-1,0,-1,''),(22,1,1,NULL,1040002,-1,-5,1,'',-1,0,-1,''),(23,1,1,NULL,1060002,-1,-6,1,'',-1,0,-1,''),(24,1,1,NULL,1072001,-1,-7,1,'',-1,0,-1,''),(25,1,1,NULL,1302000,-1,-11,1,'',-1,0,-1,'');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `inventoryitems` ENABLE KEYS */;
-- Dumping data for table `keymap`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `keymap` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `keymap` VALUES (161,1,18,4,0),(162,1,65,6,106),(163,1,2,4,10),(164,1,23,4,1),(165,1,3,4,12),(166,1,4,4,13),(167,1,5,4,18),(168,1,6,4,24),(169,1,16,4,8),(170,1,17,4,5),(171,1,19,4,4),(172,1,25,4,19),(173,1,26,4,14),(174,1,27,4,15),(175,1,31,4,2),(176,1,34,4,17),(177,1,35,4,11),(178,1,37,4,3),(179,1,38,4,20),(180,1,40,4,16),(181,1,43,4,9),(182,1,44,5,50),(183,1,45,5,51),(184,1,46,4,6),(185,1,50,4,7),(186,1,56,5,53),(187,1,59,6,100),(188,1,60,6,101),(189,1,61,6,102),(190,1,62,6,103),(191,1,63,6,104),(192,1,64,6,105),(193,1,57,5,54),(194,1,48,4,22),(195,1,29,5,52),(196,1,7,4,21),(197,1,24,4,25),(198,1,33,4,26),(199,1,41,4,23),(200,1,39,4,27);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `keymap` ENABLE KEYS */;
-- Dumping data for table `storages`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `storages` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `storages` VALUES (1,1,0,4,0);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `storages` ENABLE KEYS */;

database/sql/errors.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
Oblivion Monk Trainee : Dark Katinas (Male)
Star Pixie : Star Pixie Starpiece
Star Pixie : Blue White-Line Boots
Spirit Viking : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 10%
Spirit Viking : Spirit Viking Card
Spirit Viking : Dark Battle Lord
Spirit Viking : Heaven Justice
Iron Boar : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Iron Boar : Gold Tail
Iron Boar : Justice Katara
Voodoo : Steel Pow
Green Hobi : Pin Hov Charm
Green Hobi : Blue Stud
Zombie Lupin : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Zombie Lupin : Gold Mask
Reinforced Mithril Mutae : Reinforced Mithril Mutae Card
Yeti : Gold Tail
Blue Kentaurus : Kentaurus Marrow
Blue Kentaurus : Infinity Wrath
Iruvata : Iruvata Card
Iruvata : Heaven Justice
Snowman : Red-Bean Soup
White Fang : White Fang Tail
White Fang : Blue Jangoon Boots
Green Cornian : Cornian Marrow
Green Cornian : [Mastery Book] Venom
Green Cornian : Red Katte (Female)
Dodo : Whale Helmet
Dodo : Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 60%
Dodo : [Mastery Book] Slash Storm 20
Dodo : Dark Katte (Female)
Ultra Gray : Ultra Gray Card
Lorang : Lorang Claws
Lorang : Dark Piette Pants
Buffoon : Buffoon Grandpa Clock
Buffoon : Blue Battle Lord
Buffoon : Blue Stud
Buffoon : Infinity Wrath
Flaming Raccoon : Kinoko Ramen (Salt)
Red Kentaurus : Kentaurus Flame
Red Kentaurus : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 60%
Red Kentaurus : Serpent Tongue
Red Kentaurus : Dragon Tail
Red Kentaurus : Heavenly Katara
Mighty Maple Eater : Fireman Axe
Tauromacis : Ascalon Katara
Tauromacis : Black Pirate Bandana
Krappy : Krappi Card
Roloduck : Blue Hunter Armor
Roloduck : Blue Hunter Pants
Crow : Fish Cake (Skewer)
Male Mannequin : Male Mannequin Fedora
Male Mannequin : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Male Mannequin : Male Mannequin Card
Male Mannequin : Majestic Katara
Leader B : Leader B Charm
Leader B : Kinoko Ramen (Roasted Pork)
Typhon : Dark Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def 70%
Leader A : Leader A Shades
Leader A : Dark Scroll for Cape for Magic Def 70%
Leader A : Serpent Tongue
Soul Teddy : Scroll for Pole Arm for Accuracy 10%
Soul Teddy : Steel Pow
Soul Teddy : Heavenly Katara
Beetle : Beetle Horn
Beetle : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Beetle : Ascalon Katara
Froscola : Blue Battle Lord
White Yeti and King Pepe : Scroll for Pole Arm for Accuracy 10%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for One-handed BW Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Dagger Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Sword Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Axe Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed BW Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Spear Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Polearm Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Wand Magic Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Staff Magic Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Bow Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Crossbow Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Thief Attacks 60%
White Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Knuckle Attacks 60%
Harp : Harp Tail Feather
Harp : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 100%
Harp : Heavenly Katara
Harp : Infinity Wrath
Lucida : Green Pirate Bottom
Lucida : Brown Stud
Lucida : Brown Stud Pants
Jr. Grupin : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Iron Hog : Iron Hog Metal Hoof
Sophilia Doll : Fireman Axe
Sophilia Doll : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Tiru : Tiru Feather
Female Mannequin : Female Mannequin Wig
Female Mannequin : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Female Mannequin : Female Mannequin Card
Female Mannequin : Majestic Katara
Poison Golem Level 3 : Poison Golem Card
Malady : Malady Experimental Frog
Malady : Potential Scroll
Malady : Steel Pow
Vikerola : Dark Battle Lord
Wooden Target Dummy : Wooden Target Dummy Card
Wooden Target Dummy : Brown Stud
Wooden Target Dummy : Brown Stud Pants
Cynical Orange Mushroom : Basic Archer Glove
Extra A : Littleman A Badge
Extra A : Gold Snowboard
Extra B : Littleman B Name Plate
Extra B : Fairy Honey
Extra B : Brown Jangoon Boots
Hodori : Majestic Katara
Extra C : Littleman C Necklace
Extra D : Cat Eye
Extra D : Gold Snowboard
Extra D : Serpent Tongue
King Sage Cat : Scroll for Pole Arm for Accuracy 10%
King Sage Cat : Heaven Justice
King Sage Cat : Dragon Tail
King Sage Cat : Infinity Wrath
Homunscullo : Homunsculer Sand
Homunscullo : Homunsculer Blood
D. Roy : D. Roy Card
Nospeed : Arwen Glass Shoes
Ribbon Pig : Pig Ribbon
Ribbon Pig : Champion Katara
Grim Phantom Watch : [Storybook] Black Book
Grim Phantom Watch : Grim Phantom Watch Card
Qualm Guardian : Blue Katte (Female)
Qualm Guardian : Blue Katina Boots
Yeti Doll : Justice Katara
King Bloctopus : Green White-Line Boots
Bigfoot : Bigfoot Toe
Green King Goblin : Black Pirate Bandana
Dreamy Ghost : Kinoko Ramen (Roasted Pork)
MT-09 : MT-09 Fuel
Gryphon : Duck Tube [1]
Gryphon : Serpent Tongue
Risell Squid : Dark Pirate Bottom
Dark Axe Stump : Stump Teardrop
Blue Wyvern : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Nest Golem : Blue Katinas (Male)
Cheap Amplifier : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Cheap Amplifier : Cheap Amplifier Card
Manon : Manon Tail
Manon : Manon Cry
Saitie : Parwen Entry Pass
Saitie : Red Battle Lord
Drumming Bunny : Shoes Production Manual
Drumming Bunny : Scroll for Pole Arm for Accuracy 10%
Drumming Bunny : Gold Snowboard
Drumming Bunny : Lion Fang
Dyle : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 60%
Crimson Tree : Crimson Wood
Crimson Tree : Crimson Wood
Blue Flower Serpent : Blue Flower Serpent Card
Blue Flower Serpent : Scroll for Pole Arm for Accuracy 100%
Blue Flower Serpent : Cat Eye
Spirit of Rock : Spirit of Rock Music Score
Spirit of Rock : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Spirit of Rock : Rock Spirit Card
Prototype Lord : Prototype Lord Card
Seruf : Lion Fang
Seruf : Serpent Tongue
Dark Wyvern : Blue Katina Boots
Mateon : Mateon Tentacle
Mateon : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Mateon : Dark Pennance
Mateon : Gold Pendant
Mr. Anchor : [Storybook] Black Book
Master Robo : Lion Fang
Master Robo : Brown Jangoon Boots
Master Robo : Gold Wings
Ginseng Jar : Ginseng Jar Card
Scuba Pepe : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Ghost Pirate : Blue Battle Lord
Ghost Pirate : Green Pirate Bottom
Ghost Pirate : Heavenly Katara
Leatty : Green White-Line Boots
Tiv : Tiv Feather
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for One-handed BW Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Dagger Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Sword Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Axe Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed BW Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Spear Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Polearm Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Wand Magic Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Staff Magic Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Bow Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Claw Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Crossbow Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Thief Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Knuckle Attacks 60%
Gold Yeti and King Pepe : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Slime : Champion Katara
Rodeo : Brown Stud
Rodeo : Brown Stud Pants
Octopus : Champion Katara
Luster Pixie : Luster Pixie Sunpiece
Luster Pixie : Luster Pixie Card
Nightshadow : Heaven Justice
Nightshadow : Infinity Wrath
Dual Beetle : Dual Beetle Horn
Skeleton Soldier : Skeleton Soldier Card
Master Death Teddy : Green Battle Lord
Master Death Teddy : Bloodsoaked Katara
Sakura Cellion : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Pig : Pig Head
Fire Boar : Fire Boar Tooth
Fire Boar : Arwen Glass Shoes
Fire Boar : Fire Boar Card
Panda Teddy : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Morphed Blin : Serpent Tongue
Morphed Blin : Steel Pow
Lunar Pixie : Lunar Pixie Moonpiece
Lunar Pixie : Gold Wings
Curse Eye : "Blackbull" deed to the land
Curse Eye : Gold Snowboard
Jr. Cellion : Cat Eye
Barnard Gray : Barnard Gray Card
Faust : Lupin Banana
Faust : Lion Fang
Faust : Serpent Tongue
Gatekeeper : Gate Keeper Card
Gatekeeper : Red Battle Lord
Griffey : [Mastery Book] Flame Wheel 20
Griffey : Meteor Katara
Shark : Heaven Justice
Deep Buffoon : Deep Buffoon Rock Piece
Deep Buffoon : Blue Stud
Deep Buffoon : Blazing Dragon Katara
Melon Bubble Tea : Melon Bubble Tea Card
Melon Bubble Tea : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Tino : Tino Feather
Bone Fish : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Bone Fish : Potential Scroll
I.AM.ROBOT : Lion Fang
I.AM.ROBOT : Serpent Tongue
Lilynouch : Knight Mask
Lilynouch : [Mastery Book] Dragon Breath
Dark Pepe : Serpent Coil
Dark Pepe : Serpent Coil
Toy Trojan : Toy Soldier Sword
Toy Trojan : Justice Katara
Sparker : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 100%
Sparker : Justice Katara
Dark Drake : Dark Drake Horn
Electrophant : Serpent Tongue
Electrophant : Lion Fang
Tick-Tock : Tick-Tock Egg
Mecateon : Mecateon Laser Gun
Mecateon : Majestic Katara
Helmet Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Polearm Attacks 60%
Helmet Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Wand Magic Attacks 60%
Blue Mushroom : Thermal Fabric
Blue Mushroom : Purple Jewelry Shoes
Ratz : One-Handed Mace Forging Manual
Snow Witch : Ice Tears
Flyeye : Flyeye Wing
Flyeye : Flyeye Card
Headless Horseman : Devil Sunrise
Royal Guard : Royal Guard Card
Royal Guard : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 10%
Royal Guard : Heaven Justice
Royal Guard : Dark Battle Lord
Triple Rumo : Blue Jangoon Boots
Triple Rumo : Brown Jangoon Boots
Pianus : Miniature Pianus
Pianus : Pianus Scream
Pianus : Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 60%
Pianus : [Mastery Book] Blaze 20
Pianus : Blue Katte (Female)
Pianus : Blue Katinas (Male)
Rombot : Rombot Memory Card
Rombot : Serpent Tongue
Roid : Potential Scroll
Roid : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Robby : Robby Electronic Induction Device
Robby : Robby Card
Robby : Blue Stud
Blue Snail : Grey/Brown Training Shirt
Blue Snail : Grey/Brown Training Pants
Afterlord : Afterlord Card
Afterlord : Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 60%
Afterlord : Heaven Gate
Afterlord : Bloodsoaked Katara
Block Golem : Block Golem Card
Lyka : Guardian Horn
Lyka : Dark Katinas (Male)
Jr. Wraith : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Jr. Wraith : Potential Scroll
Sentinel : Fireman Axe
Ice Drake : Blue Battle Lord
Ice Drake : Gold Mask
Overlord A : Overlord A Card
Overlord B : Overlord B Card
Latest Hits Compilation : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Latest Hits Compilation : Latest Hits Compilation Card
Water Goblin : Serpent Coil
Water Goblin : Serpent Coil
Retz : Retz Card
Retz : Cat Eye
Retz : Blue Jangoon Boots
Hoodoo : Steel Pow
Pink Bean : Pink Bean Card
Pink Bean : [Mastery Book] Maple Warrior 30
Paper Lantern Ghost : Fish Cake (Skewer)
Paper Lantern Ghost : Cat Eye
Cold Shark : Frozen Shark Fin
Cold Eye : Icicles
Croco : Potential Scroll
Croco : Gold Pendant
Croco : Majestic Katara
Bubble Fish : Bubble Fish Thoughts
Officer Skeleton : Serpent Coil
Officer Skeleton : Serpent Coil
Murumuru : Murumuru Furball
Zeno : Black Pirate Bandana
Panda : Ascalon Katara
Panda : Black Pirate Bandana
Iron Mutae : Iron Mutae Card
Snail : Red Mini Skirt
Hankie : Hankie Panfluit
Hankie : Heaven Justice
Silver Slime : Silver Slime Card
Silver Slime : Beige Elf Shoes
Zeta Gray : Zeta Gray Card
Zeta Gray : Dark Piette Pants
Zombie Mushroom : The Charm of the Undead
Zombie Mushroom : Hunter Bow
Zombie Mushroom : Guardian Katara
Pepe : Majestic Katara
Grupin : Icicles
Grupin : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Hobi : Hov Shorts
Yabber Doo : Beige Elf Shoes
Royal Cactus : Dark Hunter Armor
Royal Cactus : Dark Hunter Pants
Dual Ghost Pirate : Dual Pirate Propeller
Dual Ghost Pirate : Infinity Wrath
Memory Monk Trainee : [Mastery Book] Venom 30
Memory Monk Trainee : Devil Sunrise
Coolie Zombie : Zombie Lost Tooth
Coolie Zombie : [Storybook] Black Book
Coolie Zombie : Brown Stud
Coolie Zombie : Brown Stud Pants
Blood Harp : Blood Harp Crown
Blood Harp : Heavenly Katara
Black Kentaurus : Kentaurus Skull
Black Kentaurus : Gold Arund
Black Kentaurus : Blazing Dragon Katara
Rash : Rash Furball
Rash : Anasthetic Powder
Imperial Guard : Imperial Guard Card
The Book Ghost : The Book Ghost Sheet of Paper
The Book Ghost : Blue Jangoon Boots
Drake : Drake Meat
Drake : Drake Blood
Oblivion Guardian : [Mastery Book] Blessing of the Onyx 30
Zakum3 : [Skill Book] Advanced Combo
Zakum3 : [Mastery Book] Smoke Bomb
Zakum3 : [Mastery Book] Sanctuary
Zakum3 : [Mastery Book] Venom
Zakum3 : [Mastery Book] Crossbow Expert
Zakum3 : Zakum Helmet (1)
Zakum3 : Devil Sunrise
Zakum3 : Zakum Tree Branch
Jr. Newtie : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Jr. Newtie : Devil Sunrise
Jr. Newtie : Red Katte (Female)
Jr. Pepe : Jr. Pepe Fish
Miner Zombie : Zombie Lost Tooth
Miner Zombie : Zombie Lost Gold Tooth
Miner Zombie : Minor Zombie Card
Miner Zombie : Ascalon Katara
Aufheben : Aufheben Time Sand
Aufheben : Aufheben Card
Eye of Time : Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 60%
Eye of Time : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 60%
Eye of Time : Heaven Gate
Psycho Jack : Fireman Axe
Psycho Jack : Red Hunter Armor
Psycho Jack : Red Hunter Pants
Psycho Jack : Red White-Line Boots
Death Teddy : Blazing Dragon Katara
Bain : Bain Spiky Collar
Bain : Gold Arund
Dark Nependeath : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Dark Nependeath : Dark Piette Pants
Timu : Timu Feather
Mano : Rainbow Colored Snail Shell
Dark Stone Golem : Dark Stone Golem Card
Scorpion : Cat Eye Stone
King Clang : Lorang Claws
King Clang : Clang Claws
Nependeath : Nependeath Honey
Phantom Watch : Dragon Tail
Phantom Watch : Dark Pirate Bottom
Reinforced Iron Mutae : Reinforced Iron Mutae Card
Master Chronos : Brown Jangoon Boots
Crimson Balrog the Kidnapper : [Skill Book] Dragon Breath
Lazy Buffy : Heavenly Katara
Red Slime : Kinoko Ramen (Salt)
Evil Eye : Cat Eye
Maverick Type D : Maverick Type D Card
Maverick Type D : Green Battle Lord
Maverick Type A : Maverick Type A Card
Maverick Type A : Infinity Wrath
Klock : Heavenly Katara
Tiguru : Tiguru Feather
Tortie : Lion Fang
Shade : Someone Hat
Dunas : Dunas Time Sand
Dunas : Dunas Card
Timer : Scroll for Knuckler for Accuracy 60%
Timer : Serpent Coil
Timer : Serpent Coil
Maverick Type S : Maverick Type S Card
Poison Poopa : Poison Poopa Poisonous Spikes
Poison Poopa : Blue White-Line Boots
Murupia : Murupia Furball
Chief Gray : Chief Gray Sign
Chief Gray : Chief Gray Card
Chief Gray : Dark Pennance
Skelosaurus : Meteor Katara
Oberon : Oberon Time Sand
Oberon : Oberon Card
Mr. Alli : Mr. Alli Leather
Mr. Alli : Lion Fang
Cellion : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Qualm Monk Trainee : [Mastery Book] Blessing of the Onyx 20
Chronos : Chronos Egg
Kiyo : Kiyo Beak
Cherry Bubble Tea : Cherry Bubble Tea Card
Cherry Bubble Tea : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Pink Teddy : Teddy Yellow Ribbon
Pink Teddy : White/Purple Gift Box
Rexton : [Mastery Book] Spirit Claw
Master of Disguise : The Lost Treasure [1]
Master of Disguise : The Lost Treasure [2]
Master of Disguise : The Lost Treasure [3]
Master of Disguise : The Lost Treasure [4]
Master of Disguise : The Lost Treasure [5]
Neo Huroid : Gold Mask
Jr. Pepe Doll : Guardian Katara
Dual Birk : Dual Birk Tiny Tail
Muru : Muru Furball
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for One-handed BW Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Dagger Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Sword Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Axe Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed BW Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Spear Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Polearm Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Bow Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Crossbow Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Wand Magic Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Staff Magic Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Thief Attacks 60%
Grey Yeti and King Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Knuckle Attacks 60%
Wild Kargo : Gold Wings
Bubbling : Bubbling Large Bubble
Bubbling : Blue Jewelry Shoes
Bubbling : Champion Katara
Papulatus : [Mastery Book] High Mastery 30
Papulatus : Red Katte (Female)
Papulatus : Red Katinas (Male)
Plateon : Plateon Helmet
Plateon : Serpent Tongue
Nightghost : Ghost Headband
Nightghost : Serpent Coil
Nightghost : Serpent Coil
Mango Bubble Tea : Mango Bubble Tea Card
Mango Bubble Tea : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Homunculus : Homunculus Card
Homunculus : Green Pirate Bottom
Homunculus : Brown Stud
Homunculus : Brown Stud Pants
Orange Mushroom : Hunter Bow
Orange Mushroom : Basic Archer Glove
Scarf Plead : Worn-Out Muffler
Scarf Plead : Green Hunter Armor
Scarf Plead : Green Hunter Pants
Female Boss : Lady Boss Comb
Female Boss : Devil Sunrise
Hogul : Hogul Card
Memory Guardian : Meteor Katara
Poison Mushroom : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Sword Attacks 60%
Poison Mushroom : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Axe Attacks 60%
Poison Mushroom : Justice Katara
Homun : Gold Pendant
Homun : Ascalon Katara
Greatest Oldies : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Greatest Oldies : Greatest Oldies Card
Kid Mannequin : Kid Mannequin Bunny Suit
Kid Mannequin : Dark Scroll for Accessory for STR 70%
Kid Mannequin : Kid Mannequin Card
Kid Mannequin : Justice Katara
Dark Rash : Dark Rash Furball
Cerebes : Beige Elf Shoes
Grizzly : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Lioner : Gold Tail
Lioner : Majestic Katara
Red Wyvern : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Gigantic Spirit Viking : Gigantic Spirit Viking Card
Gigantic Spirit Viking : Heaven Gate
Gigantic Spirit Viking : Red Battle Lord
Gigantic Spirit Viking : Beige Elf Shoes
Hector : Blue Jangoon Boots
Hector : Serpent Coil
Hector : Serpent Coil
Crimson Balrog : [Storybook] Crimson Balrog Proposal
Memory Monk : [Mastery Book] High Mastery 30
Lupin : Lupin Banana
Tae Roon : Mind And Heart Medicine
Birk : Birk Chewed Grass
Birk : Dark Battle Lord
Birk : Blazing Dragon Katara
Clang : Clang Claws
Clang : Lion Fang
Straw Target Dummy : Straw Target Dummy Card
Royal Guard Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Crossbow Attacks 60%
Royal Guard Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Thief Attacks 60%
Royal Guard Pepe : King Pepe Scroll for Knuckle Attacks 60%
Blue King Goblin : Blue Stud
Nightmare : Blue Jangoon Boots
Renegade Spores : King Pepe Scroll for One-handed BW Attacks 60%
Renegade Spores : King Pepe Scroll for Dagger Attacks 60%
Renegade Spores : Potential Scroll
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for One-handed BW Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Dagger Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Sword Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed Axe Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed BW Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Spear Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Polearm Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Wand Magic Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Staff Magic Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Bow Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Crossbow Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Thief Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : King Pepe Scroll for Knuckle Attacks 60%
Prime Minister : Lion Fang
Prime Minister : Serpent Tongue
Prime Minister : Justice Katara
Prime Minister : Guardian Katara
Ear Plug Plead : Ear Muffs
Oly Oly : Somebody Tire
Samiho : Samiho Card
Charmer : Charmer Flute
Murupa : Murupa Furball
Murukun : Murukun Furball
Bob : Bob Snail Shell
Horny Mushroom : Guardian Katara
Brown Teddy : Teddy Cotton
Brown Teddy : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Brown Teddy : Guardian Katara
Thanatos : Thanatos' Strap
Thanatos : [Storybook] Black Book
Thanatos : Dark Battle Lord
Mummydog : Mummydog Card
Dark Cornian : Devil Sunrise
Dark Cornian : Red Katinas (Male)
Intoxicated Pig : King Pepe Scroll for Two-handed BW Attacks 60%
Intoxicated Pig : King Pepe Scroll for Spear Attacks 60%
Red Flower Serpent : Red Flower Serpent Card
Red Flower Serpent : Gold Mask
Propelly : Lion Fang
Propelly : Fireman Axe
Propelly : Dark Pennance
Platoon Chronos : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Platoon Chronos : Serpent Tongue
Chirppy : Fireman Axe
Chirppy : Red Hunter Armor
Chirppy : Red White-Line Boots
Planey : Brown Jangoon Boots
Zombie Mushmom : Zombie Mushmom Card
Dark Leatty : Black Guise
Dark Leatty : Green White-Line Boots
Ligator : Equip Enhancement Scroll
Male Boss : Boss Pomade
Cloud Fox : Sushi (Salmon)
Cloud Fox : Fish Cake (Skewer)
Cloud Fox : Cat Eye
Bodyguard B : Bodyguard B Bullet Shell
Baby Typhon : Dark Scroll for Cape for Weapon Def 70%
Bodyguard A : Bodyguard A Tie Pin
Ergoth : Ergoth Jawbone
Annoyed Zombie Mushroom : The Charm of the Undead
Annoyed Zombie Mushroom : Hunter Bow
Cico : Seahorse Horn
Robo : Blue Jangoon Boots
Wraith : Cat Eye
Wraith : Gold Pendant
Red Drake : Dark Piette Pants
Killa Bee : Cat Eye
Skeledog : Skeledog Bone
Skeledog : Maroon Jangoon Boots
Windraider : Scroll for Gloves for DEX 15%
Tutorial Muru : Tutorial Muru Furball

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
/* Manually run this script in MySQL Workbench or some other database client
to migrate your old (pre Jan 19th 2022) monsterbook table to the new version */
ALTER TABLE cosmic.`monsterbook`
CHANGE COLUMN `charid` `charid` INT(11) NOT NULL,
ADD PRIMARY KEY (`charid`, `cardid`),

database/sql/readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
---- Cosmic MySQL Database ----
These SQL files must be executed IN ORDER to set up the database:
- 1-db_database.sql (Tables and some data)
- 2-db_drops.sql (Remaining data: monster drops, reactor drops)
- 3-db_shopupdate.sql (Custom shops - optional, requires provided WZs)
- 4-db_admin (Basic admin account - optional)

docker-compose.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
version: '3'
build: .
- db
# Login server
- "8484:8484"
# Channels.
# Format: WWCC, where WW is 75 plus the world number and CC is 75 plus the channel number (both zero indexed).
# In this case, world 1 channels 1-3.
- "7575-7577:7575-7577"
# Config changes can be reloaded without rebuilding the image.
# Still requires a redeployment as they're sourced on startup.
- ./config.yaml:/opt/server/config.yaml
- ./scripts:/opt/server/scripts
- ./wz:/opt/server/wz
DB_HOST: "db" ## Remember if this is present it will OVERRIDE the host in the config.yaml, if you put here anything other than db, you'll need to change the config.yaml jdbc string to port 3307, and not port 3306
image: mysql:8.0.23
MYSQL_USER: "cosmic_server"
MYSQL_PASSWORD: "snailshell"
- "3307:3306"
- ./database/docker-db-data:/var/lib/mysql
- ./database/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// @Author: Resinate
var towns = new Array(800020120, 251010102, 260010201, 107000300, 200010300, 100040105, 100040106, 261030000, 110040000, 240040401, 104000400, 222010310, 230040420, 230040420, 230020100, 105090310, 101030404, 250010304, 220050100, 220050000, 220050200, 221040301);
var spawns = new Array(6090002, 5220004, 3220001, 6220000, 8220000, 5220002, 5220002, 8220002, 5220001, 8220003, 2220000, 7220001, 8510000, 8520000, 4220001, 8220008, 3220000, 7220000, 5220003, 5220003, 5220003, 6220001);
var x = new Array(560, 560, 645, 90, 208, 456, 474, -300, 200, 0, 400, 0, 527, 138, 0, -626, 800, -300, -300, 0, 0, -4224);
var y = new Array(50, 50, 275, 119, 83, 278, 278, 180, 140, 1125, 455, 33, -437, 138, 520, -604, 1280, 390, 1030, 1030, 1030, 776);
var mapObj;
var mobObj;
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0);
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null)
function start() {
for(var i = 0; i < towns.length; i++) {
mapObj = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(towns[i]);
mobObj = MapleLifeFactory.getMonster(spawns[i]);
if(mapObj.getMonsterById(spawns[i]) == null) {
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mobObj, new[i],y[i]));
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 30 * 60 * 1000);

docs/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
<img src="" width="370" height="auto">
Ronan - Head Developer
Vcoc - Freelance Developer
Thora - Contributor
GabrielSin - Contributor
Masterrulax - Contributor
MedicOP - Adjunct Developer
This is NOT intended to be a PURE v83 MapleStory server emulator (acting
under the clean WZ files, provided by Nexon/Wizet). There has been provided
a whole array of edited WZ on the Drive to be used for this server. Although
normal WZs will load properly, there is no guarantee in-game bugs and issues
may arise because of some incompatibilities with the clean files.
Feature list (as of rev397):
* RnJPQ/HorntailPQ/TreasurePQ/ElnathPQ/HolidayPQ.
* CWKPQ as Expedition-based event.
* Expeditions: Scarga/Horntail/Showa/Balrog/Zakum/Pinkbean.
* Monster Carnival 1 & 2 - thanks Dragohe4rt & Jayd!
* AriantPQ - thanks Dragohe4rt & Jayd!
* GuildPQ + Guild queue with multi-lobby system available.
* Brand-new PQs: BossRushPQ, CafePQ.
* Mu Lung Dojo.
* Capt. Latanica remade as an event (parties can now fight the boss).
* Expeditions with daily/weekly entries system available.
* Some skills behaving oddly have been patched, such as Steal, Venomous Star/Stab, Heal and Mystic Doors.
* Maker skill features properly developed.
* Improved current Battleship skill, now showing the HP properly on buff tab and making visible for others after changing maps.
* Server is using heuristics to calculate fee costs for the Maker (errors sum up to 8k mesos, reagent errors stacks up conformant with its level).
* New skill: Chair Mastery (max lv 1) - Players having this passive skill can gain a significant boost of HP/MP recovery when sitting on a field/map chair.
* Mu Lung Dojo skills functional.
* M. Magnet on bosses no longer crash.
* M. Magnet on fixed mobs no longer crash - thanks shavit!
* Skills that use up HP/MP triggers pet autopot.
* Skills that imbue weapon with elemental attribute (WK Charges, Snow Charge, etc) is now visible for other players.
* Doll house quest functional.
* Quests can now reward properly items when matching a reward item with the player's job.
* Quest rewards according to jobs work properly.
* Reward selection and randomized reward work properly.
* Loads of quests have been patched.
* Meso requirement for starting/completing quests now must be met by the player.
* Lots of job questlines (rewarding skills) have been patched/implemented.
* Enhanced rewarding system: checks for stacking opportunities on the inventory before checking for new slots.
* Improved the quest expiration system, one of the tweaks making the clock UI disappear when completing/expiring quests.
* Reviewed Aran questline.
* Reviewed 4th job skill questlines as a whole.
* Complete overhaul on the 3rd job quiz (explorers), with all 40-question pool now made available.
* Quest items supposed to be lootable, as those are required to start quests, shows up properly.
* Exclusive quest items that went missing from inventory reacquireable from NPC quest talk.
* Mechanics for Item Raise functionality operational.
* Players no longer are given movement control just after completing a quest but still talking with the NPC.
* Quests that make use of progress data show up as completable to the player on conditions met.
Player Social Network:
* Guild and Alliance system fully functional.
* Implemented Marriage system from the ground-up (excluding character packet encoding parts that were already present, proper credits given throughout the source files).
* Marriage ring effects functional.
* Beginners can create and join a "beginner-only" party (characters up to level 10).
* HP bar of party members now properly calculates the HP gain from equipment.
* Enhanced synchronization on Player Shops and Hired Merchants. Transactions made are instantly informed to the owner.
* Player Shops and Hired Merchants properly displaying the correct shop image to other players, and informing whether the shop is available to visit or full.
* Game minirooms such as match cards and omok now has a functional password system.
* Item pickup cooldown on non-owned/non-partyowned items functional.
* Further improved the server's ranking system, now displaying properly daily player ranking movement.
* Automated support for Player NPCs and Hall of Fame.
* Protected concurrently and improved the face expression system, guarding from trivial packet spam and exploits.
* All upgradeable non-cash equipment in inventory with level & EXP information available for reading by anyone, given proper visibility.
* Further improved the existent minigame mechanics: remarkably checking out for no-item match requests, allowing different omok/matchcard match layouts and status update on the player matchbox tooltips.
* Further improved the trading system.
* Party Search system nominal.
* Wedding Wishlists - thanks Dragohe4rt!
Cash & Items:
* EXP/DROP/Cosmetic Coupons.
* EXP/DROP coupons now appear as a buff effect when on active time.
* Code coupons functional, with support for multiple items on the same code.
* Merged unique ids for pets, rings and cash items, thus solving some cash shop inventory issues.
* Great deal of cash items functional.
* MapleTV mechanics stabilized and separated by world.
* GMS-esque omok/match card drop chances.
* New scroll: antibanish. For use only in cases where bosses send a player back to town.
* Inventory system properly checks for item slot free space and ownership.
* Storage with "Arrange Items" feature functional.
* Close-quarters evaluation mode for items (sandbox).
* Further improved Karma scissors & Untradeable items mechanics.
* Reviewed pet/item position data inconsistency within CASH inventory.
* Implemented close-quarters trial mode for items.
* Reviewed stylish-related contents, close to GMS-like.
* Plastic surgeons/stylists no longer stuck characters.
* Reworked gachapon loots, website-lists lookalike.
* Spikes on shoes.
* Vega's spell.
* Owl of Minerva.
* Pet item ignore.
* New Year's card (New Year effect sometimes d/c's a player).
* Kite.
* Cash Shop Surprise.
* Maple Life.
* EXP Increase.
Monsters, Maps & Reactors:
* Every monsterbook card is now droppable by overworld mobs.
* Added meso drop data for basically every missing overworld mob.
* Monsterbook displays drop data info conformant with the underlying DB (needs custom wz). See more on the MobBookUpdate feature.
* Every skill/mastery book is now droppable by mobs.
* Mobs now can drop more than one of the same equipment (number of possible drops defined at droptime, uses the minimum/maximum quantity fields on DB).
* Mobs only drops loot from items that are visible/collectable by the player's party.
* Mobs shouldn't fall from foothold too often now.
* Redesigned HT mechanics for spawn and linked damage to the sponge.
* Reviewed aspects of MoveLifeHandler: implemented banish move, patched MP cost not accounted on non-skill mob moves and slightly fixed mobs dropping from footholds in certain cases.
* Limited item count on maps, smartly expiring oldest registered items, preventing potential item flooding.
* Implemented Zombify disease status.
* Added Boss HP Bar for dozens of bosses (needs provided custom wz).
* If multiple bosses are on the same area, client will prioritize Boss HP bar of the target of the player.
* Boss HP Bar and Server Messages now toggles (server message disappears when a boss battle is detected, and returns afterwards). Idea thanks to GabrielSin.
* Improved map bounding checks for item drop points, assuring most of the items dropped will be available to pickup inside the walkable map area.
* Boats, elevator and other traveling mechanics fully working.
* HP decreasing overtime on maps and mechanics to prevent them (consumables, equips) fully functional.
* Crimson Balrog boat approaching visual effect made functional.
* Maps having everlasting items no longer expires them.
* PQs, Taxis and other event-driven situations warps players at random spawnpoints, GMS-like.
* Some reactors (PQ bonus boxes) spraying items on the map, instead of dropping everything at once.
* Reactors pick items up smartly, checking for an option to pick up on many-items-nearby scenario.
* Updated many scripted portals not implementing SFX properly.
* Updated Crimsonwood, World Tour, Nihal Desert and Neo City, enabling quest completion and game progression in these areas.
* Added world maps for Mushroom Castle, World Tour (Singapore, Malaysia and Zipangu) & Ellin Forest areas.
* Added World Tour and Masteria continents in the world map.
* Reviewed World Map's town/field tooltips and links from the main world map and Masteria region.
* Giant Cake (anniversary-themed boss) drops Maple equipments, Maple scrolls, summoning bags and many more interesting items.
* Enhanced aggro system, with real-time damage output target redirection.
* Puppets influence mob aggroing.
* Limited quantity of summons an individual mob can perform.
* Damage Reflect (MobSkill) status no longer lags to display.
PQ potentials:
* Advanced synchronization and smart management of the PQ registration system, as expected for a core server mechanic that is largely used by the players.
* Lobby system - Multiple PQ instances on same channel.
* Expedition system - Multiples parties can attempt on a same instance (lobbies and expeds are mutually-exclusive).
* Guild queue system - Guilds can register themselves in a queue for the GPQ.
* EIM Pool system - After the first instance setup, next event instances are loaded beforehand and set on a pooling queue, optimizing future loadouts.
* Recall system - Players can rejoin the last event instance they were in before disconnection.
Player potentials:
* Adventurer Mount quests functional.
* All Equipment levels up.
* Player level rates.
* Gain fame by quests and event instances.
* Pet evolutions functional (not GMS-like).
* Reviewed keybinding system.
* Account's Character slots: either each world has it's own count or there's a shared value between all worlds.
* Optional cash shop inventory separated by player classes or fully account-ranged.
* Rock-paper-scissors minigame - thanks Arnah!
Server potentials:
* Multi-worlds.
* Dynamic world rates, each world can hold it's own rates from server bootup.
* Dynamic World/Channel deployment. While not implemented here, new channel deployment sensitive to quantity of online players was originally resinate's idea.
* Inventory auto-gather and auto-sorting feature.
* Enhanced auto-pot system: pet uses as many potions as necessary to reach the desired threshold.
* Enhanced buff system: smartly checks for the best available buff effects to be active on the player.
* Enhanced AP auto-assigner: exactly matches AP with the needed for the player's current level, surplus assigned to the primary attribute.
* Enhanced inventory check: free slots on inventory smartly fetched on-demand.
* Enhanced auto-loot handler: optimized the brute-force checks for some cash items on the player equipped inventory at every requisition.
* Added players-appointed bestsellers item ranking system for Owl of Minerva and Cash Shop.
* Tweaked pet/mount hunger: calculations for fullness/tiredness takes active time of the subject into account.
* Consistent experience and meso gain system.
* Fredrick Store Bank now has expirable storage, which warns the player of time remaining and eventually delete unclaimed items.
* NPC crafters (equips, plates/jewels, etc) now won't take items freely if the requirement conditions are not properly met.
* Improved Duey mechanics: package received popup and reviewed many delivery mechanics.
* Pet item pickup now gives preference to player attacks rather than forcing attack disables when automatically picking up.
* Channel capacity bar functional and world servers with max capacity checks.
* Disease status are now visible for other players, even when changing maps.
* Players keep their current disease status saved when exiting the game, returning with them on login.
* Poison damage value is now visible for other players.
* Mastery book announcer displays droppers of needed books of a player, by reading underlying DB.
* Custom jail system (needs provided custom wz).
* Custom buyback system.
* Custom fishing system, having planned 'seasonal' catch times.
* Custom map leasing system.
* Delete Character (requires ENABLE_PIC activated).
* Smoothed up view-all-char feature, now showing properly all available characters and not disconnecting players too often.
* Centralized getcurrenttime throughout several server handlers, boosting it's performance overall.
* Centralized server timestamping, several timestamps received from clients are now unused, preventing some spammable exploits.
* Autosaver (periodically saves on DB current state of every player in-game).
* Both fixed and randomized versions of HP/MP growth rate available, regarding player job (enable one at ServerConstants). Placeholder for HP/MP washing feature.
* Implemented methods to get the current Players' MaxHP/MaxMP method with equipment HP/MP gains already summed up.
* Reallocated mapobjectids utilization throughout the source, preventing issues such as "NPC disappearing mysteriously after some server time" from happening.
* Implemented old GMS AP assigning for novices level 10 or below. Usage of the edited localhost is mandatory on this.
* Implemented SP capping for players that passed the job upgrade level. After upgrading jobs, the missing SP amount is replenished.
* Bypassable PIN/PIC system for players that were already authenticated and are currently loggedin and active.
* Accounts can be created automatically when trying to login on an inexistent account - credits to shavit.
* Usage of Bcrypt (up-to-date) as the main password hashing algorithm, replacing old SHA's - credits to shavit.
* Implemented matching system, on which all involved players accept the term or at least one denies/times-out before an event takes place.
* Implemented support for custom spawn areas for NPCs & mobs.
Custom NPCs:
* Spiegelmann: automatized rock-refiner.
* Asia: scroll & rarities shop NPC.
* Abdula: lists droppers of needed skill/mastery books.
* Agent E: accessory crafter.
* Dalair: automatized equipment-merger.
* Donation Box: automatized item-buyer.
* Coco & Ace of Hearts: C. scroll crafters.
* Barry (MapleTV): fill book & exchange items for scroll.
Server Commands:
* Server commands layered by GM levels.
* Spawn Zakum/Horntail/Pinkbean.
* Several new commands.
* Rank command highlighting users either by world or server-wide.
* Revamped command files layout - thanks Arthur L.
* Optimized Search command, caching search range contents and added map search functionality.
External tools:
* MapleArrowFetcher - Updates min/max quantity dropped on all arrows drop data, calculations based on mob level and whether it's a boss or not.
* MapleBossHpBarFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding mobs that has a boss HP bar whilst not having a proper "boss" label.
* MapleCashDropFetcher - Searches the DB for any CASH drop data entry and lists them on a report file.
* MapleCodeCouponGenerator - Reads the XML recipe at the input folder and loads into the DB new coupon codes bundled with all depicted items.
* MapleCouponInstaller - Retrieves coupon info from the WZ and makes a SQL table with it. The server will use that table to gather info regarding rates and intervals.
* MapleDojoUpdater - Patches the dojo WZ nodes with correct script names for onUserEnter and onFirstUserEnter fields.
* MapleEquipmentOmnileveler - Updates the equipment WZ nodes with item level information, allowing thus access for item level and EXP info for common equipments.
* MapleIdRetriever - Two behaviors: generates a SQL table with relation (id, name) of the handbook given as input. Given a file with names, outputs a file with ids.
* MapleInvalidItemIdFetcher - Generates a file listing all inexistent itemid's currently laying on the DB.
* MapleInvalidItemWithNoNameFetcher - Generates two files: one listing all itemid's with inexistent name and "cash" property. And other with a prepared XML to solve the name issue.
* MapleMapInfoRetriever - Basic tool for detecting missing info nodes on the map field structures (maps failing to have an info node on the WZ is an critical issue).
* MapleMesoFetcher - Creates meso drop data for mobs with more than 4 items (thus overworld mobs), calculations based on mob level and whether it's a boss or not.
* MapleMobBookIndexer - Generates a SQL table with all relations of cardid and mobid present in the mob book.
* MapleMobBookUpdate - Generates a wz.xml that is a copy of the original MonsterBook.wz.xml, except it updates the drop data info in the book with those currently on DB.
* MapleQuestItemCountFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing "count" labels on item acts at "complete quest".
* MapleQuestItemFetcher - Searches the SQL tables and project files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing/erroneous quest items.
* MapleQuestlineFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all questids that currently doesn't have script files.
* MapleQuestMesoFetcher - Searches the quest WZ files and reports in all relevant data regarding missing/erroneous quest fee checks.
* MapleReactorDropFetcher - Searches the DB for reactors with drop data and reports in reactorids that are not yet coded.
* MapleSkillMakerFetcher - Updates the DB Maker-related tables with the current info present on the WZs.
* MapleSkillMakerReagentIndexer - Generates a new maker table describing all stat-improvements from the Maker reagents (those empowering crystals and jewels).
* MapleWorldmapChecker - Searches the map WZ files for map/field entries with missing tooltip informations (that would point which map the character currently is on the overworld maps).
* Organized project code.
* Highly updated drop data.
* Highly configurable server (see all server flags at ServerConstants).
* Fixed/added some missing packets for MoveEnvironment, summons and others.
* Uncovered many Send/Recv opcodes throughout the source.
* Reviewed many Java object aspects that needed concurrency protection.
* Reviewed SQL data, eliminating duplicated entries on the tables.
* Improved login phase, using cache over DB queries.
* Usage of HikariCP to improve the DB connection management.
* Usage of Java Threadpool to improve runnable call management.
* Developed many survey tools for content profiling.
* Developed a robust anti-exploit login coordinator system.
* Protected many flaws with login management system.
* Remodeled item scripts, properly using NPC dialogs.
* Channel, World and Server-wide timer management.
* Heavily reviewed future task management inside the project. Way less trivial schedules are spawned now, relieving task overload on the TimerManager.
* Developed services to act as a central task scheduler, in order to spawn less timer threads.
* ThreadTracker: embedded auditing tool for run-time deadlock scanning throughout the server source (relies heavily on memory usage, designed only for debugging purposes).
Exploits patched:
* Player being given free access to any character of any account once they have authenticated their account on login phase.
* Player being given permission to delete any character of any account once they have authenticated their account on login phase.
* Player being able to start/complete any quest freely.
* Several assynchronous-oriented exploits patched, highlights on those involving Fredrick & Duey.
* Removed the 'n' problem within NPC dialog.
* Removed caps for MATK, WDEF, MDEF, ACC and AVOID.
* Removed "AP excess" popup and "Admin/MWLB" action block, original credits to kevintjuh93.
* Removed "You've gained a level!" popup, original credits to PrinceReborn.
* Removed "Cannot enter MTS from this map." popup on maps that blocks transitions (such change channel, CS/MTS), rendering the buyback option now available for all maps.
* Removed a check for players wishing to create/join a party being novices under level 10.
* Set a new high cap for SPEED.
* Removed the AP assign block for novices.
* Removed a block that would show up when trying to apply an attack gem on equipments that aren't weapons.

docs/fieldlimits.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Provided by Arnah, source:
Field limits (v95):

docs/issues.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
========== HeavenMS ==========
Ronan - Head Developer
Vcoc - Freelance Developer
Known issues:
- Some criticals (e.g. from Aran skills) will not show up as crit for other players.
- Deadlocks may start appearing if the server stays online long enough with many players logged in.
- If there are multiple bosses that shows HPBar on the map, if a player hits more than one the HPBar may start flickering on the screen.
- Sometimes battleship may behave oddly with the enhanced buff system, making the character d/c in certain scenarios.
- Dragon Roar doesn't show the stun effect to players.
- Cygnus job 'Final Attack' skill for Wind Archer not functional.
- Steal skill doesn't deduct the loot from the drop pool from a mob.
- Snipe will show much higher damage value than actually applicable to the attacker.
- Some monster status such as weapon/magic reflect doesn't behave properly in certain scenarios.
- On low-end connections, things such as command summoning a player that is currently logging in (already visible to other players) may cause the player to freeze, consequently freezing the account as well since the server-side disconnection doesn't happen.
- Reportedly, there are cases where mob positions fail to sync between player's client-view.
- Visual equip EXP watch value will present stuttering for early levels requirement (EXP needed less than 100), and requirement at level 200 will not progress at all due to the level cap in client.
- Monster Magnet will crash the player when trying to pull fixed monsters.
- Some magic skills such as "Energy Bolt" or "Holy Arrow" doesn't display damage to other players when the attacks come from close range to the targeted mob. Oddly enough, using "closeRangeAttack" packet seems to clear the issue on most skills, however in others "Error 5" crash renders this unusable.
Missing features list:
- Change name/World transfer.
- Some pirate skills doesn't work for 3rd parties.
- Cache frequently used SQL data.
- Pet commands are not being propagated to 3rd parties, and the commandResponse packet function seems somewhat wonky.
** Others **
** Quest **
- Medal quests.
** Basic PQs **
** Packet issues & advanced PQs **
- Mystic Doors (won't deploy players properly in some situations, only destination map matches).
- Nett's Pyramid Party Quest
** Skills **
- Check autoban system
- Attack speed reference for autoban, brought here thanks to GitGud:
** Jobs **
** System **
- Update Java version

docs/leftover.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
// Missing contents in HeavenMS (as of commit 311), compiled here thanks to ---
Uncoded features:
NX Format
MTS (v53)
Family and Medal Quests(?)
Uncoded Party Quests:
Gold Richie (v77)
Olivia PQ (v77)
Ariant PQ (v??)
Nett's Pyramid PQ (v??)
Sheep vs Wolf (v??)
Abandoned PQ (v??)
Uncoded pre-v83 events:
Independence Day Event (v25)
April Fools Dress Up (v53)
Find Master M (v72)
Gaga the Talent Show Star Event (v76, a "fishing" event)
I'm not positive what these are but I'm guessing they're "give away" events:
Spirit Week (v76)
A November to Remember (v79)
Uncoded Repeating pre-v83 events:
Lunar New Year
Halloween (v10-v77)
Valentines Day (v17-v81)
Mardi Gras (v82)
Gold Richie (v77)
Turkey Event
Post-v83 codable:
Neo City update (v84)
Evan release events (v84) (arguably no point without Evan)
General Mau (v84)
Five Year Reunion Event (v85)
Weather Effects Event (v85)
OSSS Quests (v89) (arguably not worth doing since it won't be complete without Visitor PQ)
Ghost Ship (v90)
Ulu City (v90) (New World Map)
Aramia's Book Drive (v90)
Ancient Artifact Hunt (v98)
Gate to the Future (v99) (New World Map)
Kenta PQ (v101)
Post-v83 uncodable:
Evan (v84)(some of Evan can be hacked in but it still won't fully function)
Dragon Rider PQ (v85)
Monster Portraits event (or can it?)
Golden Temple (v86) (Not sure if Ravana can be backported, if so then codable)
Chaos Zakum/Horntail (v88)
Dual Blade (v88)
Potential (v88)
Ice Gorge PQ (v90)
Visitor PQ (v90)
Resistance (v94/95)
Ultimate Explorer (v96)
Lion's King Castle (v96) (due to von Leon being uncodable)
Chryse (v96)
Dual Raid: Balloon Hunt (v97)
PVP (v99/100)
Ice Knight PQ (v99)
Monster Park (v101) (Not actually sure if this one is uncodable, seems somewhat basic)
Familiars (v102)
Non-GMS but English:
La Tomatina Event (EMS) (Giant Tomato boss)
Oktoberfest (EMS)
Shanghai (MSEA) (New World Map)
Thailand (MSEA) (New World Map)
Neo Tokyo (MSEA) (New World Map) (different from Neo City)
Non-GMS no English:
Coke Town (J/KMS)
Ninja Castle (now in GMS, unsure how it compares to the "classic" version)
Ximending (TMS) (New World Map)
Taipei 101 (TMS) (New World Map) (Kerning Square Mall, v83, is the non TMS variant)
Night Market (TMS) (Now in GMS, unsure how it compares to the "classic" version)
Shaolin Temple (C/JMS) (Now in GMS, unsure how it compares to the "classic" version)

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- Thanks MikeyJacobs for prompting out minimum specs search for pre-BB MapleStory.
-- Minimum specs gathered thanks to AkatsukiLog - src:
MapleStory pre-BB specs:
Minimum Requirement | Recommended Setting
OS: Windows XP or later | Windows XP or later
Processor: Pentium 4 or equivalent | Pentium Dual Core or equivalent
Memory: 1GB RAM | 1GB RAM
Hard Drive: At least 7GB of free space | At least 7GB of free space
Graphics: Video Card with 128MB or higher | GeForce FX5000 / ATI Radeon 9600 or higher (any video card with Shader model 2.0 or higher)
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card | DirectX compatible sound card
Network: Broadband internet connection | Broadband internet connection

docs/moveactions.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
0 walk right
1 walk left
2 walk right
3 walk left
4 stand right
5 stand left
6 jump right
7 jump left
8 defend right
9 defend left
10 prone right
11 prone left
12 swim right
13 swim left
14 15 ladder left
16 17 ladder mid
18 dead right
19 dead left
20 sit right
21 sit left

docs/mychanges_ptbr.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

docs/npcmarkups.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
NPC Markups:
#b = Blue text.
#c[itemid]# Shows how many [itemid] the player has in their inventory.
#d = Purple text.
#e = Bold text.
#f[imagelocation]# - Shows an image inside the .wz files.
#g = Green text.
#h # - Shows the name of the player.
#i[itemid]# - Shows a picture of the item.
#k = Black text.
#l - Selection close.
#m[mapid]# - Shows the name of the map.
#n = Normal text (removes bold).
#o[mobid]# - Shows the name of the mob.
#p[npcid]# - Shows the name of the NPC.
#q[skillid]# - Shows the name of the skill.
#r = Red text.
#s[skillid]# - Shows the image of the skill.
#t[itemid]# - Shows the name of the item.
#v[itemid]# - Shows a picture of the item.
#x - Returns "0%" (need more information on this).
#z[itemid]# - Shows the name of the item.
#B[%]# - Shows a 'progress' bar.
#F[imagelocation]# - Shows an image inside the .wz files.
#L[number]# Selection open.
\r\n - Moves down a line.

docs/wzchanges_gist.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Changes from the original v83 WZs:
Upgraded info of some items.
Fixed entries of portals placed incorrectly.
Fixed lacking "slotMax" properties in some items.
Set flag "Quest Item" for some items.
Fixed a bunch of quests, now giving the proper output. Added new quests.
Fixed some NPC speeches.
Updated MonsterBook with current drop data on the sql's DB, using Ronan's
MobBookUpdate facility.
Yeah, these explanations are pretty simplistic, I know. If one really wants to
compare the original v83 WZ with the ones I provided, I recommend do the following:
- Open HaRepacker and, for each Cosmic's WZ file, extract all the XMLs
for "Private Server".
- Now, install MapleStory from "ManagerMsv83.exe" on an other folder and do the
same procediment said above.
- Finally use some app to compare folders, like WinMerge, tracking differences
for all WZs.
Simply edit out any modification that ranges too far from the original MapleStory server
and overwrite the given WZ file, assuming you want a server more "GMS-like".

handbook/Cash.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
5010000 - Sunny Day - A special effect in which you'll see a brightly smiling sun floating over you. On the KeyConfig, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010001 - Moon & the Stars - A special effect in which you'll see a brightly smiling moon floating around in a sea of stars over you. On the KeyConfig, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010002 - Colorful Rainbow - A special effect in which you'll see a rainbow in its full 7 colors floating next to you. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010003 - Little Devil - A special effect in which you'll see Lilly the cute little devil floating around next to you. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010004 - Underwater - A special effect that shows a submarine under the water. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010005 - Looking for Love - A special effect that displays the longing to be with someone special. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010006 - Baby Angel - A lovely effect that shows a baby angel floating around as your protector. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010007 - Fugitive - A special effect that puts a poster in front of your face as if you're being wanted around the world. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010008 - Mr. Jackpot - A special effect used to increase the chance of winning with Slot Machine by 2x. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010009 - Martial Effect - A special effect that appears Chinese Falg. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010010 - Play with Me - A special effect in which you'll see two babies floating on the cloud as a sign of friendship. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010011 - Loner - A special effect that displays that the owner would like to be left alone. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010012 - Equalizer - A special equalizer effect that is given as a prize at the Maple Member Shop. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010013 - Fireworks - A special effect of the fireworks that is given as a prize at the Maple Member Shop. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010014 - Stormy Cloud - A special effect that displays the stormy cloud with rain and lightning hovering around the owner's head. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010015 - 777 Effect - A special effect used to increase the number of balls obtained from winning with Slot Machine by 2x. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010016 - Siren - A siren effect that can be used under emergencies. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010017 - Twinkling Star - A special star effect for a special day. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010018 - Smile - A smile effect best used when you're in a great mood! Designate a a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010019 - Heart - A heart effect you can use to show your love to the others. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010020 - Go! Korea! - A special effect that follows your character for the supporting of Korea's victory. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010021 - Skeleton of Horror - This skull was found somewhere around the remains, and it'll be with you until you wish for otherwise. Double-click on the item or on the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010022 - Twinkling Star - A number of twinkling stars surrounds the character in this special effect.
5010023 - Pumping Heart - A special effect that captures the feeling of wanting to express the feeling of love to someone special. Double-click on the item or on the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010024 - The Flocking Ducks - A family of toy ducks follow around the character. Double-click on the item or on the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010025 - Silent Spectre - A special effect in which you'll see a spooky ghost appirate behind you and scare the daylights out of everyone nearby! On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010026 - Indigo Dracula - A special effect in which you'll see a horde of Dracula's finest bats appear and surround your character with alluring nocturne ambience. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010027 - Hot Head - A special effect that perfectly represents the feeling of anger. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010028 - Indigo Flames - This is an effect item that exudes an aura around the character. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010029 - Demonfyre - This is an effect item that exudes an aura around the character. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010030 - Nuclear Fire - This is an effect item that exudes an aura around the character. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010031 - My Boyfriend - Show the world how much you adore your boyfriend with this attractive marker! On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010032 - My Girlfriend - Show the world how much you adore your girlfriend with this attractive marker! On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010033 - Sheer Fear - A special effect perfect for instances where you were caught off-guard. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010034 - Christmas Tree - If you ever felt like becoming a Christmas Tree, here's your chance! On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010035 - Snowman - On a cold, snowy day, this effect will enable you to become a snowman. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010038 - Shower Power - A special effect that pours massive amount of water on top of the head. Double-click on the icon or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010039 - Spotlight - A special effect that features a spotlight above the head of the character. Double-click on the icon or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010041 - Super Symphony - A special effect that follows the character around which can be used to express the feeling of happiness and joy. Double-click on the icon or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010042 - Busy Bee - A very busy bee that's never distracted from following you. Keeps one focused on the task at hand.
5010043 - Eyelighter - A special effect that features a blinding glow on the character's eyes. Double-click on the icon or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010044 - Shadow Style - Traces of the character remains while the character moves, creating multiple images of the character in the process. Double-click on the icon, or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010045 - Struck by Lightning - A special effect that displays the lightning striking on the character's head. Double-click on the icon or designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010046 - Maple Champion - A special effect that puts a poster in front of your face as if you're being Maple Champion around the world. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010048 - Maple Champion - A special effect that puts a poster in front of your face as if you're being Maple Champion around the world. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010049 - Maple Champion - A special effect that puts a poster in front of your face as if you're being Maple Champion around the world. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010051 - O Maplemas Tree - Celebrate your holiday cheer with this effect! Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010052 - Santa Sled - Give Santa a lift with this hilarious effect! Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010053 - Mistletoe - Create the perfect excuse for a holiday kiss! Designate a HotKey to turn the effect ON/OFF.
5010054 - Jingling Santa - A special effect that displays Santa and his two trusty reindeers breaking down to the beat, hovering around the owner's head. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010055 - UFO - A special effect that features a UFO and a number of colorful aliens accompanying the owner of the item. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010056 - Garden Trail - A special effect that features a trail of flowers and grass left behind by the owner of the item. Designate a HotKey to turn the effect on/off.
5010057 - Flower Fairy - A special effect that shows a cute fairy sprinkling flowers. On the Key Config, configure this on a button of your choice to turn the effect on/off.
5010999 - Changing to a Monster - Not sold in Cash Shop. An effect shown while changing into a monster.
5021000 - Water Balloon - A cool blue water balloon. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the water balloon effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021001 - Paper Plane - A nicely-folded paper plane. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the paper plane effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021002 - Energy Ball - A ball of concentrated energy. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the energy effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021003 - Super Star - A red starfish that can be seen at the beach. Can be equipped with a #cthrowing star# to have the starfish effect.\n\nThis item cannot be removed.
5021004 - Winged Baseball - A baseball with small wings attached to it. Can be equipped with a #cthrowing star# to have the winged baseball effect.\n\nThis item cannot be destroyed.
5021005 - Football - The official football of the MapleBowl. When held in your inventory, #cthrowing stars# will appear as a thrown football.
5021006 - Chalkboard Eraser - A chalkboard eraser commonly found in classrooms. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the eraser effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021007 - Shooting Hearts - A small pink heart of love that explodes on contact. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the heart effect. \n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021008 - Throwing Teddy - An adorable brown teddy bear that explodes on contact. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the teddy bear effect. \n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021009 - Throwing Pepe - Never in Pepe's wildest dreams did it think it'd be chucked down the field in place of the throwing star. Thrown with a throwing star to have the Pepe effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021010 - Mr. Puff Throwing Star - A throwing star make to look like Mr. Puff, with its huffy puffy cheeks resembling that of a tasty-looking steamed bun. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the Mr. Puff effect.\n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021011 - Skull Striker - An enchanted skull straight from the Headless Horseman. Thrown with a throwing star to have the skull striker effect. Item cannot be removed.
5021012 - Pumpkin Bomb - Harmless pie? Think again. Thrown with a throwing star to have the pumpkin bomb effect.
5021013 - Pirate Bomb - An explosive bomb used by the legendary pirates. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the explosive bomb effect.\n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021014 - Poo Stars - That nasty poop can be detected from afar. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the nasty poop effect.\n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021015 - Egg Throwing Star - A white egg thrown in place of the throwing star, and that explodes on contact. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the Chick effect. \n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021016 - Devilball - A mischievous ball that has gained sentience, and now lives to be thrown for massive damage. Tremendous striking power! Equips over #cThrowing Stars#!
5021025 - Charm of the Undead - Equips over #cThrowing Stars#!
5021017 - Dragon Disc - An explosive throwing star used by the Dragon. Thrown with a #cthrowing star# to have the explosive bomb effect.\n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021019 - Shooting Star Medal - Beautiful shooting star. Mask over #cThrowing Star#.\n\nItem cannot be removed.
5021020 - Throwing Boomers - Explosive throwing stars from New Leaf City. They're the Bomb! This item equips over #cThrowing Stars#!
5021021 - Exploding Sheep - A cute and cuddly sheep. Don't let it fool you--it's lethal. This item equips over #cThrowing Stars#!
5030000 - Mushroom House Elf - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Elf, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030001 - Mushroom House Elf - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Elf, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030002 - Cashier: Teddy Bear Clerk - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Teddy Bear, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030003 - Cashier: Teddy Bear Clerk - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Teddy Bear, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030004 - The Robot Stand - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Robot, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030005 - The Robot Stand - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Robot, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030006 - Mushroom House Elf - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Elf, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030008 - Homely Coffeehouse - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Coffeehouse, doubling as the Hired Merchant, will be a place that sells the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game. #cIf an item is sold, the owner will be notified through the chat window.#
5030009 - Homely Coffeehouse - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Coffeehouse, doubling as the Hired Merchant, will be a place that sells the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game. #cIf an item is sold, the owner will be notified through the chat window.#
5030010 - Granny's Food Stand - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Granny, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030011 - Granny's Food Stand - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Granny, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5030012 - Tiki Torch Store - Set up this special store on the Free Market, and this Granny, working as the Hired Merchant, will sell the items for the owner, even if the owner does not log on to the game.
5040000 - The Teleport Rock - Remembers 5 maps of your choice. This rock will enable you to #cteleport to the map you remembered#. It can even allow you to #cmove to the map where a certain character is#, provided that the person is in the same channel at the same world. This item cannot be used to teleport in between continents.
5040001 - Teleport Coke - By drinking sweet refreshing #cCoca-Cola#, it ables you to #cteleport to one of the remembered maps#. You can also #cteleport to the map where specific character is located# in the same channel. Unable the teleport to the maps where teleport is limited.
5041000 - VIP Teleport Rock - This Teleport Rock enables one to #cteleport between continents#. It also enables the user to teleport to a specific character from the same channel. Up to #c10# maps, excluding the maps that cannot be reached through teleport, can be registered for this.
5050000 - AP Reset - This is the #cscroll that allows you to reset 1 AP from the ability stat#. Choose one AP from HP, MP, STR, DEX, INT, or LUK , and allocate it to the desired category. The lowest an AP level can reach on any category is 4.
5050001 - SP Reset (1st job) - This scroll allows you to #creset 1 SP from a 1st-job skill#. The SP that's been reset may NOT be applied to 2nd or 3rd job skills.
5050002 - SP Reset (2nd job) - This scroll allows you to #creset 1 SP from a 2nd-level skill#. The 1st job SP raised AFTER the 2nd job adv. can also be reset and applied to a 2nd job skill. The SP that's been reset may NOT be applied to 1st or 3rd job skills.
5050003 - SP Reset (3rd job) - This scroll allows you to #creset 1 SP from a 3rd-level skill#. The 1st & 2nd job SP raised AFTER the 3rd job adv. can also be reset and applied to a 3rd job skill. The SP that's been reset may NOT be applied to 1st or 2nd job skills.
5050004 - SP Reset (4th job) - This scroll allows you to #creset 1 SP from a 4th-level skill#. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd job SP raised AFTER the 4th job adv. can also be reset and applied to a 3rd job skill. The SP that's been reset may NOT be applied to 1st, 2nd or 3rd job skills.
5060000 - Item Tag - This will enable the owner of the weapon to engrave his/her name on an equipment item once. Click on the item, and drag the item #con top of the equipment of choice# to engrave your character name on it.
5060001 - Item Guard - A lock that seals away any equipment items and throwing stars, excluding the quest items. By sealing the item away, the item will be #cdisabled from selling, trading, or throwing away#. Double-click on the lock to seal an item.
5060002 - Incubator - An equipment needed to open the #ceggs from pigme#. Pigme eggs canve incubated by double clicking the incubator.
5061000 - Item Guard : 7 Days - A guard for sealing an equip item and/or throwing star to prevent #cselling, trading or dropping# of the item. Double-click on the guard, then seal the item into the window that appears. #cThis Item Guard is active for 7 days, after which the item will be automatically released from the seal.#
5061001 - Item Guard : 30 Days - A guard for sealing an equip item and/or throwing star to prevent #cselling, trading or dropping# of the item. Double-click on the guard, then seal the item into the window that appears. #cThis Item Guard is active for 30 days, after which the item will be automatically released from the seal.#
5061002 - Item Guard : 90 days - A guard for sealing an equip item and/or throwing star to prevent #cselling, trading or dropping# of the item. Double-click on the guard, then seal the item into the window that appears. #cThis Item Guard is active for 90 days, after which the item will be automatically released from the seal.#
5070000 - Cheap Megaphone - Shout to everyone in the map your character is on with this megaphone.
5071000 - Megaphone - Shout to everyone in the map your character is on with this megaphone. Only available for characters that are over Level 10.
5072000 - Super Megaphone - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Only available for characters that are over Level 10.
5073000 - Heart Megaphone - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. (Heart accents)
5074000 - Skull Megaphone - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. (Skull accents)
5075000 - MapleTV Messenger - Show your avatar on Maple TV with messages.\nIn case of dedication messages, character you have designated will also appear on the screen throughout the entire world. The message will last appx. 15 seconds.
5075001 - MapleTV Star Messenger - Beautifully designed TV with star effects. \nThis allows you to type in longer messages with longer period of time, 30 seconds. Only announcement type of message is available with this item. The message will last for 30 seconds.
5075002 - MapleTV Heart Messenger - Beautifully designed TV with Heart effect.\nPropose in style on the TV. This item only allows dedication type of message where designated user also appears on the TV. The message will last for 1 minute.
5075003 - Megassenger - Show your message on the chatting window as well as Maple TV at the same time.
5075004 - Star Megassenger - Show your message on the chatting window as well as Maple TV at the same time. This comes with star effect on the Maple TV.
5075005 - Heart Megassenger - Show your message on the chatting window as well as Maple TV at the same time. This comes with heart effect on the Maple TV.
5076000 - Item Megaphone - Use this megaphone to broadcast to everyone your World about an item that may be for sale.
5080000 - Korean Kite - A kite that you can float around the skies at will. Enter your own message.
5080001 - Heart Balloon - A balloon full of love you can float around. Enter your own message.
5080002 - Graduation Banner - A graduation banner you can float around. Enter your own message.
5080003 - Admission Banner - A banner celebrating the admission to a school. Enter your own message.
5090000 - Note - Double-click to send a note to an offline character. The receiver will be able to see the note at the next login.
5100000 - Congratulatory Song - Play a congratulatory song on the map you're in.
5110000 - Heart-Shaped Chocolate - A sweet chocolate in a heart-shaped box. When in possession, a heart will appear above the head of the person that gave the present.
5120000 - Snowy Snow - Sprinkles snow on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120001 - Sprinkled Flowers - Sprinkles flower on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120002 - Soap Bubbles - Sprinkles bubbles on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120003 - Snowflakes - Sprinkles icy snow on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120004 - Sprinkled Presents - Sprinkles presents on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120005 - Sprinkled Chocolate - Sprinkles chocolate on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120006 - Sprinkled Flower Petals - Sprinkle flower petals on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120007 - Sprinkled Candy - Sprinkles candies on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120008 - Sprinkled Maple Leaves - Sprinkles maple leaves on the map where your character is for 30 sec. Enter a message of your choice.
5120009 - Fireworks - Ignites fireworks on the map where your character is for 30 sec. Enter a message of your choice.
5120010 - Sprinkled Coke - Sprinkles #cCoca-Cola# on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120011 - Spirit Haunt - Ghosts on the map where your character is for 30 sec. Enter a message of your choice.
5120012 - Holiday Sock - Sprinkles holiday socks on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120014 - Christmas Socks - Sprinkles Christmas Socks on the map where your character is for 30 seconds. Enter a message of your choice.
5120015 - Chinese Lantern Firecrackers - Greet the Lunar New Year with the fireworks that fills up the screen.
5121000 - Fighting Spirit - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121001 - Korean Soccer Chant - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121002 - Soccer Fever - Increases Speed +20, Jump +10 for 10 minutes to everyone in the map. Enter a message of your choice.
5121003 - Chicken Soup - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121004 - Song Pyun - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121005 - Han Gwa - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121006 - Flock of Witches - A special effect that displays a flock of witches flying around the area in their spanking-new flying brooms.
5121007 - Tree Decor - Buffs everyone in the map for 15 minutes with weapon attack +20 and magic attack +30. Enter a message of your choice.
5121008 - Happy Birthday - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121009 - Petite Rose - Increases Weapon Attack +20, Magic Attack +30 for 15 minutes to everyone in the map. Enter a message of your choice.
5121010 - Floral Fest - Increases Weapon Attack +20, Magic Attack +30 for 15 minutes to everyone in the map. Enter a message of your choice.
5121014 - Snowing Fishbread - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121015 - Snowy Snowman - When this weather effect is on, everyone in the map is buffed with weapon attack +20 and magic attack +30 for 15 minutes. Enter a message of your choice before spreading this holiday joy to everyone.
5121016 - Heart-shaped Chocolate Box - You can enter the message of your choice.
5121017 - Water Splash - You can enter the message of your choice.
5122000 - Hearty Party Bear - You can enter the message of your choice.
5130000 - Safety Charm - It does not let the user lose EXP points after death, as long as it's in possession. 30% of your HP and MP will be recovered when you are revived.
5140000 - Regular Store Permit - Open a regular store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market. Can sell up to 16 items at once.
5140001 - Summer Store Permit(SE) - A special-edition coupon that opens a sky blue tree store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market and sell up to 24 items at once. Available for a limited time only.
5140002 - Pink VIP Store Permit - Open a pink tree store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market. Can sell up to 24 items at once.
5140003 - Fall Store Permit(SE) - A special-edition coupon that opens a orange tree store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market and sell up to 24 items at once. Available for a limited time only.
5140004 - Spring Store Permit (SE) - A special-edition coupon that opens a green tree store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market and sell up to 24 items at once. Available for a limited time only.
5140006 - Holiday Store Permit - A special-edition permit that opens Christmas store. Can open anywhere of choice in the free market and sell up to 24 items at once. Available for a limited time only
5150000 - Henesys Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cHenesys Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150001 - Henesys Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cHenesys Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150002 - Kerning City Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150003 - Kerning City Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150004 - Orbis Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cOrbis Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150005 - Orbis Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cOrbis Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150006 - Ludibrium Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cLudibrium Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150007 - Ludibrium Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cLudibrium Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150008 - Showa Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cShowa Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150009 - Showa Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cShowa Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150010 - Henesys Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cHenesys Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150011 - Kerning City Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150012 - Ludibrium Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cLudibrium Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style, with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150013 - Orbis Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cOrbis Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style, with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150019 - Amoria Hairstyle Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cAmoria Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150020 - Amoria Hairstyle Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cAmoria Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150021 - Night Market Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cNight Market Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150022 - Night Market Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNight Market Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150024 - Mu Lung Hair Style Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cMu Lung Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150025 - Mu Lung Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cMu Lung Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150026 - Ariant Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it on #cAriant Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150027 - Ariant Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cAriant Hair Salon# to change your hair style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150030 - NLC Hairstyle Coupon (EXP) - Use it at #cNLC Hair Salon# to #crandomly# change your hair style with a chance to obtain a new experimental style. (one-time use)
5150031 - NLC Hairstyle Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNLC Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5150038 - Matinee Idol Hair Coupon - Use this coupon to change the hairstyle to a #cMatinee Idol# hairstyle. (one-time use)
5150040 - Royal Hair Coupon - If you take this to #cBig Headward of Henesys Hair Shop#, your hair style will change to #cone of several Royal options.#
5151000 - Henesys Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cHenesys Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151001 - Henesys Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cHenesys Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151002 - Kerning City Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151003 - Kerning City Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to change your hair color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151004 - Orbis Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cOrbis Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151005 - Orbis Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cOrbis Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151006 - Ludibrium Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cLudbrium Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151007 - Ludibrium Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cLudibrium Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151008 - Showa Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cShowa Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151009 - Showa Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cShowa Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151014 - Night Market Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cNight Market Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151015 - Night Market Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cNight Market Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151016 - Amoria Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cAmoria Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151017 - Amoria Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cAmoria Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151019 - Mu Lung Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cMu Lung Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151020 - Mu Lung Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cMu Lung Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151021 - Ariant Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it on #cAriant Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly# (one-time use)
5151022 - Ariant Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cAriant Hair Salon# to change your hair to a a color of #cyour choice# (one-time use)
5151025 - NLC Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cNLC Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151026 - NLC Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNLC Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152000 - Henesys Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cHenesys Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152001 - Henesys Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cHenesys Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152002 - Kerning City Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cKerning City Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152003 - Kerning City Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cKerning City Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of your #cchoice#. (one-time use)
5152004 - Orbis Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cOrbis Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152005 - Orbis Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cOrbis Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152006 - Ludibrium Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cLudibrium Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152007 - Ludibrium Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cLudibrium Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152008 - Showa Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cShowa Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152009 - Showa Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cShowa Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152010 - Henesys Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cHenesys Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152011 - Orbis Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cOrbis Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152012 - Ludibrium Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cLudibrium Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152013 - Henesys Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cHenesys Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152014 - Orbis Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cOrbis Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152015 - Ludibrium Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cLudibrium Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152021 - Amoria Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cAmoria Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152022 - Amoria Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cAmoria Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152023 - Night Market Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cNight Market Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152024 - Night Market Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNight Market Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152025 - Amoria Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cAmoria Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152026 - Amoria Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cAmoria Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152027 - Mu Lung Plastic Surgery Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cMu Lung Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152028 - Mu Lung Plastic Surgery Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cMu Lung Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152029 - Ariant Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cAriant Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly# (one-time use)
5152030 - Ariant Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cAriant Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice# (one-time use)
5152033 - NLC Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cNLC Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152034 - NLC Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNLC Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152035 - NLC Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cNLC Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152036 - NLC Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cNLC Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152041 - Mu Lung Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cMu Lung Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152042 - Mu Lung Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cMu Lung Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152045 - Showa Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cShowa Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152046 - Showa Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cShowa Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152047 - Ariant Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cAriant Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152048 - Ariant Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cAriant Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152100 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Black) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cBlack#. (one-time use)
5152101 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Blue) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cBlue#. (one-time use)
5152102 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Red) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cRed#. (one-time use)
5152103 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Green) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cGreen#. (one-time use)
5152104 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Brown) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cBrown#. (one-time use)
5152105 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Emerald) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cEmerald#. (one-time use)
5152106 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Purple) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cPurple#. (one-time use)
5152107 - One-Time Cosmetic Lens (Amethyst) - Use it once to change the color of your eyes to #cAmethyst#. (one-time use)
5153000 - Henesys Skin Coupon - Use it at #cHenesys Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153001 - Orbis Skin Coupon - Use it at #cOrbis Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153002 - Ludibrium Skin Coupon - Use it at #cLudibrium Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153005 - Night Market Skin Coupon - Use it at #cNight Market Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153006 - Mu Lung Skin Care Coupon - Use it at #cMu Lung Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153007 - Ariant Skin Care Coupon - Use it at #cAriant Skin Care Shop# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice# (one-time use)
5153009 - NLC Skin Coupon - Use it at #cNLC Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5154000 - Orbis Dirty Hair Coupon - Use it at the #cOrbis Hair Salon# once for the disheveled look.
5160000 - Queasy - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the throwing up motion.
5160001 - Panicky - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display panicking face.
5160002 - Sweetness - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the happy face.
5160003 - Smoochies - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display kissing face.
5160004 - Wink - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display lovely wink.
5160005 - Ouch - On the KeyConfig, configure it on a button of your choice, and the character will make the face of pain and sorrow.
5160006 - Sparkling Eyes - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display sparkling eyes.
5160007 - Flaming - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the look of rage.
5160008 - Ray - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display beaming eyes.
5160009 - Goo Goo - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the look of <20>awesome!!!<21>
5160010 - Whoa Whoa - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the look of being flustered.
5160011 - Constant Sigh - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character display the thinking look.
5160012 - Drool - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character act like falling asleep.
5160013 - Dragon Breath - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character act very surprised.
5160014 - Bleh - On the KeyConfig, configure this expression on a button of your choice. Press the button and watch your character act very surprised.
5170000 - Pet Name Tag - Use this item to name your pet. Call its name before making an order, and the pet responds much better to your command. \n ex) Lucky, sit!
5180000 - Water of Life - A mysterious water gathered from the deepest valleys of Ellinia. Double click the Water of Life to reawaken your pet, which has turned into a doll.
5190000 - Item Pick-up Skill - Adds the item pick-up skill to a pet. \n#cAvailable to pets that can only pick up Mesos.#
5190001 - HP Charge Skill - Adds to automatic potion-feeding skill to the pet. \n#cAvailable to all pets that do not have this option.#
5190002 - Expand Range Skill - Use this scroll to expand the pet's moving range by 3 times. \n#cOnly available to pets that have automatic pick-up skills, cannot be used on top of each other.#
5190003 - Automatic Pick-Up Skill - A skill that enables pets to pick up items and mesos within the area without the character having to move. \n#cAvailable to pets with Mesos pick-up, item pick-up skills.#
5190004 - (+) Pick up Leftover Item & Meso Skills - Adds the skill that enables pets to pick up mesos and items that have been dropped for more than 30 seconds, thus rendering it as leftovers.\n#cAvailable to pets that have Meso pick-up skills as well as item pick-up skills.#
5190005 - Unpickable item skill - The skill that makes pet not picking up any selected item. \n#s only pet mounted meso or item collecting function can use the skill.#
5190006 - MP potion recharge skill - The skill that automatically recharges one's MP provided you have set the option up in the system option. \n#c The skill applies to all pet that does not have the skillt#.
5191000 - (-) Delete Item Pick-Up - Use this scroll to disable the pet from picking up items.
5191001 - (-) Delete HP Charge - Use this scroll to disable the pet from automatically feeding the character when the HP reaches critical stage.
5191002 - (-)Delete Expand Range - Use this scroll to return the range of pet's movement back to normal.
5191003 - (-) Delete Automatic Pick-Up - Use this scroll to disable the pet from picking up items and mesos.
5191004 - (-) Delete Pick up Leftover Item & Meso - Use this scroll to disable pets from picking up leftover items and mesos, the ones that have been dropped for more than 30 seconds.
5200000 - Bronze Sack of Mesos - Contains quite a bit of mesos. User must be above level 15 to purchase sacks.
5200001 - Silver Sack of Mesos - Contains a lot of mesos. User must be above level 15 to purchase sacks.
5200002 - Gold Sack of Mesos - Contains lots and lots of mesos. User must be above level 15 to purchase sacks.
5201000 - Box of Metal Balls - 200 balls in the box.
5201001 - Box of Metal Balls - 500 balls in the box.
5210000 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession, temporarily doubles the EXP gained.
5210001 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession during a specific time period, all EXP gained will be double.
5210002 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession during a specific time period, all EXP gained will be double.
5210003 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession during a specific time period, all EXP gained will be double.
5210004 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession during a specific time period, all EXP gained will be double.
5210005 - Pro-Adult Ticket - When in possession during a specific time period, all EXP gained will be double.
5211000 - 2x EXP Card - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 6pm ~ 8pm (Pacific time) for #c7 days#.
5211001 - From NEXON - Please refrain from breaking Maplestory client apart.
5211002 - Special Coupon - 5 days - Hold on to this coupon to #cearn 2x EXP from all monsters#. This coupon is valid for 5 days after the initial possession, and please be aware that if the character has multiple coupons of the same kind, they will all kick in at once.
5211003 - one-time 2x EXP coupon - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)# for xx minutes after the purchaser activate the coupon.
5211004 - 2x EXP Card Type 1 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 am to 11 am (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211005 - 2x EXP Card Type 2 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 10 am to 02 pm (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211006 - 2x EXP Card Type 3 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 01 pm to 05 pm (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211007 - 2x EXP Card Type 4 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 04 pm to 08 pm (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211008 - 2x EXP Card Type 5 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 pm to 11 pm (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211009 - 2x EXP Card Type 1 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 am to 11 am (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211010 - 2x EXP Card Type 2 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 10 am to 02 pm (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211011 - 2x EXP Card Type 3 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 01 pm to 05 pm (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211012 - 2x EXP Card Type 4 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 04 pm to 08 pm (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211013 - 2x EXP Card Type 5 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 pm to 11 pm (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211014 - 2x EXP Card Type 1 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 am to 11 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211015 - 2x EXP Card Type 2 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 10 am to 02 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211016 - 2x EXP Card Type 3 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 01 pm to 05 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211017 - 2x EXP Card Type 4 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 04 pm to 08 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211018 - 2x EXP Card Type 5 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 07 pm to 11 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211037 - 2x EXP Card Type 6 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 12 am to 04 am (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211038 - 2x EXP Card Type 6 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 12 am to 04 am (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211039 - 2x EXP Card Type 6 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 12 am to 04 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211040 - 2x EXP Card Type 7 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 03 am to 07 am (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211041 - 2x EXP Card Type 7 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 03 am to 07 am (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211042 - 2x EXP Card Type 7 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 03 am to 07 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211043 - 2x EXP Card Type 8 - Weekdays - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 06 am to 10 am (Pacific time) #cweekdays#.
5211044 - 2x EXP Card Type 8 - Weekends - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 06 am to 10 am (Pacific time) #cweekends#.
5211045 - 2x EXP Card Type 8 - Everyday - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available from 06 am to 10 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5211046 - 1day 2x EXP Special Coupon - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5211047 - 2x EXP 3 Hours Special Coupon - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 3 hours upon purchase.
5211048 - 4 hour 2 x EXP special coupon - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 4 hour upon purchase.
5220000 - Gachapon Ticket - This ticket will enable you to use Gachapon and obtain various items.
5220001 - Event Ticket - A ticket needed to enter the event map.
5220010 - Gachapon for slot machines - (no description)
5220020 - Gachapon for Net Cafe - (no description)
5221000 - Free Ticket - This ticket allows you to shop certain items in the cash shop regardless of price.
5230000 - The Owl of Minerva - #cThe Owl of Minerva#, which represents wisdom, can be used to search for items sold at the Free Market. #cDisappears right after showing the results of the item search#.
5240000 - Monkey Banana - Tasty-looking monkey banana. Only edible for the pet Monkey. \nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240001 - Micro-Chips - A fresh set of batteries. Only usable with the pet Robot.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240002 - Dog Bone - A neatly-packaged dog bone. Only edible for the pet Puppy and Husky.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240003 - Bamboo - Bamboo harvested from Ellinia forests. Only edible for the pet Panda.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240004 - Porgy - Just caught at Lith Harbor. Only edible for the pet Kitty, Black Pig and Penguin.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240005 - Clover - A freshly-plucked clover. Only edible for the pet Bunny, Black Pig, and Rudolph.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240006 - Red Meat - Fresh red meat bought from the market. Only edible for the pet Dino, Mini Kargo, Black Pig, Orange Tiger and White Tiger.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240007 - Frozen Fruits - A frozen fruit that can only be eaten by #cMini Yeti and Black Pig#. Restores fullness and #cincreases closeness by 100#.
5240008 - Turkey Feed - Nicely packed Turkey Feed. Only eligible for the pet Turkey.
5240009 - Purple Heart Pudding - A large piece of Purple Heart Meat Pudding that can only be eaten by #cJr. Balrog#. Recovers "fullness" completely and #cincreases closeness by 100#.
5240010 - Golden Coin Chocolate - Delicious chocolate covered with Golden cover. Only edible for the pet Golden Pig.\nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240011 - Cotton Candy - A pet food designated for Pet Sun Wu Kong. Fullness 100% & Closeness +100
5240012 - Dragon Marble Candy - A pet food designated for Dragons. Fullness 100% & Closeness +100
5240013 - Caramel Beetle - A large piece of Caramel Beetle that can only be eaten by #cJr. Reaper#. Recovers "fullness" completely and #cincreases closeness by 100#.
5240015 - Garlic Salt Chips - Crispy-Salty looking bag of Chips. Only edible for the pet Porcupine. \nRecovers entire Fullness. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5240016 - Caramel Beetle - A caramel beetle plucked right from a myserious tree. Only the #cJr. Reaper# appreciates such delicacy. Restores Fullness and #cincreases 100 Closeness#.
5240017 - Snowflake - A tasty icicle that can only be consumed by #cSnowman and Crystal Rudolph#. Recovers entire Fullness and #cincreases 100 Closeness#.
5240018 - Sprout - A nutritious food only available for #cKino#. Restores Fullness and #cincreases 100 Closeness#..
5240019 - Hedgehog Food Is this supposed to be for the Porcupine? - A nutritious blend of formulas only for #cHedgehogs#. Restores Fullness and #cincreases 100 Closeness#..
5240020 - Caviar - Only eligible for the pet Skunk. \nIncrease 100 Closeness.
5251000 - Wedding Ticket (Cathedral) - Ticket to have a wedding at the Cathedral w/ invitations
5251001 - Wedding Ticket (Chapel) - Ticket to have a wedding at the Vegas Chapel w/ invitations
5251002 - Premium Wedding Ticket (Chapel) - Chapel wedding ticket that includes invitations and a special wedding event.
5251003 - Premium Wedding Ticket (Cathedral) - Cathedral wedding ticket that includes invitations and a special wedding event.
5251004 - Simple Wedding Ticket - A ticket that allows for a simple wedding. #cThe bride and groom may each invite 5 well-wishers and receive a 1 Carat Wedding Ring.#
5251005 - Sweet Wedding Ticket - A ticket that allows for a sweet wedding. #cThe bride and groom may each invite 15 well-wishers, take a Wedding Photo, and receive a 2 Carat Wedding Ring.#
5251006 - Premium Wedding Ticket - A ticket that allows for a lavish, premier wedding. #cThe bride and groom may each invite 30 well-wishers, take a Wedding Photo, and receive a 3 Carat Wedding Ring.#
5251100 - Wedding Invitation Ticket - Ticket that lets you make additional invitation cards.(one-time use)
5281000 - Passed Gas - A special effect that shows Passed Gas. Double-click to use this effect one time only!
5281001 - Floral Scent - A special effect that shows Floral Scent.
5290000 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Angry - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290001 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Smile - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290002 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Silent - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290003 - Guild Forum Emoticon - LOL - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290004 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Surprise - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290005 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Cry - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290006 - Guild Forum Emoticon - Furious - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5290007 - Guild Forum Emoticon - 0_0 - An emoticon that can be entered in Guild Forum.
5300000 - Fungus Scroll - At last, your desire to transform into a mushroom can be fulfilled. Disguise yourself for 10 minutes and surpirse your friends!
5300001 - Oinker Delight - Endulge yourself with this phat pig costume. 10 minutes of gluttony has never been so fun!
5300002 - Zeta Nightmare - Become a terifying Space Monster with this costume. Scare your friends out of this world for 10 minutes!
5330000 - Quick Delivery Ticket - This ticket enables one to send a package, along with an entered message, #cRIGHT THEN AND THERE#. #cDouble-click# it or visit the #cPackage NPC# to use this.
5360000 - 1day 2x Drop Special Coupon - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360001 - 2x Drop Card Type 1 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 07 am to 11 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360002 - 2x Drop Card Type 2 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 10 am to 02 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360003 - 2x Drop Card Type 3 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 01 pm to 05 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360004 - 2x Drop Card Type 4 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 04 pm to 08 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360005 - 2x Drop Card Type 5 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 07 pm to 11 pm (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360006 - 2x Drop Card Type 6 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 12 am to 04 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360007 - 2x Drop Card Type 7 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 03 am to 07 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360008 - 2x Drop Card Type 8 - Everyday - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The Double Drop card is immediately activated upon purchase and the double drop effect will be available from 06 am to 10 am (Pacific time) #ceveryday#.
5360009 - 2X Drop Card - Type 1 - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360010 - 2X Drop Card - Type 1 - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360011 - 2X Drop Card - Type 1 - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360012 - 2X Drop Card - Type 1 - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Drop (double drop rate)# from monsters. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360013 - 2X Drop Card - Type 1 - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Drop (double drop rate)# from monsters. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double experience effect will be available for 24 hours upon purchase.
5360014 - 2x Drop 3 Hours Special Card - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Drop (double drop)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the double drop effect will be available for 3 hours upon purchase.
5360042 - 4 hour 2 x Drop special coupon - This coupon #cdoubles the amount of mesos and doubles the rate of items# dropped from monsters. The coupon will be immediately activated after purchase and the double drop effect will be available for 4 hour upon purchase.
5370000 - Chalkboard - Any information entered will be featured on the chalkboard. The item can be used anywhere including #cFree Market Entrance# except for #cFree Market#.
5370001 - Chalkboard - Any information entered will be featured on the chalkboard. The item can be used anywhere including #cFree Market Entrance# except for #cFree Market#.
5380000 - The Rock of Evolution - A mysterious rock that enables baby Evolving Pets to grow into full-fledged adult Evolving Pets.
5390000 - Diablo Messenger - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a burning background for your avatar.
5390001 - Cloud 9 Messenger - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a bright background for your avatar.
5390002 - Loveholic Messenger - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a heart background for your avatar.
5400000 - Character Name Change - This scroll will enable you to change your character name to something totally new! Please be aware that the character must be at level 10 or higher to be eligible for the name change and the new name should be an acceptable new name that has passed the name check. The name-change will occur during the following server check, and you will then be restricted from changing names for one month.
5401000 - Character Transfer - This item is used to transfer your character from one game world server to another. Your character must be at least Level 20, and only up to 1,000,000 mesos will be transferred with the character.
5420000 - Amoria Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cAmoria Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420001 - NLC Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cNLC Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420002 - Henesys Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cHenesys Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420003 - Kerning City Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cKerning City Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420004 - Orbis Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cOrbis Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420005 - Ludibrium Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cLudibrium Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5420006 - Mu Lung Hair Membership Coupon - Use it at #cMu Lung Hair Salon# to change your hair to a style of #cyour choice#.
5430000 - Extra Character Slot Coupon - Increases the character creation slot by 1. You may have up to 15 slots.
5431000 - Maple Life (A-Type) - #c*Warning: If you do not have an empty Character slot, it cannot be used.#\r\n\r\nIf you are over #cLevel 30#, a new Level 30 character can be created in your world.You can choose one of the following classes #c(Warrior, Magician, Thief, Bowman and Pirate)# at #c1st Job status#.\r\n\r\nOnly the amount of AP needed for each respective 1st jobs have been allocated and the rest of AP and SP can be distributed to your liking.#cBasic equips and items# needed for travel are also provided.
5432000 - Maple Life (B-Type) - #c*Warning : If all 12 character slots are full, it cannot be used.#\r\n\r\nThis package has the #cMaple Life item plus an Extra Character Slot coupon.#Using this item will automiatically create a new slot.\r\n\r\nIf you are over #cLevel 30#, a new Level 30 character can be created in your world. You can choose one of the following classes #c(Warrior, Magician, Thief, Bowman and Pirate)# at #c1st Job status.#\r\n\r\nOnly the amount of AP needed for each respective 1st jobs have been allocated and the rest of AP and SP can be distributed to your liking.#cBasic equips and items# needed for travel are also provided.
5450000 - Miu Miu the Traveling Merchant - Use this to experience the same effect as entering a general store. Can purchase potions to recover HP & MP, throwing stars, and recharge bullets. Some maps restrict the use of this item, though.
5460000 - Pet Snack - A Pet Snack is secret method of handling multiple pets at once.
5470000 - Store Remote Controller - Can control the Hired Merchant anywhere, as long as the merchant is on the same channel.
5990000 - MTS sale - (no description)
5240021 - Robo Oil - Greasy oil for the Robo
5150032 - CBD Hair Style Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cCBD Hair Salon# to change your hair style #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5150033 - CBD Hair Style Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cCBD Hair Salon# to change your hair style to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152037 - CBD Face Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cCBD Plastic Surgery# to change your face #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152038 - CBD Face Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cCBD Plastic Surgery# to change your face to a style of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5152039 - CBD Cosmetic Lens Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cCBD Plastic Surgery# to change your eye color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5152040 - CBD Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP) - Use it at #cCBD Plastic Surgery# to change your eye to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5153010 - CBD Skin Coupon - Use it at #cCBD Skin-Care# to change your skin to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5151027 - CBD Hair Color Coupon (REG) - Use it at #cCBD Hair Salon# to change your hair color #crandomly#. (one-time use)
5151028 - CBD Hair Color Coupon (VIP) - Use it on #cCBD Hair Salon# to change your hair to a color of #cyour choice#. (one-time use)
5021023 - Stirge Throwing Star - Stirgeman's favorite throwing star! Guaranteed to get you out of a tight spot!
5010059 - Trail of Darkness Effect - Blaze a trail of dark energy--no one can escape your wrath with this effect!
5252000 - Event Ticket (NX) - A ticket that's required to enter the Mini Dungeon during the event period. Without this, you won't be able to fully participate in the event.
5490000 - Gold Master Key - Take this Master Key to open the Gold Gachapon Box and earn a rare item!
5211049 - 7-Eleven 2x EXP Card - 90 Minutes - This coupon allows users to earn #c2x Exp (double experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after receiving it, and the double experience effect will be available for 90 minutes.
5010060 - Caroler Effect - Tis' the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la! Sing to everyone in Maple with the carolers!
5240023 - Bread - A slice of freshly baked bread that can only be eaten by #cWhite Duck#. Recovers "fullness" completely and #cincreases closeness by 100#.
5121019 - Winter Knit Fest - Enter a message of your choice.
5010061 - Ace of Hearts - Show your Valentine's Day spirit with the Ace of Hearts!
5252001 - Ticket to Treasure Dungeon - This ticket allows you to enter the Treasure Dungeon.
5077000 - Triple Megaphone - This allows three lines of text to be heard throughout the world your character is currently in.
5120016 - ???? ???? - ???
5120017 - ????? ???? - ????
5120018 - ????? ???? - ???
5120019 - ???? ???? - ??
5120020 - ????? ???? - ??
5120021 - ??? ???? - ???
5120022 - ??? ???? - ???
5120023 - ??? ???? - ??
5120024 - ???? ???? - ??
5120025 - ???? - ??? ????.
5120026 - ??????? - ????
5121020 - ?? ? ?? - ?? ?? ???? ????? +20, ????? +30 ? 15?? ??????. ??? ???? ??? ? ??.
5500000 - ??? ???? - ?? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????, ????? #c1?# ???? ??. #c??????? ??? ? ???. ???? 30? ????? ?? ? ??#
5510000 - Wheel of Destiny - This item revives characters in the same map where they have died. However, it cannot be used in some PQs, Event Maps, and Transportation (i.e. ship).
5520000 - Scissors of Karma - This cuts the ties that bind an item to its master, allowing you to trade once. Applicable to only certain items.
5451000 - Remote Gachapon Ticket - This ticket will enable you to use the Gachapon of any town without having to travel to the actual location.
5490001 - Silver Master Key - Take this Master Key to open the Silver Gachapon Box and earn a rare item!
5010064 - Rock Band Effect - (no description)
5010065 - Scoreboard Effect - (no description)
5010066 - Disco Effect - (no description)
5120028 - Raining Cats & Dogs - It's raining cats and dogs!!! Enter a message of your choice.
5021024 - Throwing Eggs Weapon - Can be equipped with a #cthrowing star#.
5570000 - Vicious' Hammer - Temper the equipped item with Vicious' Hammer to increase available upgrade by 1. It can be used maximum 2 times per item. Warning: You cannot use it on the Horntail Necklace.
5010068 - Return of Angel Wing - Who knows? Perhaps you'll flutter away with these wings on your back!
5221001 - Enchanted Scroll - A scroll that has the magic power to release the seal on the Miwok Artifact. The scroll is written in ancient tribal language, so you need NPC Toh Reliseeker's help if you wish to use it.
5010069 - Seraphim's Dark Wings - Who knows? Perhaps you'll flutter away with these wings on your back!
5550000 - Increasing the Pendant Slots:30 Days - This item allows characters to equip 1 more Pendant than is normally allowed for 30 days. #cHowever, characters will not be able to equip more than 1 Special Equipment Item#
5061003 - Item Guard : 365 Days - A guard for sealing an equip item and/or throwing star to prevent #cselling, trading or dropping# of the item. Double-click on the guard, then seal the item into the window that appears. #cThis Item Guard is active for 365 days, after which the item will be automatically released from the seal.#
5222000 - Cash Shop Surprise - Get a random Cash Shop item when you open this box. Test your luck! After purchasing this item, open the box by double-clicking it in the Cash Inventory. Please keep in mind that you'll only be able to open the box in the Cash Inventory.
5240024 - Pinky DrumStick - Pink Bean's favorite Drumstick. Only available for Pink Bean.
5021022 - Plate Throwing Star - Thrown with a #cthrowing star#.Item cannot be removed.
5120027 - Spaceship - Spaceship that is used when rescuing Gaga.
5120030 - Witch Tower - The Witch Tower hints of danger.
5500001 - [7days]Magical Sandglass - Drag and drop this onto a piece of equipment that has a time limit to extend the time limit by #c7days#. #This cannot be used on cash items, and the time limit cannot be extended past 30 days, starting from today.#
5500002 - [20days]Magical Sandglass - Drag and drop this onto a piece of equipment that has a time limit to extend the time limit by #c20days#. #This cannot be used on cash items, and the time limit cannot be extended past 30 days, starting from today.#
5530000 - DS Egg Basket - Double-click on it to exchange it with DS Eggs.
5490002 - Premium Gold Master Key - Take this Premium Master Key to open the Premium Gold Box and earn a rare item!
5490003 - Premium Silver Master Key - Take this Premium Master Key to open the Premium Silver Box and earn a rare item!
5150044 - Special Royal Hair Coupon - Take this coupon to the #cBig Headward of Henesys Hair Salon#, and you'll be able to #ctemporarily#k change your hair.
5010070 - Sprite Wings - A pair of wings that resembles the wings of a forest fairy.
5211052 - 3xExp - Fot Test
5211060 - 2 hour 3 x EXP special coupon - This coupon allows users to earn #c3x Exp (triple experience)#. The coupon will be activated immediately after purchase, and the triple experience effect will be available for 2 hour upon purchase.
5610000 - Vega's Spell(10%) - This winning spell from Vega enables a 30% success rate on a 10% scroll. Please check the scroll description to confirm that Vega's Spell is available for the scroll you choose.
5610001 - Vega's Spell(60%) - This winning spell from Vega enables a 90% success rate on a 60% scroll. Please check the scroll description to confirm that Vega's Spell is available for the scroll you choose.
5590000 - High-Five Stamp - Can equip items that are 5 levels above your current level.
5021026 - Gift Box Throwing Stars - A gift box that can be freely thrown around. Using the #cThrowing Star# will create an orbital effect.\n\nThis item cannot be deleted.
5010073 - Miss Popular - Well, lookie here. Someone<6E>s certainly become popular with the guys. Turn this effect on and off by assigning it to a shortcut key from the keyboard settings menu.
5010074 - Mr. Popular - Well, lookie here. Someone<6E>s certainly become popular with the girls. Turn this effect on and off by assigning it to a shortcut key from the keyboard settings menu.
5240027 - Golden Drumstick - A drumstick that can be consumed only by #cBaby Tiger#. It recovers hunger and #cincreases Closeness by 100.#
5390005 - Cute Tiger Messenger - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a tiger background for your avatar.
5390006 - Roaring Tiger Messenger - Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this megaphone. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a screen shaked.
5120034 - Cloudy Meatballs - Meatballs will drop from the sky in the map your character is in for 30 seconds.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
1122040 - Bronze Maple Necklace - A light-weight bronze Maple Necklace.
1122041 - Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that has been sealed up. One more gem, and its mystical powers will begin to be restored.
1122042 - Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that has been sealed up. One more gem, and its mystical powers will begin to be restored.
1122043 - Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that has been sealed up. One more gem, and its mystical powers will begin to be restored.
1122044 - Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that has been sealed up. One more gem, and its mystical powers will begin to be restored.
1122045 - Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that has been sealed up. One more gem, and its mystical powers will begin to be restored.
1122046 - Silver Maple Necklace - A shiny silver Maple Necklace.
1122047 - Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122048 - Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122049 - Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122050 - Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122051 - Restoring Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122052 - Golden Maple Necklace - A Maple Necklace of 21 karats.
1122053 - Awakening Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122054 - Awakening Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122055 - Awakening Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122056 - Awakening Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1122057 - Awakening Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that is beginning to be restored. One more gem, and its mystical powers will be amplified and awakened into a power on another level.
1010000 - Long Brown Beard - (no description)
1010001 - Goatee - (no description)
1010002 - Ninja Mask for Men - (no description)
1010003 - 5 O'Clock Shadow - (no description)
1010004 - General's Mustache (1) - (no description)
1010005 - General's Mustache (2) - (no description)
1010006 - Yakuza Scar - (no description)
1011000 - Ninja Mask for Women - (no description)
1011001 - SF Ninja Mask - (no description)
1011002 - Heart - (no description)
1011003 - Freckles - (no description)
1012000 - Battle Scar - (no description)
1012001 - Bindi - (no description)
1012002 - Leather Mask - (no description)
1012003 - Blush - (no description)
1012004 - Disguise - (no description)
1012005 - Bruise - (no description)
1012006 - Rose - (no description)
1012007 - Santa Beard - (no description)
1012008 - Censor - (no description)
1012009 - Kiss Mark - (no description)
1012010 - Hinomaru - (no description)
1012011 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012012 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012013 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012014 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012015 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012016 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012017 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012018 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012019 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012020 - Rudolph's Red Nose - (no description)
1012021 - White Kabuki Mask - (no description)
1012022 - Red Kabuki Mask - (no description)
1012023 - Yellow Kabuki Mask - (no description)
1012024 - Gentleman's Mustache - (no description)
1012025 - War Paint - (no description)
1012026 - Guan Yu Beard - (no description)
1012027 - Bandage Strip - (no description)
1012028 - Blush - (no description)
1012029 - Jester Mask - (no description)
1012030 - Eye Scar - (no description)
1012031 - Leaf - (no description)
1012032 - White Bread - (no description)
1012033 - England Face Painting - (no description)
1012034 - Tri-color Paint (France) - (no description)
1012035 - Brazillian Paint (Brazil) - (no description)
1012036 - Bundes Paint (Germany) - (no description)
1012037 - Armillary Shield Paint (Portugal) - (no description)
1012038 - Rising Sun Paint (Japan) - (no description)
1012039 - Taegeuk Paint (Korea) - (no description)
1012040 - Heart Face Painting - (no description)
1012041 - Star Spangled Paint (USA) - (no description)
1012042 - Aztec Paint (Mexico) - (no description)
1012043 - Australia Face Painting - (no description)
1012044 - Mummy Mask - (no description)
1012047 - Fu Manchu - (no description)
1012048 - Blackjack Scar - (no description)
1012049 - Ogre Mask - (no description)
1012050 - Maple-Stein - (no description)
1012051 - Dark Jester - (no description)
1012052 - Tongue Twister Scroll - (no description)
1012053 - Unmanaged Anger - (no description)
1012054 - Purple Rage - (no description)
1012055 - Allergic Reaction - (no description)
1012056 - Doggy Mouth - (no description)
1012058 - Tree Branch Nose - (no description)
1012059 - Tree Branch Nose - (no description)
1012060 - Tree Branch Nose - (no description)
1012061 - Tree Branch Nose - (no description)
1012062 - Mild Pink Lipstick - (no description)
1012063 - Kitty Paint - (no description)
1012070 - Strawberry Icecream Bar - (no description)
1012071 - Chocolate Icecream Bar - (no description)
1012072 - Melon Icecream Bar - (no description)
1012073 - Watermelon Icecream Bar - (no description)
1012074 - Neh neh neh boo boo - (no description)
1012075 - Cold Sweat - (no description)
1012076 - Smiling Mask - (no description)
1012077 - Crying Mask - (no description)
1012078 - Angry Mask - (no description)
1012079 - Sad Mask - (no description)
1012080 - Fat Lips - (no description)
1012082 - Ice Cold Red - (no description)
1012083 - Dollish Pink - (no description)
1012084 - White Mouse Kit - (no description)
1012085 - Cherry Bubblegum - (no description)
1012086 - White Mouse Kit - (no description)
1012087 - White Mouse Kit - (no description)
1012088 - White Mouse Kit - (no description)
1012090 - Facial Powder - (no description)
1012096 - Apple Bubble Gum - (no description)
1012097 - Purple Noisemaker - (no description)
1012098 - Maple Leaf - (no description)
1012099 - Facial Powder(blue) - (no description)
1012100 - Facial Powder(red) - (no description)
1012101 - Maple Leaf - (no description)
1012102 - Maple Leaf - (no description)
1012103 - Maple Leaf - (no description)
1012104 - Transparent Face Accessory - (no description)
1012105 - Super Sucker - (no description)
1012106 - Rat Mouth - (no description)
1012107 - Branch Nose - (no description)
1012108 - Smiling Mask - (no description)
1012109 - Crying Mask - (no description)
1012110 - Angry Mask - (no description)
1012111 - Sad Mask - (no description)
1012112 - Bauhinia Paint (Hong Kong) - (no description)
1012113 - ROC Paint (Taiwan) - (no description)
1012114 - 5-Starred Red Paint (China) - (no description)
1012121 - Coat of Arms Paint (Spain) - (no description)
1012122 - Gold Nordic Paint (Sweden) - (no description)
1012123 - Holland Paint (Netherlands) - (no description)
1012124 - Union Paint (UK) - (no description)
1012125 - Chakra Paint (Thailand) - (no description)
1012126 - Yellow Star Paint (Vietnam) - (no description)
1012127 - Crescent Paint (Singapore) - (no description)
1012128 - Jalur Gemilang Paint (Malaysia) - (no description)
1012129 - Maple Leaf Paint (Canada) - (no description)
1020000 - Aqua Toy Shades - (no description)
1021000 - Pink Toy Shades - (no description)
1022000 - Orange Shades - (no description)
1022001 - Blue Shades - (no description)
1022002 - Yellow Shades - (no description)
1022003 - Green Shades - (no description)
1022004 - Black Sunglasses - (no description)
1022005 - Red Hard-Rimmed Glasses - (no description)
1022006 - Blue Hard-Rimmed Glasses - (no description)
1022007 - Green Hard-Rimmed Glasses - (no description)
1022008 - Orange Hard-Rimmed Glasses - (no description)
1022009 - Dark Shades - (no description)
1022010 - Blue & Red Eye Guard - (no description)
1022011 - Red Eye Guard - (no description)
1022012 - Blue Eye Guard - (no description)
1022013 - Black Eye Guard - (no description)
1022014 - Brown Aviator Shades - (no description)
1022015 - Black Aviator Shades - (no description)
1022016 - Blue Aviator Shades - (no description)
1022017 - Purple Aviator Shades - (no description)
1022018 - Classic Masquerade Mask - (no description)
1022019 - Old-School Glasses - (no description)
1022020 - Metal Shades - (no description)
1022021 - Red Head-Spinning Glasses - (no description)
1022022 - Blue Head-Spinning Glasses - (no description)
1022023 - Crested Eye Patch - (no description)
1022024 - Skull Patch - (no description)
1022025 - Red Hearted Eye Patch - (no description)
1022026 - Purple Starred Eye Patch - (no description)
1022027 - Medical Eye Patch - (no description)
1022028 - Spinning Groucho - (no description)
1022029 - Spinning Piglet - (no description)
1022030 - Hot Teacher Glasses - (no description)
1022031 - White Toy Shades - (no description)
1022032 - Yellow Toy Shades - (no description)
1022033 - Politician Glasses - (no description)
1022034 - Bizarre Monocle - (no description)
1022035 - Orange Sports Goggle - (no description)
1022036 - Green Sports Goggle - (no description)
1022037 - Frameless Glasses - (no description)
1022038 - Purple Round Shades - (no description)
1022039 - Orange Round Shades - (no description)
1022040 - Lead Monocle - (no description)
1022041 - Cyclist Shades - (no description)
1022042 - Scouter - (no description)
1022043 - Head Bandage - (no description)
1022044 - Nerdy Glasses - (no description)
1022045 - Red Bushido Bandana - (no description)
1022046 - Butterfly Ball Mask - (no description)
1022047 - Owl Ball Mask - (no description)
1022049 - Green Hard-rimmed Glasses - (no description)
1022050 - Vintage Glasses - (no description)
1022051 - Red Half-Rimless Glasses - (no description)
1022052 - Future Vision Shades - (no description)
1022053 - Futuristic Shades - (no description)
1022054 - Round Shield Shades - (no description)
1022055 - Pink Sunglasses - (no description)
1022056 - Pink Aviator Sunglasses - (no description)
1022057 - Pop-Eye - (no description)
1022058 - Raccoon Mask - (no description)
1022059 - Black Shades - (no description)
1022060 - White Raccoon Mask - (no description)
1022061 - Redbeard's Pirate Eye Patch - (no description)
1022062 - Black Skull Eye Patch - (no description)
1022063 - Flat Mini Glasses - (no description)
1022064 - Big Red Glasses - (no description)
1022066 - Star Spectacles - (no description)
1032000 - Weighted Earrings - (no description)
1032001 - Single Earring - (no description)
1032002 - Sapphire Earrings - (no description)
1032003 - Amethyst Earrings - (no description)
1032004 - Gold Earrings - (no description)
1032005 - Red Cross Earrings - (no description)
1032006 - Lightning Earrings - (no description)
1032007 - Emerald Earrings - (no description)
1032008 - Cat's Eye - (no description)
1032009 - Yellow Square - (no description)
1032010 - Star Earrings - (no description)
1032011 - Blue Moon - (no description)
1032012 - Skull Earrings - (no description)
1032013 - Red-Hearted Earrings - (no description)
1032014 - Pink-Flowered Earrings - (no description)
1032015 - Metal Silver Earrings - (no description)
1032016 - Metal Heart Earrings - (no description)
1032017 - Rose Earrings - (no description)
1032018 - Pansy Earrings - (no description)
1032019 - Crystal Flower Earrings - (no description)
1032020 - Gold Drop Earrings - (no description)
1032021 - Holy Cross Earrings - (no description)
1032022 - Half Earrings - (no description)
1032023 - Strawberry Earrings - (no description)
1032024 - Transparent Earrings - Use these Earrings if you want to make your Earrings transparent while still using all of the stats your Earrings possess.
1032025 - Leaf Earrings - (no description)
1032026 - Gold Emerald Earrings - (no description)
1032027 - Black Emerald Earrings - (no description)
1032028 - Red Emerald Earrings - (no description)
1032029 - Silver Earrings - (no description)
1032030 - Sword Earrings - (no description)
1032031 - Timeless Earrings - (no description)
1032032 - Fallen Leaf Earrings - (no description)
1032033 - Protector Rock - (no description)
1032034 - Coke Earring - (no description)
1032036 - Beaded Cross Earring - (no description)
1032038 - Snow Earring - (no description)
1032039 - Eclipse Earrings - (no description)
1032040 - Maple Earring - (no description)
1032041 - Maple Earring - (no description)
1032042 - Maple Earring - (no description)
1032043 - Cecelia's Earrings - (no description)
1032044 - Moonstar Earrings - (no description)
1032045 - Celestial Earrings - (no description)
1032046 - Spider Venom Earrings - (no description)
1032047 - Coke Earring - (no description)
1032048 - Crystal Leaf Earrings - Once worn proudly by Masterian magicians, these shining earrings are infused with magical qualities.
1032049 - Dark Shards - This unique item combines Power Crystal and Black Crystals for increased resistance to physical and magical forces.
1032050 - Snail's Eye - (no description)
1032051 - Diamond Earrings - (no description)
1032052 - Slime Earrings - (no description)
1032053 - Clover Earrings - (no description)
1032054 - Rainbow Earrings - (no description)
1122000 - Horntail Necklace - (no description)
1122001 - Bow-tie(Green) - (no description)
1022071 - Red Shutter Shades - (no description)
1122002 - Bow-tie (Red) - (no description)
1122003 - Bow-tie (Yellow) - (no description)
1122004 - Bow-tie (Pink) - (no description)
1122005 - Bow-tie (Black) - (no description)
1122006 - Bow-tie (Blue) - (no description)
1122007 - Spiegelmann's Necklace - (no description)
1122010 - Horus' Eye - (no description)
1122014 - Silver Deputy Star - A badge of honor given by Lita Lawless for vanquishing monsters in defense of NLC. You're part of the law now!
1022069 - Orange Shutter Shades - (no description)
1012134 - Tear Drop Face Tattoo - Express your soft side with this teary-eyed Tattoo!
1032060 - Altair Earrings - (no description)
1022073 - Broken Glasses - (no description)
1032061 - Glittering Altaire Earrings - (no description)
1012057 - Transparent Face Accessory - (no description)
1122018 - Warm Muffler - (no description)
1022074 - Gaga Glasses - (no description)
1122039 - Mind of Maple Necklace - A Mind of Maple Necklace that brings luck and hope to anyone who wears it.
1022072 - Yellow Shutter Shades - (no description)
1022070 - Green Shutter Shades - (no description)
1012081 - MV Mask - (no description)
1012137 - Star Face Painting - (no description)
1122059 - Mark of Naricain - A token given to those who have found favor with the demon Naricain. It may be wise to hold onto this...
1142000 - Diligent Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142001 - PQ Mania Medal - (no description)
1142002 - Quest Specialist Medal - (no description)
1142003 - Celebrity Medal - (no description)
1142004 - Veteran Hunter Medal - (no description)
1142005 - Legendary Hunter Medal - (no description)
1142006 - Maple Idol Medal - (no description)
1142007 - Horned Tail Slayer Medal - (no description)
1142008 - Pink Bean Slayer Medal - (no description)
1142009 - Gallant Warrior Medal - (no description)
1142010 - Wiseman Medal - (no description)
1142011 - Lord Sniper Medal - (no description)
1142012 - Legendary Thief Medal - (no description)
1142013 - King Pirate Medal - (no description)
1142014 - Henesys Donor Medal - (no description)
1142015 - Ellinia Donor Medal - (no description)
1142016 - Perion Donor Medal - (no description)
1142017 - Kerning City Donor Medal - (no description)
1142018 - Sleepywood Donor Medal - (no description)
1142019 - The Nautilus Donor Medal - (no description)
1142020 - El Nath Donor Medal - (no description)
1142021 - Aquarium Donor Medal - (no description)
1142022 - Ludibrium Donor Medal - (no description)
1142023 - Omega Sector Donor Medal - (no description)
1142024 - Korean Folk Town Donor Medal - (no description)
1142025 - Leafre Donor Medal - (no description)
1142026 - Mu Lung Donor Medal - (no description)
1142027 - Herb Town Donor Medal - (no description)
1142028 - Ariant Donor Medal - (no description)
1142029 - Magatia Donor Medal - (no description)
1142030 - Lith Harbor Donor Medal - (no description)
1142031 - Orbis Donor Medal - (no description)
1142032 - The Curse Breaker Medal - (no description)
1142033 - Mano Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142034 - Stumpy Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142035 - Deo Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142036 - King Slime Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142037 - Giant Centipede Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142038 - Faust Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142039 - King Clang Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142040 - Mushmom Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142041 - Alishar Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142042 - Timer Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142043 - Dyle Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142044 - Papa Pixie Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142045 - Zombie Mushmom Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142046 - Zeno Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142047 - Lord Pirate Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142048 - Nine-Tailed Fox Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142049 - Tae Roon Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142050 - Poison Golem Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142051 - King Sage Cat Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142052 - Jr. Balrog Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142053 - Eliza Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142054 - Frankenroid Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142055 - Chimera Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142056 - Snack Bar Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142057 - Snowman Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142058 - Blue Mushmom Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142059 - Crimson Balrog Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142060 - Manon Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142061 - Griffey Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142062 - Leviathan Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142063 - Papulatus Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142064 - Mu Lung Dojo Vanquisher Medal - (no description)
1142065 - Noblesse Medal - (no description)
1142066 - Training Knight Medal - (no description)
1142067 - Official Knight Medal - (no description)
1142068 - Advanced Knight Medal - (no description)
1142069 - Captain Knight Medal - (no description)
1142070 - Lie Detector Medal - (no description)
1142071 - Use Clean Language Medal - (no description)
1142072 - Ask Me Anything Medal - (no description)
1142073 - Be My Friend Medal - (no description)
1142074 - Leader of a Big Family Medal - (no description)
1142075 - Patriot Medal - (no description)
1142076 - Honorary Meso Ranger - (no description)
1032055 - Agent C's Old Receiver - (no description)
1032056 - Agent C's Old Receiver - (no description)
1032057 - Agent C's Old Receiver - (no description)
1032058 - Agent C's Titanium Receiver - (no description)
1122011 - Locked Timeless Pendant - (no description)
1122012 - Timeless Pendant - (no description)
1022081 - Cracked Glasses - (no description)
1032070 - Shield Earrings - (no description)
1032071 - Altair Earrings - (no description)
1032072 - Shiny Altair Earrings - (no description)
1022079 - Clear Glasses - (no description)
1022075 - Twinkling Eyes - (no description)
1022082 - Spectrum Goggles - Strange eyewear that allows vision in multiple dimensions. A short inscription states: "Who says the goggles do nothing?"
1012147 - Immortal Mask - (no description)
1012132 - Chicky Face Decoration - (no description)
1022068 - White Shade - (no description)
1032059 - Coca-Cola Zero Earrings - (no description)
1122013 - Gordon's Magic Iron - (no description)
1122015 - Maple Scarf - (no description)
1122017 - Pendant of the Spirit - EXP will increase as soon as this item is equipped, and the effects will only get stronger with time.\n #c1hr: 10% extra EXP \n 2hr: 20% extra EXP \n More than 2 hr: 30% extra EXP#
1132000 - White Belt - (no description)
1132001 - Yellow Belt - (no description)
1132002 - Blue Belt - (no description)
1132003 - Red Belt - (no description)
1132004 - Black Belt - (no description)
1022083 - Hitman Sunglasses - (no description)
1022084 - Eye Mask (Red) - (no description)
1022087 - Eye Mask (Green) - (no description)
1142077 - Absolute Victory Carnivalian Medal - (no description)
1142078 - Gifted Carnivalian Medal - (no description)
1122058 - Spiegelmann's Necklace of Chaos - (no description)
1022085 - Eye Mask (Pink) - (no description)
1022086 - Eye Mask (Blue) - (no description)
1142080 - Fervent Carnivalian Medal - (no description)
1032073 - Wind Bell Earrings - (no description)
1022088 - Archeologist Glasses - A pair of Archeologist Glasses received for participating in the Artifact Hunt.
1022089 - Archeologist Glasses - A pair of Archeologist Glasses received for finishing Top 10 in the Artifact Hunt.
1132005 - White Cookie Belt - (no description)
1132006 - Yellow Cookie Belt - (no description)
1132007 - Blue Cookie Belt - (no description)
1132008 - Red Cookie Belt - (no description)
1132009 - Violet Cookie Belt - (no description)
1132010 - Golden Pig Belt - (no description)
1132011 - Lupin Pig Belt - (no description)
1140000 - 2010 Winter King Medal - (no description)
1141000 - 2010 Winter Queen Medal - (no description)
1142079 - Tristan's Successor Medal - (no description)
1142081 - Outstanding Citizen Medal - (no description)
1142082 - Lovely Pet Owner Medal - (no description)
1142083 - Monster Expert Medal - (no description)
1142084 - Persevering Challenger Medal - (no description)
1142085 - 1-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142086 - 2-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142087 - 3-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142088 - 4-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142089 - 5-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142090 - 6-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142091 - 7-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142092 - 8-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142093 - 9-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142094 - 10-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142095 - 11-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142096 - 12-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142097 - 13-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142098 - 14-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142099 - 15-Day Dreamer Medal - (no description)
1142100 - Maple Lover Medal - (no description)
1142101 - Maple Lover Medal - (no description)
1142107 - Beginner Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1142108 - Junior Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1142109 - Veteran Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1142110 - Master Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1142111 - The One Who's Touched the Sky Medal - (no description)
1142112 - Victoria Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142113 - El Nath Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142114 - Ludus Lake Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142115 - Undersea Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142116 - Mu Lung Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142117 - Nihal Desert Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142118 - Minar Forest Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142119 - Ossyria Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142120 - Maple Explorer Medal - (no description)
1142123 - The 2nd Honorable Mesoranger Medal - (no description)
1142124 - Artifact Hunt Top 10 Medal - (no description)
1142125 - Mystical Artifact Discoverer Medal - (no description)
1142127 - Beginner Explorer - (no description)
1142128 - Sleepywood Explorer - (no description)
1142129 - Awakened Aran - (no description)
1142130 - Aran in Memory - (no description)
1142131 - Aran in Misery - (no description)
1142132 - Aran in Hope - (no description)
1142133 - Aran the Hero - (no description)
1012139 - ?? ??? - (no description)
1012140 - ?? ??? - (no description)
1012141 - ??? ??? - (no description)
1012146 - ??? ? - (no description)
1132014 - Witch's Crimson Belt - (no description)
1132015 - Witch's Ocean Blue Belt - (no description)
1132016 - Witch's Deep Purple Belt - (no description)
1012166 - Villian Mask - (no description)
1022095 - I Like Money - (no description)
1132012 - Pharaoh Belt - (no description)
1132013 - The Immortal Pharaoh Belt - (no description)
1140001 - 2010 Winter Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1140002 - 2010 Winter Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1141001 - 2010 Winter Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1141002 - 2010 Winter Adventurer Medal - (no description)
1142122 - Dynamic Hair Medal - (no description)
1142126 - Maple School Medal - (no description)
1142134 - Combo Maniac Medal - (no description)
1142135 - Combo Master Medal - (no description)
1142136 - Combo King Medal - (no description)
1142137 - Spirit Diviner Medal - (no description)
1142138 - Soul Conjurer Medal - (no description)
1142139 - Soul Guardian Medal - (no description)
1142140 - Saint Exorcist Medal - (no description)
1142141 - Honorary Employee Medal - (no description)
1142142 - Protector of Pharaoh Medal - (no description)
1032074 - Heart Rainbow Earrings - (no description)
1022096 - Fashionista Sunglasses - (no description)
1012165 - Clown Nose - (no description)
1012181 - Green Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1012182 - Purple Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1012183 - Red Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1012184 - Royal Green Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1012185 - Royal Purple Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1012186 - Royal Red Mardi Gras Mask - (no description)
1032063 - Bluetooth Headset - (no description)
1032075 - Free Spirit Piercing - (no description)
1142152 - Well-Behaved Child - (no description)
1142153 - Perion Guard - (no description)
1142154 - Kerning City Honorary Citizen - (no description)
1142155 - Secret Organization Temporary Member - (no description)
1012180 - Chocolate Heart - (no description)
1022102 - LED Sunglasses - (no description)
1022065 - Alphabet Glasses - (no description)
1022103 - Archeologist Glasses - A pair of Archeologist Glasses received for participating in the Artifact Hunt.
1022104 - 3D Glasses - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Cap.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
1002859 - MV's Hat (DEX) - (no description)
1002860 - MV's Hat (INT) - (no description)
1002861 - MV's Hat (LUK) - (no description)
1002851 - Golden Rooster Comb - (no description)
1002821 - Violet Heart Beanie - (no description)
1000000 - Blue Beanie - (no description)
1000001 - Fine Black Hanbok Hat - (no description)
1000002 - Fine Blue Hanbok Hat - (no description)
1000003 - Scream Mask - (no description)
1000004 - Old School Uniform Hat - (no description)
1000005 - Men's Ninja Hat - (no description)
1000006 - Samurai Hair-do - (no description)
1000007 - Hat of Death - (no description)
1000008 - Detective Hat - (no description)
1000009 - Mesoranger Red Helmet - (no description)
1000010 - Mesoranger Blue Helmet - (no description)
1000011 - Mesoranger Green Helmet - (no description)
1000012 - Mesoranger Black Helmet - (no description)
1000013 - Yellow Crown - (no description)
1000014 - Green Crown - (no description)
1000015 - Blue Crown - (no description)
1000016 - Red Crown - (no description)
1000017 - Van Hat - (no description)
1000018 - Kuniragi Hat - (no description)
1000019 - Goya Hat 3 - (no description)
1000020 - Chief Hat - (no description)
1000021 - General's Wig - (no description)
1000022 - General's Wig - (no description)
1000023 - Race Ace Cap - (no description)
1000025 - Pilgrim Hat - (no description)
1000026 - Santa Boy Hat - (no description)
1000027 - Lunar Celebration Cap - (no description)
1000029 - Wedding veil - (no description)
1000030 - Sachiel Wig (M) - (no description)
1000031 - Veamoth Wig (M) - (no description)
1000032 - Janus Wig (M) - (no description)
1000035 - White Floral Hat - (no description)
1001000 - Orange Beanie - (no description)
1001001 - Hanbok Jobawi - (no description)
1001002 - Witch Hat - (no description)
1001003 - Pink Nurse Hat - (no description)
1001004 - White Nurse Hat - (no description)
1001005 - Women's Ninja Hat - (no description)
1001006 - SF Ninja Hat - (no description)
1001007 - Female Wig - (no description)
1001008 - A Ladylike Hat - (no description)
1001009 - Ribbon - (no description)
1001010 - Teddy Bear Hat - (no description)
1001011 - Strawberry Headgear - (no description)
1001012 - Tiara - (no description)
1001013 - Beret - (no description)
1001014 - Mesoranger Pink Helmet - (no description)
1001015 - Mesoranger Yellow Helmet - (no description)
1001016 - Mesoranger Black Helmet - (no description)
1001017 - Princess Tiara - (no description)
1001018 - Lady Blue - (no description)
1001019 - Lady Pink - (no description)
1001020 - Lady Yellow - (no description)
1001021 - The Gabera Hat - (no description)
1001022 - Van Hat w/ Heart - (no description)
1001023 - Picnic Hat - (no description)
1001024 - Diamond Tiara - (no description)
1001025 - Ruby Tiara - (no description)
1001026 - Red-Feathered Indian Bandana - (no description)
1001027 - Blue-Feathered Indian Bandana - (no description)
1001028 - Jami Wig - (no description)
1001029 - Yellow Bride's Veil - Flowing veil that brides wear on their Wedding Day.
1001030 - Diao Chan Headpiece - (no description)
1001031 - White Cat Ears - (no description)
1001032 - Black Cat Ears - (no description)
1001033 - Maid Hat - (no description)
1001035 - Maplehontas - (no description)
1001036 - Santa Girl Hat - (no description)
1001037 - Leopard Print Hat - (no description)
1001038 - Korean Dress Wig - (no description)
1001039 - Lunar Celebration Ornament - (no description)
1001042 - Purple Bride's Veil - Flowing veil that brides wear on their Wedding Day.
1001043 - Royal Tiara - Hand crafted Tiara that brides wear on their Wedding Day
1001044 - Green Bride's Veil - Flowing veil that brides wear on their Wedding Day.
1001045 - Sachiel Wig (F) - (no description)
1001046 - Veamoth Wig (F) - (no description)
1001047 - Janus Wig (F) - (no description)
1001048 - Gothic Mini Hat - (no description)
1001049 - Gothic Headband - (no description)
1002000 - Brown Flight Headgear - (no description)
1002001 - Metal Gear - (no description)
1002002 - Metal Koif - (no description)
1002003 - Steel Helmet - (no description)
1002004 - Great Brown Helmet - (no description)
1002005 - Iron Burgernet Helm - (no description)
1002006 - Bone Helm - (no description)
1002007 - Steel Full Helm - (no description)
1002008 - Brown Skullcap - (no description)
1002009 - Steel Football Helmet - (no description)
1002010 - Brown Winter Hat - (no description)
1002011 - Iron Viking Helm - (no description)
1002012 - Red Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002013 - Golden Pride - (no description)
1002014 - Red Headband - (no description)
1002015 - Red Swimming Goggle - (no description)
1002016 - Green Wizardry Hat - (no description)
1002017 - Brown Apprentice Hat - (no description)
1002018 - Green Camping Hat - (no description)
1002019 - White Bandana - (no description)
1002020 - Red Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002021 - Steel Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002022 - Old Steel Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002023 - Jousting Helmet - (no description)
1002024 - Emerald Dome - (no description)
1002025 - Red Duke - (no description)
1002026 - Brown Bamboo Hat - (no description)
1002027 - Steel Sharp Helm - (no description)
1002028 - Silver Crusader Helm - (no description)
1002029 - Red Oriental Helmet - (no description)
1002030 - Silver Planet - (no description)
1002031 - Cat Hat - (no description)
1002032 - Puffy Brown Hat - (no description)
1002033 - Old Wisconsin - (no description)
1002034 - Blue Jester - (no description)
1002035 - Pink Jester - (no description)
1002036 - Green Jester - (no description)
1002037 - Black Jester - (no description)
1002038 - Brown Jester - (no description)
1002039 - Bronze Helmet - (no description)
1002040 - Mithril Helmet - (no description)
1002041 - Yellow Metal Gear - (no description)
1002042 - Blue Metal Gear - (no description)
1002043 - Bronze Koif - (no description)
1002044 - Mithril Koif - (no description)
1002045 - Blue Bone Helm - (no description)
1002046 - Red Bone Helm - (no description)
1002047 - Great Red Helmet - (no description)
1002048 - Great Blue Helmet - (no description)
1002049 - Gold Burgernet Helm - (no description)
1002050 - Orihalcon Burgernet Helm - (no description)
1002051 - Bronze Full Helm - (no description)
1002052 - Mithril Full Helm - (no description)
1002053 - Green Skullcap - (no description)
1002054 - Red Skullcap - (no description)
1002055 - Bronze Football Helmet - (no description)
1002056 - Mithril Football Helmet - (no description)
1002057 - Green Winter Hat - (no description)
1002058 - Mithril Viking Helm - (no description)
1002059 - Bronze Viking Helm - (no description)
1002060 - Black Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002061 - Yellow Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002062 - Brown Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002063 - Blue Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002064 - Bronze Pride - (no description)
1002065 - Steel Pride - (no description)
1002066 - Black Headband - (no description)
1002067 - Green Headband - (no description)
1002068 - Yellow Headband - (no description)
1002069 - Blue Headband - (no description)
1002070 - Green Swimming Goggle - (no description)
1002071 - Blue Swimming Goggle - (no description)
1002072 - Blue Wizardry Hat - (no description)
1002073 - Red Wizardry Hat - (no description)
1002074 - Blue Apprentice Hat - (no description)
1002075 - Red Apprentice Hat - (no description)
1002076 - Red Flight Headgear - (no description)
1002077 - Blue Flight Headgear - (no description)
1002078 - Sky Blue Camping Hat - (no description)
1002079 - Pink Camping Hat - (no description)
1002080 - Red Bandana - (no description)
1002081 - Blue Bandana - (no description)
1002082 - Yellow Bandana - (no description)
1002083 - Black Bandana - (no description)
1002084 - Blue Oriental Helmet - (no description)
1002085 - Mithril Crusader Helm - (no description)
1002086 - Bronze Crusader Helm - (no description)
1002087 - Mithril Sharp Helm - (no description)
1002088 - Gold Sharp Helm - (no description)
1002089 - Green Bamboo Hat - (no description)
1002090 - Blue Bamboo Hat - (no description)
1002091 - Dark Dome - (no description)
1002092 - Yellow Duke - (no description)
1002093 - Blue Duke - (no description)
1002094 - Bronze Planet - (no description)
1002095 - Mithril Planet - (no description)
1002096 - Sky Blue Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002097 - Yellow Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002098 - Gold Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002099 - Mithril Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002100 - Old Bronze Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002101 - Old Mithril Nordic Helm - (no description)
1002102 - Blue Moon Conehat - (no description)
1002103 - Pink Moon Conehat - (no description)
1002104 - Green Moon Conehat - (no description)
1002105 - Dark Moon Conehat - (no description)
1002106 - Brown Moon Conehat - (no description)
1002107 - Red Thief Hood - (no description)
1002108 - Blue Thief Hood - (no description)
1002109 - Green Thief Hood - (no description)
1002110 - Black Thief Hood - (no description)
1002111 - Yellow Thief Hood - (no description)
1002112 - Red Feather Hat - (no description)
1002113 - Blue Feather Hat - (no description)
1002114 - Green Feather Hat - (no description)
1002115 - Black Feather Hat - (no description)
1002116 - Brown Feather Hat - (no description)
1002117 - Red Robin Hat - (no description)
1002118 - Blue Robin Hat - (no description)
1002119 - Green Robin Hat - (no description)
1002120 - Black Robin Hat - (no description)
1002121 - Brown Robin Hat - (no description)
1002122 - Red Ghetto Beanie - (no description)
1002123 - Blue Ghetto Beanie - (no description)
1002124 - Brown Ghetto Beanie - (no description)
1002125 - Black Ghetto Beanie - (no description)
1002126 - Green Ghetto Beanie - (no description)
1002127 - Red Loosecap - (no description)
1002128 - Blue Loosecap - (no description)
1002129 - Brown Loosecap - (no description)
1002130 - Black Loosecap - (no description)
1002131 - Green Loosecap - (no description)
1002132 - Black Swimming Cap - (no description)
1002133 - Blue Swimming Cap - (no description)
1002134 - Red Swimming Cap - (no description)
1002135 - Brown Pole-Feather Hat - (no description)
1002136 - Dark Pole-Feather Hat - (no description)
1002137 - Green Pole-Feather Hat - (no description)
1002138 - Blue Pole-Feather Hat - (no description)
1002139 - Red Pole-Feather Hat - (no description)
1002140 - Wizet Invincible Hat - (no description)
1002141 - Red Matty - (no description)
1002142 - Blue Matty - (no description)
1002143 - Green Matty - (no description)
1002144 - Brown Matty - (no description)
1002145 - Dark Matty - (no description)
1002146 - Red Tiberian - (no description)
1002147 - Blue Tiberian - (no description)
1002148 - Green Tiberian - (no description)
1002149 - Brown Tiberian - (no description)
1002150 - Dark Tiberian - (no description)
1002151 - Brown Guiltian - (no description)
1002152 - Blue Guiltian - (no description)
1002153 - Red Guiltian - (no description)
1002154 - Dark Guiltian - (no description)
1002155 - White Guiltian - (no description)
1002156 - Red Hunter - (no description)
1002157 - Blue Hunter - (no description)
1002158 - Green Hunter - (no description)
1002159 - Black Hunter - (no description)
1002160 - Brown Hunter - (no description)
1002161 - Red Hawkeye - (no description)
1002162 - Blue Hawkeye - (no description)
1002163 - Green Hawkeye - (no description)
1002164 - Brown Hawkeye - (no description)
1002165 - Dark Hawkeye - (no description)
1002166 - Red Distinction - (no description)
1002167 - Blue Distinction - (no description)
1002168 - Green Distinction - (no description)
1002169 - Brown Distinction - (no description)
1002170 - Dark Distinction - (no description)
1002171 - Red Guise - (no description)
1002172 - Blue Guise - (no description)
1002173 - Green Guise - (no description)
1002174 - Brown Guise - (no description)
1002175 - Dark Guise - (no description)
1002176 - Red Burgler - (no description)
1002177 - Blue Burgler - (no description)
1002178 - Green Burgler - (no description)
1002179 - Brown Burgler - (no description)
1002180 - Dark Burgler - (no description)
1002181 - Red Pilfer - (no description)
1002182 - Blue Pilfer - (no description)
1002183 - Green Pilfer - (no description)
1002184 - Brown Pilfer - (no description)
1002185 - Dark Pilfer - (no description)
1002186 - Transparent Hat - If you want to use the abilities available through hats, yet still want to show off your hairstyle, use this.
1002187 - Blue Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002188 - Red Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002189 - Dark Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002190 - Blue Pre-School Hat - (no description)
1002191 - Red Pre-School Hat - (no description)
1002192 - The Chinese Undead's Hat (Blue) - (no description)
1002193 - The Chinese Undead's Hat (Maroon) - (no description)
1002194 - Rosy Swimming Cap - (no description)
1002195 - Flowery Swimming Cap - (no description)
1002196 - Blue Baseball Helmet - (no description)
1002197 - Red Baseball Helmet - (no description)
1002198 - Indigo Baseball Helmet - (no description)
1002199 - Black Baseball Helmet - (no description)
1002200 - Green Visor - (no description)
1002201 - Sky Blue Visor - (no description)
1002202 - Orange Visor - (no description)
1002203 - Yellow Rain Cap - (no description)
1002204 - Red Rain Cap - (no description)
1002205 - Sky Blue Rain Cap - (no description)
1002206 - Green Rain Cap - (no description)
1002207 - Red Sonata - (no description)
1002208 - Blue Sonata - (no description)
1002209 - Green Sonata - (no description)
1002210 - Brown Sonata - (no description)
1002211 - Blue Maro - (no description)
1002212 - Red Maro - (no description)
1002213 - Green Maro - (no description)
1002214 - Black Maro - (no description)
1002215 - Flame Golden Circlet - (no description)
1002216 - Aqua Golden Circlet - (no description)
1002217 - Orange Golden Circlet - (no description)
1002218 - Dark Golden Circlet - (no description)
1002219 - Zorro Hat - (no description)
1002220 - Black Slanted Visor - (no description)
1002221 - Purple Slanted Visor - (no description)
1002222 - Red Upside-Down Visor - (no description)
1002223 - Blue Upside-Down Visor - (no description)
1002224 - Tiger Mask - (no description)
1002225 - Santa Hat - (no description)
1002226 - Fashionable Hat - (no description)
1002227 - Blue Fisherman Hat - (no description)
1002228 - Cabbie - (no description)
1002229 - Goggled Red Cap - (no description)
1002230 - Goggled Black Cap - (no description)
1002231 - Goggled Blue Cap - (no description)
1002232 - Starry Red Beanie - (no description)
1002233 - Starry Pink Beanie - (no description)
1002234 - Starry Sky Blue Beanie - (no description)
1002235 - Sky Blue Goggled Beanie - (no description)
1002236 - Khaki Goggled Beanie - (no description)
1002237 - Blue Cap - (no description)
1002238 - Construction Hardhat - (no description)
1002239 - The Legendary Gold Poop Hat - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in gold. If combined with the Golden Fly Ring, the fly effect takes place.
1002240 - Hajimaki - (no description)
1002241 - Techwin Wig - (no description)
1002242 - Red Seraphis - (no description)
1002243 - Blue Seraphis - (no description)
1002244 - Green Seraphis - (no description)
1002245 - White Seraphis - (no description)
1002246 - Dark Seraphis - (no description)
1002247 - Bronze Identity - (no description)
1002248 - Silver Identity - (no description)
1002249 - Dark Identity - (no description)
1002250 - Headphone Bandana - (no description)
1002251 - The Graduation Hat - (no description)
1002252 - Red Infinium Circlet - (no description)
1002253 - Blue Infinium Circlet - (no description)
1002254 - Dark Infinium Circlet - (no description)
1002255 - Circus Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002256 - Orange Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002257 - Blue Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002258 - Blue Diamondy Bandana - (no description)
1002259 - Black Top Hat - (no description)
1002260 - Yellow Trucker Hat - (no description)
1002261 - Blue Trucker Hat - (no description)
1002262 - Red Trucker Hat - (no description)
1002263 - Green Trucker Hat - (no description)
1002264 - Hardhat - (no description)
1002265 - Elf's Ear - (no description)
1002266 - Basic Earmuff - (no description)
1002267 - Red Polyfeather Hat - (no description)
1002268 - Brown Polyfeather Hat - (no description)
1002269 - White Polyfeather Hat - (no description)
1002270 - Black Polyfeather Hat - (no description)
1002271 - Green Galaxy - (no description)
1002272 - Blue Galaxy - (no description)
1002273 - Purple Galaxy - (no description)
1002274 - Dark Galaxy - (no description)
1002275 - Blue Falcon - (no description)
1002276 - Red Falcon - (no description)
1002277 - Green Falcon - (no description)
1002278 - Dark Falcon - (no description)
1002279 - Bunny Hat - (no description)
1002280 - Ducky Hat - (no description)
1002281 - Brown Nightfox - (no description)
1002282 - Blue Nightfox - (no description)
1002283 - Purple Nightfox - (no description)
1002284 - White Nightfox - (no description)
1002285 - Blood Nightfox - (no description)
1002286 - Blue Patriot - (no description)
1002287 - Beige Patriot - (no description)
1002288 - Green Patriot - (no description)
1002289 - Dark Patriot - (no description)
1002290 - Camouflaged Helmet - (no description)
1002291 - Starred Hunting Hat - (no description)
1002292 - Pink Frill Pajama Hat - (no description)
1002293 - Blue Pajama Hat - (no description)
1002294 - Red Frill Pajama Hat - (no description)
1002295 - Chef's Hat - (no description)
1002296 - Slime Hat - (no description)
1002297 - Brown Bucket Hat - (no description)
1002298 - Blue Bucket Hat - (no description)
1002299 - Cubic Newsie Hat - (no description)
1002300 - Green Picnic Hat - (no description)
1002301 - Yellow Picnic Hat - (no description)
1002302 - Pink Picnic Hat - (no description)
1002303 - Blue Picnic Hat - (no description)
1002304 - Silver-Chain Hat - (no description)
1002305 - Blue Headband - (no description)
1002306 - Brown Headband - (no description)
1002307 - Blue B-Ball Headband - (no description)
1002308 - Orange B-Ball Headband - (no description)
1002309 - Watermelon Hat - (no description)
1002310 - Flower Crown - (no description)
1002311 - Traveler's Hat - (no description)
1002312 - Evil Watermelon Hat - (no description)
1002313 - Palm Tree Hat - (no description)
1002314 - Zombie Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002315 - Red Straw Hat - (no description)
1002316 - Blue Straw Hat - (no description)
1002317 - Grey Headband - (no description)
1002318 - Red Headband - (no description)
1002319 - Whale Hat - (no description)
1002320 - Fuji Hat - (no description)
1002321 - Crow Hat - (no description)
1002322 - Lobster Hat - (no description)
1002323 - Green Osfa Hat - (no description)
1002324 - Brown Osfa Hat - (no description)
1002325 - Purple Osfa Hat - (no description)
1002326 - Red Osfa Hat - (no description)
1002327 - Brown Pireta Hat - (no description)
1002328 - Green Pireta Hat - (no description)
1002329 - Red Pireta Hat - (no description)
1002330 - Dark Pireta Hat - (no description)
1002331 - Wind Goblin - (no description)
1002332 - Cloud Goblin - (no description)
1002333 - Angel's Halo - (no description)
1002334 - Raccoon Hat - (no description)
1002335 - Triangular Hat - (no description)
1002336 - Noble Moca - (no description)
1002337 - Laurel Crown - (no description)
1002338 - Red Dragon Babuta - (no description)
1002339 - Blue Dragon Babuta - (no description)
1002340 - Dark Dragon Babuta - (no description)
1002341 - Starry Olive Beanie - (no description)
1002342 - Olive Beanie - (no description)
1002343 - White Beanie - (no description)
1002344 - Woodsman Hat - (no description)
1002345 - Party Hat - (no description)
1002346 - Blue Corporal Hat - (no description)
1002347 - Brown Corporal Hat - (no description)
1002348 - Bamboo Hat - (no description)
1002349 - Black Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002350 - Red Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002351 - Yellow Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002352 - Red Knitted Hat - (no description)
1002353 - Purple Knitted Hat - (no description)
1002354 - Yellow Knitted Hat - (no description)
1002355 - Blue Kitty Beanie - (no description)
1002356 - Yellow Kitty Beanie - (no description)
1002357 - Zakum Helmet - (no description)
1002358 - Green Knitted Gumball - (no description)
1002359 - Blue Knitted Gumball - (no description)
1002360 - Pink Knitted Gumball - (no description)
1002361 - Red Festive Gumball - (no description)
1002362 - White Festive Gumball - (no description)
1002363 - Green Oriental Fury Hat - (no description)
1002364 - Blue Oriental Fury Hat - (no description)
1002365 - Red Oriental Fury Hat - (no description)
1002366 - Black Oriental Fury Hat - (no description)
1002367 - Angel Halo - (no description)
1002368 - Reindeer Hat - (no description)
1002369 - Tentacle Hairband - (no description)
1002370 - Black-Striped Indian Hat - (no description)
1002371 - Red-Dotted Indian Hat - (no description)
1002372 - Indian Hat w/ Hearts - (no description)
1002373 - Cloth Wrapper - (no description)
1002374 - Red Beret - (no description)
1002375 - Yellow Beret - (no description)
1002376 - Pink Beret - (no description)
1002377 - Green Valhalla Helmet - (no description)
1002378 - Blue Valhalla Helmet - (no description)
1002379 - Dark Valhalla Helmet - (no description)
1002380 - Green Canal Hood - (no description)
1002381 - Blue Canal Hood - (no description)
1002382 - Red Canal Hood - (no description)
1002383 - Dark Canal Hood - (no description)
1002384 - Casual Cowboy Hat - (no description)
1002385 - Red Eskimo Hat - (no description)
1002386 - Brown Eskimo Hat - (no description)
1002387 - Green Eskimo Hat - (no description)
1002388 - Peter Pan Hat - (no description)
1002389 - Devil Hat - (no description)
1002390 - Zakum Helmet (2) - (no description)
1002391 - Green Bandana - (no description)
1002392 - Brown Bandana - (no description)
1002393 - Pink Bandana - (no description)
1002394 - Grey Bandana - (no description)
1002395 - Purple Bandana - (no description)
1002396 - Hawaiian Flower - (no description)
1002397 - Sunflower Petal - (no description)
1002398 - Green Varr Hat - (no description)
1002399 - Blue Varr Hat - (no description)
1002400 - Red Varr Hat - (no description)
1002401 - Dark Varr Hat - (no description)
1002402 - Red Arlic Helmet - (no description)
1002403 - Blue Arlic Helmet - (no description)
1002404 - Green Arlic Helmet - (no description)
1002405 - Dark Arlic Helmet - (no description)
1002406 - Red Arnah Cap - (no description)
1002407 - Blue Arnah Cap - (no description)
1002408 - Green Arnah Cap - (no description)
1002409 - Tin Bucket - (no description)
1002410 - Pink Turban - (no description)
1002411 - Yellow Turban - (no description)
1002412 - Skyblue Turban - (no description)
1002413 - Octopus Hat - (no description)
1002414 - Orange Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002415 - Zombie Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002416 - Slime Hat - (no description)
1002417 - Drake Hat - (no description)
1002418 - Newspaper Hat - (no description)
1002419 - Mark of the Beta - (no description)
1002420 - Biker Bandana - (no description)
1002421 - Pink Knitted Beanie - (no description)
1002422 - Blue Knitted Beanie - (no description)
1002423 - Yellow Knitted Beanie - (no description)
1002424 - Red Sporty Cap - (no description)
1002425 - Blue Sporty Cap - (no description)
1002426 - Beige Goya Beret - (no description)
1002427 - Green Goya Beret - (no description)
1002428 - Beige Checkered Hat - (no description)
1002429 - Meshcap - (no description)
1002430 - Zakum Helmet (3) - (no description)
1002431 - Bull's Horn - (no description)
1002432 - Spring Hat - (no description)
1002433 - Summer Hat - (no description)
1002434 - Autumn Hat - (no description)
1002435 - Korean Flower Petal - (no description)
1002436 - Chief Stan Hat - (no description)
1002437 - Guan Yu Headpiece - (no description)
1002438 - Zhu-Ge-Liang Hat - (no description)
1002439 - Blue Jelly Cap - (no description)
1002440 - Pink Jelly Cap - (no description)
1002441 - Ribboned Pig Headband - (no description)
1002442 - Rainbow Afro Wig - (no description)
1002443 - Patissier Hat - (no description)
1002444 - Liu Bei Headpiece - (no description)
1002445 - Cao Cao Headpiece - (no description)
1002446 - Sun Quan Headpiece - (no description)
1002447 - Rolled Towel - (no description)
1002448 - Purple Bandana - (no description)
1002449 - Winged Cap - (no description)
1002450 - Conch Cap - (no description)
1002451 - Starfish - (no description)
1002452 - Black Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002453 - White Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002454 - Red Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002455 - Black Starry Bandana - (no description)
1002456 - Horoscope Hat (Aquarius) - (no description)
1002457 - Horoscope Hat (Pisces) - (no description)
1002458 - Horoscope Hat (Aries) - (no description)
1002459 - Horoscope Hat (Taurus) - (no description)
1002460 - Horoscope Hat (Gemini) - (no description)
1002461 - Horoscope Hat (Cancer) - (no description)
1002462 - Horoscope Hat (Leo) - (no description)
1002463 - Horoscope Hat (Virgo) - (no description)
1002464 - Horoscope Hat (Libra) - (no description)
1002465 - Horoscope Hat (Scorpius) - (no description)
1002466 - Horoscope Hat (Sagittarius) - (no description)
1002467 - Horoscope Hat (Capricornos) - (no description)
1002468 - Golden Bulldog Hat - (no description)
1002469 - Jester Hat - (no description)
1002470 - Welding Mask - (no description)
1002471 - Shapka for Hunters - (no description)
1002476 - Rough Hat - (no description)
1002477 - Slime Hair Pin - (no description)
1002478 - Mushroom Hair Pin - (no description)
1002479 - Snowman Mask - (no description)
1002480 - White Wig Hat - (no description)
1002481 - Black Snowboard Helmet - (no description)
1002482 - Red Snowboard Helmet - (no description)
1002483 - Goblin Cap - (no description)
1002484 - Polar Bear Hat - (no description)
1002485 - Grey Visor Beanie - (no description)
1002486 - Green Visor Beanie - (no description)
1002487 - Rainbow Visor Beanie - (no description)
1002488 - Military Fur Hat - (no description)
1002489 - Football Helmet(Home) - (no description)
1002490 - Football Helmet(Away) - (no description)
1002491 - Musashi Hat - (no description)
1002492 - White Baseball Cap - (no description)
1002493 - Teddy Bear Headgear - (no description)
1002495 - Angora Hat - (no description)
1002496 - Black Skull Bandana - (no description)
1002497 - Hunting Cap - (no description)
1002498 - Bald Wig - (no description)
1002499 - White Tiger Hat - (no description)
1002500 - Korean Flag Bandana - (no description)
1002501 - Reggae Hat - (no description)
1002502 - Vintage Denim Hat - (no description)
1002503 - Vintage Pink Hat - (no description)
1002504 - Old Fisherman Hat - (no description)
1002505 - Sergeant Hat - (no description)
1002506 - Flower Crown - (no description)
1002507 - Soccer Ball Hat - (no description)
1002508 - Maple Hat - (no description)
1002509 - Maple Hat - (no description)
1002510 - Maple Hat - (no description)
1002511 - Maple Hat - (no description)
1002512 - Red Spirit Bandana - (no description)
1002513 - Maple Party Hat - (no description)
1002515 - Maple Bandana White - (no description)
1002516 - Maple Bandana Yellow - (no description)
1002517 - Maple Bandana Red - (no description)
1002518 - Maple Bandana Blue - (no description)
1002519 - White Felt Hat - (no description)
1002520 - Red Rose - (no description)
1002521 - White Hairband - (no description)
1002522 - Pink-Dotted Hairband - (no description)
1002523 - Paper Boat Hat - (no description)
1002524 - Coke Hat - (no description)
1002525 - Mummy Hat - (no description)
1002526 - Skull Hat - (no description)
1002527 - Independence Day Hat - (no description)
1002528 - Green Grace Helmet - (no description)
1002529 - Blue Grace Helmet - (no description)
1002530 - Red Grace Helmet - (no description)
1002531 - Silver Grace Helmet - (no description)
1002532 - Dark Grace Helmet - (no description)
1002534 - White Puppy Hat - (no description)
1002536 - Brown Paperbag Mask - (no description)
1002542 - Acorn Headgear - (no description)
1002543 - Acorn Helmet - (no description)
1002544 - Pumpkin Headgear - (no description)
1002545 - Yellow Slime Hat - (no description)
1002547 - Red Hunter - (no description)
1002548 - White Rabbit Hat - (no description)
1002549 - Black Cat Hat - (no description)
1002550 - Black Garina Hood - (no description)
1002551 - Blue Dragon Helmet - (no description)
1002552 - Moon Bunny Headgear - (no description)
1002553 - Genesis Bandana - (no description)
1002554 - Muey Thai String - (no description)
1002555 - Demon Goblin - (no description)
1002556 - Maple-Stein - (no description)
1002557 - Jr. Lioner Hat - (no description)
1002558 - Werebeast - (no description)
1002559 - Nordic Knitted Beanie - (no description)
1002560 - Striped Knitted Beanie - (no description)
1002562 - Training Headgear for Beginners - (no description)
1002565 - Fur Hat - (no description)
1002566 - Skull Beanie - (no description)
1002567 - Elf Hat - (no description)
1002568 - Tweed Headband - (no description)
1002569 - Candlelight hat - (no description)
1002571 - Lord Pirate's Hat - (no description)
1002572 - Lord Pirate's Hat - (no description)
1002573 - Lord Pirate's Hat - (no description)
1002574 - Lord Pirate's Hat - (no description)
1002575 - Angel Headband - (no description)
1002576 - Fallen Angel Headband - (no description)
1002577 - Pickpocket Pilfer - (no description)
1002578 - Herculean Helmet - (no description)
1002579 - LeFay Jester - (no description)
1002580 - Lockewood Hat - (no description)
1002584 - Red Old Wisconsin - (no description)
1002585 - Blue Old Wisconsin - (no description)
1002586 - Purple Old Wisconsin - (no description)
1002587 - Black Old Wisconsin - (no description)
1002590 - Star baseball cap - (no description)
1002591 - Leatty Hat - (no description)
1002592 - Sun Wu Kong hat - (no description)
1002593 - Smiley Headgear - (no description)
1002594 - Goggled Smiley Headgear - (no description)
1002596 - Bulldog Cap - (no description)
1002597 - Husky Hat - (no description)
1002598 - Rabbit Ear - (no description)
1002599 - Golden Trench Helmet - (no description)
1002600 - Red Maple Bandana - (no description)
1002601 - Yellow Maple Bandana - (no description)
1002602 - Blue Maple Bandana - (no description)
1002603 - White Maple Bandana - (no description)
1002607 - Zhu Ba Jie Hat - (no description)
1002608 - Superstar Cap - (no description)
1002610 - Brown Rocky Bandana - (no description)
1002613 - Brown Lagger Cap - (no description)
1002616 - Brown Double Marine - (no description)
1002619 - Brown Pitz Bandana - (no description)
1002622 - White Oceania Cap - (no description)
1002625 - Blue Den Marine - (no description)
1002628 - Red Misty - (no description)
1002631 - Brown Leather Ocean Hat - (no description)
1002634 - Purple Cast Linen - (no description)
1002637 - Black Pirate's Bandana - (no description)
1002640 - Blue Sun Boat Hat - (no description)
1002643 - Red Brave Hamal - (no description)
1002646 - Black Polax Hat - (no description)
1002649 - Canopus Hat - (no description)
1002650 - Vintage Grey Cap - (no description)
1002653 - Stack of Books - (no description)
1002655 - Versal Maro - (no description)
1002656 - White Identity - (no description)
1002657 - Spectre Helm - (no description)
1002658 - Valor Helmet - (no description)
1002660 - Orange Cap w/ Shades - (no description)
1002661 - Bird Nest - (no description)
1002662 - Flower decoration celebrating wedding anniversary - (no description)
1002663 - Cork hat - (no description)
1002666 - White basic cap - (no description)
1002667 - Star Hair Pin - (no description)
1002672 - Helm of the Golden Monk - (no description)
1002674 - Helm of the Bronze Monk - (no description)
1002675 - Antellion Miter - A restored headpiece of the Antellion Guard; extends the wearer's lifeforce and magical power.
1002676 - Infinity Circlet - An ancient, revered symbol of insight. Awarded to those who achieved perfect union of mind, body and soul.
1002677 - Toymaker Cap - (no description)
1002678 - Old Hockey Mask - (no description)
1002679 - Eye Poppers - (no description)
1002691 - Centaurus Horns - (no description)
1002692 - Centaurus Horns (Ghost) - (no description)
1002693 - Centaurus Horns (Green) - (no description)
1002694 - Centaurus Horns (Light) - (no description)
1002695 - Soul Teddy Hat - (no description)
1002696 - Stoplight Hat - (no description)
1002697 - Devilfish Headgear - (no description)
1002698 - Vintage Khaki Cap - (no description)
1002699 - Halloween Pumpkin Hat - (no description)
1002700 - Luscious Eyes Green - (no description)
1002701 - Extravagant Lips Green - (no description)
1002703 - Luscious Eyes - Blue Skin - (no description)
1002704 - Luscious Eyes - Normal - (no description)
1002705 - Extravagant Lips - Blue Skin - (no description)
1002706 - Extravagant Lips - Normal - (no description)
1002707 - Hat of a Masked Man - (no description)
1002708 - Red Vintage Bandana - (no description)
1002709 - Snowy Knitted Hat - (no description)
1002710 - Pink Kitty Hat - (no description)
1002711 - White Kitty Ears - (no description)
1002712 - Black Kitty Ears - (no description)
1002713 - Black Bubble Beanie - (no description)
1002714 - Christmas Tree Hat - (no description)
1002715 - Military Beanie - (no description)
1002716 - Versalmas Hat - (no description)
1002717 - Maplemas Hat - (no description)
1002721 - Raccoon Earmuffs - (no description)
1002722 - Teddy Earmuffs - (no description)
1002723 - Rice Cake Hat - (no description)
1002724 - Cat Hat - (no description)
1002725 - Pierced Apple - (no description)
1002726 - Umbrella Hat - (no description)
1002727 - Huge Pink Ribbon - (no description)
1002728 - Rudolph's Horn - (no description)
1002734 - Chinese Lion Headgear - The famous headgear worn with the lion costume for the lion dance to celebrate Lunar New Year.
1002735 - Glowy Smile Cap - (no description)
1002736 - Glowy Patterned Cap - (no description)
1002737 - White Mouse Headband - (no description)
1002738 - Bunny Earmuffs - (no description)
1002739 - Bosshunter Helm - (no description)
1002740 - Bosshunter Faceguard - (no description)
1002741 - Yellow Baby Dragon Hat - (no description)
1002742 - Baby Turkey Hat - (no description)
1002747 - Superstar Headphones - (no description)
1002748 - Apple-Green Hood - (no description)
1002749 - Bosshunter Helm - (no description)
1002750 - Bosshunter Faceguard - (no description)
1002752 - Celestial Crown - (no description)
1002753 - Stylish Pink Cotton Cap - (no description)
1002755 - Hero's Beret - (no description)
1002756 - Hero's Casket - (no description)
1002757 - football steel helmet - (no description)
1002758 - Maple Hat (level 4) - (no description)
1002759 - Maple Hood Hat - (no description)
1002760 - Globe Cap - (no description)
1002762 - Transform to Kanderun - (no description)
1002763 - Transform to Pergen - (no description)
1002764 - Transform to Helena - (no description)
1002765 - Transform to Dark Lord - (no description)
1002766 - Transform to Euryth - (no description)
1002770 - Cone Ears - (no description)
1002771 - Tiger Cub Hat - (no description)
1002774 - Victory Hairpin - (no description)
1002801 - Raven Ninja Bandana - (no description)
1002673 - Helm of the Silver Monk - (no description)
1002472 - Cabbage Patch Hat - (no description)
1002654 - Orange Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002823 - Scarface Mask - A well-worn mask that's perfect for scaring friends!
1002824 - Noob Hat - From the early days of Maple Island! Relive the past with this authentic Noob hat!
1002812 - Moon Bloom Hair Pin - (no description)
1002605 - Jet Black Head Scarf - (no description)
1002837 - Tengu Mask - A mask inspired by the nefarious Black Crow.
1002788 - Necomimi - (no description)
1002856 - Miner's Hat - (no description)
1002857 - Hard Hat - (no description)
1002820 - Inferno Horns - (no description)
1002804 - Brown Felt Hat - (no description)
1002582 - Maximus Galea - (no description)
1002796 - Puffy Ram Hat - The secret word to make the ram fly is #cflyhigh#.
1002850 - Rudolph Change Hat - (no description)
1002803 - Mrs. Octopus - (no description)
1002863 - Bear Tassel Hat - (no description)
1002876 - Holly Hair Clip - A traditional festive holly clip accessory to decorate your hair!
1002822 - Bird Nest - (no description)
1002849 - Panda Hat - (no description)
1002880 - Versalmas Hat - (no description)
1002881 - Maplemas Hat - (no description)
1002887 - Pink Ribbon Hairband - (no description)
1002877 - Cow Mask - (no description)
1002840 - Hatched Bird Cap - (no description)
1002903 - Pink Bandana - Suitable for men and women alike!
1002858 - MV's Hat (STR) - (no description)
1002776 - Timeless Fennel - (no description)
1002777 - Timeless Coral - (no description)
1002778 - Timeless Rapido - (no description)
1002779 - Timeless Chive - (no description)
1002780 - Timeless Conrad Henkel - (no description)
1002784 - "A" Cap - (no description)
1002790 - Reverse Fennel - (no description)
1002791 - Reverse Coral - (no description)
1002792 - Reverse Rapido - (no description)
1002793 - Reverse Chive - (no description)
1002794 - Reverse Conrad Henkel - (no description)
1002797 - Agent N's Disposable Receiver - (no description)
1002798 - A Rice Cake on Top of My Head - (no description)
1002800 - Agent N's Receiver - (no description)
1002890 - Blue Ribbon Hairband - (no description)
1002891 - Green Ribbon Hairband - (no description)
1002940 - GMS ??? ??2 - (no description)
1002941 - Moon Bloom Hair Pin - (no description)
1002943 - Sailor Hat - (no description)
1002945 - Heart Hairband - (no description)
1002907 - Checkered Fedora - (no description)
1002913 - Miranda Ribbon - (no description)
1002942 - Green Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002947 - Arcana Crown - A headpiece not of the Maple World, perhaps another dimension...
1002948 - Blitz Helm - A helmet crafted in the shadows. Gives the wearer additional speed.
1002949 - Power Mane - Strange hair imbued with the power of rage. From an unknown land.
1002950 - Pink Flower Headwrap - (no description)
1002951 - Yellow Flower Headwrap - (no description)
1002952 - Purple Flower Headwrap - (no description)
1002953 - Giant Fiesta Sombrero - (no description)
1002922 - Navy Hoodie Cap - (no description)
1002921 - Blue Mini Hat - (no description)
1002928 - Pink Star Beanie - (no description)
1002929 - Colorful Striped Beanie - (no description)
1002956 - Blue Mushroom Hat - (no description)
1002959 - Junior GM Cap - (no description)
1002773 - Gold Dragon Crown - (no description)
1002785 - Azure Sun Cap - Hat that #cChanges its color depending on a day of the week#
1002839 - Pumpkin Hat - (no description)
1002869 - Elegant Noblesse Hat - (no description)
1002878 - Snow Flake Hat - (no description)
1002978 - Cute Mouse Ears - (no description)
1002979 - Marbum Headgear - Put this on and you'll feel as if you're already riding down the boulevard on your bike!
1002961 - Gray Mask - (no description)
1002968 - Pancake Hat - (no description)
1002984 - Spiegelmann's Hat - (no description)
1002995 - Royal Navy Hat - (no description)
1002831 - Leo Hairpin - (no description)
1002920 - Pink Mini Hat - (no description)
1003001 - Chaos Metallic Helmet - (no description)
1002944 - Honey Bee Hat - (no description)
1003005 - Maple Racing Helmet - (no description)
1002999 - Fire Shadow Hair - (no description)
1002998 - Edwin Wig - (no description)
1002845 - Pink Bunny Cap - (no description)
1002870 - Moon Bunny Hat - (no description)
1002912 - Iljimae Mask - (no description)
1002919 - Courageous Little Lamb Hat - (no description)
1002923 - Treacherous Wolf Hat - (no description)
1002924 - Courageous Little Lamb Hat - (no description)
1002925 - Treacherous Wolf Hat - (no description)
1002930 - 6th Anniversary Hat - (no description)
1002955 - Brave Musashi Helmet - (no description)
1002970 - Moon Bunny Hat - (no description)
1002971 - Pink Bean Hat - (no description)
1002980 - Archeologist Hat - An archeologist hat received for participating in the Artifact Hunt.
1002981 - Archeologist Hat - An archeologist hat received for finishing Top 10 in the Artifact Hunt.
1003023 - Targar Hat(INT) - (no description)
1003024 - Targar Hat(LUK) - (no description)
1003025 - Scarlion Hat(DEX) - (no description)
1003026 - Scarlion Hat(STR) - (no description)
1003031 - Andras Hat - (no description)
1003032 - Marbas Hat - (no description)
1003033 - Valefor Hat - (no description)
1003034 - Amdusias Hat - (no description)
1003035 - Crocell Hat - (no description)
1003036 - Wild Eye's Gas Mask - (no description)
1003027 - Talking Witch Hat - A special hat that witches wear.
1003022 - Devil Horns - (no description)
1002847 - Frog Hat - (no description)
1002976 - Maid Headband - (no description)
1002844 - Chipmunk Ears - (no description)
1002937 - Felt Hat - (no description)
1002889 - Purple Ribbon Hairband - (no description)
1002954 - Aran Helmet - (no description)
1003014 - Scooter Helmet Red - (no description)
1003015 - Scooter Helmet Blue - (no description)
1002834 - Scorpius Hairpin - (no description)
1003009 - Rainbow Bead Hairband - (no description)
1002973 - Fox Mask - (no description)
1002990 - King Pepe Great Blue Helmet - (no description)
1002991 - King Pepe Dark Matty - (no description)
1002992 - King Pepe Red Polefeather Hat - (no description)
1002993 - King Pepe Dark Burglar - (no description)
1002994 - King Pepe Blue Denemarine - (no description)
1003006 - Kitty Camping Hat - (no description)
1003008 - Pharaoh Crown - (no description)
1002867 - Rudolph Antlers - Can be used for 15 days.
1002835 - Sagittarius Hair Clip - (no description)
1002836 - Capricorn Hair Clip - (no description)
1003044 - Clown Hat - (no description)
1003049 - Giant Bear Cap - (no description)
1002969 - Puppy Ears - (no description)
1001055 - Frilly Pink Cap - (no description)
1002974 - Jr. Lucida Hat - (no description)
1003013 - Red Loose-Fit Beanie - (no description)
1002962 - Flower Pin - (no description)
1002960 - Emperial Crown - (no description)
1003047 - Bear Hat - (no description)
1003039 - Time Traveler's Circlet - (no description)
1003038 - Dolfie Hat - (no description)
1003030 - Former Hero Male Face - (no description)
1003029 - Former Hero Female Face - (no description)
1003028 - Average Straw Hat - (no description)
1003016 - Wild Wolf Bandana - (no description)
1003043 - ??? ? - (no description)
1003050 - Bunny Ears - (no description)
1002754 - Orange Mushroom Scholar - (no description)
1002885 - Pink Bow - (no description)
1003052 - Tilted Fedora - (no description)
1002665 - Tomato Hat - (no description)
1003051 - Desert Fox - (no description)
1003057 - Mini Crown - (no description)
1003073 - Archeologist Hat - An archeologist hat received for participating in the Artifact Hunt.

handbook/Equip/Cape.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
1102206 - Blackfist Cloak - (no description)
1102207 - Goldensoul Cape - (no description)
1102000 - Green Napoleon - (no description)
1102001 - Blue Napoleon - (no description)
1102002 - Red Napoleon - (no description)
1102003 - White Napoleon - (no description)
1102004 - Black Napoleon - (no description)
1102005 - Baby Angel Wings - (no description)
1102006 - Devil Wings - (no description)
1102007 - Yellow Star Cape - (no description)
1102008 - Blue Star Cape - (no description)
1102009 - Red Star Cape - (no description)
1102010 - Black Star Cape - (no description)
1102011 - Blue Justice Cape - (no description)
1102012 - Red Justice Cape - (no description)
1102013 - White Justice Cape - (no description)
1102014 - Black Justice Cape - (no description)
1102015 - Blue Magic Cape - (no description)
1102016 - Red Magic Cape - (no description)
1102017 - White Magic Cape - (no description)
1102018 - Black Magic Cape - (no description)
1102019 - Korean-Flagged Cape - (no description)
1102020 - Turtle Shell - (no description)
1102021 - Blue Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102022 - Red Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102023 - White Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102024 - Black Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102025 - Red Hood - (no description)
1102026 - Green Seraph Cape - (no description)
1102027 - Blue Seraph Cape - (no description)
1102028 - Red Seraph Cape - (no description)
1102029 - White Seraph Cape - (no description)
1102030 - Black Seraph Cape - (no description)
1102031 - Green Giles Cape - (no description)
1102032 - Purple Giles Cape - (no description)
1102033 - Red Giles Cape - (no description)
1102034 - Blue Giles Cape - (no description)
1102035 - Black Giles Cape - (no description)
1102036 - Red Landcell Pack - (no description)
1102037 - Black Landcell Pack - (no description)
1102038 - Blue Landcell Pack - (no description)
1102039 - Transparent Cape - Use this Cape if you want to make your Cape transparent while still using all of the stats the Cape possesses.
1102040 - Yellow Adventurer Cape - A yellow cape for the prototypical adventurer.
1102041 - Pink Adventurer Cape - A pink cape for the prototypical adventurer.
1102042 - Purple Adventurer Cape - A purple cape for the prototypical adventurer.
1102043 - Brown Adventurer Cape - A brown cape for the prototypical adventurer.
1102044 - Red G-Wing Jetpack - (no description)
1102045 - Blue G-Wing Jetpack - (no description)
1102046 - Blue Musketeer Cape - (no description)
1102047 - Turquoise Musketeer Cape - (no description)
1102048 - Red Musketeer Cape - (no description)
1102049 - Blue Nymph Wing - (no description)
1102050 - Green Nymph Wing - (no description)
1102051 - Yellow Nymph Wing - (no description)
1102052 - Pink Nymph Wing - (no description)
1102053 - Old Raggedy Cape - (no description)
1102054 - Icarus Cape (1) - (no description)
1102055 - Icarus Cape (2) - (no description)
1102056 - Icarus Cape (3) - (no description)
1102057 - Ludibrium Cape - (no description)
1102058 - Gargoyle Wings - (no description)
1102059 - Michael Wings - (no description)
1102060 - Pink Ribbon - (no description)
1102061 - Oxygen Tank - (no description)
1102062 - Martial Cape - (no description)
1102063 - Fallen Angel Wings - (no description)
1102064 - Goblin Cape - (no description)
1102065 - Christmas Cape - (no description)
1102066 - Dracula Cloak - (no description)
1102067 - Tiger Tail - (no description)
1102068 - Harpie Cape - (no description)
1102069 - Pink Wings - (no description)
1102070 - Blue Book Bag - (no description)
1102072 - Yellow-Green Backpack - (no description)
1102073 - Hot Pink Backpack - (no description)
1102074 - Dragonfly Wings - (no description)
1102075 - Bat's Bane - (no description)
1102076 - Newspaper Cape - (no description)
1102077 - Cotton Blanket - (no description)
1102078 - Eclipse Cloak - (no description)
1102079 - Ragged Red Cape - (no description)
1102080 - Ragged Blue Cape - (no description)
1102081 - Ragged Yellow Cape - (no description)
1102082 - Ragged Black Cape - (no description)
1102083 - Ragged Green Cape - (no description)
1102084 - Pink Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102085 - Yellow Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102086 - Purple Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102087 - Green Gaia Cape - (no description)
1102091 - Summer Kite - (no description)
1102092 - Cuddle Bear - (no description)
1102093 - Heart Balloon - (no description)
1102094 - Sun Wu Kong Tail - (no description)
1102095 - Veamoth Wings - (no description)
1102096 - Sachiel Wings - (no description)
1102097 - Janus Wings - (no description)
1102098 - Coffin of Gloom - (no description)
1102099 - Amos' Royal Cape - (no description)
1102100 - Amos' Spirit Cape - (no description)
1102101 - The Legendary Elias Cape 1 - (no description)
1102102 - The Legendary Elias Cape 2 - (no description)
1102103 - The Legendary Elias Cape 3 - (no description)
1102104 - Cecelia Cloak 1 - (no description)
1102105 - Cecelia Cloak 2 - (no description)
1102106 - Cecelia Cloak 3 - (no description)
1102107 - Rocket Booster - (no description)
1102108 - Fallen Angel Tail - (no description)
1102109 - Cape of warmness - This is a magical cape made by Alcaster. When you put it on, you aren't affected by Elnas's chill. It doesn't look good as Magician made it.
1102110 - Chipmunk Tail - (no description)
1102111 - Elephant Balloon - (no description)
1102112 - Bunny Doll - (no description)
1102135 - Zenumist's cape - A cape that marks one a member of the Zenumists.
1102136 - Alcadno's Cape - This proves that you are a Beginner Magician from Alcadno.
1102137 - Orange Mushroom Balloon - (no description)
1102138 - Pink wing bag - (no description)
1102139 - Zenumist's Cape - The proud owner of this cape signifies the fact that the person's a high-leveled alchemist from Zenumist
1102140 - Alcadno's Cape - The proud owner of this cape signifies the fact that the person's a high-leveled alchemist from Alcadno.
1102141 - Pepe Balloon - (no description)
1102142 - The Flaming Cape - (no description)
1102145 - Sirius Cloak - A supremely powerful cloak which enhances the wearer's speed, strength and movement in battle.
1102146 - Zeta Cape - A mysterious cape based on the Grays' alien technology. Best worn by those with mental fortitude.
1102147 - Toymaker Cape - (no description)
1102148 - Tania Cloak - (no description)
1102149 - Mercury Cloak - (no description)
1102150 - Count Dracula Cape - (no description)
1102151 - Lost Kitty - (no description)
1102152 - Pirate Emblem Flag - (no description)
1102153 - Sunfire Wings - (no description)
1102154 - Zakum Arms - (no description)
1102155 - My Buddy Rex - (no description)
1102156 - Aerial Wave Cape - (no description)
1102157 - Puppet Strings - (no description)
1102158 - Peacock Feather Cape - (no description)
1102159 - White Monkey Balloon - (no description)
1102160 - Baby Lupin Cape - (no description)
1102164 - Maple MSX Guitar - (no description)
1102165 - Taru Spirit Cape - (no description)
1102166 - Maple Cape - (no description)
1102167 - Maple Cape - (no description)
1102168 - Maple Cape - (no description)
1102169 - Blue Wing Bag - (no description)
1102176 - Stirgeman Cape - (no description)
1102177 - Stirgeman Raggedy Cape - (no description)
1102178 - Stirgeman Cape Mk II - (no description)
1102179 - Stirgeman Cape Mk III - (no description)
1102180 - Stirgeman Cape Mk IV - (no description)
1102181 - Stirgeman's Cloak of Wiliness - (no description)
1102182 - Stirgeman's Cloak of Darkness - (no description)
1102143 - Waterworks Cape - (no description)
1102144 - Sage Cape - (no description)
1102183 - Stirgeman's Cloak of Justice - (no description)
1102191 - El Nathian Cape - (no description)
1102192 - Wrath of El Nath - (no description)
1102193 - Cloak of Corruption - (no description)
1102194 - Shroud of Zakum - (no description)
1102175 - Puffy Ram Wings - (no description)
1102185 - Rainbow Scarf - (no description)
1102186 - Kitty Parachute - (no description)
1102196 - Snowflake Scarf - (no description)
1102205 - Crimsonheart Cloak - (no description)
1102172 - Timeless Moonlight - (no description)
1102174 - Agent Cape - (no description)
1102203 - Super Rocket Booster - (no description)
1102184 - Aurora Happy Wing - (no description)
1102216 - Dogtail - (no description)
1102218 - Winged Costume - (no description)
1102222 - Seraphim Cape - (no description)
1102202 - Galactic Flame Cape - (no description)
1102212 - Lost Child - (no description)
1102210 - Honeybee's Sting - (no description)
1102215 - Balloon Bouquet - (no description)
1102211 - Aran Cape - (no description)
1102223 - Star Tail - (no description)
1102224 - Lamby Cape - (no description)
1102236 - Cupid's Wings Cape - Cupid Wings to help guide the wearer to finding love in the Maple World.
1102229 - Bear Cape - (no description)
1102226 - ?? ??? ?? - (no description)
1102227 - ?? ??? ?? - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Coat.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
1040000 - Yellow Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1040001 - Black Blazer - (no description)
1040002 - White Undershirt - (no description)
1040003 - Brown Hard Leather Top - (no description)
1040004 - Blue Training Shirt - (no description)
1040005 - Orange Baseball Jacket - (no description)
1040006 - Undershirt - (no description)
1040007 - Green Leather Hoodwear - (no description)
1040008 - Brown Archer Top - (no description)
1040009 - Steel Corporal - (no description)
1040010 - Grey T-Shirt - (no description)
1040011 - Silver Leather Hoodwear - (no description)
1040012 - Blue Sergeant - (no description)
1040013 - Blue One-lined T-Shirt - (no description)
1040014 - Orange Sporty T-Shirt - (no description)
1040015 - Brown Lolico Armor - (no description)
1040016 - Orihalcon Master Sergeant - (no description)
1040017 - Grey / Brown Training Shirt - (no description)
1040018 - Black Split Piece - (no description)
1040019 - Orange Split Piece - (no description)
1040020 - Blue Split Piece - (no description)
1040021 - Red Hwarang Shirt - (no description)
1040022 - Green Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1040023 - Black Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1040024 - Blue Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1040025 - Red Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1040026 - Green Hwarang Shirt - (no description)
1040027 - Old School Blazer - (no description)
1040028 - Blue Sky - (no description)
1040029 - Blue Dragon - (no description)
1040030 - Gold Dragon - (no description)
1040031 - Blue Cloth Vest - (no description)
1040032 - Red Cloth Vest - (no description)
1040033 - Black Cloth Vest - (no description)
1040034 - Dark Nightshift - (no description)
1040035 - Blue Nightshift - (no description)
1040036 - Blue-Striped Undershirt - (no description)
1040037 - Brown Corporal - (no description)
1040038 - Blue Lolico Armor - (no description)
1040039 - Red Sergeant - (no description)
1040040 - Silver Master Sergeant - (no description)
1040041 - Dark Master Sergeant - (no description)
1040042 - Blue Pao - (no description)
1040043 - Red Pao - (no description)
1040044 - Black Pao - (no description)
1040045 - Red Rider - (no description)
1040046 - Shine Rider - (no description)
1040047 - Dark Rider - (no description)
1040048 - Brown Sneak - (no description)
1040049 - Blue Sneak - (no description)
1040050 - Black Sneak - (no description)
1040051 - Blue Striped Trainer - (no description)
1040052 - Green Striped Trainer - (no description)
1040053 - Orange Striped Trainer - (no description)
1040054 - Green Disco Shirt - (no description)
1040055 - Orange Disco Shirt - (no description)
1040056 - Original Disco Shirt - (no description)
1040057 - Dark Brown Stealer - (no description)
1040058 - Dark Silver Stealer - (no description)
1040059 - Red Gold Stealer - (no description)
1040060 - Silver Black Stealer - (no description)
1040061 - Green Knucklevest - (no description)
1040062 - Red Knucklevest - (no description)
1040063 - Black Knucklevest - (no description)
1040064 - Wild Top - (no description)
1040065 - Brown Wild Top - (no description)
1040066 - Red Wild Top - (no description)
1040067 - Green Hunter's Armor - (no description)
1040068 - Dark Hunter's Armor - (no description)
1040069 - Red Hunter's Armor - (no description)
1040070 - Blue Hunter's Armor - (no description)
1040071 - Green Archer Top - (no description)
1040072 - Red Legolier - (no description)
1040073 - Blue Legolier - (no description)
1040074 - Green Legolier - (no description)
1040075 - Dark Legolier - (no description)
1040076 - Brown Legolier - (no description)
1040077 - Cowboy Top - (no description)
1040078 - Pre-School Uniform Top - (no description)
1040079 - Brown Piette - (no description)
1040080 - Dark Piette - (no description)
1040081 - White Piette - (no description)
1040082 - Khaki Shadow - (no description)
1040083 - Marine Shadow - (no description)
1040084 - Dark Shadow - (no description)
1040085 - Maroon Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1040086 - Blue Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1040087 - Blue Shouldermail - (no description)
1040088 - Oaker Shouldermail - (no description)
1040089 - Umber Shouldermail - (no description)
1040090 - Green Orientican - (no description)
1040091 - Red Orientican - (no description)
1040092 - Blue Orientican - (no description)
1040093 - Dark Orientican - (no description)
1040094 - Red China - (no description)
1040095 - Blue China - (no description)
1040096 - Brown China - (no description)
1040097 - Green China - (no description)
1040098 - Light Scorpio - (no description)
1040099 - Oaker Scorpio - (no description)
1040100 - Dark Scorpio - (no description)
1040101 - Skull T-Shirt - (no description)
1040102 - Bronze Platine - (no description)
1040103 - Mithril Platine - (no description)
1040104 - Orihalcon Platine - (no description)
1040105 - Brown Studded Top - (no description)
1040106 - Blue Studded Top - (no description)
1040107 - Dark Studded Top - (no description)
1040108 - Green Pirate Top - (no description)
1040109 - Red Pirate Top - (no description)
1040110 - Dark Pirate Top - (no description)
1040111 - Green Commodore - (no description)
1040112 - Blue Commodore - (no description)
1040113 - Dark Commodore - (no description)
1040114 - Hawaiian Shirt - (no description)
1040115 - Green Osfa Suit - (no description)
1040116 - Brown Osfa Suit - (no description)
1040117 - Purple Osfa Suit - (no description)
1040118 - Red Osfa Suit - (no description)
1040119 - Ragged Top - (no description)
1040120 - Green Neos - (no description)
1040121 - Blue Neos - (no description)
1040122 - Black Neos - (no description)
1040123 - Prep School Uniform - (no description)
1040124 - Crusader T-Shirt - (no description)
1040125 - Military Cargo Jacket - (no description)
1040126 - Yellow Frill Sleeveless - (no description)
1040127 - Blue Heart Tanktop - (no description)
1040128 - Blue Line Tanktop - (no description)
1040129 - Red Casual Suit - (no description)
1040130 - Green Tie Casual Suit - (no description)
1040131 - Pink Tie Casual Suit - (no description)
1040132 - Palm Tree Tanktop - (no description)
1040133 - Long Blue Shirt - (no description)
1040134 - Orange Puffy Jacket - (no description)
1040135 - Muscle Man T - (no description)
1040137 - Tania Tailored Jacket - (no description)
1040138 - Mercury Leather Jacket (M) - (no description)
1040140 - Pink Mimi Blouse - (no description)
1040141 - Blue Sailor Shirt - (no description)
1040143 - Pink Top [m] - (no description)
1040144 - Bulletproof Vest - (no description)
1041000 - Blue Frill Blouse - (no description)
1041001 - Blue Sailor Shirt - (no description)
1041002 - White Tubetop - (no description)
1041003 - Red Qi Pao - (no description)
1041004 - Pink Starry Shirt - (no description)
1041005 - Pink Mimi Blouse - (no description)
1041006 - Yellow T-Shirt - (no description)
1041007 - Green Avelin - (no description)
1041008 - Green Able Armor - (no description)
1041009 - Red Sailor Shirt - (no description)
1041010 - Green T-Shirt - (no description)
1041011 - Red-Striped Top - (no description)
1041012 - Red-Striped T-Shirt - (no description)
1041013 - Green Shivermail - (no description)
1041014 - Orange Lolica Armor - (no description)
1041015 - Black Armine - (no description)
1041016 - Green Armine - (no description)
1041017 - Purple Arianne - (no description)
1041018 - Green Arianne - (no description)
1041019 - Red Lamelle - (no description)
1041020 - Green Lamelle - (no description)
1041021 - Brown Lamelle - (no description)
1041022 - Blue Shark - (no description)
1041023 - Sky Shark - (no description)
1041024 - Red Shark - (no description)
1041025 - Pink Arianne - (no description)
1041026 - Yellow Arianne - (no description)
1041027 - Red Shivermail - (no description)
1041028 - Purple Shivermail - (no description)
1041029 - Black Split - (no description)
1041030 - Red Split - (no description)
1041031 - Purple Split - (no description)
1041032 - Green Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1041033 - Red Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1041034 - Blue Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1041035 - Yellow Bennis Chainmail - (no description)
1041036 - Red Cloth Vest - (no description)
1041037 - Blue Cloth Vest - (no description)
1041038 - Black Cloth Vest - (no description)
1041039 - Pink Qi Pao - (no description)
1041040 - Blue Qi Pao - (no description)
1041041 - Purple Fairy Top - (no description)
1041042 - Green Fairy Top - (no description)
1041043 - Blue Fairy Top - (no description)
1041044 - Red Nightshift - (no description)
1041045 - Brown Nightshift - (no description)
1041046 - Pink Tanktop - (no description)
1041047 - Red Steal - (no description)
1041048 - Black Steal - (no description)
1041049 - Blue Steal - (no description)
1041050 - Purple Steal - (no description)
1041051 - Red Amoria Top - (no description)
1041052 - Blue Amoria Top - (no description)
1041053 - Black Amoria Top - (no description)
1041054 - Green Huntress Armor - (no description)
1041055 - Black Huntress Armor - (no description)
1041056 - Red Huntress Armor - (no description)
1041057 - Dark Sneak - (no description)
1041058 - Blood Sneak - (no description)
1041059 - Sky Sneak - (no description)
1041060 - Gold Sneak - (no description)
1041061 - Yellow Avelin - (no description)
1041062 - Yellow Able Armor - (no description)
1041063 - Grey Able Armor - (no description)
1041064 - Blueberry Lolica Armor - (no description)
1041065 - Red Legolia - (no description)
1041066 - Blue Legolia - (no description)
1041067 - Green Legolia - (no description)
1041068 - Dark Legolia - (no description)
1041069 - Brown Legolia - (no description)
1041070 - Sky Blue Mimi Blouse - (no description)
1041071 - Yellow Mimi Blouse - (no description)
1041072 - Cowboy Top - (no description)
1041073 - Pre-School Uniform Top - (no description)
1041074 - Purple Shadow - (no description)
1041075 - Red Shadow - (no description)
1041076 - Dark Shadow - (no description)
1041077 - Maroon Moon - (no description)
1041078 - Blue Moon - (no description)
1041079 - Brown Moon - (no description)
1041080 - Red Moon - (no description)
1041081 - White Piettra - (no description)
1041082 - Brown Piettra - (no description)
1041083 - Dark Piettra - (no description)
1041084 - Red Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1041085 - Brown Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1041086 - Black Jangoon Armor - (no description)
1041087 - Red Shouldermail - (no description)
1041088 - Ivory Shouldermail - (no description)
1041089 - Dark Shouldermail - (no description)
1041090 - Pink Top - (no description)
1041091 - Green Ice Queen - (no description)
1041092 - Red Ice Queen - (no description)
1041093 - Blue Ice Queen - (no description)
1041094 - Light Mantis - (no description)
1041095 - Bloody Mantis - (no description)
1041096 - Umber Mantis - (no description)
1041097 - Aqua Platina - (no description)
1041098 - Violet Platina - (no description)
1041099 - Bloody Platina - (no description)
1041100 - Purple Mystique - (no description)
1041101 - Blue Mystique - (no description)
1041102 - Pink Mystique - (no description)
1041103 - Red Mystique - (no description)
1041104 - Old School Uniform Top - (no description)
1041105 - Green Pirate Blouse - (no description)
1041106 - Red Pirate Blouse - (no description)
1041107 - Dark Pirate Blouse - (no description)
1041108 - SF Ninja Top - (no description)
1041109 - Red Trainer Jacket - (no description)
1041110 - Sky Blue Trainer Jacket - (no description)
1041111 - Pink Trainer Jacket - (no description)
1041112 - Black Trainer Jacket - (no description)
1041113 - Pink Frill Pajama Top - (no description)
1041114 - Hawaiian Shirt - (no description)
1041115 - Green Osfa Suit - (no description)
1041116 - Brown Osfa Suit - (no description)
1041117 - Purple Osfa Suit - (no description)
1041118 - Red Osfa Suit - (no description)
1041119 - Green Valkyrie - (no description)
1041120 - Purple Valkyrie - (no description)
1041121 - Dark Valkyrie - (no description)
1041122 - Green Lucida - (no description)
1041123 - Purple Lucida - (no description)
1041124 - Dark Lucida - (no description)
1041125 - Rainbow Knit - (no description)
1041126 - Transparent Top (F) - Use this Top equip if you want to make your Top equip transparent while still using all of the stats your Top equip possesses.
1041127 - Heart Sleeveless - (no description)
1041128 - Cross Sleeveless - (no description)
1041129 - Yellow Frill Camisole - (no description)
1041130 - Blue Frill Camisole - (no description)
1041131 - Pink Ribboned Janie - (no description)
1041132 - Pink Frill Camisole - (no description)
1041133 - Grey Cardigan - (no description)
1041134 - Angora Mustang - (no description)
1041135 - Tube-Top Jacket - (no description)
1041136 - Pink Vest Blouse - (no description)
1041137 - Pink-Dotted Top - (no description)
1041138 - Tania Bolero - (no description)
1041139 - Mercury Leather Jacket (F) - (no description)
1041142 - Ribbon Frilled top - (no description)
1041143 - Green tie Jacket - (no description)
1041146 - Old School Blazer [F] - (no description)
1042000 - Orange Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042001 - Black Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042002 - Red Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042003 - Wizet Plain Suit - (no description)
1042004 - Pink Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042005 - Pink Camping Shirt - (no description)
1042006 - Green Camping Shirt - (no description)
1042007 - Blue Camping Shirt - (no description)
1042008 - Wildcats Baseball Shirt (Basic) - (no description)
1042009 - Wildcats Baseball Shirt (Home) - (no description)
1042010 - Wildcats Baseball Shirt (Away) - (no description)
1042011 - Wildcats Baseball Shirt (Alternate) - (no description)
1042012 - Yellow Snowboard Top - (no description)
1042013 - Green Snowboard Top - (no description)
1042014 - Yellow Layered Combo - (no description)
1042015 - Blue Layered Combo - (no description)
1042016 - Pink Snowboard Top - (no description)
1042017 - Sky Blue Snowboard Top - (no description)
1042018 - Red T-Shirt w/ Heart - (no description)
1042019 - M Layered T-Shirt - (no description)
1042020 - Old Military Uniform - (no description)
1042021 - Starry Layered Combo - (no description)
1042022 - Camouflaged Uniform - (no description)
1042023 - Blue Polka-Dot Pajama Top - (no description)
1042024 - Red Polka-Dot Pajama Top - (no description)
1042025 - Prisoner Top - (no description)
1042026 - Flowery Dress Shirt - (no description)
1042027 - Blue B-Ball Jersey - (no description)
1042028 - Orange B-Ball Jersey - (no description)
1042029 - Octopus T-Shirt - (no description)
1042030 - Slime T-Shirt - (no description)
1042031 - O. Mushroom T-Shirt - (no description)
1042032 - Beetle Longsleeve - (no description)
1042033 - Beige Double-Coat - (no description)
1042034 - Green Double-Coat - (no description)
1042035 - Red Double-Coat - (no description)
1042036 - Christmas Padded Jacket - (no description)
1042037 - Snowman Padded Jacket - (no description)
1042038 - Red Sweater - (no description)
1042039 - Sky Blue Allstar - (no description)
1042040 - Pink Allstar - (no description)
1042041 - Black Allstar - (no description)
1042042 - White Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042043 - Green Striped Rugby Tee - (no description)
1042044 - Pink Striped Rugby Tee - (no description)
1042045 - Bowling Shirt - (no description)
1042046 - White Casual Suit - (no description)
1042047 - Star-Patterned Yellow Shirt - (no description)
1042048 - Star-Patterned Purple Shirt - (no description)
1042049 - Short Denim Jacket - (no description)
1042050 - Baseball Jumper - (no description)
1042051 - Bomber Jacket - (no description)
1042052 - Blue Down Parka - (no description)
1042053 - Blue Wool Jacket - (no description)
1042054 - Pink Wool Jacket - (no description)
1042055 - Pink Down Parka - (no description)
1042056 - Beat Shirt - (no description)
1042058 - Red Half - (no description)
1042059 - Sholl Trainer - (no description)
1042060 - Pola Sweater - (no description)
1042061 - Ball Zone Jumper - (no description)
1042062 - Stitched Leather Jacket - (no description)
1042063 - Red Turtleneck Sweater - (no description)
1042064 - Football Top(Home) - (no description)
1042065 - Football Top(Away) - (no description)
1042066 - Orange Hooded Shirt - (no description)
1042067 - Orange Hooded Zip-Up - (no description)
1042068 - Drill Muffler - (no description)
1042069 - Pink Big-Belt Shirt - (no description)
1042070 - Sky Blue Big-Belt Shirt - (no description)
1042071 - Pastel Layered Hooded Shirt - (no description)
1042072 - Red Layered Hooded Shirt - (no description)
1042073 - Navy Blue Dress Shirt - (no description)
1042074 - White Longsleeve with Star - (no description)
1042075 - Pink Pluto T - (no description)
1042076 - Dotted Disco Shirt - (no description)
1042077 - Rainbow T - (no description)
1042078 - White & Blue Sailor Top - (no description)
1042080 - Red Hot Racer T - (no description)
1042081 - Cherry Layered T - (no description)
1042082 - Black Cardigan Set - (no description)
1042083 - Rainbow Hooded Pancho - (no description)
1042084 - Army General Hoodie - (no description)
1042085 - Canary Heart T - (no description)
1042086 - Tourist T - (no description)
1042087 - Skull Shirt - (no description)
1042088 - Black Skull Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042089 - Blue Skull Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042090 - Red Skull Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042091 - Pink Skull Hooded Vest - (no description)
1042092 - Pelvis Hoodie - (no description)
1042093 - Pointed Double Coat - (no description)
1042094 - Orange Snowflake Sweater - (no description)
1042095 - Vintage Hooded Shirt - (no description)
1042096 - M Shirt - (no description)
1042097 - Print layered Hoody - (no description)
1042098 - Camo Hooded Jacket - (no description)
1042099 - Striped Hooded Shirt - (no description)
1042100 - Checkered Casual Suit - (no description)
1042101 - Blanc Rose Top - (no description)
1042102 - Aqua Road T - (no description)
1042103 - White Outlaw Shirt - (no description)
1042104 - Lime Green Sleeveless - (no description)
1042105 - Crown Hooded T - (no description)
1042106 - Rainbow-striped Hoodie - (no description)
1042107 - Pink Flower T-shirt - When equipped, the flower petals will float around while moving.
1042108 - Spangle sleeveless - (no description)
1042109 - Yellow & Red-Striped Jacket - (no description)
1042110 - Red Hooded Coat - (no description)
1042116 - Orange Pea Coat - (no description)
1042117 - Green Baseball Jacket - (no description)
1042118 - Red Checkered Shirt - (no description)
1042119 - Vintage Muffler Jacket - (no description)
1042120 - Celeste Blue Double Coat - (no description)
1042121 - Opera Pink Double Coat - (no description)
1042122 - Bowtie Jacket - (no description)
1042125 - Yellow Longsleeve w/ Bunny Bag - (no description)
1042126 - Red and Black Blazer - (no description)
1042127 - Green Suspenders - (no description)
1042128 - Apple-Green Sweater - (no description)
1042129 - "Black Tie Affair" Dress Shirt - (no description)
1042130 - Gold Chainz - (no description)
1042131 - Preppy Black Vest - (no description)
1042132 - Aqua Green Star - (no description)
1042133 - Striped Hoodie Shirt - (no description)
1042134 - Yellow Shirt w/ Pads - (no description)
1042135 - Dark Master Sergeant for Transformation - (no description)
1042136 - Red Legolesse for Transformation - (no description)
1042137 - Dark Night for Transformation - (no description)
1042138 - The White Tee - (no description)
1042141 - Pink Star Glow - (no description)
1042140 - Slick Agent Top - (no description)
1042145 - Layered Duckie T - (no description)
1042146 - Superstar Hoodie - (no description)
1042147 - Preppy Knit Vest - (no description)
1042142 - Rainbow Top - (no description)
1042143 - Disco Tank Top - (no description)
1042154 - Bohemian Hooded Jacket - (no description)
1042152 - Rainbow Knitted Top - (no description)
1042150 - Black "Hit Me" Shirt - (no description)
1042153 - Red Plaid Duffle Coat - (no description)
1042155 - Sky Rider Jacket - (no description)
1042151 - Brown Argyle Sweater - (no description)
1042149 - 80's Knit Pullover - (no description)
1049000 - Friendship Shirt - Can be purchased and given to another user as a gift. If two characters wearing this item are standing within a given range, the Friendship effect is generated.
1048000 - Couple Shirt - Can be purchased and given to another user as a gift. If two characters wearing this item are standing within a given range, the Couple effect is generated.
1042166 - Leather Biker Jacket - (no description)
1042160 - Navy Hoodie - (no description)
1042156 - Galaxy T-Shirt - (no description)
1042161 - Spring Jealousy - (no description)
1042163 - Pink Heart T-Shirt & Muffler - (no description)
1042164 - Green Tie & Shirt - (no description)
1042165 - Pink Bowtie & White Vest - (no description)
1042158 - Baseball Classic - (no description)
1042144 - Checkered Resort Shirt - (no description)
1042168 - Lightning T-Shirt - (no description)
1042157 - Lovely Pink T-Shirt - (no description)
1042162 - Blue-Striped Undershirt - (no description)
1042169 - Rainbow Tie-Dye Shirt - (no description)
1040145 - King Pepe Gold Dragon - (no description)
1040146 - King Pepe Dark Legolier - (no description)
1040147 - King Pepe Black Knuckle Vest - (no description)
1041148 - King Pepe Red Shark - (no description)
1041149 - King Pepe Brown Legolas - (no description)
1041150 - King Pepe Purple Steal - (no description)
1042167 - Simple Warrior Top - (no description)
1042170 - Cool Summer Shirt - (no description)
1042172 - Cute Baby Blue Shirt - (no description)
1042173 - Green Smart Tee - (no description)
1042174 - Camping Shirt - (no description)
1042182 - Denim Hoodie - (no description)
1042177 - Vintage Hoodie Jacket - (no description)
1042181 - Napoleon Jacket - (no description)
1042178 - ?? ???? - (no description)
1042180 - ??? ???? - (no description)
1042183 - Pink Argyle Plaid - (no description)
1042186 - Fur Vest - (no description)
1042187 - Pink Sweater - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Face.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
20000 - Motivated Look (Black) - (no description)
20001 - Perplexed Stare (Black) - (no description)
20002 - Leisure Look (Black) - (no description)
20003 - Dramatic Face (Black) - (no description)
20004 - Rebel's Fire (Black) - (no description)
20005 - Alert Face (Black) - (no description)
20006 - Babyface Pout (Black) - (no description)
20007 - Sad Innocence (Black) - (no description)
20008 - Worrisome Glare (Black) - (no description)
20009 - Smart Aleck (Black) - (no description)
20010 - Anger's Blaze (Black) - (no description)
20011 - Cool Guy Gaze (Black) - (no description)
20012 - Curious Dog (Black) - (no description)
20013 - Insomniac Daze (Black) - (no description)
20014 - Look of Wonder (Black) - (no description)
20015 - Eye of the Lion (Black) - (no description)
20016 - Ghostface Stare (Black) - (no description)
20017 - Demure Poise (Black) - (no description)
20018 - Champion Focus (Black) - (no description)
20019 - Irritable Face (Black) - (no description)
20020 - Fierce Edge (Black) - (no description)
20021 - Overjoyed Smile (Black) - (no description)
20022 - Child's Play (Black) - (no description)
20023 - Hypnotized Look (Black) - (no description)
20024 - Intense Stare (Black) - (no description)
20025 - Edge of Emotion (Black) - (no description)
20026 - Shuteye (Black) - (no description)
20027 - Pensive Look (Black) - (no description)
20028 - Sarcastic Face (Black) - (no description)
20029 - Shade of Cool (Black) - (no description)
20031 - Fearful Glance (Black) - (no description)
20032 - Undecided Face (Black) - (no description)
20100 - Motivated Look (Blue) - (no description)
20101 - Perplexed Stare (Blue) - (no description)
20102 - Leisure Look (Blue) - (no description)
20103 - Dramatic Face (Blue) - (no description)
20104 - Rebel's Fire (Blue) - (no description)
20105 - Alert Face (Blue) - (no description)
20106 - Babyface Pout (Blue) - (no description)
20107 - Sad Innocence (Blue) - (no description)
20108 - Worrisome Glare (Blue) - (no description)
20109 - Smart Aleck (Blue) - (no description)
20110 - Anger's Blaze (Blue) - (no description)
20111 - Cool Guy Gaze (Blue) - (no description)
20112 - Curious Dog (Blue) - (no description)
20113 - Insomniac Daze (Blue) - (no description)
20114 - Look of Wonder (Blue) - (no description)
20115 - Eye of the Lion (Blue) - (no description)
20116 - Ghostface Stare (Blue) - (no description)
20117 - Demure Poise (Blue) - (no description)
20118 - Champion Focus (Blue) - (no description)
20119 - Irritable Face (Blue) - (no description)
20120 - Fierce Edge (Blue) - (no description)
20121 - Overjoyed Smile (Blue) - (no description)
20122 - Child's Play (Blue) - (no description)
20123 - Hypnotized Look (Blue) - (no description)
20124 - Intense Stare (Blue) - (no description)
20125 - Edge of Emotion (Blue) - (no description)
20126 - Shuteye (Blue) - (no description)
20127 - Pensive Look (Blue) - (no description)
20128 - Sarcastic Face (Blue) - (no description)
20129 - Shade of Cool (Blue) - (no description)
20131 - Fearful Glance (Blue) - (no description)
20132 - Undecided Face (Blue) - (no description)
20200 - Motivated Look (Red) - (no description)
20201 - Perplexed Stare (Red) - (no description)
20202 - Leisure Look (Red) - (no description)
20203 - Dramatic Face (Red) - (no description)
20204 - Rebel's Fire (Red) - (no description)
20205 - Alert Face (Red) - (no description)
20206 - Babyface Pout (Red) - (no description)
20207 - Sad Innocence (Red) - (no description)
20208 - Worrisome Glare (Red) - (no description)
20209 - Smart Aleck (Red) - (no description)
20210 - Anger's Blaze (Red) - (no description)
20211 - Cool Guy Gaze (Red) - (no description)
20212 - Curious Dog (Red) - (no description)
20213 - Insomniac Daze (Red) - (no description)
20214 - Look of Wonder (Red) - (no description)
20215 - Eye of the Lion (Red) - (no description)
20216 - Ghostface Stare (Red) - (no description)
20217 - Demure Poise (Red) - (no description)
20218 - Champion Focus (Red) - (no description)
20219 - Irritable Face (Red) - (no description)
20220 - Fierce Edge (Red) - (no description)
20221 - Overjoyed Smile (Red) - (no description)
20222 - Child's Play (Red) - (no description)
20223 - Hypnotized Look (Red) - (no description)
20224 - Intense Stare (Red) - (no description)
20225 - Edge of Emotion (Red) - (no description)
20226 - Shuteye (Red) - (no description)
20227 - Pensive Look (Red) - (no description)
20228 - Sarcastic Face (Red) - (no description)
20229 - Shade of Cool (Red) - (no description)
20231 - Fearful Glance (Red) - (no description)
20232 - Undecided Face (Red) - (no description)
20300 - Motivated Look (Green) - (no description)
20301 - Perplexed Stare (Green) - (no description)
20302 - Leisure Look (Green) - (no description)
20303 - Dramatic Face (Green) - (no description)
20304 - Rebel's Fire (Green) - (no description)
20305 - Alert Face (Green) - (no description)
20306 - Babyface Pout (Green) - (no description)
20307 - Sad Innocence (Green) - (no description)
20308 - Worrisome Glare (Green) - (no description)
20309 - Smart Aleck (Green) - (no description)
20310 - Anger's Blaze (Green) - (no description)
20311 - Cool Guy Gaze (Green) - (no description)
20312 - Curious Dog (Green) - (no description)
20313 - Insomniac Daze (Green) - (no description)
20314 - Look of Wonder (Green) - (no description)
20315 - Eye of the Lion (Green) - (no description)
20316 - Ghostface Stare (Green) - (no description)
20317 - Demure Poise (Green) - (no description)
20318 - Champion Focus (Green) - (no description)
20319 - Irritable Face (Green) - (no description)
20320 - Fierce Edge (Green) - (no description)
20321 - Overjoyed Smile (Green) - (no description)
20322 - Child's Play (Green) - (no description)
20323 - Hypnotized Look (Green) - (no description)
20324 - Intense Stare (Green) - (no description)
20325 - Edge of Emotion (Green) - (no description)
20326 - Shuteye (Green) - (no description)
20327 - Pensive Look (Green) - (no description)
20328 - Sarcastic Face (Green) - (no description)
20329 - Shade of Cool (Green) - (no description)
20331 - Fearful Glance (Green) - (no description)
20332 - Undecided Face (Green) - (no description)
20400 - Motivated Look (Hazel) - (no description)
20401 - Perplexed Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
20402 - Leisure Look (Hazel) - (no description)
20403 - Dramatic Face (Hazel) - (no description)
20404 - Rebel's Fire (Hazel) - (no description)
20405 - Alert Face (Hazel) - (no description)
20406 - Babyface Pout (Hazel) - (no description)
20407 - Sad Innocence (Hazel) - (no description)
20408 - Worrisome Glare (Hazel) - (no description)
20409 - Smart Aleck (Hazel) - (no description)
20410 - Anger's Blaze (Hazel) - (no description)
20411 - Cool Guy Gaze (Hazel) - (no description)
20412 - Curious Dog (Hazel) - (no description)
20413 - Insomniac Daze (Hazel) - (no description)
20414 - Look of Wonder (Hazel) - (no description)
20415 - Eye of the Lion (Hazel) - (no description)
20416 - Ghostface Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
20417 - Demure Poise (Hazel) - (no description)
20418 - Champion Focus (Hazel) - (no description)
20419 - Irritable Face (Hazel) - (no description)
20420 - Fierce Edge (Hazel) - (no description)
20421 - Overjoyed Smile (Hazel) - (no description)
20422 - Child's Play (Hazel) - (no description)
20423 - Hypnotized Look (Hazel) - (no description)
20424 - Intense Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
20425 - Edge of Emotion (Hazel) - (no description)
20426 - Shuteye (Hazel) - (no description)
20427 - Pensive Look (Hazel) - (no description)
20428 - Sarcastic Face (Hazel) - (no description)
20429 - Shade of Cool (Hazel) - (no description)
20431 - Fearful Glance (Hazel) - (no description)
20432 - Undecided Face (Hazel) - (no description)
20500 - Motivated Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
20501 - Perplexed Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
20502 - Leisure Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
20503 - Dramatic Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
20504 - Rebel's Fire (Sapphire) - (no description)
20505 - Alert Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
20506 - Babyface Pout (Sapphire) - (no description)
20507 - Sad Innocence (Sapphire) - (no description)
20508 - Worrisome Glare (Sapphire) - (no description)
20509 - Smart Aleck (Sapphire) - (no description)
20510 - Anger's Blaze (Sapphire) - (no description)
20511 - Cool Guy Gaze (Sapphire) - (no description)
20512 - Curious Dog (Sapphire) - (no description)
20513 - Insomniac Daze (Sapphire) - (no description)
20514 - Look of Wonder (Sapphire) - (no description)
20515 - Eye of the Lion (Sapphire) - (no description)
20516 - Ghostface Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
20517 - Demure Poise (Sapphire) - (no description)
20518 - Champion Focus (Sapphire) - (no description)
20519 - Irritable Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
20520 - Fierce Edge (Sapphire) - (no description)
20521 - Overjoyed Smile (Sapphire) - (no description)
20522 - Child's Play (Sapphire) - (no description)
20523 - Hypnotized Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
20524 - Intense Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
20525 - Edge of Emotion (Sapphire) - (no description)
20526 - Shuteye (Sapphire) - (no description)
20527 - Pensive Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
20528 - Sarcastic Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
20529 - Shade of Cool (Sapphire) - (no description)
20531 - Fearful Glance (Sapphire) - (no description)
20532 - Undecided Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
20600 - Motivated Look (Violet) - (no description)
20601 - Perplexed Stare (Violet) - (no description)
20602 - Leisure Look (Violet) - (no description)
20603 - Dramatic Face (Violet) - (no description)
20604 - Rebel's Fire (Violet) - (no description)
20605 - Alert Face (Violet) - (no description)
20606 - Babyface Pout (Violet) - (no description)
20607 - Sad Innocence (Violet) - (no description)
20608 - Worrisome Glare (Violet) - (no description)
20609 - Smart Aleck (Violet) - (no description)
20610 - Anger's Blaze (Violet) - (no description)
20611 - Cool Guy Gaze (Violet) - (no description)
20612 - Curious Dog (Violet) - (no description)
20613 - Insomniac Daze (Violet) - (no description)
20614 - Look of Wonder (Violet) - (no description)
20615 - Eye of the Lion (Violet) - (no description)
20616 - Ghostface Stare (Violet) - (no description)
20617 - Demure Poise (Violet) - (no description)
20618 - Champion Focus (Violet) - (no description)
20619 - Irritable Face (Violet) - (no description)
20620 - Fierce Edge (Violet) - (no description)
20621 - Overjoyed Smile (Violet) - (no description)
20622 - Child's Play (Violet) - (no description)
20623 - Hypnotized Look (Violet) - (no description)
20624 - Intense Stare (Violet) - (no description)
20625 - Edge of Emotion (Violet) - (no description)
20626 - Shuteye (Violet) - (no description)
20627 - Pensive Look (Violet) - (no description)
20628 - Sarcastic Face (Violet) - (no description)
20629 - Shade of Cool (Violet) - (no description)
20631 - Fearful Glance (Violet) - (no description)
20632 - Undecided Face (Violet) - (no description)
20700 - Motivated Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
20701 - Perplexed Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
20702 - Leisure Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
20703 - Dramatic Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
20704 - Rebel's Fire (Amethyst) - (no description)
20705 - Alert Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
20706 - Babyface Pout (Amethyst) - (no description)
20707 - Sad Innocence (Amethyst) - (no description)
20708 - Worrisome Glare (Amethyst) - (no description)
20709 - Smart Aleck (Amethyst) - (no description)
20710 - Anger's Blaze (Amethyst) - (no description)
20711 - Cool Guy Gaze (Amethyst) - (no description)
20712 - Curious Dog (Amethyst) - (no description)
20713 - Insomniac Daze (Amethyst) - (no description)
20714 - Look of Wonder (Amethyst) - (no description)
20715 - Eye of the Lion (Amethyst) - (no description)
20716 - Ghostface Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
20717 - Demure Poise (Amethyst) - (no description)
20718 - Champion Focus (Amethyst) - (no description)
20719 - Irritable Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
20720 - Fierce Edge (Amethyst) - (no description)
20721 - Overjoyed Smile (Amethyst) - (no description)
20722 - Child's Play (Amethyst) - (no description)
20723 - Hypnotized Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
20724 - Intense Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
20725 - Edge of Emotion (Amethyst) - (no description)
20726 - Shuteye (Amethyst) - (no description)
20727 - Pensive Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
20728 - Sarcastic Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
20729 - Shade of Cool (Amethyst) - (no description)
20731 - Fearful Glance (Amethyst) - (no description)
20732 - Undecided Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
20800 - Motivated Look (White) - (no description)
20801 - Perplexed Stare (White) - (no description)
20802 - Leisure Look (White) - (no description)
20803 - Dramatic Face (White) - (no description)
20804 - Rebel's Fire (White) - (no description)
20805 - Alert Face (White) - (no description)
20806 - Babyface Pout (White) - (no description)
20807 - Sad Innocence (White) - (no description)
20808 - Worrisome Glare (White) - (no description)
20809 - Smart Aleck (White) - (no description)
20810 - Anger's Blaze (White) - (no description)
20811 - Cool Guy Gaze (White) - (no description)
20812 - Curious Dog (White) - (no description)
20813 - Insomniac Daze (White) - (no description)
20814 - Look of Wonder (White) - (no description)
20816 - Ghostface Stare (White) - (no description)
20817 - Demure Poise (White) - (no description)
20818 - Champion Focus (White) - (no description)
20819 - Irritable Face (White) - (no description)
20820 - Fierce Edge (White) - (no description)
20821 - Overjoyed Smile (White) - (no description)
20822 - Child's Play (White) - (no description)
20823 - Hypnotized Look (White) - (no description)
20824 - Intense Stare (White) - (no description)
20826 - Shuteye (White) - (no description)
20828 - Sarcastic Face (White) - (no description)
21000 - Motivated Look (Black) - (no description)
21001 - Fearful Stare (Black) - (no description)
21002 - Leisure Look (Black) - (no description)
21003 - Strong Stare (Black) - (no description)
21004 - Angel Glow (Black) - (no description)
21005 - Babyface Pout (Black) - (no description)
21006 - Pucker Up Face (Black) - (no description)
21007 - Dollface Look (Black) - (no description)
21008 - Hopeless Gaze (Black) - (no description)
21009 - Look of Death (Black) - (no description)
21010 - Wisdom Glance (Black) - (no description)
21011 - Hypnotized Look (Black) - (no description)
21012 - Soul's Window (Black) - (no description)
21013 - Wide-eyed Girl (Black) - (no description)
21014 - Curious Look (Black) - (no description)
21016 - Beauty Stare (Black) - (no description)
21017 - Demure Poise Eyes (Black) - (no description)
21018 - Athena's Grace (Black) - (no description)
21019 - Hera's Radiance (Black) - (no description)
21020 - Gentle Glow (Black) - (no description)
21021 - Compassion Look (Black) - (no description)
21022 - Glitzy Face (Black) - (no description)
21023 - Innocent Look (Black) - (no description)
21024 - Keen Look (Black) - (no description)
21025 - Shuteye (Black) - (no description)
21026 - Tender Love (Black) - (no description)
21027 - Glamorous Edge (Black) - (no description)
21029 - Kitty Cat (Black) - (no description)
21030 - Poker Face (Black) - (no description)
21100 - Motivated Look (Blue) - (no description)
21101 - Fearful Stare (Blue) - (no description)
21102 - Leisure Look (Blue) - (no description)
21103 - Strong Stare (Blue) - (no description)
21104 - Angel Glow (Blue) - (no description)
21105 - Babyface Pout (Blue) - (no description)
21106 - Pucker Up Face (Blue) - (no description)
21107 - Dollface Look (Blue) - (no description)
21108 - Hopeless Gaze (Blue) - (no description)
21109 - Look of Death (Blue) - (no description)
21110 - Wisdom Glance (Blue) - (no description)
21111 - Hypnotized Look (Blue) - (no description)
21112 - Soul's Window (Blue) - (no description)
21113 - Wide-eyed Girl (Blue) - (no description)
21114 - Curious Look (Blue) - (no description)
21116 - Beauty Stare (Blue) - (no description)
21117 - Demure Poise Eyes (Blue) - (no description)
21118 - Athena's Grace (Blue) - (no description)
21119 - Hera's Radiance (Blue) - (no description)
21120 - Gentle Glow (Blue) - (no description)
21121 - Compassion Look (Blue) - (no description)
21122 - Glitzy Face (Blue) - (no description)
21123 - Innocent Look (Blue) - (no description)
21124 - Keen Look (Blue) - (no description)
21125 - Shuteye (Blue) - (no description)
21126 - Tender Love (Blue) - (no description)
21127 - Glamorous Edge (Blue) - (no description)
21129 - Kitty Cat (Blue) - (no description)
21130 - Poker Face (Blue) - (no description)
21200 - Motivated Look (Red) - (no description)
21201 - Fearful Stare (Red) - (no description)
21202 - Leisure Look (Red) - (no description)
21203 - Strong Stare (Red) - (no description)
21204 - Angel Glow (Red) - (no description)
21205 - Babyface Pout (Red) - (no description)
21206 - Pucker Up Face (Red) - (no description)
21207 - Dollface Look (Red) - (no description)
21208 - Hopeless Gaze (Red) - (no description)
21209 - Look of Death (Red) - (no description)
21210 - Wisdom Glance (Red) - (no description)
21211 - Hypnotized Look (Red) - (no description)
21212 - Soul's Window (Red) - (no description)
21213 - Wide-eyed Girl (Red) - (no description)
21214 - Curious Look (Red) - (no description)
21216 - Beauty Stare (Red) - (no description)
21217 - Demure Poise Eyes (Red) - (no description)
21218 - Athena's Grace (Red) - (no description)
21219 - Hera's Radiance (Red) - (no description)
21220 - Gentle Glow (Red) - (no description)
21221 - Compassion Look (Red) - (no description)
21222 - Glitzy Face (Red) - (no description)
21223 - Innocent Look (Red) - (no description)
21224 - Keen Look (Red) - (no description)
21225 - Shuteye (Red) - (no description)
21226 - Tender Love (Red) - (no description)
21227 - Glamorous Edge (Red) - (no description)
21229 - Kitty Cat (Red) - (no description)
21230 - Poker Face (Red) - (no description)
21300 - Motivated Look (Green) - (no description)
21301 - Fearful Stare (Green) - (no description)
21302 - Leisure Look (Green) - (no description)
21303 - Strong Stare (Green) - (no description)
21304 - Angel Glow (Green) - (no description)
21305 - Babyface Pout (Green) - (no description)
21306 - Pucker Up Face (Green) - (no description)
21307 - Dollface Look (Green) - (no description)
21308 - Hopeless Gaze (Green) - (no description)
21309 - Look of Death (Green) - (no description)
21310 - Wisdom Glance (Green) - (no description)
21311 - Hypnotized Look (Green) - (no description)
21312 - Soul's Window (Green) - (no description)
21313 - Wide-eyed Girl (Green) - (no description)
21314 - Curious Look (Green) - (no description)
21316 - Beauty Stare (Green) - (no description)
21317 - Demure Poise Eyes (Green) - (no description)
21318 - Athena's Grace (Green) - (no description)
21319 - Hera's Radiance (Green) - (no description)
21320 - Gentle Glow (Green) - (no description)
21321 - Compassion Look (Green) - (no description)
21322 - Glitzy Face (Green) - (no description)
21323 - Innocent Look (Green) - (no description)
21324 - Keen Look (Green) - (no description)
21325 - Shuteye (Green) - (no description)
21326 - Tender Love (Green) - (no description)
21327 - Glamorous Edge (Green) - (no description)
21329 - Kitty Cat (Green) - (no description)
21330 - Poker Face (Green) - (no description)
21400 - Motivated Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21401 - Fearful Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
21402 - Leisure Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21403 - Strong Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
21404 - Angel Glow (Hazel) - (no description)
21405 - Babyface Pout (Hazel) - (no description)
21406 - Pucker Up Face (Hazel) - (no description)
21407 - Dollface Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21408 - Hopeless Gaze (Hazel) - (no description)
21409 - Look of Death (Hazel) - (no description)
21410 - Wisdom Glance (Hazel) - (no description)
21411 - Hypnotized Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21412 - Soul's Window (Hazel) - (no description)
21413 - Wide-eyed Girl (Hazel) - (no description)
21414 - Curious Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21416 - Beauty Stare (Hazel) - (no description)
21417 - Demure Poise Eyes (Hazel) - (no description)
21418 - Athena's Grace (Hazel) - (no description)
21419 - Hera's Radiance (Hazel) - (no description)
21420 - Gentle Glow (Hazel) - (no description)
21421 - Compassion Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21422 - Glitzy Face (Hazel) - (no description)
21423 - Innocent Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21424 - Keen Look (Hazel) - (no description)
21425 - Shuteye (Hazel) - (no description)
21426 - Tender Love (Hazel) - (no description)
21427 - Glamorous Edge (Hazel) - (no description)
21429 - Kitty Cat (Hazel) - (no description)
21430 - Poker Face (Hazel) - (no description)
21500 - Motivated Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21501 - Fearful Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
21502 - Leisure Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21503 - Strong Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
21504 - Angel Glow (Sapphire) - (no description)
21505 - Babyface Pout (Sapphire) - (no description)
21506 - Pucker Up Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
21507 - Dollface Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21508 - Hopeless Gaze (Sapphire) - (no description)
21509 - Look of Death (Sapphire) - (no description)
21510 - Wisdom Glance (Sapphire) - (no description)
21511 - Hypnotized Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21512 - Soul's Window (Sapphire) - (no description)
21513 - Wide-eyed Girl (Sapphire) - (no description)
21514 - Curious Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21516 - Beauty Stare (Sapphire) - (no description)
21517 - Demure Poise Eyes (Sapphire) - (no description)
21518 - Athena's Grace (Sapphire) - (no description)
21519 - Hera's Radiance (Sapphire) - (no description)
21520 - Gentle Glow (Sapphire) - (no description)
21521 - Compassion Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21522 - Glitzy Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
21523 - Innocent Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21524 - Keen Look (Sapphire) - (no description)
21525 - Shuteye (Sapphire) - (no description)
21526 - Tender Love (Sapphire) - (no description)
21527 - Glamorous Edge (Sapphire) - (no description)
21529 - Kitty Cat (Sapphire) - (no description)
21530 - Poker Face (Sapphire) - (no description)
21600 - Motivated Look (Violet) - (no description)
21601 - Fearful Stare (Violet) - (no description)
21602 - Leisure Look (Violet) - (no description)
21603 - Strong Stare (Violet) - (no description)
21604 - Angel Glow (Violet) - (no description)
21605 - Babyface Pout (Violet) - (no description)
21606 - Pucker Up Face (Violet) - (no description)
21607 - Dollface Look (Violet) - (no description)
21608 - Hopeless Gaze (Violet) - (no description)
21609 - Look of Death (Violet) - (no description)
21610 - Wisdom Glance (Violet) - (no description)
21611 - Hypnotized Look (Violet) - (no description)
21612 - Soul's Window (Violet) - (no description)
21613 - Wide-eyed Girl (Violet) - (no description)
21614 - Curious Look (Violet) - (no description)
21616 - Beauty Stare (Violet) - (no description)
21617 - Demure Poise Eyes (Violet) - (no description)
21618 - Athena's Grace (Violet) - (no description)
21619 - Hera's Radiance (Violet) - (no description)
21620 - Gentle Glow (Violet) - (no description)
21621 - Compassion Look (Violet) - (no description)
21622 - Glitzy Face (Violet) - (no description)
21623 - Innocent Look (Violet) - (no description)
21624 - Keen Look (Violet) - (no description)
21625 - Shuteye (Violet) - (no description)
21626 - Tender Love (Violet) - (no description)
21627 - Glamorous Edge (Violet) - (no description)
21629 - Kitty Cat (Violet) - (no description)
21630 - Poker Face (Violet) - (no description)
21700 - Motivated Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21701 - Fearful Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
21702 - Leisure Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21703 - Strong Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
21704 - Angel Glow (Amethyst) - (no description)
21705 - Babyface Pout (Amethyst) - (no description)
21706 - Pucker Up Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
21707 - Dollface Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21708 - Hopeless Gaze (Amethyst) - (no description)
21709 - Look of Death (Amethyst) - (no description)
21710 - Wisdom Glance (Amethyst) - (no description)
21711 - Hypnotized Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21712 - Soul's Window (Amethyst) - (no description)
21713 - Wide-eyed Girl (Amethyst) - (no description)
21714 - Curious Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21716 - Beauty Stare (Amethyst) - (no description)
21717 - Demure Poise Eyes (Amethyst) - (no description)
21718 - Athena's Grace (Amethyst) - (no description)
21719 - Hera's Radiance (Amethyst) - (no description)
21720 - Gentle Glow (Amethyst) - (no description)
21721 - Compassion Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21722 - Glitzy Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
21723 - Innocent Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21724 - Keen Look (Amethyst) - (no description)
21725 - Shuteye (Amethyst) - (no description)
21726 - Tender Love (Amethyst) - (no description)
21727 - Glamorous Edge (Amethyst) - (no description)
21729 - Kitty Cat (Amethyst) - (no description)
21730 - Poker Face (Amethyst) - (no description)
21800 - Motivated Look (White) - (no description)
21801 - Fearful Stare (White) - (no description)
21802 - Leisure Look (White) - (no description)
21803 - Strong Stare (White) - (no description)
21804 - Angel Glow (White) - (no description)
21805 - Babyface Pout (White) - (no description)
21806 - Pucker Up Face (White) - (no description)
21807 - Dollface Look (White) - (no description)
21808 - Hopeless Gaze (White) - (no description)
21809 - Look of Death (White) - (no description)
21810 - Wisdom Glance (White) - (no description)
21811 - Hypnotized Look (White) - (no description)
21812 - Soul's Window (White) - (no description)
21813 - Wide-eyed Girl (White) - (no description)
21814 - Curious Look (White) - (no description)
21816 - Beauty Stare (White) - (no description)
21817 - Demure Poise Eyes (White) - (no description)
21818 - Athena's Grace (White) - (no description)
21819 - Hera's Radiance (White) - (no description)
21820 - Gentle Glow (White) - (no description)
21821 - Compassion Look (White) - (no description)
21822 - Glitzy Face (White) - (no description)
21823 - Innocent Look (White) - (no description)
21824 - Keen Look (White) - (no description)
21825 - Shuteye (White) - (no description)
21826 - Tender Love (White) - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Glove.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
1080000 - White Ninja Gloves - (no description)
1080001 - Red Ninja Gloves - (no description)
1080002 - Black Ninja Gloves - (no description)
1081000 - Red Ninja Gloves - (no description)
1081001 - Blue Ninja Gloves - (no description)
1081002 - Wedding Gloves - (no description)
1081003 - White Cat Gloves - (no description)
1081004 - Black Cat Gloves - (no description)
1082000 - Steel Fingerless Gloves - (no description)
1082001 - White Fingerless Gloves - (no description)
1082002 - Work Gloves - (no description)
1082003 - Juno - (no description)
1082004 - Venon - (no description)
1082005 - Steel Missel - (no description)
1082006 - Orihalcon Missel - (no description)
1082007 - Bronze Missel - (no description)
1082008 - Steel Briggon - (no description)
1082009 - Steel Brist - (no description)
1082010 - Mithril Brist - (no description)
1082011 - Gold Brist - (no description)
1082012 - Basic Archer Gloves - (no description)
1082013 - Blue Diros - (no description)
1082014 - Red Diros - (no description)
1082015 - Green Diros - (no description)
1082016 - Blue Savata - (no description)
1082017 - Red Savata - (no description)
1082018 - Dark Savata - (no description)
1082019 - Lemona - (no description)
1082020 - Blue Morrican - (no description)
1082021 - Green Morrican - (no description)
1082022 - Purple Morrican - (no description)
1082023 - Iron Knuckle - (no description)
1082024 - Adamantium Knuckle - (no description)
1082025 - Dark Knuckle - (no description)
1082026 - Ocean Mesana - (no description)
1082027 - Blood Mesana - (no description)
1082028 - Dark Mesana - (no description)
1082029 - Brown Duo - (no description)
1082030 - Blue Duo - (no description)
1082031 - Black Duo - (no description)
1082032 - Bronze Mischief - (no description)
1082033 - Mithril Mischief - (no description)
1082034 - Dark Mischief - (no description)
1082035 - Yellow Briggon - (no description)
1082036 - Dark Briggon - (no description)
1082037 - Bronze Wolfskin - (no description)
1082038 - Mithril Wolfskin - (no description)
1082039 - Dark Wolfskin - (no description)
1082040 - Red Boxing Gloves - (no description)
1082041 - Blue Boxing Gloves - (no description)
1082042 - Steel Sylvia - (no description)
1082043 - Silver Sylvia - (no description)
1082044 - Gold Sylvia - (no description)
1082045 - Gold Arbion - (no description)
1082046 - Steel Arbion - (no description)
1082047 - Orihalcon Arbion - (no description)
1082048 - Brown Marker - (no description)
1082049 - Green Marker - (no description)
1082050 - Black Marker - (no description)
1082051 - Red Lutia - (no description)
1082052 - Blue Lutia - (no description)
1082053 - Black Lutia - (no description)
1082054 - Red Noel - (no description)
1082055 - Blue Noel - (no description)
1082056 - Dark Noel - (no description)
1082057 - Brown Baseball Glove - (no description)
1082058 - Blue Baseball Glove - (no description)
1082059 - Bronze Clench - (no description)
1082060 - Sapphire Clench - (no description)
1082061 - Dark Clench - (no description)
1082062 - Red Arten - (no description)
1082063 - Blue Arten - (no description)
1082064 - Dark Arten - (no description)
1082065 - Blue Moon Gloves - (no description)
1082066 - Brown Moon Gloves - (no description)
1082067 - Red Moon Gloves - (no description)
1082068 - Bronze Scaler - (no description)
1082069 - Mithril Scaler - (no description)
1082070 - Gold Scaler - (no description)
1082071 - Aqua Brace - (no description)
1082072 - Gold Brace - (no description)
1082073 - Dark Brace - (no description)
1082074 - Dark Cleave - (no description)
1082075 - Red Cleave - (no description)
1082076 - Gold Cleave - (no description)
1082077 - White Bandage - (no description)
1082078 - Brown Bandage - (no description)
1082079 - Black Bandage - (no description)
1082080 - Dark Penance - (no description)
1082081 - Red Pennance - (no description)
1082082 - Blue Pennance - (no description)
1082083 - Dark Willow - (no description)
1082084 - Blue Willow - (no description)
1082085 - Red Willow - (no description)
1082086 - Steel Manute - (no description)
1082087 - Gold Manute - (no description)
1082088 - Dark Manute - (no description)
1082089 - Oaker Garner - (no description)
1082090 - Sephia Garner - (no description)
1082091 - Dark Garner - (no description)
1082092 - Bronze Pow - (no description)
1082093 - Steal Pow - (no description)
1082094 - Gold Pow - (no description)
1082095 - Bronze Rover - (no description)
1082096 - Silver Rover - (no description)
1082097 - Gold Rover - (no description)
1082098 - Brown Lorin - (no description)
1082099 - Blue Lorin - (no description)
1082100 - Dark Lorin - (no description)
1082101 - Santa Gloves - (no description)
1082102 - Transparent Gloves - Use these Gloves if you want to make your Gloves transparent while still using all of the stats your Gloves possess.
1082103 - Bronze Husk - (no description)
1082104 - Mithril Husk - (no description)
1082105 - Dark Husk - (no description)
1082106 - Blue Eyes - (no description)
1082107 - Gold Eyes - (no description)
1082108 - Dark Eyes - (no description)
1082109 - Red Cordon - (no description)
1082110 - Blue Cordon - (no description)
1082111 - Green Cordon - (no description)
1082112 - Dark Cordon - (no description)
1082113 - Hair-Cutter Gloves - (no description)
1082114 - Sapphire Emperor - (no description)
1082115 - Emerald Emperor - (no description)
1082116 - Blood Emperor - (no description)
1082117 - Dark Emperor - (no description)
1082118 - Green Larceny - (no description)
1082119 - Purple Larceny - (no description)
1082120 - Blood Larceny - (no description)
1082121 - Green Clarity - (no description)
1082122 - Blue Clarity - (no description)
1082123 - Dark Clarity - (no description)
1082124 - Mesoranger Gloves - (no description)
1082125 - Red Focus - (no description)
1082126 - Green Focus - (no description)
1082127 - Dark Focus - (no description)
1082128 - Green Imperial - (no description)
1082129 - Purple Imperial - (no description)
1082130 - Dark Imperial - (no description)
1082131 - Blue Sage - (no description)
1082132 - Green Sage - (no description)
1082133 - Red Sage - (no description)
1082134 - Dark Pachone - (no description)
1082135 - Blue Anelin - (no description)
1082136 - Green Anelin - (no description)
1082137 - Red Anelin - (no description)
1082138 - Dark Anelin - (no description)
1082139 - Green Korben - (no description)
1082140 - Blue Korben - (no description)
1082141 - Dark Korben - (no description)
1082142 - Green Mystra - (no description)
1082143 - Purple Mystra - (no description)
1082144 - Dark Mystra - (no description)
1082145 - Yellow Work Gloves - (no description)
1082146 - Red Work Gloves - (no description)
1082147 - Blue Work Gloves - (no description)
1082148 - Purple Work Gloves - (no description)
1082149 - Brown Work Gloves - (no description)
1082150 - Grey Work Gloves - (no description)
1082151 - Green Ciara - (no description)
1082152 - Blue Ciara - (no description)
1082153 - Red Ciara - (no description)
1082154 - Purple Ciara - (no description)
1082155 - Snowman Gloves - (no description)
1082156 - Teddy Bear Gloves - (no description)
1082157 - Skull Gloves - (no description)
1082158 - Red Arcina - (no description)
1082159 - Blue Arcina - (no description)
1082160 - Green Arcina - (no description)
1082161 - Star Gloves - (no description)
1082162 - Love Gloves - (no description)
1082163 - Red Hunter Gloves - (no description)
1082164 - Blue Elemental Gloves - (no description)
1082167 - Black Garina Gloves - (no description)
1082168 - Blue Dragon Gauntlet - (no description)
1082169 - Moon Bunny Gloves - (no description)
1082170 - Rose Crystal Watch - (no description)
1082171 - Blue Watch - (no description)
1082172 - Snowflake Gloves - (no description)
1082173 - Lightning Gloves - (no description)
1082174 - Lunar Gloves - (no description)
1082175 - Red Marker - (no description)
1082176 - Blue Marker - (no description)
1082177 - Purple Marker - (no description)
1082178 - Pink Marker - (no description)
1082179 - Yellow Marker - (no description)
1082180 - Green Lagger Halfglove - (no description)
1082183 - Brown Leather Armor Glove - (no description)
1082186 - Hard Leather Glove - (no description)
1082189 - Yellow Tartis - (no description)
1082192 - Brown Jeweled - (no description)
1082195 - Brown Barbee - (no description)
1082198 - Brown Royce - (no description)
1082201 - Black Schult - (no description)
1082204 - Black Bisk - (no description)
1082207 - Blue Halfglove - (no description)
1082210 - Red Martier - (no description)
1082213 - Black Skellduke - (no description)
1082216 - Canopus Glove - (no description)
1082217 - Wolf Gauntlets - (no description)
1082218 - Dragon Gauntlet - A gauntlet worn by the fearsome Dragon Ninja Clan. Imbued with strange properties, as if it was experiemented on...
1082221 - Golden Gloves - (no description)
1082222 - Mechanical Glove - (no description)
1082223 - Stormcaster Gloves - A relic formerly worn by the Stormcaster knights, these gloves are renowned for their offensive capabilities.
1082224 - Tania Gloves - (no description)
1082225 - Mercury Gloves - (no description)
1082227 - Transparent Skull Glove - (no description)
1082228 - Green Mittens - (no description)
1082229 - Heart Ribbon Glove - (no description)
1082230 - Glitter Gloves - (no description)
1082231 - Luxury Wristwatch - (no description)
1082232 - Goddess Wristband - (no description)
1082233 - Moomoo Gloves - (no description)
1082246 - Flamekeeper Cordon - (no description)
1082249 - Neon Amulet - (no description)
1082247 - Puffy Ram Gloves - (no description)
1082234 - Timeless Bergamot - (no description)
1082235 - Timeless Hermosa - (no description)
1082236 - Timeless Presto - (no description)
1082237 - Timeless Lubav - (no description)
1082238 - Timeless Charlston - (no description)
1082239 - Reverse Bergamot - (no description)
1082240 - Reverse Hermosa - (no description)
1082241 - Reverse Presto - (no description)
1082242 - Reverse Lubav - (no description)
1082243 - Reverse Charlston - (no description)
1082244 - Agent O's Nylon Gloves - (no description)
1082245 - Agent O's Leather Gloves - (no description)
1082251 - Rock Chain Armlet - (no description)
1082255 - Maple Racing Glove - (no description)
1082250 - Treacherous Wolf Gloves - (no description)
1082252 - Maple Gage - (no description)
1082256 - Andras Gloves - (no description)
1082257 - Marbas Gloves - (no description)
1082258 - Valefor Gloves - (no description)
1082259 - Amdusias Gloves - (no description)
1082260 - Crocell Gloves - (no description)
1082254 - Mushking Leather Glove - (no description)
1082261 - Freud's Gloves - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Hair.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

handbook/Equip/Longcoat.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
1050000 - White Crusader Chainmail - (no description)
1050001 - Brown Doros Robe - (no description)
1050002 - Blood Chaos Robe - (no description)
1050003 - Blue Wizard Robe - (no description)
1050004 - Blue Officer Uniform - (no description)
1050005 - Blue Kendo Robe - (no description)
1050006 - Red Kendo Robe - (no description)
1050007 - White Kendo Robe - (no description)
1050008 - Beige Plain Robe - (no description)
1050009 - Blue Plain Robe - (no description)
1050010 - Green Plain Robe - (no description)
1050011 - Black Dragon Robe - (no description)
1050012 - Grey Skull Overall - (no description)
1050013 - Red Skull Overall - (no description)
1050014 - Green Skull Overall - (no description)
1050015 - Blue Skull Overall - (no description)
1050016 - Orange Skull Overall - (no description)
1050017 - Yellow Tights - (no description)
1050018 - Blue Sauna Robe - If worn inside the hotel sauna, the recovery rate for HP and MP will increase 1.5x.
1050019 - Santa Costume - (no description)
1050020 - Paper Box - (no description)
1050021 - Blue Crusader Chainmail - (no description)
1050022 - Dark Crusader Chainmail - (no description)
1050023 - Blue Doros Robe - (no description)
1050024 - Yellow Doros Robe - (no description)
1050025 - White Doros Robe - (no description)
1050026 - White Wizard Robe - (no description)
1050027 - Black Mage Robe - (no description)
1050028 - Green Wizard Robe - (no description)
1050029 - Dark Chaos Robe - (no description)
1050030 - Blue Chaos Robe - (no description)
1050031 - White Chaos Robe - (no description)
1050032 - Silver Officer Uniform - (no description)
1050033 - Black Officer Uniform - (no description)
1050034 - Red Officer Uniform - (no description)
1050035 - Brown Starlight - (no description)
1050036 - Red Starlight - (no description)
1050037 - Green Starlight - (no description)
1050038 - Blue Starlight - (no description)
1050039 - Dark Starlight - (no description)
1050040 - Red Swimming Trunk - (no description)
1050041 - Blue Swimming Trunk - (no description)
1050042 - Fine Brown Hanbok - (no description)
1050043 - Fine Black Hanbok - (no description)
1050044 - Fine Blue Hanbok - (no description)
1050045 - Blue Calas - (no description)
1050046 - Red Calas - (no description)
1050047 - Orange Calas - (no description)
1050048 - White Calas - (no description)
1050049 - Dark Calas - (no description)
1050050 - Dark Suit - (no description)
1050051 - Red-Lined Kismet - (no description)
1050052 - Blue-Lined Kismet - (no description)
1050053 - Blue Anakamoon - (no description)
1050054 - Red Anakamoon - (no description)
1050055 - White Anakamoon - (no description)
1050056 - Dark Anakamoon - (no description)
1050057 - Ghost Uniform - (no description)
1050058 - Orange Tai - (no description)
1050059 - Blue Tai - (no description)
1050060 - Red Tai - (no description)
1050061 - Blue Linnex - (no description)
1050062 - Beige Linnex - (no description)
1050063 - Green Linnex - (no description)
1050064 - Dark Linnex - (no description)
1050065 - Blue Celebration Hanbok - (no description)
1050066 - Green Celebration Hanbok - (no description)
1050067 - Blue Requiem - (no description)
1050068 - Red Requiem - (no description)
1050069 - Brown Requiem - (no description)
1050070 - Dark Requiem - (no description)
1050071 - Men's Ninja Overall - (no description)
1050072 - Green Enigmatic - (no description)
1050073 - Blue Enigmatic - (no description)
1050074 - Dark Enigmatic - (no description)
1050075 - Red Pris - (no description)
1050076 - Blue Pris - (no description)
1050077 - Green Pris - (no description)
1050078 - Dark Pris - (no description)
1050079 - Black Coat of Death - (no description)
1050080 - Green Battle Road - (no description)
1050081 - Red Battle Road - (no description)
1050082 - Blue Battle Road - (no description)
1050083 - Dark Battle Road - (no description)
1050084 - Red Mesoranger - (no description)
1050085 - Blue Mesoranger - (no description)
1050086 - Mesoranger Green - (no description)
1050087 - Black Mesoranger - (no description)
1050088 - Red Ades - (no description)
1050089 - Blue Ades - (no description)
1050090 - Green Ades - (no description)
1050091 - Dark Ades - (no description)
1050092 - Green Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1050093 - Blue Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1050094 - Red Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1050095 - Black Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1050096 - Green Katinas - (no description)
1050097 - Blue Katinas - (no description)
1050098 - Red Katinas - (no description)
1050099 - Dark Katinas - (no description)
1050100 - Bathrobe for Men - (no description)
1050101 - Western Cowboy - (no description)
1050102 - Green Varuna - (no description)
1050103 - Blue Varuna - (no description)
1050104 - Red Varuna - (no description)
1050105 - Dark Varuna - (no description)
1050106 - Green Arzuna - (no description)
1050107 - Blue Arzuna - (no description)
1050108 - Red Arzuna - (no description)
1050109 - Green Picnicwear - (no description)
1050110 - Sky Blue Picnicwear - (no description)
1050111 - Boxer Trunks - (no description)
1050112 - Wedding Dress - (no description)
1050113 - Wedding Tuxedo - (no description)
1050114 - Poseidon Armor - (no description)
1050115 - Sea Hermit Robe - (no description)
1050116 - Race Ace Suit - (no description)
1050117 - Tiny Blue Swimshorts - (no description)
1050118 - Tiny Black Swimshorts - (no description)
1050119 - Santa Boy Overall - (no description)
1050120 - Horoscope Overall (Male) - (no description)
1050123 - Royal Hanbok - (no description)
1050124 - Lunar Celebration Suit - (no description)
1050125 - Brown Casual Look - (no description)
1050126 - Imperial Uniform - (no description)
1050127 - Bath Towel (Black) - (no description)
1050128 - Go! Korea! - (no description)
1050131 - Blue Groomsman's Suit - Suits that guest males can wear to attend a wedding.
1050132 - Brown Groomsman's Suit - Suits that guest males can wear to attend a wedding.
1050133 - Red Groomsman's Suit - Suits that guest males can wear to attend a wedding.
1050134 - White Groomsman's Suit - Suits that guest males can wear to attend a wedding.
1050135 - Beau Tuxedo - Tailor-made Tuxedo for grooms
1050136 - Black Male Fur Coat - (no description)
1050137 - White Male Fur Coat - (no description)
1050138 - School uniform with hoody jumper - (no description)
1050139 - Simple school uniform - (no description)
1050141 - Kitty Hoodie (m) - (no description)
1050142 - Hooded Korean Traditional Costume - (no description)
1050145 - Violet Strapless Dress [m] - (no description)
1050146 - Buddy Overall Jeans (M) - (no description)
1050147 - Princess Korean Traditional Costume - (no description)
1050152 - Sailor Outfit - (no description)
1051000 - Steel Fitted Mail - (no description)
1051001 - Emerald Fitted Mail - (no description)
1051002 - Cat Suit - (no description)
1051003 - Brown Doroness Robe - (no description)
1051004 - Purple Doroness Robe - (no description)
1051005 - Red Doroness Robe - (no description)
1051006 - Dark Avenger - (no description)
1051007 - Red Avenger - (no description)
1051008 - Blue Avenger - (no description)
1051009 - Purple Avenger - (no description)
1051010 - Dark Engrit - (no description)
1051011 - Red Engrit - (no description)
1051012 - Blue Engrit - (no description)
1051013 - Yellow Engrit - (no description)
1051014 - Sapphire Fitted Mail - (no description)
1051015 - Blood Fitted Mail - (no description)
1051016 - Silver Fitted Mail - (no description)
1051017 - Red Sauna Robe - If worn inside the hotel sauna, the recovery rate of HP and MP will be 1.5x faster.
1051018 - Purple Skull Overall - (no description)
1051019 - Orange Skull Overall - (no description)
1051020 - Green Skull Overall - (no description)
1051021 - Blue Skull Overall - (no description)
1051022 - Grey Skull Overall - (no description)
1051023 - Purple Moonlight - (no description)
1051024 - Red Moonlight - (no description)
1051025 - Blue Moonlight - (no description)
1051026 - Dark Moonlight - (no description)
1051027 - Brown Moonlight - (no description)
1051028 - White Swimming Suit - (no description)
1051029 - Red Swimming Suit - (no description)
1051030 - Dark Calaf - (no description)
1051031 - White Calaf - (no description)
1051032 - Blue Calaf - (no description)
1051033 - Red Calaf - (no description)
1051034 - Orange Calaf - (no description)
1051035 - Fine Red Hanbok Dress - (no description)
1051036 - Fine Blue Hanbok Dress - (no description)
1051037 - Blue Lumati - (no description)
1051038 - Green Lumati - (no description)
1051039 - Red Lumati - (no description)
1051040 - Dark Enamel Suit - (no description)
1051041 - Red Choro - (no description)
1051042 - Blue Choro - (no description)
1051043 - Brown Choro - (no description)
1051044 - Blue Anakarune - (no description)
1051045 - Red Anakarune - (no description)
1051046 - White Anakarune - (no description)
1051047 - Dark Anakarune - (no description)
1051048 - Witch Clothes - (no description)
1051049 - Mrs. Claus Costume - (no description)
1051050 - Blue Celebration Hanbok Dress - (no description)
1051051 - Pink Celebration Hanbok Dress - (no description)
1051052 - Blue Requierre - (no description)
1051053 - Red Requierre - (no description)
1051054 - Brown Requierre - (no description)
1051055 - Dark Requierre - (no description)
1051056 - Green Enigma - (no description)
1051057 - Purple Enigma - (no description)
1051058 - Dark Enigma - (no description)
1051059 - Pink Nurse Uniform - (no description)
1051060 - White Nurse Uniform - (no description)
1051061 - Women's Ninja Uniform - (no description)
1051062 - Blue Lineros - (no description)
1051063 - Beige Lineros - (no description)
1051064 - Green Lineros - (no description)
1051065 - Dark Lineros - (no description)
1051066 - Red Pria - (no description)
1051067 - Blue Pria - (no description)
1051068 - Green Pria - (no description)
1051069 - Dark Pria - (no description)
1051070 - Bunny Costume - (no description)
1051071 - Pink Kimono - (no description)
1051072 - White Kimono - (no description)
1051073 - Red Kimono - (no description)
1051074 - Yellow Kimono - (no description)
1051075 - Blue Swimming Suit - (no description)
1051076 - Ghost Suit - (no description)
1051077 - Yellow Battle Empress - (no description)
1051078 - Red Battle Empress - (no description)
1051079 - Blue Battle Empress - (no description)
1051080 - Dark Battle Empress - (no description)
1051081 - Purple Kimono - (no description)
1051082 - Red Anes - (no description)
1051083 - Blue Anes - (no description)
1051084 - Green Anes - (no description)
1051085 - Dark Anes - (no description)
1051086 - Ragged Korean Costume - (no description)
1051087 - Pink Mesoranger - (no description)
1051088 - Yellow Mesoranger - (no description)
1051089 - Black Mesoranger - (no description)
1051090 - Green Katte - (no description)
1051091 - Blue Katte - (no description)
1051092 - Red Katte - (no description)
1051093 - Dark Katte - (no description)
1051094 - Green Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1051095 - Blue Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1051096 - Red Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1051097 - Black Oriental Fury Coat - (no description)
1051098 - Bathrobe for Women - (no description)
1051099 - Prep Uniform - (no description)
1051100 - Western Cowgirl - (no description)
1051101 - Green Bazura - (no description)
1051102 - Blue Bazura - (no description)
1051103 - Red Bazura - (no description)
1051104 - Dark Bazura - (no description)
1051105 - Green Armis - (no description)
1051106 - Blue Armis - (no description)
1051107 - Red Armis - (no description)
1051108 - Pink Picnic Dress - (no description)
1051109 - Yellow Picnic Dress - (no description)
1051110 - Purple Frill One Piece - (no description)
1051111 - Blue Frill One Piece - (no description)
1051112 - Boxing Gear (F) - (no description)
1051113 - Transparent Overall (F) - Use this Overall equip if you want to make your Overall equip transparent while still using all of the stats your Overall equip possesses.
1051114 - Wedding Dress - (no description)
1051115 - Sea Queen Dress - (no description)
1051116 - Race Queen Uniform - (no description)
1051117 - Diao Chan Dress - (no description)
1051118 - Pink Strapless Bikini - (no description)
1051119 - Blue Strapless Bikini - (no description)
1051120 - Flight Attendant Uniform - (no description)
1051121 - Tropical Dress - (no description)
1051122 - White Cat Costume - (no description)
1051123 - Violet Strapless Dress - (no description)
1051124 - Purple Ring One Piece - (no description)
1051125 - Black Cat Costume - (no description)
1051126 - Red Chinese Dress - (no description)
1051127 - Maid Uniform - (no description)
1051128 - Horoscope Overall (Female) - (no description)
1051131 - Santa Girl Overall - (no description)
1051132 - White Coat - (no description)
1051133 - Rough Coat - (no description)
1051134 - Leopard Print Coat - (no description)
1051135 - Ruffled Coat - (no description)
1051136 - Korean Dress for the Palace - (no description)
1051137 - Rabbit Fur Dress - (no description)
1051138 - Lunar Celebration Dress - (no description)
1051139 - White Ribboned Sailor Dress - (no description)
1051140 - Yellow Bath Towel - (no description)
1051141 - Female Shaman Costume - (no description)
1051142 - Vibrant Yellow Dress - (no description)
1051143 - Korean Flag Tank Top & Skirt - (no description)
1051144 - Elegant Blue One Piece - (no description)
1051147 - Street Cred Ensemble - (no description)
1051148 - Navy Blue Au Luxe - (no description)
1051149 - Princess Dress - (no description)
1051150 - Blue Bridesmaid's Dress - Dresses that guest females can wear to attend a wedding.
1051151 - Pink Bridesmaid's Dress - Dresses that guest females can wear to attend a wedding.
1051152 - Red Bridesmaid's Dress - Dresses that guest females can wear to attend a wedding.
1051153 - White Bridesmaid's Dress - Dresses that guest females can wear to attend a wedding.
1051154 - Princess Isis - Elegant Wedding Dress for brides.
1051155 - Queen Mary - Modern, Sexy Wedding Dress for brides
1051156 - Black Female Fur Coat - (no description)
1051157 - White Female Fur Coat - (no description)
1051158 - School uniform with hoody jumper - (no description)
1051159 - Simple school uniform - (no description)
1051160 - Pink-Striped Dress - (no description)
1051162 - Cute Sailor Dress - (no description)
1051163 - Gothic Overall - (no description)
1051164 - Kitty Hoodie (f) - (no description)
1051166 - Dressu Korean Traditional Costume - (no description)
1051167 - Black Rockabilly Dress - (no description)
1051169 - Sky Blue Picnicwear [F] - (no description)
1051170 - Buddy Overall Jeans (F) - (no description)
1051171 - Royal Costume - (no description)
1051180 - Sailor Outfit - (no description)
1052000 - Recycled Box - (no description)
1052001 - Paper Box - (no description)
1052002 - Cardboard Box - (no description)
1052003 - Blue Chinese Undead Costume - (no description)
1052004 - Maroon Chinese Undead Costume - (no description)
1052005 - Yellow Raincoat - (no description)
1052006 - Sky Blue Raincoat - (no description)
1052007 - Red Raincoat - (no description)
1052008 - Green Raincoat - (no description)
1052009 - Orange Overall - (no description)
1052010 - Pink Overall - (no description)
1052011 - Blue Overall - (no description)
1052012 - Green Overall - (no description)
1052013 - Graduation Gown - (no description)
1052014 - Ducky Costume - (no description)
1052015 - Blue Shinsun - (no description)
1052016 - Brown Shinsun - (no description)
1052017 - Orange Life-Jacket - (no description)
1052018 - Green Life-Jacket - (no description)
1052019 - Blue Life-Jacket - (no description)
1052020 - White Body Tights - (no description)
1052021 - Black Body Tights - (no description)
1052022 - White Holed Tights - (no description)
1052023 - Black Holed Tights - (no description)
1052024 - Big Kimono - (no description)
1052025 - Denim Overall - (no description)
1052026 - Grey Full Coat - (no description)
1052027 - Red Full Coat - (no description)
1052028 - Forest Samurai Outfit - (no description)
1052029 - Premium Trenchcoat - (no description)
1052030 - Toga - (no description)
1052031 - Reindeer Suit - (no description)
1052032 - Red Bruma - (no description)
1052033 - Green Bruma - (no description)
1052034 - Blue Bruma - (no description)
1052035 - Guan Yu Armor - (no description)
1052036 - Zhu-Ge-Liang Gown - (no description)
1052037 - Patissier Uniform - (no description)
1052038 - Blue Robot Pilotgear - (no description)
1052039 - Liu Bei Robe - (no description)
1052040 - Cao Cao Robe - (no description)
1052041 - Sun Quan Robe - (no description)
1052042 - Pink Robot Pilotgear - (no description)
1052043 - Hip Hop Sweats - (no description)
1052044 - Scuba Diving Suit - (no description)
1052045 - Mink Coat - (no description)
1052046 - Snowman Costume - (no description)
1052047 - Black Snowboard Overall - (no description)
1052048 - Brown Snowboard Overall - (no description)
1052049 - Yang In - (no description)
1052050 - Red Hip Hop - (no description)
1052051 - Blue Hip Hop - (no description)
1052052 - Musashi Costume - (no description)
1052053 - Teddy Bear Costume - (no description)
1052054 - Welder Look - (no description)
1052055 - Enamer - (no description)
1052056 - Soccer Uniform - (no description)
1052057 - England Soccer Uniform(No.7) - (no description)
1052058 - Brazil Soccer Uniform(No.10) - (no description)
1052059 - France Soccer Uniform(No.14) - (no description)
1052060 - England Soccer Uniform(No.8) - (no description)
1052061 - Brazil Soccer Uniform(No.9) - (no description)
1052062 - France Soccer Uniform(No.10) - (no description)
1052063 - USA Soccer Uniform(No.17) - (no description)
1052064 - Mexico Soccer Uniform(No.4) - (no description)
1052065 - USA Soccer Uniform(No.21) - (no description)
1052066 - Mexico Soccer Uniform(No.9) - (no description)
1052067 - Mummy Suit - (no description)
1052068 - Skull Suit - (no description)
1052069 - Flamboyant Autumn Gear - (no description)
1052071 - Red Mantle - (no description)
1052072 - Black Garina - (no description)
1052075 - Blue Dragon Armor - (no description)
1052076 - Blue Czar - (no description)
1052077 - Moon Bunny Costume - (no description)
1052078 - Soap Bubble Bonanza - (no description)
1052079 - Prince of Darkness - (no description)
1052081 - Training Uniform for Beginners - (no description)
1052082 - Elf Overall - (no description)
1052083 - Son Wu Kong robe - (no description)
1052084 - Golden Armor - (no description)
1052085 - Red Amorian Apron - (no description)
1052086 - Blue Amorian Apron - (no description)
1052087 - Dark Blue Kimono - (no description)
1052089 - Black Overcoat of Doom - (no description)
1052090 - Rompers - (no description)
1052091 - Sachiel Armor - (no description)
1052092 - Veamoth Armor - (no description)
1052093 - Janus Armor - (no description)
1052094 - Zhu Ba Jie Overall - (no description)
1052095 - Brown Rocky Suit - (no description)
1052098 - Brown Cotton Lagger - (no description)
1052101 - Beige Carribean - (no description)
1052104 - Brown Turk Gally - (no description)
1052107 - Brown Pollard - (no description)
1052110 - Blue Brace Look - (no description)
1052113 - Red Barbay - (no description)
1052116 - Green Plasteer - (no description)
1052119 - Black Royal Barone - (no description)
1052122 - Red Viska - (no description)
1052125 - White Pioneer - (no description)
1052128 - White Marquini - (no description)
1052131 - Red Belly Duke - (no description)
1052134 - Canopus Suit - (no description)
1052135 - Centaurus Legs - (no description)
1052142 - Shorts with Suspenders - (no description)
1052143 - Sky Blue Padded Coat - (no description)
1052144 - Luxurious Padded Coat - (no description)
1052145 - Christmas Party Suit - (no description)
1052147 - Chinese Lion Costume - The lion costume worn with the famous lion headgear for the lion dance to celebrate Lunar New Year.
1052148 - Bosshunter Armor - (no description)
1052149 - Bosshunter Gi - (no description)
1052151 - Bosshunter Armor - (no description)
1052152 - Bosshunter Gi - (no description)
1052153 - Red Viska for Transformation - (no description)
1052154 - Tiger Cub Outfit - (no description)
1052170 - Noob Overall - From the early days of Maple Island! Relive the past with this authentic Noob overall!
1052169 - Gaga Suit - (no description)
1052171 - Baby Chick Apron - (no description)
1052175 - Coastal Winter Wear - (no description)
1052179 - Cow Costume - (no description)
1052176 - Fashionable Checkerwear - (no description)
1051173 - Purple Dorothy Dress - (no description)
1052155 - Timeless Taragon - (no description)
1052156 - Timeless Myst Blue - (no description)
1052157 - Timeless Evernew - (no description)
1052158 - Timeless Prinsid - (no description)
1052159 - Timeless Burgunt - (no description)
1052160 - Reverse Taragon - (no description)
1052161 - Reverse Myst Blue - (no description)
1052162 - Reverse Evernew - (no description)
1052163 - Reverse Prinsid - (no description)
1052164 - Reverse Burgunt - (no description)
1052165 - Parachute Agent Suit - (no description)
1052166 - Invincible Agent Suit - (no description)
1052167 - Ultimate Agent Suit - (no description)
1052180 - Denim Overalls - (no description)
1052194 - Caveman Outfit - (no description)
1051179 - Pretty Girl - (no description)
1052168 - Cutie Buck Outfit - (no description)
1052172 - Pumpkin Clothes - (no description)
1052173 - Tacky Manager Uniform - (no description)
1052177 - Fancy Noblesse Robe - (no description)
1052178 - Snowflake knit - (no description)
1052183 - ??? ??? - (no description)
1052200 - Lolli Pink Suit - (no description)
1051183 - Night Fever Ensemble - (no description)
1052199 - Blade Overall - (no description)
1051188 - Blue Daisy Dress - (no description)
1050154 - Seraphim Suit - (no description)
1051190 - Seraphim Suit - (no description)
1052213 - Chaos Armor - (no description)
1052214 - Maple Racing Suit - (no description)
1052211 - Fire Shadow Suit - (no description)
1052210 - Alchemist Overall - (no description)
1052182 - Galactic Hero Suit - (no description)
1052197 - Brave Soldier Armor - (no description)
1052202 - Pink Bean Suit - (no description)
1052203 - One Summer Night - (no description)
1052196 - Aran Armor - (no description)
1052193 - Honeybee Costume - (no description)
1051185 - Maid Dress - (no description)
1052192 - Bombacha - (no description)
1052195 - Aran Armor - (no description)
1052209 - Royal Navy Uniform - (no description)
1051192 - Blue Marine Girl - (no description)
1050155 - King Pepe White Devil Robe - (no description)
1050156 - Blue Towel - (no description)
1051189 - Yellow Anticipation - (no description)
1051191 - King Pepe Red Doroness Robe - (no description)
1051193 - Orange Towel - (no description)
1052208 - King Pepe Blue Suspenders Look - (no description)
1052218 - Clown Suit - (no description)
1051175 - Fur-Trimmed Dress - (no description)
1052226 - Former Hero Robe - (no description)
1052137 - Tomato Suit - (no description)
1052234 - Stylish Layered Plaid - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Pants.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
1060000 - Black Jangoon Pants - (no description)
1060001 - Black Suit Pants - (no description)
1060002 - Blue Jean Shorts - (no description)
1060003 - Military Shorts - (no description)
1060004 - Grey Thick Sweat Pants - (no description)
1060005 - Warfare Pants - (no description)
1060006 - Brown Cotton Shorts - (no description)
1060007 - Jean Capris - (no description)
1060008 - Brown Lolico Pants - (no description)
1060009 - Steel Corporal Pants - (no description)
1060010 - Steel Sergeant Kilt - (no description)
1060011 - Orihalcon Master Sergeant Kilt - (no description)
1060012 - Blue Training Pants - (no description)
1060013 - Grey / Brown Training Pants - (no description)
1060014 - Black Split Pants - (no description)
1060015 - White Split Pants - (no description)
1060016 - Black Martial Arts Pants - (no description)
1060017 - White Martial Arts Pants - (no description)
1060018 - Red Martial Arts Pants - (no description)
1060019 - Brown Martial Arts Pants - (no description)
1060020 - White Martial Arts Shorts - (no description)
1060021 - Blue Cloth Pants - (no description)
1060022 - Red Cloth Pants - (no description)
1060023 - Black Cloth Pants - (no description)
1060024 - Dark Nightshift Pants - (no description)
1060025 - Blue Nightshift Pants - (no description)
1060026 - Blue-Striped Boxers - (no description)
1060027 - Brown Corporal Pants - (no description)
1060028 - Blue Lolico Pants - (no description)
1060029 - Red Sergeant Kilt - (no description)
1060030 - Dark Master Sergeant Kilt - (no description)
1060031 - Blue Pao Bottom - (no description)
1060032 - Red Pao Bottom - (no description)
1060033 - Black Pao Bottom - (no description)
1060034 - Blue Rider Pants - (no description)
1060035 - Shine Rider Pants - (no description)
1060036 - Dark Rider Pants - (no description)
1060037 - Dark Brown Sneak Pants - (no description)
1060038 - Brown Sneak Pants - (no description)
1060039 - Black Sneak Pants - (no description)
1060040 - Blue Trainer Pants - (no description)
1060041 - Green Trainer Pants - (no description)
1060042 - Orange Trainer Pants - (no description)
1060043 - Dark Brown Stealer Pants - (no description)
1060044 - Dark Silver Stealer Pants - (no description)
1060045 - Red / Gold Stealer Pants - (no description)
1060046 - Silver / Black Stealer Pants - (no description)
1060047 - Original Disco Pants - (no description)
1060048 - Green Disco Pants - (no description)
1060049 - Blue Disco Pants - (no description)
1060050 - Blue Knucklevest Pants - (no description)
1060051 - Red Knucklevest Pants - (no description)
1060052 - Black Knucklevest Pants - (no description)
1060053 - Wild Pants - (no description)
1060054 - Brown Wild Pants - (no description)
1060055 - Red Wild Pants - (no description)
1060056 - Green Hunter's Pants - (no description)
1060057 - Dark Hunter's Pants - (no description)
1060058 - Red Hunter's Pants - (no description)
1060059 - Blue Hunter's Pants - (no description)
1060060 - Silver Master Sergeant Kilt - (no description)
1060061 - Red Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060062 - Blue Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060063 - Green Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060064 - Dark Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060065 - Brown Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060066 - Cowboy Pants - (no description)
1060067 - Preschool Pants - (no description)
1060068 - Dark Piette Pants - (no description)
1060069 - Brown Piette Pants - (no description)
1060070 - Blue Piette Pants - (no description)
1060071 - Khaki Shadow Pants - (no description)
1060072 - Marine Shadow Pants - (no description)
1060073 - Dark Shadow Pants - (no description)
1060074 - White Jangoon Pants - (no description)
1060075 - Brown Jangoon Pants - (no description)
1060076 - Blue Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1060077 - Oaker Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1060078 - Umber Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1060079 - Green Orientican Pants - (no description)
1060080 - Red Orientican Pants - (no description)
1060081 - Blue Orientican Pants - (no description)
1060082 - Dark Orientican Pants - (no description)
1060083 - Red China Pants - (no description)
1060084 - Blue China Pants - (no description)
1060085 - Brown China Pants - (no description)
1060086 - Green China Pants - (no description)
1060087 - Light Scorpio Pants - (no description)
1060088 - Oaker Scorpio Pants - (no description)
1060089 - Dark Scorpio Pants - (no description)
1060090 - Bronze Platine Pants - (no description)
1060091 - Mithril Platine Pants - (no description)
1060092 - Orihalcon Platine Pants - (no description)
1060093 - Brown Studded Pants - (no description)
1060094 - Blue Studded Pants - (no description)
1060095 - Dark Studded Pants - (no description)
1060096 - Old School Uniform Pants - (no description)
1060097 - Green Pirate Pants - (no description)
1060098 - Red Pirate Pants - (no description)
1060099 - Dark Pirate Pants - (no description)
1060100 - Green Commodore Pants - (no description)
1060101 - Blue Commodore Pants - (no description)
1060102 - Dark Commodore Pants - (no description)
1060103 - Hawaiian Skirt - (no description)
1060104 - Green Osfa Pants - (no description)
1060105 - Brown Osfa Pants - (no description)
1060106 - Purple Osfa Pants - (no description)
1060107 - Red Osfa Pants - (no description)
1060108 - Torn-up Jeans - (no description)
1060109 - Green Neos Pants - (no description)
1060110 - Blue Neos Pants - (no description)
1060111 - Black Neos Pants - (no description)
1060112 - Prep School Uniform Pants - (no description)
1060113 - Blue Leggings - (no description)
1060114 - Washed Jeans - (no description)
1060115 - Transparent Bottom (M) - Use this Bottom equip if you want to make your Bottom equip transparent while still using all of the stats your Bottom equip possesses.
1060116 - Military Cargo Shorts - (no description)
1060117 - Tropical Shorts - (no description)
1060118 - Orange Puffy Pants - (no description)
1060119 - Denim Wrinkled skirt - (no description)
1060120 - Tania Tartan Pants - (no description)
1060121 - Mercury Washed Jeans - (no description)
1060122 - Pink Miniskirt - (no description)
1060123 - Blue Sailor Skirt - (no description)
1060125 - Blue Skirt (m) - (no description)
1060126 - Black Wakeboard Pants - (no description)
1060127 - Stirgeman's Utility Pants - (no description)
1060128 - Stirgeman Utility Pants Mk II - (no description)
1060129 - Stirgeman Utility Pants Mk III - (no description)
1060130 - Stirgeman Utility Pants Mk IV - (no description)
1060131 - Stirgeman Utility Pants Mk V - (no description)
1060132 - Stirgeman Power Pants - (no description)
1060133 - Stirgeman Power Pants Mk II - (no description)
1061000 - Blue Bell Dress - (no description)
1061001 - Blue Sailor Skirt - (no description)
1061002 - Red Miniskirt - (no description)
1061003 - Red Qi Pao Pants - (no description)
1061004 - Pink Miniskirt - (no description)
1061005 - Roll-up Jean - (no description)
1061006 - Green Able Armor Skirt - (no description)
1061007 - Red Sailor Skirt - (no description)
1061008 - Indigo Miniskirt - (no description)
1061009 - Green Avelin Skirt - (no description)
1061010 - Black Armine Skirt - (no description)
1061011 - Green Armine Skirt - (no description)
1061012 - Purple Arianne Skirt - (no description)
1061013 - Green Arianne Skirt - (no description)
1061014 - Rookie Pants - (no description)
1061015 - Blue Shark Skirt - (no description)
1061016 - Red Ramel Skirt - (no description)
1061017 - Green Ramel Skirt - (no description)
1061018 - Brown Ramel Skirt - (no description)
1061019 - Sky Shark Skirt - (no description)
1061020 - Red Shark Skirt - (no description)
1061021 - Pink Arianne Skirt - (no description)
1061022 - Yellow Arianne Skirt - (no description)
1061023 - Sophia Pants - (no description)
1061024 - Green Shivermail Skirt - (no description)
1061025 - Red Shivermail Skirt - (no description)
1061026 - Purple Shivermail Skirt - (no description)
1061027 - Black Split Skirt - (no description)
1061028 - White Split Skirt - (no description)
1061029 - Red Cloth Pants - (no description)
1061030 - Blue Cloth Pants - (no description)
1061031 - Black Cloth Pants - (no description)
1061032 - Purple Qi Pao Pants - (no description)
1061033 - Blue Qi Pao Pants - (no description)
1061034 - Purple Fairy Skirt - (no description)
1061035 - Green Fairy Skirt - (no description)
1061036 - Blue Fairy Skirt - (no description)
1061037 - Red Nightshift Pants - (no description)
1061038 - Brown Nightshift Pants - (no description)
1061039 - Pink Cotton Boxers - (no description)
1061040 - Red Qi Pao Skirt - (no description)
1061041 - Purple Qi Pao Skirt - (no description)
1061042 - Blue Qi Pao Skirt - (no description)
1061043 - Red Steal Pants - (no description)
1061044 - Black Steal Pants - (no description)
1061045 - Blue Steal Pants - (no description)
1061046 - Purple Steal Pants - (no description)
1061047 - Red Amoria Skirt - (no description)
1061048 - Blue Amoria Skirt - (no description)
1061049 - Black Amoria Skirt - (no description)
1061050 - Green Huntress Pants - (no description)
1061051 - Black Huntress Pants - (no description)
1061052 - Red Huntress Pants - (no description)
1061053 - Dark Sneak Pants - (no description)
1061054 - Blood Sneak Pants - (no description)
1061055 - Sky Sneak Pants - (no description)
1061056 - Gold Sneak Pants - (no description)
1061057 - Yellow Avelin Skirt - (no description)
1061058 - Brown Able Skirt - (no description)
1061059 - Grey Able Skirt - (no description)
1061060 - Red Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061061 - Blue Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061062 - Green Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061063 - Dark Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061064 - Brown Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061065 - Sky Blue Miniskirt - (no description)
1061066 - Yellow Mimi Skirt - (no description)
1061067 - Cowboy Shorts - (no description)
1061068 - Pre-School Uniform Skirt - (no description)
1061069 - Purple Shadow Pants - (no description)
1061070 - Red Shadow Pants - (no description)
1061071 - Dark Shadow Pants - (no description)
1061072 - Red Trainer Pants - (no description)
1061073 - Sky Blue Trainer Pants - (no description)
1061074 - Pink Trainer Pants - (no description)
1061075 - Black Trainer Pants - (no description)
1061076 - Maroon Moon Pants - (no description)
1061077 - Blue Moon Pants - (no description)
1061078 - Brown Moon Pants - (no description)
1061079 - Red Moon Pants - (no description)
1061080 - White Piettra Skirt - (no description)
1061081 - Brown Piettra Skirt - (no description)
1061082 - Dark Piettra Skirt - (no description)
1061083 - Red Jangoon Skirt - (no description)
1061084 - Brown Jangoon Skirt - (no description)
1061085 - Black Jangoon Skirt - (no description)
1061086 - Red Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1061087 - Ivory Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1061088 - Dark Shouldermail Pants - (no description)
1061089 - Blue Skirt - (no description)
1061090 - Green Ice Queen Skirt - (no description)
1061091 - Red Ice Queen Skirt - (no description)
1061092 - Blue Ice Queen Skirt - (no description)
1061093 - Light Mantis Pants - (no description)
1061094 - Bloody Mantis Pants - (no description)
1061095 - Umber Mantis Pants - (no description)
1061096 - Aqua Platina Pants - (no description)
1061097 - Violet Platina Pants - (no description)
1061098 - Blood Platina Pants - (no description)
1061099 - Purple Mystique Pants - (no description)
1061100 - Blue Mystique Pants - (no description)
1061101 - Pink Mystique Pants - (no description)
1061102 - Red Mystique Pants - (no description)
1061103 - Old School Uniform (Skirt) - (no description)
1061104 - Green Pirate Skirt - (no description)
1061105 - Red Pirate Skirt - (no description)
1061106 - Dark Pirate Skirt - (no description)
1061107 - SF Ninja Pants - (no description)
1061108 - Red Training Shorts - (no description)
1061109 - Sky Blue Training Shorts - (no description)
1061110 - Pink Training Shorts - (no description)
1061111 - Black Training Shorts - (no description)
1061112 - Pink Frill Pajama Bottom - (no description)
1061113 - Hawaiian Skirt - (no description)
1061114 - Green Osfa Pants - (no description)
1061115 - Brown Osfa Pants - (no description)
1061116 - Purple Osfa Pants - (no description)
1061117 - Red Osfa Pants - (no description)
1061118 - Green Valkyrie Skirt - (no description)
1061119 - Purple Valkyrie Skirt - (no description)
1061120 - Blood Valkyrie Skirt - (no description)
1061121 - Green Lucida Skirt - (no description)
1061122 - Purple Lucida Skirt - (no description)
1061123 - Dark Lucida Skirt - (no description)
1061124 - Red Leggings - (no description)
1061125 - Transparent Bottom (F) - Use this Bottom equip if you want to make your Bottom equip transparent while still using all of the stats your Bottom equip possesses.
1061126 - Plitz Skirt - (no description)
1061127 - Blue Diamond Bootcuts - (no description)
1061128 - Pink Diamond Bootcuts - (no description)
1061129 - Butterfly Skirt - (no description)
1061130 - Green Long Skirt - (no description)
1061131 - Blue Slit Skirt - (no description)
1061132 - Skirt w/ Tights - (no description)
1061133 - Orange Long Skirt - (no description)
1061134 - Denim Miniskirt - (no description)
1061135 - Pink Layered Skirt - (no description)
1061136 - Long Khaki Skirt - (no description)
1061137 - Dark Denim Skirt - (no description)
1061138 - Pink-Hearted Hot Pants - (no description)
1061139 - Military Cargo Shorts - (no description)
1061140 - Denim Skirt & Striped Sox - (no description)
1061141 - Tania Tartan Skirt - (no description)
1061142 - Mercury Jean Skirt - (no description)
1061143 - Amorian Pink Skirt - (no description)
1061144 - Blue Jeans - (no description)
1061147 - Old School Uniform Pants (F) - (no description)
1061148 - Pink Frill Swim Skirt - (no description)
1061149 - Stirgeman's Utility Skirt - (no description)
1061150 - Stirgeman Utility Skirt Mk II - (no description)
1061151 - Stirgeman Utility Skirt Mk III - (no description)
1061152 - Stirgeman Utility Skirt Mk IV - (no description)
1061153 - Stirgeman Utility Skirt Mk V - (no description)
1061154 - Stirgeman Power Skirt - (no description)
1061155 - Stirgeman Power Skirt Mk II - (no description)
1062000 - Ice Jeans - (no description)
1062001 - Sandblasted Jeans - (no description)
1062002 - Brown Hard Leather Pants - (no description)
1062003 - Red Hip-Hop Pants - (no description)
1062004 - Archer Pants - (no description)
1062005 - Lined Hip-Hop Pants - (no description)
1062006 - Bennis Chainpants - (no description)
1062007 - Wizet Plain Suit Pants - (no description)
1062008 - Pink Camping Shorts - (no description)
1062009 - Green Camping Shorts - (no description)
1062010 - Blue Camping Shorts - (no description)
1062011 - Wildcats Baseball Pants (Basic) - (no description)
1062012 - Wildcats Baseball Pants (Home) - (no description)
1062013 - Wildcats Baseball Pants (Away) - (no description)
1062014 - Wildcats Baseball Pants (Alternate) - (no description)
1062015 - Ripped Jeans - (no description)
1062016 - Yellow Snowboard Pants - (no description)
1062017 - Green Snowboard Pants - (no description)
1062018 - Bell-Bottomed Faded Jeans - (no description)
1062019 - Pink Snowboard Pants - (no description)
1062020 - Sky Blue Snowboard Pants - (no description)
1062021 - Jean Shorts - (no description)
1062022 - Old Army Pants - (no description)
1062023 - Baggy Jeans - (no description)
1062024 - Camouflaged Army Pants - (no description)
1062025 - Blue Polka-Dot Pajama Pants - (no description)
1062026 - Red Polka-Dot Pajama Pants - (no description)
1062027 - Prisoner Pants - (no description)
1062028 - Picnic Jean Shorts - (no description)
1062029 - Blue B-Ball Shorts - (no description)
1062030 - Orange B-Ball Shorts - (no description)
1062031 - Checkered Shorts - (no description)
1062032 - Cargo Pants - (no description)
1062033 - Red Checkered Pants - (no description)
1062034 - White Checkered Pants - (no description)
1062035 - Bone Buckled Slack - (no description)
1062036 - none - (no description)
1062037 - Blue Burma - (no description)
1062038 - Hip Hop Jeans - (no description)
1062039 - White Jeans - (no description)
1062040 - Washed Denim Cargos - (no description)
1062041 - Denim Cargos - (no description)
1062042 - Jeans w/ Chain - (no description)
1062043 - Black Leather Pants - (no description)
1062044 - Red Leather Pants - (no description)
1062045 - Patched Denim Jeans - (no description)
1062046 - Vintage Pocket Pants - (no description)
1062047 - Brisk - (no description)
1062048 - Brown Checkered Pants - (no description)
1062049 - Football Bottom(Home) - (no description)
1062050 - Football Bottom(Away) - (no description)
1062051 - All-Star Blue Jeans - (no description)
1062052 - White Faded Jeans - (no description)
1062053 - Pink-Lined Shorts - (no description)
1062054 - Busy Bee Shorts - (no description)
1062055 - Jailbird Shorts - (no description)
1062056 - Military Cargo Pants - (no description)
1062057 - Scottish Pants - (no description)
1062058 - Inferno Jeans - (no description)
1062059 - Vintage Black Jeans - (no description)
1062060 - Blue Skinny Jeans - (no description)
1062061 - Olive Skinny Jeans - (no description)
1062062 - Red Wine Skinny Jeans - (no description)
1062063 - Dark Rocker Jeans - (no description)
1062064 - Checks Point Pants - (no description)
1062065 - White-Striped Trainer Shorts - (no description)
1062066 - Vintage Sky Blue Jeans - (no description)
1062067 - Summer Capris - (no description)
1062068 - Rainbow Shorts - (no description)
1062069 - Brown Chained Pants - (no description)
1062070 - Painted Blue Jeans - (no description)
1062071 - Low-rise Ripped Jeans - (no description)
1062072 - Relaxed Fit Jeans - (no description)
1062073 - Olive Pumpkin Pants - (no description)
1062075 - Vintage Black Pants - (no description)
1062076 - Light Blue Ripped Jeans - (no description)
1062077 - Brown Bubble Jeans - (no description)
1062080 - Amorian Pink Skirt - (no description)
1062081 - Bunny-Padded Snowboard Pants - (no description)
1062082 - Red and Black Warm-ups - (no description)
1062083 - Brown Pocket Shorts - (no description)
1062084 - Jewel Chain Jeans - (no description)
1062085 - "Black Tie Affair" Dress Pants - (no description)
1062086 - Dark Master Sergeant Skirt for Transformation - (no description)
1062087 - Red Legollesse Pants for Transformation - (no description)
1062088 - Dark Night Pants for Transformation - (no description)
1062089 - Purple Heart Boxers - (no description)
1062091 - Black Checkered Shorts - (no description)
1062092 - Pink 80s Slacks - (no description)
1062095 - Milan Jeans - (no description)
1062096 - Practical Linen Trousers - (no description)
1062097 - Ella Blue Denim - (no description)
1062098 - Aqua Jeans - (no description)
1062093 - Moss Green Pants - (no description)
1062094 - Ruby-Buckled Shorts - (no description)
1062100 - Rolled-up Baggy Jeans - (no description)
1062106 - Bunny Frill Pants - A cute pair of pants featuring an adorable bunny on the back.
1062101 - Rolled-up Skinny Jeans - (no description)
1062104 - Dark Purple Jeans - (no description)
1062105 - Plaid Roll-Up Jeans - (no description)
1062109 - Neon Skinny Jeans - (no description)
1062111 - Blue Ribbon Shorts - (no description)
1062113 - Crayon Shorts - (no description)
1062114 - Pink Heart Shorts - (no description)
1062074 - Brown Pumpkin Pants - (no description)
1062102 - Twinkle Star Blue Jeans - (no description)
1062103 - Baggy Glow-in-the-dark Pants - (no description)
1062108 - Vintage Jeans - (no description)
1062107 - Shooting Star Jeans - (no description)
1062116 - Star Beach Shorts - (no description)
1062110 - Baby Pink Pants - (no description)
1062119 - Technicolour Funky Pants - (no description)
1062112 - Underpants - (no description)
1060134 - King Pepe White Martial Arts Shorts - (no description)
1060135 - King Pepe Dark Legolier Pants - (no description)
1060136 - King Pepe Black Knucklevest Pants - (no description)
1061156 - King Pepe Red Shark Skirt - (no description)
1061157 - King Pepe Brown Legolia Pants - (no description)
1061158 - King Pepe Purple Steal Pants - (no description)
1062115 - Simple Warrior Pants - (no description)
1062118 - Stone Washed Jeans - (no description)
1061160 - Average Denim Skirt - (no description)
1060138 - Average Denim Shorts - (no description)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
1802000 - Red Ribbon - (no description)
1802001 - Yellow Hat - (no description)
1802002 - Red Hat - (no description)
1802003 - Black Hat - (no description)
1802004 - Pink Laced Cap - (no description)
1802005 - Sky Blue Laced Cap - (no description)
1802006 - Blue Top Hat - (no description)
1802007 - Red Top Hat - (no description)
1802008 - Rudolph's Hat - (no description)
1802009 - Tree Hat - (no description)
1802010 - Mushroom Suit - An orange mushroom suit custom-fitted for #cblack pigs#.
1802011 - Red Fur Coat - A red coat with white fur hat custom-fitted for #cHuskies#.
1802012 - Chestnut Cap - A very warm-looking chestnut cap that's custom-fitted for #cpandas#.
1802013 - Red Scarf - A red scarf with stripes custom-fitted for #cbunnies#.
1802014 - Mini Kargo Wings - A small, cutesy set of wings for #ckargo's# only.
1802015 - Dino King & Queen - A crown and a cape which can only be worn by #cDino Boy and Dino Girl#.
1802016 - Husky Yellow Tights - A yellow trainer that can only be worn by #cHuskies#.
1802017 - Monkey Sack - A sack which can only be worn by the #cMonkey#.
1802018 - Clown Dress - A Clown constume that can only be worn by the #cPanda#.
1802019 - Rudolph's Sleigh - It is the very vehicle Santa uses on his Christmas trips. Only available for Rudolph.
1802020 - White Tiger Suit - A black thief costume for #cwhite tiger# only.
1802021 - Elephant Hat - Elephant Hat
1802022 - Aladin Vest - Aladin Vest
1802023 - Pelvis Hair - A Pelvis Hair that can only be equipped by a #cMonkey#.
1802024 - White Tiger the Wizard - A purple wizard costume for #cwhite tiger# only.
1802025 - Bunny Suit - A pink bunny suit for #cHusky# only.
1802026 - Prince Pepe - A stubborn Pepe that only wants to be besides #cYeti#.
1802027 - Bare Bones - A scary skeletal look that can only be worn by #cHuskies#.
1802028 - Ghosty - A ghoulish costume that can only be worn by #cDino Boy and Dino Girl#.
1802029 - Pet-o-Lantern - A perfect Halloween costume that can only be worn by #cPandas#.
1802030 - Penguin Earmuff Set - A set of earmuff and scarf only available for #cPenguin#.
1802031 - Cowboy Kargo - A cowboy costume that can only be equipped by a #cKargo#.
1802032 - Snowboard Gear - A full-fledged snowboard gear that can only be equipped by a #cHusky#.
1802033 - Crimson Mask - A Crimson Balrog gear from head to toe that can only be equipped by a #cJr. Balrog#.
1802034 - White Angel - An angel costume that can only be equipped by a #Yeti#.
1802035 - Cute Beggar Overall - An adorable country-looking costume that can only be equipped by a #Monkey#.
1802036 - Golden Pig Fortune Pouch - A Fortune pouch for #cGolden Pig# only.
1802037 - Oinker Suit - A Oinker Suit that can only be worn by the #cHuskies#.
1802038 - Mini Celestial Wand - Equip by #cSun Wu Kong# only.
1802042 - Baby Turkey Carriage - A small carriage built especially for well-behaved baby turkeys. Can only be equipped by a #cturkey#.
1802044 - Dragon's soul - Only available for evolution pet : Dragon
1802045 - Guitar - A stylish, mystical guitar. Can only be played by the #cJr. Reaper#.
1802047 - Porcupine Sunglasses - A set of sunglasses specially made for porcupine.
1802048 - Dragon Armor - Heavy metal for your if it weren't imposing enough already! This armor can only be equipped by an adult #cdragon#.
1802049 - Jr. Reaper Sign (I'm with stoopid) - The Jr Reaper isn't afraid to give its owner a little lip. This sign can only be equipped by the #cJr Reaper pet#.
1802050 - Jr. Reaper Sign (<--Noob) - The Jr Reaper isn't afraid to give its owner a little lip. This sign can only be equipped by the #cJr Reaper pet#.
1802051 - Jr. Reaper Sign (cc plz) - The Jr Reaper isn't afraid to give its owner a little lip. This sign can only be equipped by the #cJr Reaper pet#.
1802052 - Jr. Reaper Sign (I love pie) - The Jr Reaper isn't afraid to give its owner a little lip. This sign can only be equipped by the #cJr Reaper pet#.
1802053 - Snowman Gear - A cozy set of gear to keep #cSnowman# warm.
1802054 - Kino's Green Mushroom Hat - An adorable Green Mushroom Hat that can only be adorned by #cKino#.
1802055 - Gas Mask - A gas Mask specially made for Skunk.
1802100 - Pet Collar - (no description)
1812000 - Meso Magnet - With this item, your pet will collect mesos dropped by a monster as it passes by them. Applies only to your monster spoils.
1812001 - Item Pouch - With this item, your pet will collect items dropped by a monster as it passes by them. Applies only to your monster spoils.
1812002 - Auto HP Potion Pouch - Pet will automatically consume potions by setting the HP alert in system option. \n#c Place the pouch in Pet Ability section at Pet Equip window in Equip window as well as the potion for Pet to consume in Pet HP section#
1812003 - Auto MP Potion Pouch - Pet will automatically consume potions by setting the MP alert in system option. \n#c Place the pouch in Pet Ability section at Pet Equip window in Equip window as well as the potion for Pet to consume in Pet MP section#
1812004 - Wing Boots - With these boots, your pet will move to mesos/items dropped by monsters to collect them. Applies only to your monster spoils if not equiped with Magic Scales. Applies only with combination of which items you are equiped with. (Meso Magnet, Item Pouch)
1812005 - Binocular - With this Binocular AND Wing Boots, your pet will move to mesos/items dropped by monsters to collect them in a #cwider range than solely equipping Wing Boots.#
1812006 - Magic Scales - With these scales, your pet will become knowledgable of ownership expiration of dropped mesos/items from monsters and will also pick them up. Applies only with combination of which items you are equiped with. (Meso Magnet, Item Pouch)
1812007 - Item Ignore Pendant - This allows the pet to be selective in picking up dropped items by avoiding selected items. Once the owner has learned the Trainer's Command, the Lead Pet needs to have the skill in order for it to be activated.\n#cAvailable to a pet that can pick up mesos and items.#
1822000 - Pet Label Ring - By equipping this ring, your pet will get its own name tag. Only works with #cPanda, Dino Boy, Dino Girl, Monkey, Tiger, Rudolph, Robot, Mini Yeti, Penguin, Jr.Balrog, Dragon, Jr. Reaper, Porcupine, Snowman, Skunk, Pink Bean.#
1832000 - Pet Quote Ring - By equipping this ring, your pet will get its own decorated quote box. Only works with #cPanda, Dino Boy, Dino Girl, Monkey, Tiger, Rudolph, Robot, Mini Yeti, Penguin, Jr.Balrog, Dragon, Jr. Reaper, Porcupine, Snowman, Skunk, Pink Bean#
1802059 - Jail Bird Pet Costume - Disloyal or obnoxious pet? Sentence it to hard time with this outfit! Can only be equipped by a #cMonkey#.
1802060 - Crystal Rudolph Wings - A set of wings only available for #cCrystal Rudolph#
1802061 - Scuba Mask - A scuba mask #cWhite Duck# likes to wear when diving down under.
1802062 - Starry Stereo Headset - A Stereo Headset to keep your #cPink Bean# entertained at all times.
1802063 - Baby Tiger Wings - A wing accessory exclusively for #cBaby Tiger#.

handbook/Equip/Ring.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
1112000 - Sparkling Ring - A sparkling ring.
1112001 - Crush Ring - When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112002 - Cloud Ring - After purchasing the ring, enter the name of the character that'll become your partner, so the other character will also receive the ring. Once the two characters equip themselves with the ring, stand next to each other to trigger the special effect. The couple-ring can only be worn by a couple that consists of two characters that are of opposite sex.
1112003 - Cupid Ring - When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112005 - Venus Fireworks - Powerful fireworks to express one's love! When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112006 - Crossed Hearts - This is the best way to express "Love is a battlefield!" When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112100 - White Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in white background and black font.
1112101 - Blue Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in blue background and white font.
1112102 - Blue Label Ring 2 - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in blue background and white font.
1112103 - The Legendary Gold Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in gold background and black font.
1112104 - Bubbly Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in blue background and written in stars.
1112105 - Pink-Ribboned Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in pink ribbon background and black font.
1112106 - Blue-Ribboned Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in blue ribbon background and black font.
1112107 - Skull Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in black-skulled background and white font.
1112108 - Butterfly Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in butterfly background and white font.
1112109 - Scoreboard Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in scoreboard background and yellow font.
1112110 - SK Basketball Team Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in blue SK Basketball Team background and white font.
1112111 - KTF Basketball Team Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in orange KTF basketball team background and black font.
1112112 - Beach Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a sea of clams and starfish, written in white font.
1112113 - Chocolate Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured on top of a sweet chocolate as a background with white font.
1112114 - Pink Candy Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured on top of a pink candy wrapper as a background with white font.
1112115 - MapleBowl Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a football helmet with a black background, and in orange font.
1112116 - White Cloud Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a white cloud background, and in black font.
1112117 - Rainbow Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a rainbow with a sky blue background, and in black font.
1112118 - Coke Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in coke-themed background and in white font.
1112119 - Coke(Red) Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a Coke background, and in white font.
1112120 - Coke(White) Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a Coke background, and in red font.
1112121 - Gingerman Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a background of a cookieand white font.
1112122 - Rainbow Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a background of rainbow & cloud and white font.
1112123 - Red Pencil Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a background of a red colored pencil and white font.
1112124 - Blue Pencil Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a background of a blue colored pencil and white font.
1112125 - Green Pencil Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured in a background of a green colored pencil and white font.
1112200 - Pink Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in pink.
1112201 - Pink-Hearted Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out as a pink heart.
1112202 - Blue Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in blue.
1112203 - The Golden Fly Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in gold. If combined with the Legendary Gold Poop Hat, the fly effect takes place.
1112204 - Pink-Flowered Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in pink flowers.
1112205 - Blue-Flowered Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in blue flowers.
1112206 - Pink-Ribboned Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in pink ribbons.
1112207 - Blue-Ribboned Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in sky blue ribbons.
1112208 - Skull Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out as a skull.
1112209 - Blue-Hearted Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in blue background and heart-shaped.
1112210 - Gold-Yellow Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering yellow star background and in black font.
1112211 - Pink Lady Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering pink star background and in white font.
1112212 - Silver-Blue Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering silver star background and in black font.
1112213 - Gold-Yellow Quote Ring 2 - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering yellow star background and in white font.
1112214 - Pink Lady Quote Ring 2 - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering pink star background and in black font.
1112215 - BlueMarine Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in glimmering blue star background and in white font.
1112216 - Kitty Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in brown cat background and in black font.
1112217 - Paw-Print Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in brown dogprinted background and in white font.
1112218 - Teddy Bear Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in brown teddybear background and in black font.
1112219 - Scoreboard Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in scoreboard background and in yellow font.
1112220 - SK Basketball Team Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in blue SK Basketball Team background and in white font.
1112221 - KTF Basketball Team Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in orange KTF basketball gear and in black font.
1112222 - Starflower Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in starflower background and in white font.
1112223 - Beach Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in beach-themed background.
1112224 - Chocolate Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in chocolate.
1112225 - Pink Candy Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in pink candy.
1112226 - White Cloud Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in white cloud.
1112227 - Rainbow Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in rainbow.
1112228 - Coke Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in coke-themed background.
1112229 - Coke(Red) Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in a state of Coke.
1112230 - Coke(White) Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble is in a state of Coke.
1112231 - Gingerman Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in Gingerman cookie.
1112232 - Rainbow Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated in rainbow and clouds.
1112233 - Red Notebook Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out with a red notepad as a background.
1112234 - Blue Notebook Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out with a blue notepad as a background.
1112235 - Green Notebook Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out with a green notepad as a background.
1112300 - Ring of Moon Stone 1Carats - (no description)
1112301 - Ring of Moon Stone: 2 Carats - (no description)
1112302 - Ring of Moon Stone 3Carats - (no description)
1112303 - Ring of Shining Star 1Carats - (no description)
1112304 - Ring of Shining Star 2Carats - (no description)
1112305 - Ring of Shining Star 3Carats - (no description)
1112306 - Gold Heart Ring 1Carats - (no description)
1112307 - Gold Heart Ring: 2 Carats - (no description)
1112308 - Gold Heart Ring: 3 Carats - (no description)
1112309 - Ring of Silver Wing 1Carats - (no description)
1112310 - Ring of Silver Wing: 2 Carats - (no description)
1112311 - Ring of Silver Wing: 3 Carats - (no description)
1112800 - Friendship Ring : Clover - Put on this ring with your friend, stand next to each other, and see the clover effect
1112801 - Friendship Ring : Flower Petal - Put on this ring with your friend, stand next to each other, and see the flower petal effect
1112802 - Friendship Ring : Star - Put on this ring with your friend, stand next to each other, and see the star effect
1112803 - Moonstone Wedding Ring - Wedding ring that shows two people are married
1112806 - Star gem Wedding Ring - Wedding ring that shows two people are married
1112807 - Golden Heart Wedding Ring - Wedding ring that shows two people are married
1112808 - MapleBowl Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated with a border featuring a football helmet and orange dots, with a white background and written in black font.
1112809 - Silver Swan Wedding Ring - Wedding ring that shows two people are married
1112900 - Lalala Ring - With this ring, colored musical notes swirl around the character.
1112901 - Starry Spotlight Ring - With this ring, sparkling stars swirl around the character.
1112903 - Amorian Aura Ring - It is a floating ring of hearts that surround the avatar.
1112904 - Rainbow Star Ring - It is a floating ring of rainbows that surround the avatar.
1112007 - Mistletoe Crush Ring - A mistletoe is a symbol of love! A wonderful way to show someone you are thinking about them during the holidays! When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112908 - Aura Ring - When you walk around with this ring on, the power of the Aura gem on the ring is triggered and gives a #c+1 boost for every stat#.
1112905 - Bright Hot Pink Heart - Numerous bright, pink hearts swirl around the character that wears this ring.
1112906 - Baby Pink Heart - A baby pink heart floats over the character's head, circling around making hearts.
1112012 - Rose Crush Ring - Get tangled in the vines of love with the Rose Crush Ring! A wonderful way to show someone you are thinking about them! When purchased, enter the name of the character you're being a couple with, then the item works for both. When the two are together, an effect comes out. Also, it can only be that of one male and one female character.
1112126 - Brown Teddy Label Ring - Under the character avatar, the name of the character will be featured on top of adorable teddies.
1112236 - Brown Teddy Quote Ring - While the character chats, the quote bubble comes out decorated with a border featuring adorable teddies.
1112400 - Ring of Alchemist - (no description)
1112902 - Baba Blue - Pretty Blue heart that attracts love goes around the character.
1112407 - Circle of Ancient Thought -
1112408 - Circle of Ancient Strength -
1112401 - Spiegelmann's Ring - (no description)
1112402 - Spiegelmann's Ring - (no description)
1112405 - Lilin's Ring - Lilin's Ring that can be shared with any character in the same account. Cannot be put in a transaction with other accounts.
1112810 - Christmas Night Bells - Put on this ring with your friend, stand next to each other, and see the star effect
1112811 - Christmas Party - Put on this ring with your friend, stand next to each other, and see the star effect
1112413 - Lilin's Ring - Lilin's Ring that can be shared with any character in the same account. Cannot be put in a transaction with other accounts.
1112414 - Lilin's Ring - Lilin's Ring that can be shared with any character in the same account. Cannot be put in a transaction with other accounts.
1112812 - Shared Umbrella Ring - (no description)
1112916 - Solo Ring - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Shield.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
1092000 - Steel Shield - (no description)
1092001 - Red Triangular Shield - (no description)
1092002 - Red Cross Shield - (no description)
1092003 - Stolen Fence - (no description)
1092004 - Skull Shield - (no description)
1092005 - Wooden Buckler - (no description)
1092006 - Mithril Buckler - (no description)
1092007 - Battle Shield - (no description)
1092008 - Pan Lid - (no description)
1092009 - Wooden Legend Shield - (no description)
1092010 - Silver Legend Shield - (no description)
1092011 - Adamantium Legend Shield - (no description)
1092012 - Steel Tower Shield - (no description)
1092013 - Mithril Tower Shield - (no description)
1092014 - Adamantium Tower Shield - (no description)
1092015 - Steel Ancient Shield - (no description)
1092016 - Silver Ancient Shield - (no description)
1092017 - Gold Ancient Shield - (no description)
1092018 - Seclusion Wristguard - (no description)
1092019 - Nimble Wristguard - (no description)
1092020 - Jurgen Wristguard - (no description)
1092021 - Mystic Shield - (no description)
1092022 - Palette - (no description)
1092023 - Steel Aquila Shield - (no description)
1092024 - Silver Aquila Shield - (no description)
1092025 - Gold Aquila Shield - (no description)
1092026 - Bronze Kalkan - (no description)
1092027 - Silver Kalkan - (no description)
1092028 - Gold Kalkan - (no description)
1092029 - Esther Shield - (no description)
1092030 - Maple Shield - (no description)
1092031 - Ladybug Shield - (no description)
1092032 - Cookie Shield - (no description)
1092033 - Clover Shield - (no description)
1092034 - Red Devil Shield - (no description)
1092035 - Cokeplay Shield - (no description)
1092036 - Green Hoflon - (no description)
1092037 - Violet Hoflon - (no description)
1092038 - Blue Hoflon - (no description)
1092040 - Snowflake Shield - (no description)
1092041 - Skill-Earning Shield - (no description)
1092042 - Gellerhead Shield - (no description)
1092044 - Love Knuckler - (no description)
1092045 - Maple Magician shield - (no description)
1092046 - Maple Warrior shield - (no description)
1092047 - Maple Thief shield - (no description)
1092049 - Dragon Khanjar - (no description)
1092050 - Khanjar - (no description)
1092052 - Black Phoenix Shield - An immensely strong shield imbued with the power of elder warriors. The shield is rumored to grow stronger over time.
1092056 - Transparent Shield - (no description)
1092061 - Crossheider - (no description)
1092057 - Timeless Prelude - (no description)
1092058 - Timeless Kite Shield - (no description)
1092059 - Timeless List - (no description)
1092060 - Blue Dragon Shield - (no description)
1092062 - Maple Girl Shield - (no description)
1092039 - Leaf Fall - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Shoes.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
1070000 - Blue Gomushin - (no description)
1070001 - Black Santa Boots - (no description)
1070002 - Kimono Shoes - (no description)
1070003 - Black Shoes of Death - (no description)
1070004 - Blue Western Walkers - (no description)
1070005 - Santa Boy Boots - (no description)
1070006 - Royal Costume Shoes - (no description)
1070007 - Lunar Celebration Shoes - (no description)
1070009 - Paris Wingtips - Snazzy shoes for Grooms
1070014 - Veras Heels [m] - (no description)
1070015 - Bunny Boots [m] - (no description)
1070016 - Dandy Silver Sneaks - (no description)
1071000 - Blue Loose Sox - (no description)
1071001 - Red Loose Sox - (no description)
1071002 - Red Gomushin - (no description)
1071003 - Red Santa Boots - (no description)
1071004 - Pink Nurse Shoes - (no description)
1071005 - White Nurse Shoes - (no description)
1071006 - SF Ninja Shoes - (no description)
1071007 - Bunny Boots - (no description)
1071008 - Kimono Sandals - (no description)
1071009 - Red Western Walkers - (no description)
1071010 - Sea Queen Sandals - (no description)
1071011 - Race Queen Boots - (no description)
1071012 - Diao Chan Shoes - (no description)
1071013 - White Cat Shoes - (no description)
1071014 - Black Cat Shoes - (no description)
1071015 - Maid Shoes - (no description)
1071016 - Santa Girl Boots - (no description)
1071017 - Leopard Print Shoes - (no description)
1071018 - Brown Leather Boots - (no description)
1071019 - Lunar Celebration Pumps - (no description)
1071020 - Veras Heels - Traditional, elegant Bride heels
1071021 - Gothic Boots - (no description)
1071024 - Black Dress Shoes [f] - (no description)
1071025 - Paris Wingtips [f] - (no description)
1071026 - White High Top - (no description)
1072000 - Brown Jangoon Shoes - (no description)
1072001 - Red Rubber Boots - (no description)
1072002 - Steel Trigger - (no description)
1072003 - Emerald Battle Grieves - (no description)
1072004 - White Gomushin - (no description)
1072005 - Leather Sandals - (no description)
1072006 - Brown Basic Boots - (no description)
1072007 - Brown High Boots - (no description)
1072008 - Bronze Aroa Boots - (no description)
1072009 - Steel Grieves - (no description)
1072010 - Black Dress Shoes - (no description)
1072011 - Mithril War Boots - (no description)
1072012 - Red Whitebottom Boots - (no description)
1072013 - Red Air H's - (no description)
1072014 - Camping Boots - (no description)
1072015 - Brown Hard Leather Boots - (no description)
1072016 - Green Woodsman Boots - (no description)
1072017 - Blue Ankle-strap Sandals - (no description)
1072018 - Blue Sneakers - (no description)
1072019 - Blue Jewelry Boots - (no description)
1072020 - Purple Jewelry Boots - (no description)
1072021 - Red Jewelry Boots - (no description)
1072022 - Black Enamel Boots - (no description)
1072023 - Beige Nitty - (no description)
1072024 - Black Nitty - (no description)
1072025 - Deer Huntertop - (no description)
1072026 - Rabbit Huntertop - (no description)
1072027 - Brown Jack Boots - (no description)
1072028 - White Ninja Sandals - (no description)
1072029 - Yellow Ninja Sandals - (no description)
1072030 - Blue Ninja Sandals - (no description)
1072031 - Red Ninja Sandals - (no description)
1072032 - Bronze Chain Boots - (no description)
1072033 - Iron Chain Boots - (no description)
1072034 - Green Jack Boots - (no description)
1072035 - Silver Chain Boots - (no description)
1072036 - Gold Chain Boots - (no description)
1072037 - Yellow Rubber Boots - (no description)
1072038 - Blue Rubber Boots - (no description)
1072039 - Mithril Battle Grieves - (no description)
1072040 - Silver Battle Grieves - (no description)
1072041 - Blood Battle Grieves - (no description)
1072042 - Black Gomushin - (no description)
1072043 - Smelly Gomushin - (no description)
1072044 - Yellow Basic Boots - (no description)
1072045 - Blue Basic Boots - (no description)
1072046 - Orange High Boots - (no description)
1072047 - Blue High Boots - (no description)
1072048 - Brown Aroa Boots - (no description)
1072049 - Green Aroa Boots - (no description)
1072050 - Bronze Grieves - (no description)
1072051 - Silver War Boots - (no description)
1072052 - Dark War Boots - (no description)
1072053 - Gold War Boots - (no description)
1072054 - Orange Whitebottom Boots - (no description)
1072055 - Pink Whitebottom Boots - (no description)
1072056 - Blue Whitebottom Boots - (no description)
1072057 - Blue Air H's - (no description)
1072058 - Black Air H's - (no description)
1072059 - Green Hard Leather Boots - (no description)
1072060 - Brown Woodsman Boots - (no description)
1072061 - Blue Woodsman Boots - (no description)
1072062 - Red Ankle-strap Sandals - (no description)
1072063 - Brown Ankle-strap Sandals - (no description)
1072064 - Red Sneakers - (no description)
1072065 - Red Enamel Boots - (no description)
1072066 - Blue Enamel Boots - (no description)
1072067 - Bear Huntertop - (no description)
1072068 - Lion Huntertop - (no description)
1072069 - Red Jack Boots - (no description)
1072070 - Blue Gidder Shoes - (no description)
1072071 - Brown Gidder Shoes - (no description)
1072072 - Silver Windshoes - (no description)
1072073 - Yellow Windshoes - (no description)
1072074 - Black Windshoes - (no description)
1072075 - Red Magicshoes - (no description)
1072076 - Blue Magicshoes - (no description)
1072077 - White Magicshoes - (no description)
1072078 - Black Magicshoes - (no description)
1072079 - Red Hunter Boots - (no description)
1072080 - Blue Hunter Boots - (no description)
1072081 - Green Hunter Boots - (no description)
1072082 - Black Hunter Boots - (no description)
1072083 - Brown Hunter Boots - (no description)
1072084 - Blue Lappy Boots - (no description)
1072085 - Red Lappy Boots - (no description)
1072086 - Green Lappy Boots - (no description)
1072087 - Black Lappy Boots - (no description)
1072088 - Cowboy Boots - (no description)
1072089 - Purple Salt Shoes - (no description)
1072090 - Red Salt Shoes - (no description)
1072091 - Black Salt Shoes - (no description)
1072092 - Yellow Flippers - (no description)
1072093 - Blue Flippers - (no description)
1072094 - Yellow Rain Boots - (no description)
1072095 - Sky Blue Rain Boots - (no description)
1072096 - Red Rain Boots - (no description)
1072097 - Green Rain Boots - (no description)
1072098 - Blue Baseball Cleats - (no description)
1072099 - Red Baseball Cleats - (no description)
1072100 - Black Baseball Cleats - (no description)
1072101 - Blue Silky Boots - (no description)
1072102 - Green Silky Boots - (no description)
1072103 - Red Silky Boots - (no description)
1072104 - Red White-Lined Boots - (no description)
1072105 - Green White-Lined Boots - (no description)
1072106 - Blue White-Lined Boots - (no description)
1072107 - Black Red-Lined Shoes - (no description)
1072108 - Black Green-Lined Shoes - (no description)
1072109 - Black Yellow-Lined Shoes - (no description)
1072110 - Black Blue-Lines Shoes - (no description)
1072111 - Black Leather Boots - (no description)
1072112 - Mithril Trigger - (no description)
1072113 - Dark Trigger - (no description)
1072114 - Red Moon Shoes - (no description)
1072115 - Blue Moon Shoes - (no description)
1072116 - Gold Moon Shoes - (no description)
1072117 - Dark Moon Shoes - (no description)
1072118 - Red Pierre Shoes - (no description)
1072119 - Yellow Pierre Shoes - (no description)
1072120 - Brown Pierre Shoes - (no description)
1072121 - Blue Pierre Shoes - (no description)
1072122 - Brown Steel-Tip Boots - (no description)
1072123 - Green Steel-Tip Boots - (no description)
1072124 - Blue Steel-Tip Boots - (no description)
1072125 - Purple Steel-Tip Boots - (no description)
1072126 - Maroon Jangoon Shoes - (no description)
1072127 - Blue Jangoon Shoes - (no description)
1072128 - Blue Goni Shoes - (no description)
1072129 - Green Goni Shoes - (no description)
1072130 - Red Goni Shoes - (no description)
1072131 - Purple Goni Shoes - (no description)
1072132 - Emerald Hildon Boots - (no description)
1072133 - Mithril Hildon Boots - (no description)
1072134 - Orihalcon Hildon Boots - (no description)
1072135 - Gold Hildon Boots - (no description)
1072136 - Pink Goldrunners - (no description)
1072137 - Green Goldrunners - (no description)
1072138 - Orange Goldrunners - (no description)
1072139 - Blue Goldrunners - (no description)
1072140 - Pink Goldwind Shoes - (no description)
1072141 - Blue Goldwind Shoes - (no description)
1072142 - Purple Goldwind Shoes - (no description)
1072143 - Green Goldwind Shoes - (no description)
1072144 - Red Gore Boots - (no description)
1072145 - Blue Gore Boots - (no description)
1072146 - Green Gore Boots - (no description)
1072147 - Sapphire Camel Boots - (no description)
1072148 - Orihalcon Camel Boots - (no description)
1072149 - Blood Camel Boots - (no description)
1072150 - Blood Moss Boots - (no description)
1072151 - Gold Moss Boots - (no description)
1072152 - Dark Moss Boots - (no description)
1072153 - Transparent Shoes - Use these Shoes if you want to make your Shoes transparent while still using all of the stats your Shoes possess.
1072154 - Blue Carzen Boots - (no description)
1072155 - Purple Carzen Boots - (no description)
1072156 - Dark Carzen Boots - (no description)
1072157 - Blue Lapiz Sandals - (no description)
1072158 - Red Lapiz Sandals - (no description)
1072159 - Brown Lapiz Sandals - (no description)
1072160 - Gold Lapiz Sandals - (no description)
1072161 - Purple Mystique Shoes - (no description)
1072162 - Blue Mystique Shoes - (no description)
1072163 - Red Mystique Shoes - (no description)
1072164 - Blue Elf Shoes - (no description)
1072165 - Baige Elf Shoes - (no description)
1072166 - Green Elf Shoes - (no description)
1072167 - Dark Elf Shoes - (no description)
1072168 - Red Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072169 - Blue Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072170 - Green Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072171 - Black Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072172 - Green Pirate Boots - (no description)
1072173 - Red Pirate Boots - (no description)
1072174 - Dark Pirate Boots - (no description)
1072175 - Ninja Shoes - (no description)
1072176 - Military Boots - (no description)
1072177 - Green Enigma Shoes - (no description)
1072178 - Purple Enigma Shoes - (no description)
1072179 - Dark Enigma Shoes - (no description)
1072180 - Flipper Boots - (no description)
1072181 - Green Ting Slippers - (no description)
1072182 - Blue Wing Boots - (no description)
1072183 - Red Wing Boots - (no description)
1072184 - Green Wing Boots - (no description)
1072185 - Dark Wing Boots - (no description)
1072186 - Kitty Slipper - (no description)
1072187 - Blue Marble Slippers - (no description)
1072188 - Red Marble Slippers - (no description)
1072189 - Bunny Slippers - (no description)
1072190 - Blue B-ball Sneakers - (no description)
1072191 - Orange B-ball Sneakers - (no description)
1072192 - Green Osfa Boots - (no description)
1072193 - Brown Osfa Boots - (no description)
1072194 - Purple Osfa Boots - (no description)
1072195 - Red Osfa Boots - (no description)
1072196 - Emerald War Greave - (no description)
1072197 - Orihalcon War Greave - (no description)
1072198 - Dark War Greave - (no description)
1072199 - Ragged Korean Rubber Shoes - (no description)
1072200 - Brown Dress Shoes - (no description)
1072201 - Red Leather Boots - (no description)
1072202 - Mesoranger Boots - (no description)
1072203 - Red Ades Shoes - (no description)
1072204 - Green Ades Shoes - (no description)
1072205 - Dark Ades Shoes - (no description)
1072206 - Blue Neli Shoes - (no description)
1072207 - Green Neli Shoes - (no description)
1072208 - Red Neli Shoes - (no description)
1072209 - Dark Neli Shoes - (no description)
1072210 - Red Rivers Boots - (no description)
1072211 - Blue Rivers Boots - (no description)
1072212 - Dark Rivers Boots - (no description)
1072213 - Green Katina Boots - (no description)
1072214 - Blue Katina Boots - (no description)
1072215 - Red Katina Boots - (no description)
1072216 - Dark Katina Boots - (no description)
1072217 - Beige Golashes - (no description)
1072218 - Sky Blue Golashes - (no description)
1072219 - Pink Golashes - (no description)
1072220 - Green Crescent Boots - (no description)
1072221 - Blue Crescent Boots - (no description)
1072222 - Dark Crescent Boots - (no description)
1072223 - Green Varr Shoes - (no description)
1072224 - Blue Varr Shoes - (no description)
1072225 - Red Varr Shoes - (no description)
1072226 - Dark Varr Shoes - (no description)
1072227 - Red Arnah Shoes - (no description)
1072228 - Blue Arnah Shoes - (no description)
1072229 - Green Arnah Shoes - (no description)
1072230 - Black Boxing Shoes - (no description)
1072231 - Blue Boxing Shoes - (no description)
1072232 - Red Boxing Shoes - (no description)
1072233 - Bear Shoes - (no description)
1072234 - Bubbling Slippers - (no description)
1072235 - Slime Slippers - (no description)
1072236 - Guan Yu Shoes - (no description)
1072237 - Zhu-Ge-Liang Shoes - (no description)
1072238 - Violet Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072239 - Yellow Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072240 - Big Rabbit Feet - (no description)
1072241 - Liu Bei Shoes - (no description)
1072242 - Cao Cao Shoes - (no description)
1072243 - Sun Quan Shoes - (no description)
1072244 - Red Enamel Shoes - (no description)
1072245 - Blue Enamel Shoes - (no description)
1072246 - Pink Sneakers - (no description)
1072247 - Hunting Boots - (no description)
1072248 - Blue Basketball Shoes - (no description)
1072249 - Orange Basketball Shoes - (no description)
1072250 - Horoscope Shoes - (no description)
1072251 - Pro-Cat Sticker - (no description)
1072252 - Snowboard Boots - (no description)
1072253 - Snowman Shoes - (no description)
1072254 - Football Cleats(Home) - (no description)
1072255 - Football Cleats(Away) - (no description)
1072256 - Teddy Bear Shoes - (no description)
1072257 - Puppy Slippers - (no description)
1072258 - Kitty Slippers - (no description)
1072259 - Chick Slippers - (no description)
1072260 - Penguin Slippers - (no description)
1072261 - Yellow Strap Shoes - (no description)
1072262 - Black Strap Shoes - (no description)
1072263 - Green Strap Shoes - (no description)
1072264 - Silver Strap Shoes - (no description)
1072265 - Blue Soccer Cleats - (no description)
1072266 - Black Soccer Cleats - (no description)
1072267 - Red Soccer Cleats - (no description)
1072268 - Blue Elemental Shoes - (no description)
1072269 - Red Hunter Shoes - (no description)
1072272 - Black Garina Shoes - (no description)
1072273 - Blue Dragon Boots - (no description)
1072274 - Moon Bunny Paws - (no description)
1072275 - Fonla's Slippers - (no description)
1072276 - Booster Shoes - (no description)
1072277 - Red Elf shoes - (no description)
1072278 - Rudolph Slippers - (no description)
1072279 - Super Booster Shoes - (no description)
1072280 - Golden Shoes - (no description)
1072281 - Sachiel Shoes - (no description)
1072282 - Veamoth Shoes - (no description)
1072283 - Janus Shoes - (no description)
1072284 - Zhu Ba Jie Shoes - (no description)
1072285 - Brown Lagger Slipper - (no description)
1072288 - Brown Skeedy Sandals - (no description)
1072291 - Brown Wooden Krag - (no description)
1072294 - Brown Paulie Boots - (no description)
1072297 - Brown Locote Shoes - (no description)
1072300 - Brown Leather Krag - (no description)
1072303 - Brown Double Boots - (no description)
1072306 - Black Basile Boots - (no description)
1072309 - Black Voyson Shoes - (no description)
1072312 - Blue Pageant - (no description)
1072315 - Black Markintz - (no description)
1072318 - Black Duke Barkin Shoes - (no description)
1072321 - Canopus Boots - (no description)
1072322 - Rollerskates - (no description)
1072323 - Starry Slippers - (no description)
1072324 - Piggy Slippers - (no description)
1072325 - Red Slime Slippers - (no description)
1072326 - Yellow Slime Slippers - (no description)
1072327 - Tania En Fuego - (no description)
1072328 - Mercury Lighning - (no description)
1072329 - Flipped Blue High Top - (no description)
1072330 - Checkered Sneakers - (no description)
1072331 - Velcro Vivid High Shoes - (no description)
1072332 - Black Enamel Shoes - (no description)
1072333 - Green Checkered Sneakers - (no description)
1072334 - Red Checkered Sneakers - (no description)
1072335 - Natural Golashes - (no description)
1072336 - Soccer Cleats - (no description)
1072337 - Fluffy Slippers - (no description)
1072338 - Purple Snowshoes - Put this on, and you won't be slipping around regardless of snow or ice.
1072341 - Orange Checkered Sneakz - (no description)
1072342 - Bosshunter Greaves - (no description)
1072343 - Bosshunter Boots - (no description)
1072344 - Facestompers - (no description)
1072345 - Bosshunter Greaves - (no description)
1072346 - Bosshunter Boots - (no description)
1072347 - Olive Green Kicks - (no description)
1072348 - Elephant Slippers - (no description)
1072349 - Green Checkered Sneakz - (no description)
1072350 - Black High Tops - (no description)
1072351 - Green Ankle Boots for Transformation - (no description)
1072352 - Red Silky Boots for Transformation - (no description)
1072353 - White Ninja Sandals for Transformation - (no description)
1072354 - Black Voyson Shoes for Transformation - (no description)
1072360 - White & Blue Sandals - (no description)
1072367 - Puffy Ram Shoes - (no description)
1072373 - Purple Rainbow Sneaks - (no description)
1072371 - Custom Blue High Tops - (no description)
1072370 - Gaga Shoes - (no description)
1072355 - Timeless Grabbe - (no description)
1072356 - Timeless Cabatina - (no description)
1072357 - Timeless Rontano - (no description)
1072358 - Timeless Moonsteed - (no description)
1072359 - Timeless Faraon - (no description)
1072361 - Reverse Grabbe - (no description)
1072362 - Reverse Cabatina - (no description)
1072363 - Reverse Rontano - (no description)
1072364 - Reverse Moonsteed - (no description)
1072365 - Reverse Faraon - (no description)
1072366 - Parachute Agent Shoes - (no description)
1072368 - Ultimate Agent Shoes - (no description)
1072369 - Squishy Shoes - (no description)
1072379 - Yellow Rainbow Sneaks - (no description)
1072380 - White & Blue Sandals - (no description)
1072384 - Bling Bling Shoes - (no description)
1072395 - Mix-n-Match Sneakers - (no description)
1072394 - Pink Polka-Dotted Boots - (no description)
1072392 - Red Ankle-Strap Shoes - (no description)
1072406 - Chaos Metallic Shoes - (no description)
1072404 - Alchemist Shoes - (no description)
1072408 - Maple Racing Shoes - (no description)
1072405 - Ninja Shoes - (no description)
1072375 - Balrog's Leather Shoes - (no description)
1072376 - Balrog's Fur Shoes - (no description)
1072377 - Treacherous Wolf Shoes - (no description)
1072382 - Brave Soldier Shoes - (no description)
1072383 - Average Musashi Shoes - (no description)
1072419 - Andras Shoes - (no description)
1072420 - Marbas Shoes - (no description)
1072421 - Valefor Shoes - (no description)
1072422 - Amdusias Shoes - (no description)
1072423 - Crocell Shoes - (no description)
1072381 - Aran Combat Shoes - (no description)
1072388 - Stripe Knee Socks - (no description)
1072374 - Lace Long Boots - (no description)
1072407 - Kawaii Kitty Shoes - (no description)
1072399 - King Pepe Dark Walker - (no description)
1072400 - King Pepe Black Salt Shoes - (no description)
1072401 - King Pepe Red Silky Boots - (no description)
1072402 - King Pepe Blue Lined Boots - (no description)
1072403 - King Pepe Brown Pirate Shoes - (no description)
1072417 - Clown Shoes - (no description)
1072427 - Red Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072428 - Green Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072429 - Navy Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072430 - White Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072431 - Yellow Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072432 - Purple Christmas Sock - (no description)
1072418 - Average Black Boots - (no description)
1072425 - Freud's Shoes - (no description)
1072437 - Pink Bean Shoes - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Taming.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1902000 - Hog - (no description)
1902001 - Silver Mane - (no description)
1902002 - Red Draco - (no description)
1912000 - Saddle - (no description)
1912003 - Frog Cover - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1912004 - Ostrich Cover - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902008 - Frog - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902009 - Ostrich - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902011 - Turtle - This monster must be used with the #cTurtle Mount#.
1902012 - Yeti - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1912008 - Yeti Cover - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1912007 - Turtle Mount - This mount must be used with the #cTurtle# monster.
1902005 - Mimiana - (no description)
1902006 - Mimio - (no description)
1902007 - Shinjou - (no description)
1902010 - Frog - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1912005 - Saddle - (no description)
1912006 - Frog Cover - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1902021 - Robot - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1912014 - Robot Cover - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1912029 - Maple Racing Car Cover - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1902036 - Maple Racing Car - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1912031 - Pink Scooter Key - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1912032 - Black Scooter Key - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902038 - Pink Scooter - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902039 - Black Scooter - You must have an in-game mount (Watch Hog, Silver Boar, etc) to use this mount cover.
1902020 - Hot Air Balloon - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1912013 - Hot Air Balloon Cover - You must be over level 70 in order to use this item and have an in-game mount (Hog, Silver Mane, Red Draco) to use this mount cover.
1902015 - Werewolf - (no description)
1902016 - Werewolf - (no description)
1902017 - Werewolf - (no description)
1902018 - Ryko - (no description)
1912011 - Wolf Saddle - (no description)

handbook/Equip/Weapon.txt Normal file

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handbook/Etc.txt Normal file

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handbook/Map.txt Normal file

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handbook/Mob.txt Normal file

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handbook/NPC.txt Normal file

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handbook/Pet.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
5000000 - Brown Kitty - They are quiet and gentle in nature, so they don't go craving for food too often. They don't seem to be too obedient of their owners.
5000001 - Brown Puppy - They are outgoing and active in nature, so they can't sit still for a period of time, which makes them hungry often. They are very obedient of their owners.
5000002 - Pink Bunny - They are well-behaved and quiet, so they don't need to be fed more than the usual amount. They are smart and obedient, but also stubborn.
5000003 - Mini Kargo - They are very very active, so they get hungry pretty often. Very intelligent, they are quite obedient of their owners.
5000004 - Black Kitty - They are quiet and gentle in nature, so they don't go craving for food too often. They don't seem to be too obedient of their owners.
5000005 - White Bunny - They are well-behaved and quiet, so they don't need to be fed more than the usual amount. They are smart and obedient, but also stubborn.
5000006 - Husky - Active, yet calm at times. Can be moderately fed. Very smart in general.
5000007 - Black Pig - Very active and hungry at all times. Need to be fed often. Very friendly in nature, so it's easy to increase the level of closeness with it.
5000008 - Panda - Calm, relaxed, and gentle. A very rare creature.
5000009 - Dino Boy - A very adorable male baby dinosaur that is both active and unpredictable.
5000010 - Dino Girl - A very adorable female baby dinosaur that is both active and unpredictable.
5000011 - Monkey - The always-curious monkey never rests, wanders around.
5000012 - White Tiger - They are very gentle and obedient in nature, easily becoming friendly with the owner, which in turn speeds up the level-up process.
5000013 - Elephant - Very outgoing and mature; doesn't need to be fed all the time. An intelligent pet that easily understands the commands from the master.
5000014 - Rudolph - Every Christmas, Santa Claus rides on the sleigh driven by his trusty sidekick, Rudolph.
5000015 - Dasher - They are smart and obedient by nature, picking up commands faster than other pets, but they also can get hungry in a hurry.
5000017 - Robot - A hyper-active robot that always changes its mind on everything. Very unpredictable, yet easy to please.
5000018 - Husky - Active, yet calm at times. Can be moderately fed. Very smart in general.
5000020 - Mini Yeti - A trustworthy pet that quietly watches everyone's back. Quiet, but smart and gets a lot of things done.
5000021 - Monkey - Very charming who is also very intuitive, but not as obedient as some of the others
5000022 - Turkey - Somewhat active, quiet and not well-behaved in nature. It is not very obedient, but isn't hungry very often.
5000023 - Penguin - Penguins are always energetic and in good spirits. Use the Meso Magnet and Item Pouch on the Penguin to pick up the mesos and items on the ground.
5000024 - Jr. Balrog - A trustworthy pet who is equally quick-witted. Unlike its masculine appearance, it is prone to insecurity and shyness.
5000025 - Golden Pig - This designed Golden Pig will definately bring you a Good Luck! Use the Meso Magnet and Item Pouch to pick up the mesos and items on the ground.
5000028 - Dragon - A special egg that becomes a mythical Baby Dragon upon hatching.
5000029 - Baby Dragon - A Baby Dragon hatched out of the special Dragon Egg. At Level 15, the pet can be evolved into a full-fledged Adult Dragon with the help of Garnox the NPC using the Rock of Evolution.
5000030 - Green Dragon - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Dragon into a Green Dragon!
5000031 - Red Dragon - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Dragon into a Red Dragon!
5000032 - Blue Dragon - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Dragon into a Blue Dragon!
5000033 - Black Dragon - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Dragon into the rare and majestic Black Dragon!
5000034 - Black Bunny - They are well-behaved and quiet, so they don't need to be fed more than the usual amount. They are smart and obedient, but also stubborn.
5000036 - Jr. Reaper - Miniature death incarnate. Makes for a loyal but cheeky sidekick that is prone to talking back.
5000037 - Husky - Active, yet calm at times. Can be moderately fed. Very smart in general.
5000039 - Porcupine - A small, furry creature with very, very sharp spikes. A lovable pet.
5000041 - Snowman - An adorable Snowman that is also very active. May seem a little rude at times, but the more it is loved, the more affable it becomes.
5000044 - Orange tiger - They are very gentle and obedient in nature, easily becoming friendly with the owner, which in turn speeds up the level-up process.
5000045 - Skunk - Calm and quiet by nature, the easy-going, eccentric Skunk has a rather humorous and pompous outlook on life, the finer things are what it enjoys.
5000026 - Sun Wu Kong - Sun Wu Kong ran out of Tang Shan Zhang. He is lazy and moody but can be changed with love.
5000040 - ??? ?? - ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????. ??? ????? ??? ?????, ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????. \n#c??: ?? ??, ??? ??, ??? ?? ???&?? ??, ?? ??, ???? ??, MP ????#
5000042 - Kino - A happy-go-lucky, orange mushroom that loves shiny stones.
5000043 - ???? - ??? ????, ?? ??? ??? ???????. ??? ?? ? ????, ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????. \n#c??: ????, ?????#
5000046 - ?? - ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???????. \n#c??:????, ?????#
5000047 - Robo - A special egg that becomes a mythical Robo upon hatching.
5000048 - Baby Robo - A Baby Robo hatched out of the special Capsule. At Level 15, the pet can be evolved into a full-fledged Adult Robo with the help of Garnox the NPC using the Rock of Evolution.
5000049 - Blue Robo - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Robo into a Blue Robo!
5000050 - Red Robo - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Robo into a Red Robo!
5000051 - Green Robo - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Robo into a Green Robo!
5000052 - Gold Robo - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Robo into a Gold Robo!
5000053 - Gorilla Robo - Mysterious magical powers aligned and sucessfully evolved the Baby Robo into the rare and majestic Gorilla Robo!
5000055 - Crys.Rudolph - The star of this year's Holidays. Projects an aura of nobility and gentleness. Only available during the winter Holidays!
5000058 - White Duck - Silly and foolish, but hard working and easy-going by nature, White Duck is easy to please, and enjoys good food and a swim.
5000054 - Snail - A snail that is really hard to figure out.
5000060 - Pink Bean - A short and chubby pet summoned through the Goddess' mirror. It is temperamental.\n#cA pet whose life will never expire.#
5000100 - Kino - A happy-go-lucky, orange mushroom that loves shiny stones.\n#cA pet whose life will never expire.#
5000101 - White Tiger - They are very gentle and obedient in nature, easily becoming friendly with the owner, which in turn speeds up the level-up process.\n#cA pet whose life will never expire.#
5000102 - Mini Yeti - A trustworthy pet that quietly watches everyone's back. Quiet, but smart and gets a lot of things done.\n#cA pet whose life will never expire.#
5000066 - Baby Tiger - Baby Tiger, the big star of 2010.

handbook/Quest.txt Normal file

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handbook/Setup.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
3010000 - The Relaxer - Catch your breath and relax by sitting on this chair to recover 50 HP every 10 seconds.\n#cCannot be traded or dropped.#
3010001 - Sky-blue Wooden Chair - A specially-made sky-blue wooden chair that's only available in Lith Harbor. Recover 35 HP every 10 seconds.
3010002 - Green Chair - A comfortable, plush green chair, complete with arm-rests. Recovers 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3010003 - Red Chair - A comfortable, plush red chair, complete with arm-rests.. Recovers 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3010004 - The Yellow Relaxer - Catch your breath and relax by sitting on this chair to recover 50 HP every 10 seconds. Perfect for a quick break from training.
3010005 - The Red Relaxer - Catch your breath and relax by sitting on this chair to recover 50 HP every 10 seconds. Perfect for a quick break from training.
3010006 - Yellow Chair - A comfortable, plush yellow chair, complete with arm-rests. Recovers 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3010007 - Pink Seal Cushion - An adorable pink cushion that resembles a seal. Recovers HP 60 every 10 seconds.
3010008 - Blue Seal Cushion - An adorable blue cushion that resembles a seal. Recovers HP 60 every 10 seconds.
3010009 - Red Round Chair - Rumored to be crafted in Amoria, this special chair is also known as the Love Seat. Recover 20 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
3010010 - White Seal Cushion - An adorable white cushion that resembles a seal. Recovers HP 50 every 10 seconds.
3010011 - Amorian Relaxer - A chair crafted by Jacob. Recovers 75 HP every 10 seconds.\n#cCannot be traded or dropped.#
3010012 - Warrior Throne - A powerful chair used often on the battlefield. Recovers 60 HP every 10 seconds.\n#cCannot be traded or dropped.#
3010013 - Beach Chair - A chair straight from the relaxation experts in Florina Beach. Recover 20 HP every 10 seconds.
3010014 - Moon Star Chair - A light, stylish chair that seems to be sent from the heavens. Recover 30 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3010015 - The Red Relaxer - A chair with magical properties crafted in Ellinia. Restores 35 MP per 10 Seconds while sitting.
3010016 - Grey Seal Cushion - An adorable grey cushion that resembles a seal. Recovers HP 60 every 10 seconds.
3010017 - Gold Seal Cushion - An adorable gold cushion that resembles a seal. Recovers MP 60 every 10 seconds.
3010018 - Palm Tree Beach Chair - A beach chair placed in the shades under the palm tree at Ariant. Sit on it to recover HP 40 and MP 20 every 10 seconds.
3010019 - Kadomatsu - A specially-made chair that's only available in Mushroom Shrine. Recover 60 MP every 10 seconds.
3010025 - Under the Maple Tree... - A white chair commemorating the 4th anniversary of MapleStory. Sit on it to recover HP 35 and MP 10 every 10 seconds.
3011000 - Fishing Chair - The perfect chair for fishing.
3990000 - Red No. 1 - A red #1 to decorate the tree.
3990001 - Red No. 2 - A red #2 to decorate the tree.
3990002 - Red No. 3 - A red #3 to decorate the tree.
3990003 - Red No. 4 - A red #4 to decorate the tree.
3990004 - Red No. 5 - A red #5 to decorate the tree.
3990005 - Red No. 6 - A red #6 to decorate the tree.
3990006 - Red No. 7 - A red #7 to decorate the tree.
3990007 - Red No. 8 - A red #8 to decorate the tree.
3990008 - Red No. 9 - A red #9 to decorate the tree.
3990009 - Red No. 0 - A red #0 to decorate the tree.
3990010 - Green No. 1 - A green #1 to decorate the tree.
3990011 - Green No. 2 - A green #2 to decorate the tree.
3990012 - Green No. 3 - A green #3 to decorate the tree.
3990013 - Green No. 4 - A green #4 to decorate the tree.
3990014 - Green No. 5 - A green #5 to decorate the tree.
3990015 - Green No. 6 - A green #6 to decorate the tree.
3990016 - Green No. 7 - A green #7 to decorate the tree.
3990017 - Green No. 8 - A green #8 to decorate the tree.
3990018 - Green No. 9 - A green #9 to decorate the tree.
3990019 - Green No. 0 - A green #0 to decorate the tree.
3990020 - Red " + " - A red " + " to decorate the tree.
3990021 - Red " - " - A red " - " to decorate the tree.
3990022 - Green " + " - A green " + " to decorate the tree.
3990023 - Green " - " - A green " - " to decorate the tree.
3991000 - Red "A" - A red "A" to decorate the tree.
3991001 - Red "B" - A red "B" to decorate the tree.
3991002 - Red "C" - A red "C" to decorate the tree.
3991003 - Red "D" - A red "D" to decorate the tree.
3991004 - Red "E" - A red "E" to decorate the tree.
3991005 - Red "F" - A red "F" to decorate the tree.
3991006 - Red "G" - A red "G" to decorate the tree.
3991007 - Red "H" - A red "H" to decorate the tree.
3991008 - Red "I" - A red "I" to decorate the tree.
3991009 - Red "J" - A red "J" to decorate the tree.
3991010 - Red "K" - A red "K" to decorate the tree.
3991011 - Red "L" - A red "L" to decorate the tree.
3991012 - Red "M" - A red "M" to decorate the tree.
3991013 - Red "N" - A red "N" to decorate the tree.
3991014 - Red "O" - A red "O" to decorate the tree.
3991015 - Red "P" - A red "P" to decorate the tree.
3991016 - Red "Q" - A red "Q" to decorate the tree.
3991017 - Red "R" - A red "R" to decorate the tree.
3991018 - Red "S" - A red "S" to decorate the tree.
3991019 - Red "T" - A red "T" to decorate the tree.
3991020 - Red "U" - A red "U" to decorate the tree.
3991021 - Red "V" - A red "V" to decorate the tree.
3991022 - Red "W" - A red "W" to decorate the tree.
3991023 - Red "X" - A red "X" to decorate the tree.
3991024 - Red "Y" - A red "Y" to decorate the tree.
3991025 - Red "Z" - A red "Z" to decorate the tree.
3991026 - Green "A" - A green "A" to decorate the tree.
3991027 - Green "B" - A green "B" to decorate the tree.
3991028 - Green "C" - A green "C" to decorate the tree.
3991029 - Green "D" - A green "D" to decorate the tree.
3991030 - Green "E" - A green "E" to decorate the tree.
3991031 - Green "F" - A green "F" to decorate the tree.
3991032 - Green "G" - A green "G" to decorate the tree.
3991033 - Green "H" - A green "H" to decorate the tree.
3991034 - Green "I" - A green "I" to decorate the tree.
3991035 - Green "J" - A green "J" to decorate the tree.
3991036 - Green "K" - A green "K" to decorate the tree.
3991037 - Green "L" - A green "L" to decorate the tree.
3991038 - Green "M" - A green "M" to decorate the tree.
3991039 - Green "N" - A green "N" to decorate the tree.
3991040 - Green "O" - A green "O" to decorate the tree.
3991041 - Green "P" - A green "P" to decorate the tree.
3991042 - Green "Q" - A green "Q" to decorate the tree.
3991043 - Green "R" - A green "R" to decorate the tree.
3991044 - Green "S" - A green "S" to decorate the tree.
3991045 - Green "T" - A green "T" to decorate the tree.
3991046 - Green "U" - A green "U" to decorate the tree.
3991047 - Green "V" - A green "V" to decorate the tree.
3991048 - Green "W" - A green "W" to decorate the tree.
3991049 - Green "X" - A green "X" to decorate the tree.
3991050 - Green "Y" - A green "Y" to decorate the tree.
3991051 - Green "Z" - A green "Z" to decorate the tree.
3992000 - Santa Ornament - A santa ornament for the tree.
3992001 - Rudolph Ornament - A Rudolph ornament for the tree.
3992002 - Mushroom Ornament - A mushroom ornament for the tree.
3992003 - Pig Ornament - A pig ornament for the tree.
3992004 - Slime Ornament - A slime ornament for the tree.
3992005 - Red Gift-Box Ornament - A red gift-box ornament for the tree.
3992006 - Blue Gift-Box Ornament - A blue gift-box ornament for the tree.
3992007 - Yellow Gift-Box Ornament - A yellow gift-box ornament for the tree.
3992008 - Red Star Miniature Bulb - A red star miniature bulb for the tree.
3992009 - Blue Star Miniature Bulb - A blue star miniature bulb for the tree.
3992010 - Green Star Miniature Bulb - A green star miniature bulb for the tree.
3992011 - Pink Star Miniature Bulb - A pink star miniature bulb for the tree.
3992012 - Orange Star Miniature Bulb - An orange star miniature bulb for the tree.
3992013 - Red Miniature Bulb - A red miniature bulb for the tree.
3992014 - Blue Miniature Bulb - A blue miniature bulb for the tree.
3992015 - Yellow Miniature Bulb - A yellow miniature bulb for the tree.
3992016 - Green Miniature Bulb - A green miniature bulb for the tree.
3992017 - Red Ball Ornament - A red ball ornament for the tree.
3992018 - Blue Ball Ornament - A blue ball ornament for the tree.
3992019 - Yellow Ball Ornament - A yellow ball ornament for the tree.
3992020 - Red Sock - A red sock for the tree.
3992021 - The gingerbread man - The gingerbread man for the tree.
3992022 - The gingerbread woman - The gingerbread lady for the tree.
3992023 - Candy Cane - A candy cane for the tree.
3992024 - Circular Tree Ornament - A circular ornament for the tree.
3992025 - King-sized Star - A king-sized star for the tree.
3992026 - Christmas wreath - A christmas wreath for the tree.
3992027 - Red Candle - A red candle for the tree.
3992028 - Blue Candle - A blue candle for the tree.
3992029 - Yellow Candle - A yellow candle for the tree.
3992030 - Red Candy Canes - Red candy canes for the tree.
3992031 - Blue Candy Canes - Blue candy canes for the tree.
3992032 - Yellow Candy Canes - Yellow candy canes for the tree.
3992033 - Red Fruit Leaves - Red fruit leaves for the tree.
3992034 - Yellow Fruit Leaves - Yellow fruit leaves for the tree.
3992035 - Red-Ribboned Giftbox - A red-ribboned giftbox for the tree.
3992036 - Blue-Ribboned Giftbox - A blue-ribboned giftbox for the tree.
3992037 - Yellow-Ribboned Giftbox - A yellow-ribboned giftbox for the tree.
3992038 - Ruldolph Santa Boots - A Rudolph Santa Boots for the tree.
3992039 - Marker of Heroism - A small figurine embedded with a gem that emanates heroism. This item allows you to activate and use the Heroic Statues in the Valley of Heroes.
3992040 - Map of Phantom Forest - This map marks the hidden paths of Phantom Forest, which are now open to you.
3992041 - Crimsonwood Keystone - A magical stone that unlocks the gates to the Inner Sanctum of Crimsonwood Keep.
3993000 - Lucky Dish - A pair of luck dish out of bamboos. Common in Korean culture
3993001 - Luck Sack - A red luck sack common in Korean culture.
3993002 - Bamboo Luck Sack - A pair of luck sack made of bamboo.
3993003 - Red Luck Sack - A red luck sack with 'luck' written on it.
3994000 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "A" - An alphabet "A" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994001 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "E" - An alphabet "E" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994002 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "I" - An alphabet "I" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994003 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "L" - An alphabet "L" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994004 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "N" - An alphabet "N" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994005 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "O" - An alphabet "O" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994006 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "P" - An alphabet "P" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994007 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "R" - An alphabet "R" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994008 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "T" - An alphabet "T" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994009 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "X" - An alphabet "X" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994010 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "Y" - An alphabet "Y" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994011 - Alphabet Soup Pasta "Z" - An alphabet "Z" made out of pasta. Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the GM to...
3994012 - Special "M" - A special alphabet "M". Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994013 - Special "S" - A special alphabet "S". Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the Maple Administrator.
3994014 - Special "W" - A special alphabet "W". Gather up other alphabets, and bring them all to the GM to...
3994015 - Wooden Alphabet C - (no description)
3994016 - Wooden Alphabet H - (no description)
3994017 - Alphabet A - An alphabet A. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994018 - Alphabet E - An alphabet E. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994019 - Alphabet H - An alphabet H. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994020 - Alphabet N - An alphabet N. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994021 - Alphabet P - An alphabet P. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994022 - Alphabet R - An alphabet R. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994023 - Alphabet W - An alphabet W. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994024 - Alphabet Y - An alphabet Y. Collect other alphabets and hand them to Maple Administrator to...
3994085 - Admin's Candle - A small candle from the Admin. This candle will turn itself off when the game is ended.
3994086 - Birthday Cake Candle - A candle used on the birthday cake for the 4th anniversary of Maplestory. The flame will be blown out when the player exits the game and lit again upon returning to the game.
3995000 - . - (no description)
3010040 - The Stirge Seat - A chair hand-crafted by Stirgeman for aspiring superheroes! Recovers 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
3010041 - Skull Throne - A chair crafted within the Phantom Forest, complete with...ornaments...from unlucky travelers. Recovers 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
3010045 - Ice Chair - A chair made out of Ice Queen's ice pieces. Sit on it to recover HP 40 and MP 30 per 10 seconds.
3994090 - Spices - Mr. Oh sells these rare spices at the Maple 7th Day Market. You can sell them to Abdula for a profit.
3994091 - Memorabilia from Thailand - You can find these memorabilia from Thailand at the Maple 7th Day Market. You can sell them to Abdula for a profit.
3994092 - Unagi - Lena sells delicious unagi at the Maple 7th Day Market. You can sell it to Abdula for a profit.
3994093 - Taxidermy Shark - This taxydermy shark, handmade by Tae Gong himself, can be found at the Maple 7th Day Market. You can sell it to Abdula for a profit.
3994094 - Crow-feather Hat - Hanako sells this exquisite at the Maple 7th Day Market. You can sell it to Abdula for a profit.
3012005 - Amorian Loveseat - A comfortable, stylish seat that only forms when true love exists between two people. Recovers 45 HP, 45 MP every 10 seconds.
3994089 - Agent W's Memory Chip - A memory chip Agent W left with me. Information regarding 'Master M' is said to be contained in it. If I don't enter the secret code every hour, it will self-destruct.
3994096 - ??1 - ??1??.
3994097 - ??2 - ??2??.
3994098 - ??3 - ??3??.
3994099 - ??4 - ??4??.
3994100 - ??5 - ??5??.
3010046 - Dragon Chair(Inferno) - Inferno will comfort your body. Recovers 60 HP every 10 seconds.
3010047 - Dragon Chair(Abyss) - Abyss will comfort your mind. Recovers 60 MP every 10 seconds.
3010072 - Miwok Chief's Chair - The chair in which the chiefs of the Miwok tribe sat. If you sit in this chair, you can receive the strength of the Miwok ancestors and recover 65MP in 10 seconds.
3994141 - Cassandra's Candle - A small candle given by Cassandra. This candle will turn off automatically when the game ends.
3010058 - WorldEnd - You will recover 50 HP every 10 seconds. Perhaps, as you recline, you will find the answer to many of life's questions.
3010057 - BloodyRose - You will recover 50 HP every 10 seconds. You will experience the might of a conqueror after recovery.
3010060 - Noblesse Chair - A chair makes you feel like you're sitting in the lap of luxury. Also recovers 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3010061 - Underneath the Maple Tree<65> - A white chair created to celebrate Maple Story's 6th Anniversary. Sit on it to restore 35 HP and 10 MP every 10 seconds.
3010062 - Bamboo Chair - A chair that restores HP every 10 seconds when used. It's very strong since it was made from bamboo grown on Rien.
3010063 - Moon and Star Cushion - A pretty cushion shaped like a moon. Recovers 60 HP every 10 seconds.
3010064 - Male Desert Rabbit Cushion - 60 HP is restored every 10 seconds if you lean back on this cute Male Desert Rabbit Cushion.
3010065 - Pink Beach Parasol - A pink beach chair that makes you want to go to the beach. Restores 60 HP every 10 seconds.
3010066 - Navy Velvet Sofa - A luxurious velvet sofa dyed with a beautiful shade of navy. Restores 60 HP every 10 seconds.
3010067 - Red Designer Chair - A designer chair that glows with a passionate red. Restores 60 HP every 10 seconds.
3994101 - Cassandra's Giant Star - A Giant Star that Cassandra made for you. If you hold it during the Starlight Festival, you can receive 1 Star Stamp every hour. \n#cDisappears when you log out of the game.
3994102 - Letter N for Compass - A Letter N that looks like it would fit perfectly on the Empty Compass.
3994103 - Letter E for Compass - A Letter E that looks like it would fit perfectly on the Empty Compass.
3994104 - Letter W for Compass - A Letter W that looks like it would fit perfectly on the Empty Compass.
3994105 - Letter S for Compass - A Letter S that looks like it would fit perfectly on the Empty Compass.
3994106 - 6th Anniversary Maple Leaf of Journey - A Maple Leaf that signifies Maple Story's 6 year journey. Something good will happen if you hold onto it for 1 hour.
3994115 - Easy Mode - Easy Mode
3994116 - Normal Mode - Normal Mode
3994117 - Hard Mode - Hard Mode
3994118 - Hell Mode - Hell Mode
3994120 - Unknown - An unknown being that has yet to be explained.
3994121 - Agent M - An Agent.
3994122 - Agent C - An Agent.
3994123 - Agent E - An Agent.
3994124 - Agent S - An Agent.
3994125 - Agent O - An Agent.
3010043 - Halloween Broomstick Chair - When you sit on the Halloween Broomstick Chair, 50 MP is restored every 10 seconds
3010071 - Mini Shinsoo Chair - When you rest on the Shinsoo, 50 HP and 50 MP are restored every 10 seconds
3010085 - Olivia's Chair - An eerie looking chair that resembles Olivia. Recovers 40 HP and 35 MP every 10 seconds
3010098 - TV Recliner - A new chair to recline and relax in throughout the Thanksgiving holiday.\nRecovers 60 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3010116 - The Spirit of Rock Chair - A new chair that makes you feel like a Rock Star.\nRecovers 60 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3994126 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994127 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994128 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994129 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994130 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994131 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994132 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994133 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994134 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994135 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994136 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994137 - Aran Memory Fragments - The Arans are reviving.
3994138 - Ice Crystal - A solid ice crystal that contains Maha Charm. Hold onto it for one hour and the crystal will melt, enabling you to acquire the Charm.
3994139 - Maha Charm - A charm that contains protection from Maha, the spirit of Polearm. Take this to Cassandra for a chance to answer questions and receive prizes.
3010101 - Christmas Gift Box - A huge X-mas Gift Box big enough to fit a grownup. It has a message that reads, "I am here for you." Sitting in it will recover 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
3010073 - Giant Pink Bean Cushion - A cushion that resembles Pink Bean, the underling of the Black Mage. Leaning against the cushion and resting will recover 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3010099 - Cuddly Polar Bear - Cuddling with the Polar Bear for some cozy, comfy rest will recover 50 HP and 50 MP every 10 seconds.
3010044 - Winter Red Chair - A chair with a big umbrella. Recovers 30 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3010106 - Ryko Chair - Snuggle up with Aran's loyal mount, Ryko, to recover 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
3010111 - Tiger Skin Chair - Lean back on this imposing Tiger Skin Chair to restore 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
3010080 - Swing on the Persimmon Tree - There is a swing on the Persimmon Tree with ripe persimmons.
3010081 - ??? ?? ?? - ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ??.
3010082 - ??? ?? ?? - ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ??.
3010083 - ??? ?? ?? - ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ??.
3010084 - ??? ?? ?? - ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ? ? ??.
3010092 - Witch's Broomstick - Hold onto the Broomstick so you don't fall off.
3012010 - Half-Heart Chocolate Cake Chair - Sink yourself into this heavenly cake chair next to someone else who owns it as well, and watch it create a scrumptious effect! Mmm, this chair is so delicious you'll recover 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3012011 - Chocolate Fondue Chair - Yummy! Use this chair next to someone else who's also using it, and a mouth-watering chocolate fondue appears. Smack your lips and dream about treats as you recover 50 HP every 10 seconds.
3010069 - Yellow Robot Chair - Perch yourself on the hand of this powerful yellow robot to recover 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.

handbook/Skill.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
0000008 - Follow the Lead - Allows one to lead up to 3 pets at once. (Passive skill)
0000100 - Chair Mastery - [Master Level : 1]\nBonus recovery gain from using map chairs throughout the world.
0001000 - Three Snails - [Master Level : 3]\nHurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance.
0001001 - Recovery - [Master Level : 3]\nEnables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. \n#cTerms between skills : 10 min.#
0001003 - Legendary Spirit - [Master Level : 1]\nUses the spirit of a legend to use a scroll on an item that cannot be normally equipped by the character.
0001004 - Monster Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nEnables one to ride on a tamed monster and use it as a method of transportation.
0001002 - Nimble Feet - [Master Level : 3]\nEnables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time. \n#cTerms between skills : 1 min.#
0001013 - Spaceship - [Master Level : 2]\nYou board a spaceship. While aboard, you can increase your movement and jump abilities by pressing the right/left direction key twice. #Available until: 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
0001014 - Space Dash - [Master Level : 1]\nIncrease your movement and jump abilities by pressing the right/left direction key twice. #cAvailable until 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
0001015 - Space Beam - [Master Level : 1]\nChanges the condition of the Krypto found at the Space Mine. #cAvailable until: 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
1000000 - Improved HP Recovery - [Master Level : 16]\nRecover additional HP every 10 sec. while standing still.
1000001 - Improved MaxHP Increase - Master Level : 10] This skill boosts up the amount of increase on MaxHP after each Level UP, or AP used on MaxHP.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Improving HP Recovery.#
1000002 - Endure - [Master Level : 8]\nEven when hanging on the rope or on a ladder, you'll be able to recover some HP after a certain amount of time.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Improving MaxHP Increase.#
1001003 - Iron Body - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily increases your weapon defense.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Endure#
1001004 - Power Strike - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to deliver a killer blow to the monsters with a sword.
1001005 - Slash Blast - [Master Level : 20]\nUse HP and MP to attack every enemy around you with a sword.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Power Strike#
2000000 - Improved MP Recovery - [Master Level : 16]\nRecovering even more MP every 10 sec. The higher the level of the character and the skill level, the more recovery it enables the character to have.
2000001 - Improved MaxMP Increase - Master Level : 10] This skill boosts up the amount of increase on MaxMP after each Level UP, or AP used on MaxMP.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Improving MP Recovery#
2001002 - Magic Guard - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily replaces damage with MP instead of HP. If MP reaches 0, the HP takes a full hit.
2001003 - Magic Armor - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily boosts the weapon def. of the armor by blowing magic into it.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Magic Guard#
2001004 - Energy Bolt - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to attack one enemy.
2001005 - Magic Claw - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to attack an enemy twice.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Energy Bolt#
3000000 - The Blessing of Amazon - [Master Level : 16]\nIncreases accuracy.
3000001 - Critical Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nLaunches a critical attack with a given success rate.
3000002 - The Eye of Amazon - [Master Level : 8]\nIncreases the range of attack for bows and crossbows.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on The Blessing of Amazon#
3001003 - Focus - [Master Level : 20]\nFocusing to temporarily increase accuracy and avoidability.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on The Blessing of Amazon#
3001004 - Arrow Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nFires an arrow with authority. Applies more damage than usual.
3001005 - Double Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nFires two arrows at once to attack an enemy twice.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Arrow Blow#
4000000 - Nimble Body - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases accuracy and avoidability.
4000001 - Keen Eyes - [Master Level : 8]\nIncreases the range of attack using throwing weapons such as throwing stars & knives.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Nimble Body#
4001002 - Disorder - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily decreases the weapon def. and attacking abilities of the affected, even stunting the ongoing attacks. Can't use this skill on a monster that's already in "disorder."
4001003 - Dark Sight - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to hide behind the shadows. Can't be attacked, and can't attack either.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Disorder#
4001334 - Double Stab - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to quickly stab a monster twice in one turn using a dagger.
4001344 - Lucky Seven - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to throw 2 throwing stars and apply damage based on LUK, regardless of the rate of Claw Mastery.
1100000 - Sword Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the sword mastery and accuracy. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in hand.
1100001 - Axe Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the axe mastery and accuracy. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed axe is in hand.
1100002 - Final Attack : Sword - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand sword.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Sword Mastery#
1100003 - Final Attack : Axe - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand axe.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Axe Mastery#
1101004 - Sword Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped sword. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Sword Mastery#
1101005 - Axe Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped axe. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed axe is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Axe Mastery#
1101006 - Rage - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily boosts the weapon attack level of everyone in the party around the area, but also decreases the level of weapon attack defense.
1101007 - Power Guard - [Master Level : 30]\nReturns a portion of the damage received from the enemy. Can't return more than 10% of the enemy's Max HP at once, however.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Rage#
1200000 - Sword Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the sword mastery and accuracy. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in hand.
1200001 - BW Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the mastery of blunt weapons and accuracy. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed blunt weapon is in hand.
1200002 - Final Attack : Sword - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand sword.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Sword Mastery#
1200003 - Final Attack : BW - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand blunt weapon.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on BW Mastery#
1201004 - Sword Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped sword. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed sword is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Sword Mastery#
1201005 - BW Booster - [Master Level: 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped blunt weapon. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed blunt weapon is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Mace Mastery#
1201006 - Threaten - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to temporarily threaten a monster. Decreases the level of weapon attack and weapon defense of every monster around the area.
1201007 - Power Guard - [Master Level : 30]\nReturns a portion of the damage received from the enemy. Can't return more than 10% of the enemy's Max HP at once, however.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Threaten#
1300000 - Spear Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the spear mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a spear is in hand.
1300001 - Pole Arm Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the mastery of pole arms and accuracy. It only applies when a pole arm is in hand.
1300002 - Final Attack : Spear - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand spear.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Spear Mastery#
1300003 - Final Attack : Pole Arm - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a one-hand or two-hand pole arm.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Pole Arm Mastery#
1301004 - Spear Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped spear. It only applies when a spear is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Spear Mastery#
1301005 - Pole Arm Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped pole arm. It only applies when a pole arm is in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Pole Arm Mastery#
1301006 - Iron Will - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily increases the level of weapon and magic defense on every member of the party around the area.
1301007 - Hyper Body - [Master Level : 30]\nTemporarily increases the Max HP and Max MP of all members of the party around the area.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Iron Will#
2100000 - MP Eater - [Master Level : 20]\nAbsorbs the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills, until it reaches 0.
2101001 - Meditation - [Master Level : 20]\nMeditate for a bit to temporarily boost up the magic attack of party members around the area.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on MP Eater#
2101002 - Teleport - [Master Level : 20]\nUse the arrow keys to teleport to other places in the same map on a set distance.
2101003 - Slow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily slows down the movement of up to 6 monsters. Cannot be used on the same monsters more than twice in a row.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Teleport#
2101004 - Fire Arrow - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster with a fire arrow using the magic power. Applies 1.5 times the damage to the ice-based enemies, whereas fire-based enemies receive half the damage, if that.
2101005 - Poison Breath - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster by splashing a Poison drop. With a given success rate, the monster gets temporarily poisoned.
2200000 - MP Eater - [Master Level : 20]\nAbsorbs the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills, until it reaches 0.
2201001 - Meditation - [Master Level : 20]\nMeditate for a bit to temporarily boost up the magic attack of party members around the area.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on MP Eater#
2201002 - Teleport - [Master Level : 20]\nUse the arrow keys to teleport to other places in the same map on a set distance.
2201003 - Slow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily slows down the movement of up to 6 monsters. Cannot be used on the same monsters more than twice in a row.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Teleport#
2201004 - Cold Beam - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster with a sharp piece of Ice. The monster will freeze if hit. Damages the fire-based enemies 1.5 times more, where as the ice-based enemies get only half the damage.
2201005 - Thunder Bolt - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks surrounding monsters with a thunder bolt. All monsters in the range receive damage.
2300000 - MP Eater - [Master Level : 20]\nAbsorbs the enemy's MP when attacking with Magic skills, until it reaches 0.
2301001 - Teleport - [Master Level : 20]\nUse the arrow keys to teleport to other places in the same map on a set distance.
2301002 - Heal - [Master Level : 30]\nRecovers the HP of all party members around the area. The amount of healing depends on the number of people being healed, and the undead monster in the vicinity of this will receive damage.
2301003 - Invincible - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily decreases the weapon damage received. It has no effect, however, on the magic attack.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Heal#
2301004 - Bless - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily increases the weapon def., magic def., accuracy, and avoidability of all party members around the area. This cannot be combined with a skill or a potion.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Invincible#
2301005 - Holy Arrow - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster by firing Holy Arrows. Very effective against the undead's or devil-based monsters.
3100000 - Bow Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the bow mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a bow is in hand.
3100001 - Final Attack : Bow - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a bow.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Bow Mastery#
3101002 - Bow Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the bow. It only works with a bow in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Bow Mastery#
3101003 - Power Knock-Back - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the success rate for pushing off the monsters when swinging a bow. As the level rises, the number of monsters that one can push off with one swing increases.
3101004 - Soul Arrow : Bow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily allows the character to fire bow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a bow in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Bow Booster#
3101005 - Arrow Bomb : Bow - [Master Level : 30]\nFires arrows with bombs attached to it. If struck cleanly, the bomb explodes on the enemy, knocking out some of the enemies around with a certain success rate. Can't attack more than 6 at once, and it only works with a bow in hand.
3200000 - Crossbow Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the crossbow mastery and accuracy. It only applies when a crossbow is in hand.
3200001 - Final Attack : Crossbow - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes an another, far deadlier blow following the initial attack with a given success rate. It works only when holding a crossbow.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Crossbow Mastery#
3201002 - Crossbow Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the crossbow. It only works with a crossbow in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Crossbow Mastery#
3201003 - Power Knock-Back - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the success rate for pushing off the monsters when swinging a crossbow. As the level rises, the number of monsters that one can push off with one swing increases.
3201004 - Soul Arrow : Crossbow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily allows the character to fire crossbow arrows without using up the arrows. Only works with a crossbow in hand.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Bow Booster#
3201005 - Iron Arrow : Crossbow - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks up to 6 monsters at once with a powerful arrow, which penetrates through them. Damage decreases as the arrow flies through.
4100000 - Claw Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the mastery of throwing stars and accuracy, along with the maximum number of throwing stars to recharge. It only applies when the character is throwing stars.
4100001 - Critical Throw - [Master Level : 30]\nEnables the character to make a critical attack with throwing stars on a certain success rate.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Claw Mastery#
4100002 - Endure - [Master Level : 20]\nRecovers additional amount of HP and MP.
4101003 - Claw Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUse HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the claw. It only applies when the character is equipped with a claw throwing stars.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Claw Mastery#
4101004 - Haste - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily improves the speed and jumping ability of every member of the party.
4101005 - Drain - [Master Level : 30]\nAbsorb some of the damage dished out to the enemy as HP. The most one can absorb at once is the character's MaxHP / 2, and can't absorb more than the MaxHP of the enemy.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Endure#
4200000 - Dagger Mastery - [Master Level: 20]\nIncreases the dagger mastery and accuracy. It only applies when the character has a dagger in hand.
4200001 - Endure - [Master Level : 20]\nRecovers additional amount of HP and MP.
4201002 - Dagger Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUse HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the dagger. Only applies when the character has a dagger in hand. \nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Dagger Mastery#
4201003 - Haste - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily boosts the speed and jumping ability of everyone in the party.
4201004 - Steal - [Master Level : 30]\nSteals one of the monster's items with a given success rate. It works only once against the same monster. The effort can be continued till its success.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Haste#
4201005 - Savage Blow - [Master Level : 30]\nUse MP to attack an enemy up to 6 times in a row with a dagger.
1110000 - Improving MP Recovery - [Master Level : 20]\nRecovers MP at a faster rate than the norm every 10 seconds by standing still.
1110001 - Shield Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases shield defense. However, it does not affect if the character does not equip the shield.
1111002 - Combo Attack - [Master Level : 30]\nPrepares for combo attack. Combo counter can be used to strike a deadly blow to the monster. Max. for combo counter is 5 and midpoint is 3.
1111003 - Panic : Sword - [Master Level : 30]\n Attack a single monster using dark powers. This skill can only be used when equipped with a sword and the combo all charged up.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Combo Attack#
1111004 - Panic : Axe - [Master Level : 30]\n Attack a single monster using dark powers. This skill can only be used when equipped with an axe and the combo all charged up.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Combo Attack#
1111005 - Coma: Sword - [Master Level : 30]\n If struck cleanly, the monster becomes panicked. This skill can only be used when equipped with a sword and the combo all charged up.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Combo Attack#
1111006 - Coma: Axe - [Master Level : 30]\n If struck cleanly, the monster becomes panicked. This skill can only be used when equipped with an axe and the combo all charged up.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Combo Attack#
1111007 - Armor Crash - [Master Level : 20]\n Nullifies the defense buff used by the monster with a given success rate.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Shout#
1111008 - Shout - [Master Level : 30]\nTemporarily stuns up to 6 monsters nearby with damage.
1210000 - Improving MP Recovery - [Master Level : 20]\nRecovering even more MP every 10 sec.
1210001 - Shield Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nShield Defense increases. However, it does not affect if the character does not equip the shield.
1211002 - Charged Blow - [Master Level : 30]\n Make the enemy stun. You can use this skill only when your combo is charged up.
1211003 - Fire Charge: Sword - [Master Level: 30]\n Temporarily adds an element of fire into the sword. It gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or it simply expires.
1211004 - Flame Charge: BW - [Master Level: 30]\n Temporarily adds an element of fire into the blunt weapon. It gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or it simply expires.
1211005 - Ice Charge: Sword - [Master Level: 30]\n You can attack with ice power. The skill get canceled if you use Charge Blow or if the time runs out.
1211006 - Blizzard Charge: BW - [Master Level: 30]\n Temporarily adds an element of blizzard into the blunt weapon. It gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or it simply expires.
1211007 - Thunder Charge: Sword - [Master Level: 30]\n Temporarily adds an element of thunder into the sword. It gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or it simply expires.
1211008 - Lightning Charge: BW - [Master Level: 30]\n Temporarily adds an element of lightning into the blunt weapon. It gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or it simply expires.
1211009 - Magic Crash - [Master Level : 20]\n Nullifies the magic defense buff used by the monster with a given success rate.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Charged Blow#
1310000 - Elemental Resistance - [Master Level : 20]\n Gains resistance against all Magic attacks (Fire, Cold, Lightning & Poison.)
1311001 - Spear Crusher - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks multiple monsters several times by thrusting the spear.
1311002 - Pole Arm Crusher - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks multiple monsters several times by thrusting the pole arm.
1311003 - Dragon Fury: Spear - [Master Level : 30]\n Attacks up to 6 monsters nearby in relatively distant range by swinging the Spear.
1311004 - Dragon Fury: Pole Arm - [Master Level : 30]\n Attacks up to 6 monsters nearby in relatively distant range by swinging the pole arm.
1311005 - Sacrifice - [Master Level: 30]\n Attacks a single monster while disabling the monster's defending capacity. However, some damage will be done to the attacker him/herself.
1311006 - Dragon Roar - [Master Level : 30]\n Attacks up to 15 monsters at once by temporarily stunning them. It works only when more than 50% of HP is left.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Sacrifice#
1311007 - Power Crash - [Master Level : 20]\n Nullifies "power-up" skills of multiple monsters with a given success rate.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Dragon Blood#
1311008 - Dragon Blood - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the attacking capacity, but decreases HP steadily until 4 seconds before the remaining HP exhausts.
2110000 - Partial Resistance - [Master Level : 20]\n Gains resistance against Magic attacks of Fire and Poison.
2110001 - Element Amplification - [Master Level : 30]\n Boosts the capacity for all Magic attacks by using additional MP.
2111002 - Explosion - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks up to 6 surrounding monsters by creating an explosion around the character, using fire-based attacks.
2111003 - Poison Mist - [Master Level : 30]\n Makes a poison fog around the character. Deceases HP of all monsters in the range.
2111004 - Seal - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily seals up all surrounding monsters. Once sealed, monsters can't use skills. Does not work against boss-level monsters.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Element Amplification#
2111005 - Spell Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses up a significant amount of HP and MP to increase the attacking speed for spells.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Element Amplification#
2111006 - Element Composition - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster by splashing a Poison drop. With a given success rate, the monster gets temporarily poisoned.
2210000 - Partial Resistance - [Master Level : 20]\n Gains resistance against Magic attacks of Ice and Lightning.
2210001 - Element Amplification - [Master Level : 30]\n Boosts the capacity for all Magic attacks by using additional MP.
2211002 - Ice Strike - [Master Level : 30]\nFires ice blocks at multiple enemies. If struck, all monsters other than ice-based ones will freeze. Cannot attack more than 6 at once.
2211003 - Thunder Spear - [Master Level : 30]\nGathers up the power of lightening and turns it into a spear, attacking a single enemy. Monsters will be damaged with a lightening-based attack.
2211004 - Seal - [Master Level : 20]\nSeals up the enemies around you for a certain amount of time. Once sealed up, the monsters can't use attacking skills, but the skill does not work on boss monsters.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Element Amplification#
2211005 - Spell Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses up a significant amount of HP and MP to increase the attacking speed for spells.
2211006 - Element Composition - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster with Magic attack of Ice and Lightning features combined. Very effective to the monsters vulnerable to ice and lightning, and if struck, the monster will freeze.
2310000 - Elemental Resistance - [Master Level : 20]\nGains a higher tolerance for all element-based spell attacks from the enemy.
2311001 - Dispel - [Master Level : 20]\nNullifies all monsters' Magic effects within the targeted area while healing all abnormal conditions suffered by all surrounding party members.
2311002 - Mystic Door - [Master Level : 20]\nCreates a portal that heads to the nearest town. All members of the party can use it multiple times until the portal disappears. Press? to move.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Dispell#
2311003 - Holy Symbol - [Master Level : 30]\nTemporarily allows all members of the party nearby to gain additional EXP while hunting. It becomes fully effective only when there are more than 2 members of the party around.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Dispell#
2311004 - Shining Ray - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks multiple enemies at once with the ray of holy light. Applies massive damage to the undead + devil-based monsters.
2311005 - Doom - [Master Level : 30]\nTurns up to 6 monsters into snails. Changes the look, the attacking capacity, and the speed of movement. Cannot be used against boss-level monsters.
2311006 - Summon Dragon - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons a holy dragon for a certain amount of time. The dragon will stay beside you and attack the enemies in the process. The higher the skill level, the stronger the summoned dragon is.
3110000 - Thrust - [Master Level : 20]\nBoosts up the moving speed.
3110001 - Mortal Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nEnables to shoot monsters within a very close range with a given success rate. Even kills a monster with a single shot every once in a while.
3111002 - Puppet - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily summons a puppet, which takes all the attacks from the monsters instead.
3111003 - Inferno - [Master Level : 30]\nUses fire-based arrows to attack up to 6 monsters at once. Only works when equipped with a bow.
3111004 - Arrow Rain - [Master Level : 30]\nFires a number of arrows into the sky, attacking upto 6 monsters at once on its way down. Only available when equipped with a bow.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Mortal Blow#
3111005 - Silver Hawk - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons a silver hawk. The hawk will be hovering around you, attacking monsters nearby.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Puppet#
3111006 - Strafe - [Master Level : 30]\nFires 4 arrows at an enemy.
3210000 - Thrust - [Master Level : 20]\nBoosts up the moving speed.
3210001 - Mortal Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nFor a certain rate, allows you to fire crossbow arrows even at a very close range. Even kills a monster with one shot every once in a while.
3211002 - Puppet - [Master Level : 20]\nSummons a puppet (your other self) for a certain amount of time. While the puppet is around, the monsters will attack the puppet, not you.
3211003 - Blizzard - [Master Level : 30]\nUses ice-based arrows to attack up to 6 monsters at once. Only works when equipped with a bow.
3211004 - Arrow Eruption - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks up to 6 monsters simultaneously by shooting multiple arrows. Only works with a crossbow equipped.
3211005 - Golden Eagle - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons a golden eagle. The eagle will be hovering around you, attacking monsters nearby.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Puppet#
3211006 - Strafe - [Master Level : 30]\nFires 4 arrows at an enemy.
4110000 - Alchemist - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the effect of the recovery-based items like potions and others, and lengthen time for the effect, if the item is based on such. However, items such as Elixir and others that base the recovery in % do not apply in this skill.
4111001 - Meso Up - [Master Level : 20]\nFor a certain amount of time, everyone in the party can make the enemies drop more mesos than usual with this skill.
4111002 - Shadow Partner - [Master Level : 30]\nTemporarily summons a shadow of oneself, repeating every move. There's no real stamina in it, and it will disappear after a while.
4111003 - Shadow Web - [Spider Web : 20]\nCreates a web of shadow of oneself to hold up to 6 monsters. Once stuck, the monsters held in the spiderweb will be unable to move.
4111004 - Shadow Meso - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks enemies with mesos and the damage is based on the amount of mesos thrown. Nullifies the monsters' "weapon def. up" and "magic guard up." \nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Meso Up#
4111005 - Avenger - [Master Level : 30]\nUses MP to make an enormous throwing star for attack. The throwing star will go through an enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too.
4111006 - Flash Jump - [Master Level : 20]\nWhile in the air after a jump, use this skill + the arrow for a second jump. The higher the skill level, the farther the distance for the jump.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 5 on Avenger#
4210000 - Shield Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the def. of the equipped shield. Only works when the shield is equipped.
4211001 - Chakra - [Master Level : 30]\nUses MP to recover HP. Only works when the HP is less than 50%, and it'll stop if either attacked or moved.
4211002 - Assaulter - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a single monster with incredible power and speed. The attacked may even be stunned on a low succcess rate.
4211003 - Pickpocket - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily increases the amount of mesos dropped off from the attacked monsters. The amount of mesos increases in proportion to the skill level and damage done to the monsters.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Meso Explosion#
4211004 - Band of Thieves - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons fellow bandits to attack up to 6 monsters around the area.
4211005 - Meso Guard - [Master Level : 20]\nUses mesos to guard 50% of the damage received. Once the skill is used, it saves up a certain amount of mesos, and once damaged from then on out, the mesos will be used based on the damage received. The skill will be turned off when the saved mesos are used up.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Chakra#
4211006 - Meso Explosion - [Master Level : 30]\nExplodes the mesos dropped on the ground around you to attack monsters. The mesos from the monsters killed by someone else will not be able to be used for this.
9001000 - Haste (Normal) - [Master Level : 1]\n Haste
9001001 - Super Dragon Roar - [Master Level : 1]\n Super Dragon Roar
9001002 - Teleport - [Master Level : 1]\n Teleport
9101000 - Heal + Dispel - [Master Level : 1]\nHeal + Dispel
9101001 - Haste (Super) - [Master Level : 1]\n Haste
9101002 - Holy Symbol - [Master Level : 1]\n Holy Symbol
9101003 - Bless - [Master Level : 1]\n Bless
9101004 - Hide - [Master Level : 1]\n Hide
9101005 - Resurrection - [Master Level : 1]\n Resurrection
9101006 - Super Dragon Roar - [Master Level : 1]\n Super Dragon Roar
9101007 - Teleport - [Master Level : 1]\n Teleport
9101008 - Hyper Body - [Master Level : 1]\nIncrease the Max HP and Max MP for 15 mins.
0001005 - Echo of Hero - [Master Level : 1]\n Increase weapon attack and magic attack on all players around. \n#cTerms between skills : 2hours#
1121000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
1121001 - Monster Magnet - Pulls a monster from afar up close.
1121002 - Power Stance - Enables one to stay at the same spot after being struck, resisting knock-back effects.
1120003 - Advanced Combo Attack - By maximizing the potential of the combo attack, it enables one to charge up the combo counter up to 10, and with a given success rate, the combo counter gets charged twice as fast. The Skill can only be obtained by fully mastered Combo Attack. \nRequired skill : #cCombo attack level 30#
1120004 - Achilles - Permanently increases the weapon defense of one's armor
1120005 - Guardian - Blocks the monster's attack by using the shield with a given success rate. Additionally, if the close-range attack is blocked, the attacking monster will be stunned for 2 seconds. The skill only works when equipped with a shield
1121006 - Rush - Makes a mad dash forward, pushing off up to 10 monsters.
1121008 - Brandish - Enables one to attack multiple monsters forward twice
1121010 - Enrage - Temporarily increases the attacking ability by using up the 10 combo counters.
1121011 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
1221000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
1221001 - Monster Magnet - Pulls a monster from afar up close.
1221002 - Power Stance - Enables one to stay at the same spot after being struck, resisting knock-back effects.
1221003 - Holy Charge : Sword - Temporarily adds a holy element to the sword. The skill gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or expires.
1221004 - Divine Charge : BW - Temporarily adds a divine element to the blunt weapon. The skill gets cancelled when the charge blow is used or expires.
1220005 - Achilles - Permanently increases the weapon defense of one's armor
1220006 - Guardian - Blocks the monster's attack by using the shield with a given success rate. Additionally, if the close-range attack is blocked, the attacking monster will be stunned for 2 seconds. The skill only works when equipped with a shield
1221007 - Rush - Makes a mad dash forward, pushing off up to 10 monsters.
1221009 - Blast - Strikes a single, tremendous blow to a single monster.
1220010 - Advanced Charge - Increases the damage incurred when using Charge Blow. With a given success rate, the charge does not expire even after the initial Charge Blow.
1221011 - Heaven's Hammer - Strikes the ground with a huge hammer to attack up to 15 monsters. The skill works when charged up in a Holy Charge.
1221012 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
1321000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
1321001 - Monster Magnet - Pulls a monster from afar up close.
1321002 - Power Stance - Enables one to stay at the same spot after being struck, resisting knock-back effects.
1321003 - Rush - Makes a mad dash forward, pushing off up to 10 monsters.
1320005 - Achilles - Permanently increases the weapon defense of one's armor
1320006 - Berserk - Increases overall attack once the knight's HP drops below a certain level. However, the additional attack boost is nullified once HP recovers back past that level.
1321007 - Beholder - Temporarily summons Beholder. With the Beholder's incredible powers, the knight's weapon mastery permanently increases.
1320008 - Aura of the Beholder - The black spirit periodically restores the Dark Knight's HP. The amount of healing increases as the skill level rises.
1320009 - Hex of the Beholder - The black spirit periodically buffs the Dark Knight. Buff type depends on skill level.
1321010 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
2121000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
2121001 - Big Bang - Gathers up numerous particles from the surrounding area to form an energy vortex, culminating in a powerful explosion.
2121002 - Mana Reflection - By drawing an incredible inner strength, enables one to reverse the flow of Mana back to the monster, returning the damage received from the monster. The returned damage cannot exceed 20% of maxHP of the monster.
2121003 - Fire Demon - Provides consistent damage to a monster using a ball of fire from the Fire Demon. Monsters stricken by Fire Demon become vulnerable to ice-based attacks.
2121004 - Infinity - Enables one to temporarily draw magic powers from sources surrounding the mage and use it in place of one's own MP.
2121005 - Elquines - Calls upon the Elquines familiar, who is ice-based. Attacks up to 3 monsters.\nRequired skill : #cFire Demon level 5 and above#
2121006 - Paralyze - Temporarily paralyzes the monster with a poison-based attack.
2121007 - Meteor Shower - Summons meteors from outer space to shower the ground, striking up to 15 monsters at once. Incurs tremendous fire-based damages to those struck.
2121008 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
2221000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
2221001 - Big Bang - Gathers up numerous particles from the surrounding area to form an energy vortex, culminating in a powerful explosion.
2221002 - Mana Reflection - By drawing on incredible inner strength, enables one to reverse the flow of Mana back to the monster, returning the damage received from the monster. The returned damage cannot exceed 20% of maxHP of the monster.
2221003 - Ice Demon - Provides consistent damage to a monster using ice pieces from Ice Demon. Monsters stricken by Ice Demon become vulnerable to fire-based attacks.
2221004 - Infinity - Enables one to temporarily draw magic powers from sources surrounding the mage and use it in place of one's own MP.
2221005 - Ifrit - Calls upon the Ifrit familiar, who is fire-based. Attacks up to 3 monsters.
2221006 - Chain Lightning - Attacks a single monster using a high-voltage lightning attack. If struck, monsters around the affected monster will receive damage as well.
2221007 - Blizzard - Summons spears of ice from the sky, showering up to 15 monsters at one time with a nasty blizzard. Incurs tremedous ice-based damages to the attacked.
2221008 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
2321000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
2321001 - Big Bang - Gathers up numerous particles from the surrounding area to form an energy vortex, culminating in a powerful explosion.
2321002 - Mana Reflection - By drawing on incredible inner strength, enables one to reverse the flow of Mana back to the monster, returning the damage received from the monster. The returned damage cannot exceed 20% of maxHP of the monster.
2321003 - Bahamut - Temporarily summons Bahamut, a holy dragon. Attacks up to 3 monsters..\nRequired skill : #cSummon Dragon level 15 and above#
2321004 - Infinity - Enables one to temporarily draw magic powers from sources surrounding the mage and use it in place of one's own MP.
2321005 - Holy Shield - Temporarily protects all party members from abnormal conditions.
2321006 - Resurrection - Resurrects a member instantly.
2321007 - Angel Ray - Attacks a single monster with a holy arrow, incurring tremendous holy damage.
2321008 - Genesis - A holy ray of light shines down from the sky, burning up to 15 monsters at one time. Incurs tremendous holy damage to the targets.
2321009 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
3121000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
3121002 - Sharp Eyes - Grants party members the ability to locate enemy weaknesses, and in turn inflict more damage by exploiting them.
3121003 - Dragon's Breath - Drawing upon the spirit of the dragon, fires a powerful arrow of tremendous force that will knock back the target a long distance.
3121004 - Hurricane - Fires away arrows at a tremendous speed, as chaotic as a nasty rainstorm.
3120005 - Bow Expert - Increases the bow mastery as well as weapon attack. Only applied with a bow equipped.
3121006 - Phoenix - Temporarily summons the Phoenix, who is a fire-based ally. Attacks up to 4 monsters.
3121007 - Hamstring - Attacks a monster's leg with a given success rate, slowing it down tremendously in the process
3121008 - Concentrate - Temporarily increases weapon attack, while simultaneously decreases skill-based MP usage.\n#c Terms between skills : 6 Minutes#
3121009 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
3221000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
3221001 - Piercing Arrow - Fires a special arrow that penetrates through monsters. The arrow's power increases with each monster it pierces, inflicting more damage to each consecutive monster.
3221002 - Sharp Eyes - Grants party members the ability to locate enemy weaknesses, and in turn inflict more damage by exploiting them.
3221003 - Dragon's Breath - Drawing upon the spirit of the dragon, fires a powerful arrow of tremendous force that will knock back the target a long distance.
3220004 - Marksman Boost - Increases the crossbow mastery as well as weapon attack. Only applied with a crossbow equipped.
3221005 - Frostprey - Temporarily summons the Frostprey, an ice-based hawk. Attacks up to 4 monsters.
3221006 - Blind - Delivers a blinding strike that impairs a monster's vision with a certain success rate, decreasing its accuracy.
3221007 - Snipe - Delivers a lethal blow to a monster by aiming for its weak spot.
3221008 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
4121000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
4120002 - Shadow Shifter - With great reflexes, enables one to avoid the monster's attack.
4121003 - Taunt - Provokes a monster, causing its general defense to increase. As a result, EXP earned and drop rate for items will increase for this monster.
4121004 - Ninja Ambush - For a set period of time, a group of ninjas hiding around the bushes will periodically ambush up to 6 monsters at once. : #cShadow Shifter level 5 and above#
4120005 - Venomous Star - Throws a star that's been smeared with poison; the monster struck has a chance of being poisoned. Usable up to 3 times against each monster.
4121006 - Shadow Stars - Attacks a monster using 200 stars out of the currently equipped star. Allows an infinite number of stars to be thrown for a short period of time.
4121007 - Triple Throw - Attacks one monster by simultaneously throwing 3 stars.
4121008 - Ninja Storm - Summons ninjas to push back surrounding monsters.
4121009 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
4221000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
4221001 - Assassinate - Strikes an unsuspecting monster at its vital spots 4 times. The last strike can be lethal with a given success rate. Only works with Dark Sight enabled.
4220002 - Shadow Shifter - With great reflexes, enables one to avoid the monster's attack.
4221003 - Taunt - Provokes a monster, causing its general defense to increase. As a result, EXP earned and drop rate for items will increase for this monster.
4221004 - Ninja Ambush - For a set period of time, a group of ninjas hiding around the bushes will periodically ambush up to 6 monsters at once. : #cShadow Shifter level 5 and above#
4220005 - Venomous Stab - Stab a monster with a dagger that's been smeared with poison; the monster struck has a chance of being poisoned. Usable up to 3 times against each monster.
4221006 - Smokescreen - Sets off a smoke grenade to escape from a tight situation. All members of the party in the vicinity of smoke will not receive damage while the smokescreen is up.
4221007 - Boomerang Step - With great quickness, stabs multiple monsters TWICE. Under the set success rate, the monsters attacked will be stunned.
4221008 - Hero's Will - Enables one to shrug off abnormal conditions. The higher the skill level, the more types of abnormal conditions one can nullify.
0001006 - Jump Down - [Master Level : 1]nJump downward.
5000000 - Bullet Time - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases accuracy and avoidability.
5001001 - Flash Fist - [Master Level : 20]\nUses MP to speed up the punch to rapidly attack enemies.
5001002 - Sommersault Kick - [Master Level : 20]\nA devastating kick that accompanies a backward sommersault. Attacks all enemies in the vicinity.
5001003 - Double Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nFires two bullets at once to apply double damage to monsters.
5001005 - Dash - [Master Level : 10]\nPress left or right arrow twice to temporarily boost your speed and jump.
5100000 - Improve MaxHP - [Master Level : 10]\nApply AP to MaxHP to improve the rate of increase for MaxHP.
5100001 - Knuckler Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nBoosts the accuracy and the mastery of Knucklers. This skill only applies when you equip a Knuckler.
5101002 - Backspin Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nThis skill allows you to quickly slide back and elbow multiple monsters at once to apply damage and temporarily stun them.
5101003 - Double Uppercut - [Master Level : 20]\nA quick round of two punches to apply damage and temporarily stun a monster.
5101004 - Corkscrew Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nThis skill allows you to run forward and punch multiple monsters in front at once.
5101005 - MP Recovery - [Master Level : 10]\nRecovers MP by using up a bit of HP.
5101006 - Knuckler Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses parts of HP and MP to temporarily boost the speed of a Knuckler. This skill can only be triggered when a Knuckler is equipped. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 5 or above on Knuckler Mastery
5101007 - Oak Barrel - [Master Level : 10]\nThis skill will allow you to safely navigate your way through monsters without being recognized by donning an Oak Barrel. Some clever monsters may be able to tell, though, so be careful. If you are lying down, it's literally impossible to tell the difference!
5200000 - Gun Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nBoosts the accuracy and the mastery of your Guns. This skill only applies when you equip a Gun.
5201001 - Invisible Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks multiple monsters by quickly firing a few bullets, so fast that the naked eye can't see the shooting.
5201002 - Grenade - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks a monster by throwing a grenade. The distance the grenade travels depends on how long you press the skill key.
5201003 - Gun Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses parts of HP and MP to temporarily boost the firing speed of the Gun.This skill can only be triggered when the Gun is equipped. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 5 or above on Gun Mastery
5201004 - Blank Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nThis skill allows you to pretend shooting a gun, faking out the monsters, and instead of firing bullets, it'll fire a flag. This will temporarily stun up to 3 monsters.
5201005 - Wings - [Master Level : 10]\nAllows for a longer, more sustained jump than a regular jump.
5201006 - Recoil Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nUses the recoil of the gun to run back after a gunshot. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 5 or above on Wings#
5110000 - Stun Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nWhen attacking a monster that's stunned, the critical attack will be triggered at a set rate.
5110001 - Energy Charge - [Master Level : 40]\nA set amount of energy is charged after every attack. When the energy is fully charged, this will automatically trigger the effects of the Body Attack and Stance will be triggered at a specific rate. This will allow you to use energy-related skills.
5111002 - Energy Blast - [Master Level : 30]\nBlasts a ball of energy to attack multiple monsters at once. This skill can only be used when #cthe energy is fully charged#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Energy Charge#
5111004 - Energy Drain - [Master Level : 20]\nUses energy to convert the lost HP of a monster into your own HP. This skill can only be used when #cthe energy is full charged#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Energy Charge#
5111005 - Transformation - [Master Level : 20]\nTransforms you into a more powerful state for 120 seconds. \nSkills available : Changes have been made so that while using the Buccaneer skill, Transform, you can now use all skills besides the Oak Barrel, Double Fire, Demolition and Snatch.
5111006 - Shockwave - [Master Level : 30]\nStrikes the ground with tremendous force, affecting multiple monsters. This skill can only be used during #cTransformation or Super Transformation#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Transformation#
5210000 - Burst Fire - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the potency and the number of bullets fired when using Double Shot.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Double Shot#
5211001 - Octopus - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons a loyal octopus that'll aid your attacks. The summoned octopus will not move, however.\n#cWaiting time until the next summon : 10 sec#
5211002 - Gaviota - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons Gaviota, who's trained to throw a grenade at monsters. The summoned Gaviota will seek a monster, and when it finds one, it'll toss the grenade and disappear. \n#cWaiting time : 5 sec.#
5211004 - Flamethrower - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks a monster nearby with a fire-based attack. The affected monster will keep receiving damage for a short period of time.
5211005 - Ice Splitter - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks the closest monster with an ice-based attack. The affected monster will be frozen for a short period of time.
5211006 - Homing Beacon - [Master Level : 30]\nSends a parrot that'll mark a target on a monster. From then on out, all attacks will be focused on that monster.
5121000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
5121001 - Dragon Strike - Summons a sleeping dragon from the depths of the ground to apply damage to a number of monsters.
5121002 - Energy Orb - Uses a blast of powerful energy to strike a monster. If there are other monsters around the affected monster, they will also be affected by this potent ball of energy. Only available when the #cenergy is fully charged#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Ener
5121003 - Super Transformation - Increases power to extreme levels for 120 seconds. \nAvailable skills : Changes have been made so that while using the Viper skill, Super Transform, you can now use all skills excluding the Oak Barrel and the Double Fire. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Transformation#
5121004 - Demolition - Apply a significant damage to a single monster by attacking it in a blinding speed. Only available when under a state of #cSuper Transformation#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Super Transformation#
5121005 - Snatch - Applies damage to a monster that's far away, and drags it right in front of you. Only available when under a state of #cSuper Transformation#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Super Transformation#
5121007 - Barrage - Attacks a monster nearby 6 times in quick succession.
5121008 - Pirate's Rage - Allows you to break out of an abnormal state. As its level increases, the number of abnormal states that can be broken out increases. \n#cWaiting time : 10 min.#
5121009 - Speed Infusion - Uses HP and MP to temporarily increase the attacking speed of a weapon. This can be combined with other boosters, and everyone in the party will have their attacking speed increased.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Knuckle Booster#
5121010 - Time Leap - Resets the waiting time for skills for yourself and everyone in the party. This does not reset the waiting time for Time Leap.
5221000 - Maple Warrior - Increase all players' stats within a party by certain percentage
5220001 - Elemental Boost - Increases the potency of Flamethrower and Ice Splitter.
5220002 - Wrath of the Octopi - An additional octopus is summoned, increasing the fire rate and the damage.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 30 of Octopus#
5221003 - Aerial Strike - Uses the grenade attack of Gaviota to damage up to 6 monsters. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 15 of Gaviota#
5221004 - Rapid Fire - Fires rounds of bullets very quickly. Hold on to the skill key for continued shooting.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Burst Fire#
5221006 - Battleship - Calls forth a ship that you can mount and launch attacks from. The durability of the ship decreases per damage received, and when it reaches 0, you will not be able to get back on board for a short period of time. \nAvailable Skills : Battleship skills, Grenades, Gun Booster, Flamethower.
5221007 - Battleship Cannon - Rapidly fires a number of cannonballs. Only available when aboard the Battleship.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Battleship#
5221008 - Battleship Torpedo - Fires a hardened cannonball that goes through monsters. Only available when aboard the Battleship.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Battleship#
5221009 - Hypnotize - Hypnotizes monsters to temporarily make it attack other monsters instead of you.
5221010 - Speed Infusion - Uses HP and MP to temporarily increase the attacking speed of a weapon. This can be combined with other boosters, and everyone in the party will be positively affected by this.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Knuckler Booster#
5220011 - Bullseye - Applies more damage to monsters under the effect of Homing Beacon.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 30 of Homing Beacon#
0001009 - Bamboo Rain - An attack using a bamboo stick.
0001010 - Invincibility - You become invincible for a fixed amount of time.
0001011 - Power Explosion - Increased damage rate for a fixed amount of time.
8001000 - ??? ??? - [??? ?? : 1]\n???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????.
8001001 - ???? - [??? ?? : 1]\n?, ?, ?, ? ???? ???? ?? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ??? ? ??.
11001002 - Power Strike - [Master Level : 20]\nInflict damage on the opponent using the weapon with which the character used MP to equip.
11001003 - Slash Blast - [Master Level : 20]\nInflict damage on all nearby opponents using the weapon with which the character used HP and MP to equip.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 1 on Power Strike#
11101003 - Rage - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily enhances the Weapon Attack rate of everyone in the party nearby, while decreasing the rate of Weapon Defense.
13111001 - Strafe - [Master Level : 30]\nFires 4 arrows at a single enemy.
15111007 - Shark Wave - [Master Level : 30]\nAttack multiple monsters in front.
15100000 - Improve MaxHP - [Master Level : 10]\nThis skill boosts up the amount of increase on MaxHP after each Level UP, or AP used on MaxHP.
15100001 - Knuckle Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nBoosts the accuracy and the mastery of Knuckles. This skill only applies when you equip a Knuckle.
15101002 - Knuckle Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses parts of HP and MP to temporarily boost the speed of a Knuckle. This skill can only be triggered when a Knuckle is equipped. \nRequired Skill : #cLevel 5 or above on Knuckle Mastery
15101003 - Corkscrew Blow - [Master Level : 20]\nThis skill allows you to run forward and punch multiple monsters in front at once.
15100004 - Energy Charge - [Master Level : 20]\nA set amount of energy is charged after every attack. When the energy is full charged, this will automatically trigger the effects of the Body Attack and Stance, and will allow you to use energy-related skills.
15101005 - Energy Blast - [Master Level : 20]\nBlasts a ball of energy to attack multiple monsters at once. This skill can only be used when #cthe energy is full charged#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Energy Charge#
15101006 - Lightning Charge - [Master Level : 20]\nKnuckle will be empowered with lightning element for certain period of time.
15110000 - Critical Punch - [Master Level : 20]\nCritical attack available at certain rate.
15111001 - Energy Drain - [Master Level : 20]\nUses energy to convert the lost HP of a monster into your own HP. This skill can only be used when #cthe energy is full charged#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Energy Charge#
15111002 - Transformation - [Master Level : 10]\nTransforms you into a more powerful state for 120 seconds.
15111003 - Shockwave - [Master Level : 20]\nStrikes the ground with tremendous force, affecting multiple monsters. This skill can only be used during #cTransformation#.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 1 of Transformation#
15111004 - Barrage - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks a monster nearby 6 times in quick succession.
15111005 - Speed Infusion - Uses HP and MP to temporarily increase the attacking speed of a weapon. This can be combined with other boosters, and everyone in the party will have their attacking speed increased.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 20 of Knuckle Booster#
15111006 - Spark - [Master Level : 20]\nMake additional attack by the power of lightning fairy. Monsters around the monster that is attacked will get damage at the same time.
14111005 - Triple throw - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks monsters by throwing 3 stars at once.
14111006 - Poison Bomb - [Master Level : 30]\nThrows a bomb that generates a poisonous cloud. Monsters within the range of the poisonous cloud will continuously incur damage.
15000000 - Quick Motion - [Master Level : 10]\nIncreases accuracy and avoidability.
15001001 - Straight - [Master Level : 20]\nUses MP to speed up the punch to rapidly attack enemies.
15001002 - Somersault Kick - [Master Level : 20]\nA devastating kick that accompanies a backward somersault. Attacks all enemies in the vicinity.
15001003 - Dash - [Master Level : 10]\nPress left or right arrow twice to temporarily boost your speed and jump.
15001004 - Lightning - [Master Level : 20]\nSummon guardian fairy and attack monsters in the close distance.
13100000 - Bow Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nEnhnaces Mastery and Accuracy of bow-type weapons. It only applies when the bow is in hand.
13101001 - Bow Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nEnhances the Speed of bow attack for a given duration using HP and MP. It only applies when the bow is in hand. \nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 5 on Bow Mastery #
13101002 - Final Attack - [Master Level : 30]\nConsecutive attack is activated by using a pre-established amount of MP after applying the attack skill at a regular interval. It only applies when the bow is equipped in hand. \nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 3 on Bow Mastery #
13101003 - Soul Arrow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily allows the character to fire crossbow arrows without using up the arrows. It only applies when the crossbow is equipped in hand.\nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 5 on Bow Booster #
13100004 - Thrust - [Master Level : 20]\nEnhances Speed.
13101005 - Storm Break - [Master Level : 20]\nCast Damage to monsters in a close distance and Knock-back to far away.
13101006 - Wind Walk - [Master Level : 10]\nTemporarily hides one<6E>s self from the monsters. Attacking an opponent in the state of Wind Walk can inflict additional damage.
13111000 - Arrow Rain - [Master Level : 20]\nFires a number of arrows into the sky, attacking up to 6 monsters at once. It can only be applied when the character is equipped with a bow.
13111002 - Hurricane - [Master Level : 20]\nLaunches arrows at a tremendous speed like a catastrophic rainstorm. Pressing the skill key will launch the arrows continuously.
13110003 - Bow Expert - [Master Level : 20]\nEnhances Mastery and Attack Rate of bow-type weapons. It can only be applied when the character is equipped with a bow. \nRequired Skill: #c Bow Mastery level 20 #
13111004 - Puppet - [Master Level : 20]\nSummons a Puppet (a doppelganger) for a given duration. When the Puppet is summoned, the monsters will attack the Puppet instead of the actual character.
13111005 - Eagle Eye - [Master Level : 10]\nTransforms into Eagle Eye, a heroic figure who was able to use his bow more freely and skillfully than anyone else for 120 sec. This will enhance the character's Speed and Jump stats and allow the character to use the exclusive skills of Eagle Eye.
13111006 - Wind Piercing - [Master Level : 20]\nInflicts a significant damage on multiple monsters at once with a single powerful blow. Available only during the character<65>s transformed state of Eagle Eye. \nRequired skill : #cEagle Eye over level 1#
13111007 - Wind Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nFires 3 arrows to inflict damage on monsters. Available only during the character<65>s transformed state of Eagle Eye. \nRequired skill : #cEagle Eye over level 1#
14000000 - Nimble Body - [Master Level : 10]\nIncreases accuracy and avoidability.
14000001 - Keen Eyes - [Master Level : 8]\nIncreases the range of attack for throwing weapons such as the Throwing Stars and Knives.\nRequired Skill : #cAt least Level 3 on Nimble Body#
14001002 - Disorder - [Master Level : 10]\nTemporarily decreases the enemy<6D>s Weapon Attack and Defense, eventually disabling the monster<65>s attack. It cannot be used on the same monster repeatedly.
14001003 - Dark Sight - [Master Level : 10]\nUses MP to hide behind the shadows. With this skill activated, the character can neither attack nor be attacked.\nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 3 on Disorder #
14001004 - Lucky Seven - [Master Level : 20]\nUses MP to throw 2 Throwing Stars and inflict damage according to the LUK stats regardless of the character's level of Claw Mastery.
14001005 - Darkness - [Master Level : 20]\nSummons the Guardian Fairy to attack monsters nearby.
14100000 - Claw Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the character<65>s skill in using the Throwing Stars, and enhances the max number of charges. It only applies when the character is equipped with Throwing Stars.
14100001 - Critical Throw - [Master Level : 30]\nEnables Critical Attack with Throwing Stars at a pre-established success rate.\nRequired Skill: #c At least Level 3 on Claw Mastery #
14101002 - Claw Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUse HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attack speed of the claw. It only applies when the character is equipped with a claw Throwing Stars.\nRequired Skill : \n#cAt least Level 5 on Claw Mastery#
14101003 - Haste - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily enhances Speed and Jump stats of every member in the party.
14101004 - Flash Jump - [Master Level : 20]\nAllows a second Jump toward the direction which the character was headed when used while the character is in the air. The distance of the Jump increases in accordance with the advancement of the character<65>s skill level.
14100005 - Vanish - [Master Level : 10]\nInflicts additional damage on monsters when used while Dark Sight is activated. Dark Sight deactivates as soon as this skill is applied. \nRequired skill : #cDark Sight over level 10#
14101006 - Vampire - [Master Level : 20]\nCan attack multiple monsters 4 times and partially consumes the damage to recover HP. No more than <20> of the character<65>s max HP and the Monster<65>s max HP can be consumed.
14111000 - Shadow Partner - [Master Level : 30]\nSummons a shadow, which repeats the character<65>s every move, for a given duration. It has no special strength.
14111001 - Shadow Web - [Master Level : 20]\nMakes a spider web of the character<65>s shadow, and holds up to 6 enemies in one spot at once. Mobility of the monsters caught in the spider web will be disabled.
14111002 - Avenger - [Master Level : 30]\nUses MP to make an enormous Throwing Star for attack. The Throwing Star will penetrate the enemy, and attack the ones behind it, too.
14110003 - Alchemist - [Master Level : 20]\nEnhances the effects of recovery items including potions or lengthens the duration of items applied to the status of the character, with an exception of recovery items such as the Elixir that provide recovery based on %.
14110004 - Venom - [Master Level : 20]\nThrows a poisonous Throwing Star. Monsters that have been struck will be poisoned according to the pre-established success rate. It can be used against one monster up to 3 times during which the monster's HP will not go any lower than 1.
11101004 - Soul Blade - [Master Level : 30]\nTransforms invisible Soul into visible form and inflicts damage on an enemy.
11101005 - Soul Rush - [Master Level : 10]\nReceives the power of Soul, which allows the character to instantaneously move at a fast speed.
11110000 - MP Recovery Rate Enhancement - [Master Level : 20]\nCan recover more MP every 10 sec.
11111001 - Combo Attack - [Master Level : 20]\nCan build up one<6E>s Comb Attack. The Finish Attack is enabled when the Combo Counter increases every time the attack is used. The Max Combo Counter is 5 and the standard Damage inflicted is when the Combo Counter is at 3.
11111002 - Panic - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks a single enemy. It is only available when the Sword is equipped and the Combo Counter is activated.\nRequired Skill: #cCombo Attack higher than level 1.#
11111003 - Coma - [Master Level : 20]\nPut monsters nearby in coma. Only available when the Sword is equipped and Combo Counter is activated : #cCombo Attack higher than level 1 required.#
11111004 - Brandish - [Master Level : 30]\nEnables two attacks on multiple monsters nearby.
11110005 - Advanced combo - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases max Combo Counter stats to 10 and charges 2 Combo Counts at a pre-established rate. It only applies when the Combo Attack is mastered. \nRequired Skill: #cCombo Attack Lv.20#
11111006 - Soul Driver - [Master Level : 30]\nAttacks multiple monsters 4 times at once via the power of Soul.
11111007 - Soul Charge - [Master Level : 20]\nEmpower the sword with sanctity attribute for a given duration.
12000000 - Increasing Max MP. - [Master Level : 10]\nIncreases the Max MP when AP is applied to Max MP at the time of Level Up.
12001001 - Magic Guard - [Master Level : 10]\nTemporarily replaces damage with MP instead of HP. If MP reaches 0, the HP takes a full hit.
12001002 - Magic Armor - [Master Level : 10]\nTemporarily enhances the Weapon Def. of the armor by applying magic for a given duration.\nRequired Skill : \n#cAt least Level 3 on Magic Guard#
12001003 - Magic Claw - [Master Level : 20]\nUse MP to attack an enemy twice.
12001004 - Flame - [Master Level : 20]\nSummon the Guardian Fairy to attack monsters nearby.
12101000 - Meditation - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily enhances the Magic Attack of all party members nearby by Meditation.
12101001 - Slow - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporrily slows down the enemies around you. Can't use it on them twice at once, and affects only 6 enemies per say.\nRequired Skill : \n#cAt least Level 5 on Teleport#
12101002 - Fire Arrow - [Master Level : 20]\nA Fire Arrow is generated using magic and is shot at an enemy. It is especially effective on enemies with ice attribute.
12101003 - Teleport - [Master Level : 20]\nCan move a pre-established distance to other locations within the map using the arrow keys.
12101004 - Spell Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nConsumes a significant amount of HP and MP to enhance the speed of Magic Attack.
12101005 - Elemental Reset - [Master Level : 20]\nMake all Elemental Attack to Non-elemental Attack for a given duration.
12101006 - Fire Pillar - [Master Level : 20]\nInflicts fire damage on nearby monster. It can be applied to attack up to 6 monsters.
12110000 - Elemental Resistance - [Master Level : 20]\nGains a higher tolerance for all Elemental Attacks from the enemy.
12110001 - Element Amplification - [Master Level : 20]\nIncrease all Magic Attacks by using more MP.
12111002 - Seal - [Master Level : 20]\nSeals multiple enemies nearby for a given duration. Once sealed, the monsters will not be able to use their skills to attack. This does not apply to the Boss Monsters. \nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 3 on Element Amplification #
12111003 - Meteor Shower - [Master Level : 20]\nInflicts significant fire damages on up to 15 monsters at once via the meteor shower.
12111004 - Ifrit - [Master Level : 20]\nTemporarily summons Ifrit of Fire Attribute for a given duration. Attacks up to 3 monsters.
12111005 - Flame Gear - [Master Level : 30]\n Temporarily creates a wall of fire near the character for a given duration. The monsters inside the wall continuously receive damage.
12111006 - Fire Strike - [Master Level : 30]\nThrow huge fireball to attack up to 6 monsters.
13000000 - Critical Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nEnables Critical Attack at a pre-established success rate.
13000001 - The Eye of Amazon - [Master Level : 8]\nIncreases the range of attack for bows and crossbows.
13001002 - Focus - [Master Level : 10]\nEnhances Accuracy and Avoidability for a given duration. \nRequired Skill : #c At least Level 3 on the Eye of Amazon #
13001003 - Double Shot - [Master Level : 20]\nAttacks an enemy twice using two arrows at once.
13001004 - Storm - [Master Level : 20]\nSummon the Guardian Fairy to attack monsters nearby.
11001004 - Soul - [Master Level : 20]\nSummons a Fairy who attacks enemies within a given range.
11100000 - Sword Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the Sword Mastery and Accuracy. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed Sword is in hand.
11101001 - Sword Booster - [Master Level : 20]\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost the attack speed of the Sword. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed Sword is in hand.\nRequired Skill : \n#cAt least Level 5 on Sword Mastery#
11101002 - Final Attack - [Master Level : 30]\nEnables consecutive attacks when an attack skill is applied at a regular interval and pre-established amount of MP is used. It only applies when a one-handed or a two-handed Sword is in hand. \nRequired Skill : #c At least Lv.3 on Sword Mastery#
10000018 - Follow the Lead - Allows one to lead up to 3 pets at once. (Passive skill)
10000100 - Chair Mastery - [Master Level : 1]\nBonus recovery gain from using map chairs throughout the world.
10001000 - Three Snails - [Master Level : 3]\nHurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance.
10001001 - Recovery - [Master Level : 3]\nEnables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. \n#cTerms between skills : 10 min.#
10001002 - Nimble Feet - [Master Level : 3]\nEnables the character to move around quickly for a short amount of time. \n#cTerms between skills : 1 min.#
10001003 - Legendary Spirit - [Master Level : 1]\nUses the spirit of a legend to use a scroll on an item that cannot be equipped with your character.
10001004 - Monster Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nEnables one to ride on a tamed monster and use it as a method of transportation.
10001005 - Echo of Hero - [Master Lever : 1]\n Increase weapon attack and magic attack on all players around. \n#cTerms between skills : 2hours#
10001006 - Jump Down - [Master Level:1]\nJump down.
10001007 - Maker - [Master Level : 3]\nCan create item by using alchemy. Created item is different by level.
10001009 - Bamboo Thrust - Use bamboo as weapon and attack.
10001010 - Invincible Barrier - Become invincible for certain period of time.
10001011 - Meteo Shower - Damage will increase for certain period of time.
10000012 - Blessing of the Fairy - [Master Level : 20]\nSkill Point will increase by 1 when the related character reaches above Lv.10.
11000000 - Max HP Enhancement - [Master Level : 10]\nIncreases the Max HP when AP is applied during the Level Up.
11001001 - Iron Body - [Master Level : 10]\nTemporarily increases your Weapon Defense.
0000012 - Blessing of the Fairy - [Master Level : 20]\nSkill Point will increase by 1 when the related character reaches above Lv.10.
0001007 - Maker - [Master Level : 3]\nCan create item by using alchemy. Items that can be created will vary depending on your Character level.
9001003 - Bless - [Master Level:1]\nIncreases all abilities of those around you for 15 minutes.
9001004 - Hide - [Master Level : 1]\n Hide
9001005 - Resurrection - [Master Level : 1]\n Resurrection
9001006 - Super Dragon Roar - [Master Level : 1]\n Super Dragon Roar
9001007 - Teleport - [Master Level : 1]\n Teleport
9001009 - ADMIN_ANTIMACRO - [Master Level:1]\nActivate Lie Detector on the suspicious macro user.
9001008 - Hyper Body - [Master Level:1]\nMax HP, Max MP increases for 15 minutes.
10001014 - Spaceship - [Master Level : 2]\nYou board a spaceship. While aboard, you can increase your movement and jump abilities by pressing the right/left direction key twice. #Available until: 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
10001015 - Space Dash - [Master Level : 1]\nIncrease your movement and jump abilities by pressing the right/left direction key twice. #cAvailable until 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
10001016 - Space Beam - [Master Level : 1]\nChanges the condition of the Krypto found at the Space Mine. #cAvailable until: 06-08-2009 at 00 hour#
20000100 - Chair Mastery - [Master Level : 1]\nBonus recovery gain from using map chairs throughout the world.
20001000 - Three Snails - [Master Level : 3]\nHurls snail shells to attack monsters from long distance.
20001001 - Recovery - [Master Level : 3]\nEnables the user to recover HP constantly for 30 sec. \n#cTerms between skills : 2 min.#
20001002 - Agile Body - [Master Level : 3]\nExplosive speed for an instant. \n#cTakes about 1 min. until the next call.#
20001003 - Legendary Spirit - [Master Level : 1]\nUses the spirit of a legend to use a scroll on an item that cannot be normally equipped by the character.
20001004 - Monster Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nEnables one to ride on a tamed monster and use it as a method of transportation.
20001005 - Echo of Hero - [Master Level : 1]\n Increase weapon attack and magic attack on all players around. \n#cTerms between skills : 2hours#
20001006 - Jump Down - [Master Level : 1]nJump downward.
20001007 - Maker - [Master Level : 3]\nCan create item by using alchemy. Created item is different by level.
20001009 - Bamboo Thrust - Use bamboo as weapon and attack.
20001010 - Invincible Barrier - Become invincible for certain period of time.
20001011 - Meteo Shower - Damage will increase for certain period of time.
20000012 - Blessing of the Fairy - [Master Level : 20]\nSkill Point will increase by 1 when the related character reaches above Lv.10.
20001013 - Helper - Damage increases for a fixed time period.
20000014 - Tutorial Skill - Tutorial Skill
20000015 - Tutorial Skill - Tutorial Skill
20000016 - Tutorial Skill - Tutorial Skill
20000017 - Tutorial Skill - Tutorial Skill
20000018 - Tutorial Skill - Tutorial Skill
20000024 - Follow the Lead - Allows one to lead up to 3 pets at once. (Passive skill)
21000000 - Combo Ability - [Master Level : 10]\nEverytime the combo count reaches 10, the stats increase.\nRequired Skill : #cLevel 10 on Double Swing#
21000002 - Double Swing - [Master Level : 20]\nTap the attack key twice to attack up to 12 enemies by attacking twice.
21001003 - Polearm Booster - [Master Level : 20]\n\nUses HP and MP to temporarily boost up the attacking speed of the equipped polearm. It only applies when either a one-handed or a two-handed polearm is in hand.\nRequired Skill : \n#cAt least Level 5 on Polearm Mastery#\n\nRequired Skill : #cCombat Step Level 5#
21100000 - Polearm Mastery - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the mastery of pole arms and accuracy. It only applies when a pole arm is in hand. This skill only gets triggered when the owner is carrying the secuity stuff.\nRequired Skill : #cTriple Swing Level 3#
21100002 - Final Charge - [Master Level : 30]\nJust pushes the enemy forward. Only available right after #cTriple Swing#.\nRequired Skill : #cTriple Swing Level 20 and above#\n[Command : triple attack, #cArrow Key : Right + attack#]
21101003 - Body Pressure - [Master Level : 20]\nAllows one to feel very powerful for a small period of time, by being able to body-check monsters, and completely render the monster useless.
21110000 - Combo Critical - [Master Level : 20]\nEvery time the combo count reaches 10, that's when the critical rate and the damage increases.\nRequired Skill : #cCombo Ability Level 10#
21111001 - Smart Knockback - [Master Level : 20]\nUtilizes efficiency over power, in that it dishes out less damage than a regular knockback, yet still manages to knock back an enemy.
21110004 - Combo Fenrir - [Master Level : 30]\nShoots a wave of concentrated energy, mixing with the spirit of wolves. Can only be used when the #cCombo Count reaches at least 100.#\nRequired Skill : #cCombo Smash Level 10#\n[Command : #cArrow Key : Down + Right + attack key#]
21111005 - Snow Charge - [Master Level : 20]\nFor a set period of time, add the element of ice on the Pole Arm. The skill cancels itself when the time is up, while the attacked monsters become much slower.
21110007 - (hidden) Full Swing - Double Swing - [Master Level : 20]
21110008 - (hidden) Full Swing - Triple Swing - [Master Level : 20]
21121000 - Maple Warrior - Temporarily boosts the stats of everyone in the party.
21120001 - High Mastery - Improves the overall mastery of Polearm-related weapons and attack.\nRequired Skill : #cPolearm Mastery Level 20#
21121003 - Freeze Standing - Stand heavy like a frozen block of ice and back down from no one.
21120004 - High Defense - A new level of defense, in that it permanently decreases the damage suffering from the same attacks.
21120006 - Combo Tempest - Creates an ice that is so deadly that even a slight collision would kill the monster, while incurring significant damage to boss monsters as well. #cOnly avilable when the combo count reaches 200 or more#.\nRequired Skill : #cCombo Fenrir Level 10#\n[command : #cArrow Key : Down + Right + attck\#]
21120007 - Combo Barrier - A buff that decreases the amount of damage received over a set time. A welcome skill in party formats a la cleric. Only available once the #ccombo count reaches 200#.\nRequired Skill : #cCombo Drain Level 10#\n[Command : #cArrow key : Down + Down + attack#]
21121008 - Hero's Will - Allows one to snap out of abnormal conditions. The higher the character's level, the less the character has to wait.
21120009 - (hidden) Over Swing - Double Swing - [Master Level : 30]
21120010 - (hidden) Over Swing - Triple Swing - [Master Level : 30]
0001020 - Rage of Pharaoh - [Master Level : 1]\nUtilizes the rage of Pharaoh as an attack.
0009000 - Pig's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Pigs.
0009001 - Stump's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Stumps.
0009002 - Slime's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Slimes.
10000013 - Helper - Damage increases for a fixed time period.
10001019 - Yeti Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows one to ride on a Yeti.\n#cAvailable until : 7/9/2009 at 00:00#
10001020 - Rage of Pharaoh - [Master Level : 1]\nUtilizes the rage of Pharaoh as an attack.
10009000 - Pig's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Pigs.
10009001 - Stump's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Stumps.
10009002 - Slime's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Slimes.
20001019 - Yeti Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows one to ride on a Yeti.\n#cAvailable until : 7/9/2009 at 00:00#
20001020 - Rage of Pharaoh - [Master Level : 1]\nUtilizes the rage of Pharaoh as an attack.
20009000 - Pig's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Pigs.
20009001 - Stump's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Stumps.
20009002 - Slime's Weakness - [Master Level : 1]\n Inflicts 150% damage on Slimes.
0001017 - Yeti Rider - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows one to ride on a Yeti.\n#cAvailable until : 7/9/2009 at 00:00#
21001001 - Combat Step - [Master Level : 15]\nQuickly tap the direction arrows twice to quickly cover a short distance.\nRequired Skill : #cDouble Swing Level 5#\n[How-to : #cArrow Key : Right + Right#]
21100001 - Triple Swing - [Master Level : 20]\nPress the attack key 3 times in a row to privde triple-hit combos on up to 12 enemies.\nRequired Skill : #cDouble Swing 20#
21100004 - Combo Smash - [Master Level : 20]\nAchieves excellent amound of danger at the booth. Only available when the #cCombo Count reaches 30 or above#.\nRequired Skill : #cPolearm combo 1#\n[Command : #cArrow Key : Down + Right + attack key#]
21100005 - Combo Drain - [Master Level : 20]\nA buff that allows one to recover a portion of damage dished out by attacking back as HP. #cCombo Count must reach 30# and can only be used then.\nRequired Skill : #cCombo Ability Level 1#\n[Command : #cArrow Key : Down + Down + attack#]
21120005 - Final Blow - Swings Polearm widely to incur significant damage to up to 12 monsters at once. Only works right after triggering #cTriple Swing#.\nRequired Skill : #cTriple Swing Level 20#\n[Command : Triple Swing + #cArrow Key : Down + attack key#]
21120002 - Over Swing - Expands the damage caused by Double Swing and Triple Swing to the extreme.\nRequired Skill : #cFull Swing Level 20#
21110006 - Rolling Spin - [Master Level : 20]\nCauses a strong wind which flies out monsters left and right.\n[command : #cArrow Key : Up + Up + Attack key#]
21110003 - Final Cross - [Master Level : 30]\nTosses up 12 monsters in the air. The monsters that are in the air will be vulnerable to attacks, therefore receiving more damage than on the ground. Can only triggered right after Triple Swing.\nRequired Skill : #cTriple Swing Level 20#\n[Command : #cArrow Key : Up + attack key#]
21110002 - Full Swing - [Master Level : 20]\nIncreases the damage rate of Double Swing and Triple Swing. \nRequired Skill : #cTriple Swing Level 20#
0001018 - Yeti Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Yeti.
0001019 - Witch's Broomstick - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Broomstick.
10001023 - Witch's Broomstick - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Broomstick.
10001022 - Yeti Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Yeti.
20001023 - Witch's Broomstick - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Broomstick.
20001022 - Yeti Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Yeti.
0001031 - Barlog Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Barlog.
10001031 - Barlog Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Barlog.
20001031 - Barlog Mount - [Master Level : 1]\nAllows you to move around while being mounted on a Barlog.

handbook/Use.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

pom.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Project -->
<!-- Maven plugins -->
<maven-surefire-plugin.version>3.0.0-M9</maven-surefire-plugin.version> <!-- For running unit tests -->
<maven-jar-plugin.version>3.3.0</maven-jar-plugin.version> <!-- Disabled. (for building thin jar) -->
<maven-assembly-plugin.version>3.5.0</maven-assembly-plugin.version> <!-- For packaging the executable fat jar -->
<!-- Dependencies -->
<slf4j-api.version>1.7.36</slf4j-api.version> <!-- Logging facade -->
<log4j.version>2.20.0</log4j.version> <!-- Slf4j implementation -->
<graalvm.version>22.3.1</graalvm.version> <!-- ScriptEngine implementation -->
<netty.version>4.1.89.Final</netty.version> <!-- Networking -->
<yamlbeans.version>1.15</yamlbeans.version> <!-- Config file -->
<jcip-annotations.version>1.0</jcip-annotations.version> <!-- Annotations for concurrency documentation -->
<HikariCP.version>5.0.1</HikariCP.version> <!-- Database connection pool -->
<mysql-connector-j.version>8.0.32</mysql-connector-j.version> <!-- MySQL JDBC driver -->
<jdbi-version>3.37.1</jdbi-version> <!-- Convenience wrapper around JDBC -->
<junit.version>5.9.2</junit.version> <!-- Unit test -->
<mockito.version>5.1.1</mockito.version> <!-- Unit test -->
<!-- Database -->
<!-- Networking -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Scripting -->
<!-- Testing -->
<!-- Explicitly disable default jar which includes no dependencies -->
<!-- Enable assembling jar that includes all dependencies -->

scripts/NPC Base.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* NPC Base
Map Name (Map ID)
Extra NPC info.
var status;
function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);
function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (mode == 0 && type > 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
} else {
if (status == 0) {
cm.sendOk("Sample text.");
function generateSelectionMenu(array) { // nice tool for generating a string for the sendSimple functionality
var menu = "";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
menu += "#L" + i + "#" + array[i] + "#l\r\n";
return menu;

scripts/QUEST Base.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* QUEST Base
Quest Name
Extra info.
var status = -1;
function start(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (mode == 0 && type > 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
} else {
if (status == 0) {
qm.sendNext("Sample Text.");
} else if (status == 1) {
function end(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (mode == 0 && type > 0) {
if (mode == 1) {
} else {
if (status == 0) {
qm.sendNext("Sample Text.");
} else if (status == 1) {

scripts/REACT Base.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* @Author Ronan
* REACTORID.js: sample text
function act() {

scripts/event/0_EXAMPLE.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// Event-instantiation variables
var isPq = true;
var minPlayers, maxPlayers; // Range of party members for this event instance.
var minLevel, maxLevel; // Level range of eligible team members for this event instance.
var entryMap; // Initial map, where players all moved into at the event startup.
var exitMap; // Upon failing to complete the event, players may be moved to this map.
var recruitMap; // Map where players must be before staring this event.
var clearMap; // Upon event clearing, players may be moved to this map.
var minMapId; // Event takes place inside these map id interval. Players found out is instantly dropped from the event.
var maxMapId;
var eventTime; // Max time allotted for the event, in minutes.
const maxLobbies = 7; // Max amount of concurrent active lobbies.
function init() {
// After loading, ChannelServer
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
// sets requirement info about the event to be displayed at the recruitment area.
function setEventExclusives(eim) {
// sets all items that should exist only for the event instance, and that should be removed from inventory at the end of the run.
function setEventRewards(eim) {
// sets all possible treasures that can be given, randomly, to a player at the end of the event.
function getEligibleParty(party) {
// selects, from the given party, the team that is allowed to attempt this event
function setup(eim, leaderid) {
// Setup the instance when invoked, EG : start PQ
function afterSetup(eim) {
// Happens after the event instance is initialized and all players have been assigned for the event instance, but before entrying players.
function respawnStages(eim) {
// Defines which maps inside the event are allowed to respawn. This function should create a new task at the end of it's body calling itself at a given respawn rate.
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
// Warp player in etc..
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {
// Do something with the player that is about to unregister right before unregistering he/she.
function playerExit(eim, player) {
// Do something with the player right before disbanding the event instance.
function playerLeft(eim, player) {
// Do something with the player right before leaving the party.
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
// What to do when player've changed map, based on the mapid.
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {
// Do something if the party leader has been changed.
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
// When event timeout without before completion..
function timeOut(eim) {
if (eim.getPlayerCount() > 0) {
var pIter = eim.getPlayers().iterator();
while (pIter.hasNext()) {
var player =;
player.dropMessage(6, "You have run out of time to complete this event!");
playerExit(eim, player);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {
// Happens when an opposing mob dies
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {
// Invoked when a monster that's registered has been killed
// return x amount for this player - "Saved Points"
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
// Happens when a friendly mob dies
function allMonstersDead(eim) {
// When invoking unregisterMonster(Monster mob) OR killed
// Happens only when size = 0
function playerDead(eim, player) {
// Happens when player dies
function monsterRevive(mob, eim) {
// Happens when an opposing mob revives
function playerRevive(eim, player) {
// Happens when player's revived.
// @Param : returns true/false
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
// return 0 - Deregister player normally + Dispose instance if there are zero player left
// return x that is > 0 - Deregister player normally + Dispose instance if there x player or below
// return x that is < 0 - Deregister player normally + Dispose instance if there x player or below, if it's leader = boot all
function end(eim) {
// Happens when the party fails to complete the event instance.
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
// Selects randomly a reward to give from the reward pool.
function clearPQ(eim) {
// Happens when the party succeeds on completing the event instance.
function leftParty(eim, player) {
// Happens when a player left the party
function disbandParty(eim, player) {
// Happens when the party is disbanded.
function removePlayer(eim, player) {
// Happens when the funtion NPCConversationManager.removePlayerFromInstance() is invoked
function registerCarnivalParty(eim, carnivalparty) {
// Happens when carnival PQ is started. - Unused for now.
function onMapLoad(eim, player) {
// Happens when player change map - Unused for now.
function cancelSchedule() {
// Finishes ongoing schedules.
function dispose() {
// Finishes the event instance.

scripts/event/2xEvent.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2x EXP Event Script
-- Author --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var timer1;
var timer2;
var timer3;
var timer4;
function init() {
if(em.getChannelServer().getId() == 1) { // Only run on channel 1.
timer1 = em.scheduleAtTimestamp("start", 1428220800000);
timer2 = em.scheduleAtTimestamp("stop", 1428228000000);
// EDT
timer1 = em.scheduleAtTimestamp("start", 1428271200000);
timer2 = em.scheduleAtTimestamp("stop", 1428278400000);
function cancelSchedule() {
if (timer1 != null) {
if (timer2 != null) {
if (timer3 != null) {
if (timer4 != null) {
function start() {
const Server = Java.type('net.server.Server');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var world = Server.getInstance().getWorld(em.getChannelServer().getWorld());
world.broadcastPacket(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "The Bunny Onslaught Survival Scanner (BOSS) has detected an Easter Bunny onslaught soon! The GM team has activated the Emergency XP Pool (EXP) that doubles experience gained for the next two hours!"));
function stop() {
const Server = Java.type('net.server.Server');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var world = Server.getInstance().getWorld(em.getChannelServer().getWorld());
world.broadcastPacket(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Unfortunately the Emergency XP Pool (EXP) has run out of juice for now and needs to recharge causing the EXP rate to go back to normal."));
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Bowman
var entryMap = 108010100;
var exitMap = 105040305;
var minMapId = 108010100;
var maxMapId = 108010101;
var eventTime = 20; //20 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_bowman_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, eim.getPlayers().get(0));
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function clear(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Magician
var entryMap = 108010200;
var exitMap = 100040106;
var minMapId = 108010200;
var maxMapId = 108010201;
var eventTime = 20; //20 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_magician_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, eim.getPlayers().get(0));
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function clear(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Kenta's Mount Quest
var entryMap = 923010000;
var exitMap = 923010100;
var minMapId = 923010000;
var maxMapId = 923010000;
var eventMaps = [923010000];
var eventTime = 5; //5 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function checkHogHealth(eim) {
var watchHog = eim.getInstanceMap(923010000).getMonsterById(9300102);
if (watchHog != null) {
var hp = watchHog.getHp();
var oldHp = eim.getIntProperty("whog_hp");
if (oldHp - hp > 1000) { // or 800, if using mobHP / eventTime
eim.dropMessage(6, "Please protect the pig from the aliens!"); // thanks Vcoc
eim.setIntProperty("whog_hp", hp);
function respawnStages(eim) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < eventMaps.length; i++) {
eim.schedule("respawnStages", 10 * 1000);
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_mount_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.setProperty("whog_hp", "0");
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
var api = player.getAbstractPlayerInteraction();
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function clearPQ(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
if (em.getProperty("noEntry") != "false") {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Pirate
var entryMap = 108010500;
var exitMap = 105070200;
var minMapId = 108010500;
var maxMapId = 108010501;
var eventTime = 20; //20 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_pirate_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, eim.getPlayers().get(0));
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function clear(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Thief
var entryMap = 108010400;
var exitMap = 107000402;
var minMapId = 108010400;
var maxMapId = 108010401;
var eventTime = 20; //20 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_thief_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, eim.getPlayers().get(0));
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function clear(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* 3rd Job Event - Warrior
var entryMap = 108010300;
var exitMap = 105070001;
var minMapId = 108010300;
var maxMapId = 108010301;
var eventTime = 20; //20 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("3rdJob_warrior_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(entryMap, 0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, eim.getPlayers().get(0));
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function clear(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

scripts/event/4jaerial.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Jonathan's Test Quest
var entryMap = 912020000;
var exitMap = 120000102;
var minMapId = 912020000;
var maxMapId = 912020000;
var eventTime = 2; //2 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("4jaerial_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.setProperty("canLeave", "0");
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function playerLeft(eim, player) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function clearPQ(eim) {
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}

scripts/event/4jship.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Kyrin's Test Quest
var entryMap = 912010000;
var exitMap = 120000101;
var minMapId = 912010000;
var maxMapId = 912010200;
var eventTime = 4; //4 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("4jship_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.setProperty("canLeave", "0");
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
eim.schedule("playerCanLeave", 1 * 60000);
eim.schedule("playerSurvived", 2 * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerCanLeave(eim) {
eim.setIntProperty("canLeave", 1);
function playerSurvived(eim) {
if (eim.getLeader().isAlive()) {
eim.setIntProperty("canLeave", 2);
eim.dropMessage(5, "Kyrin: You have passed the test. Now for the closing part... Are you able reach the exit over there?");
} else {
eim.dropMessage(5, "Kyrin: You have failed the test. Aww, don't have such a sad face, just try it again later, ok?");
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function playerLeft(eim, player) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function clearPQ(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
if (em.getProperty("noEntry") != "false") {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}

scripts/event/4jsuper.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Kyrin's Test Quest
var entryMap = 912010100;
var exitMap = 120000101;
var minMapId = 912010100;
var maxMapId = 912010200;
var eventTime = 4; //4 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("4jsuper_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.setProperty("canLeave", "0");
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
eim.schedule("playerCanLeave", 1 * 60000);
eim.schedule("playerSurvived", 2 * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerCanLeave(eim) {
eim.setIntProperty("canLeave", 1);
function playerSurvived(eim) {
if (eim.getLeader().isAlive()) {
eim.setIntProperty("canLeave", 2);
eim.dropMessage(5, "Kyrin: You have passed the test. Now for the closing part... Are you able reach the exit over there?");
} else {
eim.dropMessage(5, "Kyrin: You have failed the test. Aww, don't have such a sad face, just try it again later, ok?");
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function playerLeft(eim, player) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
if (em.getProperty("noEntry") != "false") {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}

scripts/event/AirPlane.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
var KC_bfd;
var Plane_to_CBD;
var CBD_docked;
var CBD_bfd;
var Plane_to_KC;
var KC_docked;
//Time Setting is in millisecond
var closeTime = 4 * 60 * 1000; //The time to close the gate
var beginTime = 5 * 60 * 1000; //The time to begin the ride
var rideTime = 1 * 60 * 1000; //The time that require move to destination
function init() {
closeTime = em.getTransportationTime(closeTime);
beginTime = em.getTransportationTime(beginTime);
rideTime = em.getTransportationTime(rideTime);
KC_bfd = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(540010100);
CBD_bfd = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(540010001);
Plane_to_CBD = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(540010101);
Plane_to_KC = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(540010002);
CBD_docked = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(540010000);
KC_docked = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(103000000);
function scheduleNew() {
em.setProperty("docked", "true");
em.setProperty("entry", "true");
em.schedule("stopEntry", closeTime);
em.schedule("takeoff", beginTime);
function stopEntry() {
em.setProperty("entry", "false");
function takeoff() {
em.setProperty("docked", "false");
em.schedule("arrived", rideTime); //The time that require move to destination
function arrived() {
Plane_to_CBD.warpEveryone(CBD_docked.getId(), 0);
Plane_to_KC.warpEveryone(KC_docked.getId(), 7);
function cancelSchedule() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

scripts/event/AmoriaPQ.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author: Ronan
* @event: Amoria PQ
var isPq = true;
var onlyMarriedPlayers = true;
var minPlayers = 6, maxPlayers = 6;
var minLevel = 40, maxLevel = 255;
var entryMap = 670010200;
var exitMap = 670011000;
var recruitMap = 670010100;
var clearMap = 670010800;
var minMapId = 670010200;
var maxMapId = 670010800;
var eventTime = 75; // 75 minutes
const maxLobbies = 1;
function init() {
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
var reqStr = "";
reqStr += "\r\n Number of players: ";
if (maxPlayers - minPlayers >= 1) {
reqStr += minPlayers + " ~ " + maxPlayers;
} else {
reqStr += minPlayers;
reqStr += "\r\n Level range: ";
if (maxLevel - minLevel >= 1) {
reqStr += minLevel + " ~ " + maxLevel;
} else {
reqStr += minLevel;
reqStr += "\r\n At least 1 of both genders";
if (onlyMarriedPlayers) {
reqStr += "\r\n All married";
reqStr += "\r\n Time limit: ";
reqStr += eventTime + " minutes";
em.setProperty("party", reqStr);
function setEventExclusives(eim) {
var itemSet = [4031594, 4031595, 4031596, 4031597];
function setEventRewards(eim) {
var itemSet, itemQty, evLevel, expStages;
evLevel = 1; //Rewards at clear PQ
itemSet = [];
itemQty = [];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
expStages = [2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 9000, 11000]; //bonus exp given on CLEAR stage signal
function getEligibleParty(party) { //selects, from the given party, the team that is allowed to attempt this event
var eligible = [];
var hasLeader = false, hasNotMarried = false;
var mask = 0;
if (party.size() > 0) {
var partyList = party.toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
var ch = partyList[i];
if (ch.getMapId() == recruitMap && ch.getLevel() >= minLevel && ch.getLevel() <= maxLevel) {
if (ch.isLeader()) {
hasLeader = true;
if (!ch.getPlayer().isMarried()) {
hasNotMarried = true;
mask |= (1 << ch.getPlayer().getGender());
if (!(hasLeader && eligible.length >= minPlayers && eligible.length <= maxPlayers && mask == 3)) {
eligible = [];
if (onlyMarriedPlayers && hasNotMarried) {
eligible = [];
return, Java.type('[]'));
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("Amoria" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("marriedGroup", 0);
eim.setProperty("missCount", 0);
eim.setProperty("statusStg1", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStg2", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStg3", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStg4", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStg5", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStg6", -1);
eim.setProperty("statusStgBonus", 0);
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(670010700);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
var mobObj = LifeFactory.getMonster(9400536);
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mobObj, new Point(942, 478));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
return eim;
function isTeamAllCouple(eim) { // everyone partner of someone on the team
var eventPlayers = eim.getPlayers();
for (var iterator = eventPlayers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
var chr =;
var pid = chr.getPartnerId();
if (pid <= 0 || eim.getPlayerById(pid) == null) {
return false;
return true;
function afterSetup(eim) {
if (isTeamAllCouple(eim)) {
eim.setIntProperty("marriedGroup", 1);
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
if (eim.getIntProperty("statusStg6") == 1) {
} else {
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(exitMap, 0);
function playerLeft(eim, player) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {
var mapid = leader.getMapId();
if (!eim.isEventCleared() && (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId)) {
function playerDead(eim, player) {}
function playerRevive(eim, player) { // player presses ok on the death pop up.
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function leftParty(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(false, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
playerLeft(eim, player);
function disbandParty(eim) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function end(eim) {
var party = eim.getPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
playerExit(eim, party.get(i));
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
function clearPQ(eim) {
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Scadur's Mount Quest
var entryMap = 921110000;
var exitMap = 211050000;
var minMapId = 921110000;
var maxMapId = 921110000;
var eventTime = 3; //3 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("Aran_2ndmount_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
player.changeMap(entryMap, 2);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function clearPQ(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
if (em.getProperty("noEntry") != "false") {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Wolves' Mount Quest
var entryMap = 914030000;
var exitMap = 140010210;
var minMapId = 914030000;
var maxMapId = 914030000;
var eventTime = 3; //3 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("Aran_3rdmount_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
player.changeMap(entryMap, 1);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function clearPQ(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {
if (eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap).countMonsters() == 0) {
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function friendlyKilled(mob, eim) {
if (em.getProperty("noEntry") != "false") {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bamboo Warrior Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ronan - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var mapObj = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(800020120); // original mapid was 251010101
var mobObj = LifeFactory.getMonster(6090002);
if (mapObj.getMonsterById(6090002) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mobObj, new Point(560, 50));
mapObj.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "From amongst the ruins shrouded by the mists, Bamboo Warrior appears."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Centipede Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ronan - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var herbGarden = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(251010102);
if (herbGarden.getMonsterById(5220004) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var gcent = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220004);
herbGarden.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(gcent, new Point(560, 50));
herbGarden.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "From the mists surrounding the herb garden, the gargantuous Giant Centipede appears."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deo Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var royalCatthusDesert = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(260010201);
if (royalCatthusDesert.getMonsterById(3220001) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var deo = LifeFactory.getMonster(3220001);
royalCatthusDesert.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(deo, new Point(645, 275));
royalCatthusDesert.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Deo slowly appeared out of the sand dust."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400610;
var bossMapid = 677000003;
var bossMsg = "Amdusias has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(467, 0);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400609;
var bossMapid = 677000005;
var bossMsg = "Andras has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(201, 80);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400613;
var bossMapid = 677000009;
var bossMsg = "Valefor has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(251, -841);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400633;
var bossMapid = 677000012;
var bossMsg = "Astaroth has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(842, 0);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400612;
var bossMapid = 677000001;
var bossMsg = "Marbas has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(461, 61);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Door boss Spawner (based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner)
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var bossMobid = 9400611;
var bossMapid = 677000007;
var bossMsg = "Crocell has appeared!";
var map = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(bossMapid);
if (map.getMonsterById(bossMobid) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var boss = LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobid);
var bossPos = new Point(171, 50);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(boss, bossPos);
map.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, bossMsg));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dyle Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var dangeroudCroko1 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(107000300);
if (dangeroudCroko1.getMonsterById(6220000) != null) {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(90, 119);
dangeroudCroko1.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(6220000), spawnpoint);
dangeroudCroko1.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "The huge crocodile Dyle has come out from the swamp."));
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eliza1 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
var setupTask;
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var eliza = LifeFactory.getMonster(8220000);
var stairwayToTheSky2 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200010300);
if (stairwayToTheSky2.getMonsterById(8220000) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(208, 83);
stairwayToTheSky2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(eliza, spawnpoint);
stairwayToTheSky2.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Eliza has appeared with a black whirlwind."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Faust1 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var theForestOfEvil1 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(100040105);
if (theForestOfEvil1.getMonsterById(5220002) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
var faust1 = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220002);
const spawnpoint = new Point(456, 278);
theForestOfEvil1.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(faust1, spawnpoint);
theForestOfEvil1.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Faust appeared amidst the blue fog."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Faust2 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var theForestOfEvil2 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(100040106);
var faust2 = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220002);
if (theForestOfEvil2.getMonsterById(5220002) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(474, 278);
theForestOfEvil2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(faust2, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
theForestOfEvil2.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Faust appeared amidst the blue fog."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chimera/Kimera Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var labSecretBasementPath = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(261030000);
var chimera = LifeFactory.getMonster(8220002);
if (labSecretBasementPath.getMonsterById(8220002) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 180;
posX = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 900) - 900);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
labSecretBasementPath.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(chimera, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
labSecretBasementPath.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Kimera has appeared out of the darkness of the underground with a glitter in her eyes."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
King Clang Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
var hotSand;
function init() {
hotSand = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(110040000);
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
if (hotSand.getMonsterById(5220001) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var kingClang = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220001);
var posX;
var posY = 140;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2400) - 1600);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
hotSand.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(kingClang, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
hotSand.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "A strange turban shell has appeared on the beach."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
King Sage Cat Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var goblinForest2 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(250010504);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var kingSageCat = LifeFactory.getMonster(7220002);
if (goblinForest2.getMonsterById(7220002) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 540;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1300) - 500);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
goblinForest2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(kingSageCat, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
goblinForest2.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "The ghostly air around here has become stronger. The unpleasant sound of a cat crying can be heard."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Leviathan Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var leviathansCanyon = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(240040401);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var leviathan = LifeFactory.getMonster(8220003);
if (leviathansCanyon.getMonsterById(8220003) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 1125;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 600) - 300);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
leviathansCanyon.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(leviathan, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
leviathansCanyon.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Leviathan emerges from the canyon and the cold icy wind blows."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mano Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var thicketAroundTheBeach3 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(104000400);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var mano = LifeFactory.getMonster(2220000);
if (thicketAroundTheBeach3.getMonsterById(2220000) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(279, -496);
thicketAroundTheBeach3.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mano, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
thicketAroundTheBeach3.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "A cool breeze was felt when Mano appeared."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nine Tailed Fox (Old Fox) Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var moonRidge = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(222010310);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var nineTailedFox = LifeFactory.getMonster(7220001);
if (moonRidge.getMonsterById(7220001) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 33;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1300) - 800);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
moonRidge.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(nineTailedFox, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
moonRidge.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "As the moon light dims, a long fox cry can be heard and the presence of the old fox can be felt"));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Seruf Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var theSeaweedTower = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(230020100);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var seruf = LifeFactory.getMonster(4220001);
if (theSeaweedTower.getMonsterById(4220001) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 520;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2300) - 1500);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
theSeaweedTower.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(seruf, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
theSeaweedTower.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "A strange shell has appeared from a grove of seaweed"));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Snack Bar Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ronan - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var snackBarMap = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(105090310);
if (snackBarMap.getMonsterById(8220008) != null || snackBarMap.getMonsterById(8220009) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var setPos = [[-626, -604], [735, -600]];
var rndPos = setPos[Math.floor(Math.random() * setPos.length)];
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var snackBar = LifeFactory.getMonster(8220008);
snackBarMap.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(snackBar, new Point(rndPos[0], rndPos[1]));
snackBarMap.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Slowly, a suspicious food stand opens up on a strangely remote place."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stumpy Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var eastRockyMountain5 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(101030404);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var stumpy = LifeFactory.getMonster(3220000);
if (eastRockyMountain5.getMonsterById(3220000) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 1280;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 800) + 400);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
eastRockyMountain5.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(stumpy, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
eastRockyMountain5.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Stumpy has appeared with a stumping sound that rings the Stone Mountain."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tae Roon Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var territoryOfWanderingBear = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(250010304);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var taeRoon = LifeFactory.getMonster(7220000);
if (territoryOfWanderingBear.getMonsterById(7220000) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 390;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 700) - 800);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
territoryOfWanderingBear.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(taeRoon, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
territoryOfWanderingBear.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Tae Roon has appeared with a soft whistling sound."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timer1 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var whirlpoolOfTime = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(220050100);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var timer1 = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220003);
if (whirlpoolOfTime.getMonsterById(5220003) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 1030;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 770) - 770);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
whirlpoolOfTime.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(timer1, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
whirlpoolOfTime.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Tick-Tock Tick-Tock! Timer makes it's presence known."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timer2 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var lostTime1 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(220050000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var timer2 = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220003);
if (lostTime1.getMonsterById(5220003) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 1030;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1400) - 1000);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
lostTime1.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(timer2, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
lostTime1.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Tick-Tock Tick-Tock! Timer makes it's presence known."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timer3 Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var lostTime2 = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(220050200);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var timer3 = LifeFactory.getMonster(5220003);
if (lostTime2.getMonsterById(5220003) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var posX;
var posY = 1030;
posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1400) - 700);
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const spawnpoint = new Point(posX, posY);
lostTime2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(timer3, spawnpoint);
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
lostTime2.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Tick-Tock Tick-Tock! Timer makes it's presence known."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server
Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <>
Matthias Butz <>
Jan Christian Meyer <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Odin JavaScript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zeno Spawner
-- Edited by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ThreeStep - based on xQuasar's King Clang spawner
function init() {
function scheduleNew() {
setupTask = em.schedule("start", 0); //spawns upon server start. Each 3 hours an server event checks if boss exists, if not spawns it instantly.
function cancelSchedule() {
if (setupTask != null) {
function start() {
var graysPrairie = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(221040301);
if (graysPrairie.getMonsterById(6220001) != null) {
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
var zeno = LifeFactory.getMonster(6220001);
graysPrairie.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(zeno, new Point(-4224, 776));
graysPrairie.broadcastMessage(PacketCreator.serverNotice(6, "Zeno has appeared with a heavy sound of machinery."));
em.schedule("start", 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author: Ronan
* @event: Vs Balrog
var isPq = true;
var minPlayers = 6, maxPlayers = 30;
var minLevel = 50, maxLevel = 255;
var entryMap = 105100300;
var exitMap = 105100100;
var recruitMap = 105100100;
var clearMap = 105100301;
var minMapId = 105100300;
var maxMapId = 105100301;
var minMobId = 8830000;
var maxMobId = 8830006;
var bossMobId = 8830003;
var eventTime = 60; // 60 minutes
var releaseClawTime = 1;
const maxLobbies = 1;
function init() {
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
var reqStr = "";
reqStr += "\r\n Number of players: ";
if (maxPlayers - minPlayers >= 1) {
reqStr += minPlayers + " ~ " + maxPlayers;
} else {
reqStr += minPlayers;
reqStr += "\r\n Level range: ";
if (maxLevel - minLevel >= 1) {
reqStr += minLevel + " ~ " + maxLevel;
} else {
reqStr += minLevel;
reqStr += "\r\n Time limit: ";
reqStr += eventTime + " minutes";
em.setProperty("party", reqStr);
function setEventExclusives(eim) {
var itemSet = [];
function setEventRewards(eim) {
var itemSet, itemQty, evLevel, expStages;
evLevel = 1; //Rewards at clear PQ
itemSet = [];
itemQty = [];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
expStages = []; //bonus exp given on CLEAR stage signal
function getEligibleParty(party) { //selects, from the given party, the team that is allowed to attempt this event
var eligible = [];
var hasLeader = false;
if (party.size() > 0) {
var partyList = party.toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
var ch = partyList[i];
if (ch.getMapId() == recruitMap && ch.getLevel() >= minLevel && ch.getLevel() <= maxLevel) {
if (ch.isLeader()) {
hasLeader = true;
if (!(hasLeader && eligible.length >= minPlayers && eligible.length <= maxPlayers)) {
eligible = [];
return, Java.type('[]'));
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("Balrog" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.schedule("releaseLeftClaw", releaseClawTime * 60000);
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function releaseLeftClaw(eim) {
function spawnBalrog(eim) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
mapObj.spawnFakeMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830000), new Point(412, 258));
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830002), new Point(412, 258));
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830006), new Point(412, 258));
function spawnSealedBalrog(eim) {
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap).spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobId), new Point(412, 258));
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(exitMap, 0);
function playerLeft(eim, player) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerDead(eim, player) {}
function playerRevive(eim, player) { // player presses ok on the death pop up.
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function end(eim) {
var party = eim.getPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
playerExit(eim, party.get(i));
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
function clearPQ(eim) {
function isUnsealedBalrog(mob) {
var balrogid = mob.getId() - 8830000;
return balrogid >= 0 && balrogid <= 2;
function isBalrogBody(mob) {
return mob.getId() == minMobId;
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {
if (isUnsealedBalrog(mob)) {
var count = eim.getIntProperty("boss");
if (count == 2) {
eim.dispatchRaiseQuestMobCount(bossMobId, entryMap);
eim.dispatchRaiseQuestMobCount(9101003, entryMap); // thanks Atoot for noticing quest not getting updated after boss kill
} else {
if (count == 1) {
var mapobj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
eim.setIntProperty("boss", count + 1);
if (isBalrogBody(mob)) {
eim.schedule("spawnSealedBalrog", 10 * 1000);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author: Ronan
* @event: Vs Balrog
var isPq = true;
var minPlayers = 3, maxPlayers = 30;
var minLevel = 50, maxLevel = 255;
var entryMap = 105100400;
var exitMap = 105100100;
var recruitMap = 105100100;
var clearMap = 105100401;
var minMapId = 105100400;
var maxMapId = 105100401;
var minMobId = 8830007;
var maxMobId = 8830013;
var bossMobId = 8830010;
var eventTime = 60; // 60 minutes
var releaseClawTime = 1;
const maxLobbies = 1;
function init() {
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
var reqStr = "";
reqStr += "\r\n Number of players: ";
if (maxPlayers - minPlayers >= 1) {
reqStr += minPlayers + " ~ " + maxPlayers;
} else {
reqStr += minPlayers;
reqStr += "\r\n Level range: ";
if (maxLevel - minLevel >= 1) {
reqStr += minLevel + " ~ " + maxLevel;
} else {
reqStr += minLevel;
reqStr += "\r\n Time limit: ";
reqStr += eventTime + " minutes";
em.setProperty("party", reqStr);
function setEventExclusives(eim) {
var itemSet = [];
function setEventRewards(eim) {
var itemSet, itemQty, evLevel, expStages;
evLevel = 1; //Rewards at clear PQ
itemSet = [];
itemQty = [];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
expStages = []; //bonus exp given on CLEAR stage signal
function getEligibleParty(party) { //selects, from the given party, the team that is allowed to attempt this event
var eligible = [];
var hasLeader = false;
if (party.size() > 0) {
var partyList = party.toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
var ch = partyList[i];
if (ch.getMapId() == recruitMap && ch.getLevel() >= minLevel && ch.getLevel() <= maxLevel) {
if (ch.isLeader()) {
hasLeader = true;
if (!(hasLeader && eligible.length >= minPlayers && eligible.length <= maxPlayers)) {
eligible = [];
return, Java.type('[]'));
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("Balrog" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
eim.schedule("releaseLeftClaw", releaseClawTime * 60000);
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function releaseLeftClaw(eim) {
function spawnBalrog(eim) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
mapObj.spawnFakeMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830007), new Point(412, 258));
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830009), new Point(412, 258));
mapObj.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8830013), new Point(412, 258));
function spawnSealedBalrog(eim) {
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap).spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(bossMobId), new Point(412, 258));
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap);
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(exitMap, 0);
function playerLeft(eim, player) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerDead(eim, player) {}
function playerRevive(eim, player) { // player presses ok on the death pop up.
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
if (eim.isExpeditionTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function end(eim) {
var party = eim.getPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
playerExit(eim, party.get(i));
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
function clearPQ(eim) {
function isUnsealedBalrog(mob) {
var balrogid = mob.getId() - 8830007;
return balrogid >= 0 && balrogid <= 2;
function isBalrogBody(mob) {
return mob.getId() == minMobId;
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {
if (isUnsealedBalrog(mob)) {
var count = eim.getIntProperty("boss");
if (count == 2) {
eim.dispatchRaiseQuestMobCount(bossMobId, entryMap);
} else {
if (count == 1) {
var mapobj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
eim.setIntProperty("boss", count + 1);
if (isBalrogBody(mob)) {
eim.schedule("spawnSealedBalrog", 10 * 1000);
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose(eim) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @Author Ronan
* Event - Balrog Quest
var entryMap = 910520000;
var exitMap = 105100100;
var minMapId = 910520000;
var maxMapId = 910520000;
var eventTime = 10; //10 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function init() {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("BalrogQuest_" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("boss", "0");
return eim;
function respawnStages(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var mapObj = eim.getInstanceMap(entryMap);
player.changeMap(entryMap, 1);
em.setProperty("noEntry", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
player.sendPacket(PacketCreator.getClock(eventTime * 60));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
em.setProperty("noEntry", "false");
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
var player = eim.getPlayers().get(0);
playerExit(eim, player);
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, chr, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
playerExit(eim, chr);
function isBalrog(mob) {
return mob.getId() == 9300326;
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {
if (isBalrog(mob)) {
const Point = Java.type('java.awt.Point');
eim.spawnNpc(1061015, new Point(0, 115), mob.getMap());
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}

scripts/event/Boats.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
var Orbis_btf;
var Boat_to_Orbis;
var Orbis_Boat_Cabin;
var Orbis_docked;
var Ellinia_btf;
var Ellinia_Boat_Cabin;
var Ellinia_docked;
//Time Setting is in millisecond
var closeTime = 4 * 60 * 1000; //The time to close the gate
var beginTime = 5 * 60 * 1000; //The time to begin the ride
var rideTime = 10 * 60 * 1000; //The time that require move to destination
var invasionStartTime = 3 * 60 * 1000; //The time to balrog ship approach
var invasionDelayTime = 1 * 60 * 1000; //The time to balrog ship approach
var invasionDelay = 5 * 1000; //The time that spawn balrog
function init() {
closeTime = em.getTransportationTime(closeTime);
beginTime = em.getTransportationTime(beginTime);
rideTime = em.getTransportationTime(rideTime);
invasionStartTime = em.getTransportationTime(invasionStartTime);
invasionDelayTime = em.getTransportationTime(invasionDelayTime);
Orbis_btf = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200000112);
Ellinia_btf = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(101000301);
Boat_to_Orbis = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200090010);
Boat_to_Ellinia = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200090000);
Orbis_Boat_Cabin = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200090011);
Ellinia_Boat_Cabin = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200090001);
Ellinia_docked = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(101000300);
Orbis_Station = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200000100);
Orbis_docked = em.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(200000111);
function scheduleNew() {
em.setProperty("docked", "true");
em.setProperty("entry", "true");
em.setProperty("haveBalrog", "false");
em.schedule("stopentry", closeTime);
em.schedule("takeoff", beginTime);
function stopentry() {
em.setProperty("entry", "false");
Orbis_Boat_Cabin.clearMapObjects(); //boxes
function takeoff() {
em.setProperty("docked", "false");
if (Math.random() < 0.42) {
em.schedule("approach", (invasionStartTime + Math.trunc((Math.random() * invasionDelayTime))));
em.schedule("arrived", rideTime);
function arrived() {
Boat_to_Orbis.warpEveryone(Orbis_Station.getId(), 0);
Orbis_Boat_Cabin.warpEveryone(Orbis_Station.getId(), 0);
Boat_to_Ellinia.warpEveryone(Ellinia_docked.getId(), 1);
Ellinia_Boat_Cabin.warpEveryone(Ellinia_docked.getId(), 1);
em.setProperty("haveBalrog", "false");
function approach() {
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) < 10) {
em.setProperty("haveBalrog", "true");
const PacketCreator = Java.type('tools.PacketCreator');
em.schedule("invasion", invasionDelay);
function invasion() {
const LifeFactory = Java.type('');
var map1 = Boat_to_Ellinia;
var pos1 = new java.awt.Point(-538, 143);
map1.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8150000), pos1);
map1.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8150000), pos1);
var map2 = Boat_to_Orbis;
var pos2 = new java.awt.Point(339, 148);
map2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8150000), pos2);
map2.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(LifeFactory.getMonster(8150000), pos2);
function cancelSchedule() {}
// ---------- FILLER FUNCTIONS ----------
function dispose() {}
function setup(eim, leaderid) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobid) {return 0;}
function disbandParty(eim, player) {}
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {}
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {}
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {}
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function clearPQ(eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}

scripts/event/BossRushPQ.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author: Ronan
* @event: Boss Rush PQ
var isPq = true;
var minPlayers = 1, maxPlayers = 6;
var minLevel = 1, maxLevel = 255;
var entryMap = 970030100;
var exitMap = 970030000;
var recruitMap = 970030000;
var clearMap = 970030000;
var minMapId = 970030001;
var maxMapId = 970042711;
var eventTime = 5; //5 minutes
const maxLobbies = 7;
function init() {
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
var reqStr = "";
reqStr += "\r\n Number of players: ";
if (maxPlayers - minPlayers >= 1) {
reqStr += minPlayers + " ~ " + maxPlayers;
} else {
reqStr += minPlayers;
reqStr += "\r\n Level range: ";
if (maxLevel - minLevel >= 1) {
reqStr += minLevel + " ~ " + maxLevel;
} else {
reqStr += minLevel;
reqStr += "\r\n Time limit: ";
reqStr += eventTime + " minutes";
em.setProperty("party", reqStr);
function setEventExclusives(eim) {}
function setEventRewards(eim) {
var itemSet, itemQty, evLevel;
evLevel = 6; //Rewards at event completion
itemSet = [3010061, 1122018, 1122005, 1022088, 1402013, 1032030, 1032070, 1102046, 2330004, 2041013, 2041016, 2041019, 2041022, 2049100, 2049003, 2020012, 2020013, 2020014, 2020015, 2022029, 2022045, 2022068, 2022069, 2022180, 2022179, 4004000, 4004001, 4004002, 4004003, 4004004, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 4, 4, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 25];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
evLevel = 5; //Rewards at Rest Spot V
itemSet = [3010063, 1122018, 1122005, 1022088, 1402013, 1032030, 1032070, 1102046, 2330004, 2041013, 2041016, 2041019, 2041022, 2049100, 2049003, 2020012, 2020013, 2020014, 2020015, 2022029, 2022045, 2022068, 2022069, 2022180, 2022179, 4004000, 4004001, 4004002, 4004003, 4004004, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 2, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
evLevel = 4; //Rewards at Rest Spot IV
itemSet = [1122001, 1122006, 1022103, 1442065, 1032042, 1032021, 1102168, 2070005, 2040025, 2040029, 2040301, 2040413, 2040701, 2040817, 2002028, 2020009, 2020010, 2020011, 2022004, 2022005, 2022025, 2022027, 2022048, 2022049, 4020000, 4020001, 4020002, 4020003, 4020004, 4020005, 4020006, 4020007, 4020008, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
evLevel = 3; //Rewards at Rest Spot III
itemSet = [1122002, 1022088, 1012076, 1402029, 1032041, 1032044, 1102167, 2070011, 2040026, 2040030, 2040302, 2040412, 2040702, 2040818, 2002028, 2020009, 2020010, 2020011, 2022004, 2022005, 2022025, 2022027, 2022048, 2022049, 4010000, 4010001, 4010002, 4010003, 4010004, 4010005, 4010006, 4010007, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
evLevel = 2; //Rewards at Rest Spot II
itemSet = [1122003, 1012077, 1012079, 1432014, 1032059, 1032002, 1102191, 2330002, 2040001, 2040311, 2040401, 2040601, 2040824, 2040901, 2010000, 2010001, 2010002, 2010003, 2010004, 2020001, 2020002, 2020003, 2022020, 2022022, 4020000, 4020001, 4020002, 4020003, 4020004, 4020005, 4020006, 4020007, 4020008, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
evLevel = 1; //Rewards at Rest Spot I
itemSet = [1122004, 1012078, 1432008, 1432009, 1032040, 1032009, 1102166, 2070001, 2040002, 2040310, 2040400, 2040600, 2040825, 2040902, 2010000, 2010001, 2010002, 2010003, 2010004, 2020001, 2020002, 2020003, 2022020, 2022022, 4010000, 4010001, 4010002, 4010003, 4010004, 4010005, 4010006, 4010007, 4003000];
itemQty = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
function getEligibleParty(party) { //selects, from the given party, the team that is allowed to attempt this event
var eligible = [];
var hasLeader = false;
if (party.size() > 0) {
var partyList = party.toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
var ch = partyList[i];
if (ch.getMapId() == recruitMap && ch.getLevel() >= minLevel && ch.getLevel() <= maxLevel) {
if (ch.isLeader()) {
hasLeader = true;
if (!(hasLeader && eligible.length >= minPlayers && eligible.length <= maxPlayers)) {
eligible = [];
return, Java.type('[]'));
function setup(level, lobbyid) {
var eim = em.newInstance("BossRush" + lobbyid);
eim.setProperty("level", level);
eim.setProperty("lobby", lobbyid);
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
return eim;
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(entryMap + eim.getIntProperty("lobby"));
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(exitMap, 0);
function playerLeft(eim, player) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
playerExit(eim, player);
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {
var mapid = leader.getMapId();
if (!eim.isEventCleared() && (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId)) {
function playerDead(eim, player) {}
function playerRevive(eim, player) { // player presses ok on the death pop up.
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
playerExit(eim, player);
function leftParty(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(false, minPlayers, player)) {
} else {
playerLeft(eim, player);
function disbandParty(eim) {
if (!eim.isEventCleared()) {
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function end(eim) {
var party = eim.getPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
playerExit(eim, party.get(i));
function clearPQ(eim) {
eim.setEventCleared(); // from now on event just finishes when ALL players gets out of the range defined inside changedMap function.
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose(eim) {}

scripts/event/CWKPQ.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
This file is part of the HeavenMS MapleStory Server
Copyleft (L) 2016 - 2019 RonanLana
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by
the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute
this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @author: Ronan
* @event: Crimsonwood Keep PQ
var isPq = true;
var minPlayers = 6, maxPlayers = 30;
var minLevel = 90, maxLevel = 255;
var entryMap = 610030100;
var exitMap = 610030020;
var recruitMap = 610030020;
var clearMap = 610030020;
var minMapId = 610030100;
var maxMapId = 610030800;
var eventTime = 2; // 2 minutes for first stg
const maxLobbies = 1;
function init() {
function getMaxLobbies() {
return maxLobbies;
function setEventRequirements() {
var reqStr = "";
reqStr += "\r\n Number of players: ";
if (maxPlayers - minPlayers >= 1) {
reqStr += minPlayers + " ~ " + maxPlayers;
} else {
reqStr += minPlayers;
reqStr += "\r\n Level range: ";
if (maxLevel - minLevel >= 1) {
reqStr += minLevel + " ~ " + maxLevel;
} else {
reqStr += minLevel;
reqStr += "\r\n Time limit: ";
reqStr += eventTime + " minutes";
em.setProperty("party", reqStr);
function setEventExclusives(eim) {
var itemSet = [4001256, 4001257, 4001258, 4001259, 4001260];
function setEventRewards(eim) {
var itemSet, itemQty, evLevel, expStages, mesoStages;
evLevel = 1; //Rewards at clear PQ
itemSet = [];
itemQty = [];
eim.setEventRewards(evLevel, itemSet, itemQty);
expStages = [2500, 8000, 18000, 25000, 30000, 40000]; //bonus exp given on CLEAR stage signal
mesoStages = [500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, 20000]; //bonus meso given on CLEAR stage signal
function afterSetup(eim) {}
function getNameFromList(index, array) {
return array[index];
function generateMapReactors(map) {
var jobReactors = [[0, 0, -1, -1, 0],
[-1, 4, 3, 3, 3],
[1, 3, 4, 2, 2],
[2, -1, 0, 1, -1],
[3, 2, 1, 0, -1],
[4, 1, -1, 4, 1],
[-1, 2, 4],
[-1, -1]
var rndIndex;
var jobFound;
while (true) {
jobFound = {};
rndIndex = [];
for (var i = 0; i < jobReactors.length; i++) {
var jobReactorSlot = jobReactors[i];
var idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * jobReactorSlot.length);
jobFound["" + jobReactorSlot[idx]] = 1;
if (Object.keys(jobFound).length == 6) {
var toDeploy = [];
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[0], ["4skill0a", "4skill0b", "4fake1c", "4fake1d", "4skill0e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[1], ["4fake0a", "4skill4b", "4skill3c", "4skill3d", "4skill3e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[2], ["4skill1a", "4skill3b", "4skill4c", "4skill2d", "4skill2e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[3], ["4skill2a", "4fake1b", "4skill0c", "4skill1d", "4fake1e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[4], ["4skill3a", "4skill2b", "4skill1c", "4skill0d", "4fake0e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[5], ["4skill4a", "4skill1b", "4fake0c", "4skill4d", "4skill1e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[6], ["4fake1a", "4skill2c", "4skill4e"]));
toDeploy.push(getNameFromList(rndIndex[7], ["4fake0b", "4fake0d"]));
var toRandomize = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toDeploy.length; i++) {
var react = map.getReactorByName(toDeploy[i]);
function setup(channel) {
var eim = em.newInstance("CWKPQ" + channel);
eim.setProperty("current_instance", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq1", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq2", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq3", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq3_p", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq4", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq5", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq5_room", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq6", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f0", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f1", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f2", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f3", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f4", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f5", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f6", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_f7", "0");
eim.setProperty("glpq_s", "0");
var level = 1;
//add environments
var a = Array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i");
var map = eim.getInstanceMap(610030400);
for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) {
for (var y = 1; y <= 7; y++) {
if (x == 1 || x == 3 || x == 4 || x == 6 || x == 8) {
if (y != 2 && y != 4 && y != 5 && y != 7) {
map.moveEnvironment(a[x] + "" + y, 1);
} else {
map.moveEnvironment(a[x] + "" + y, 1);
var pos_x = Array(944, 401, 28, -332, -855);
var pos_y = Array(-204, -384, -504, -384, -204);
var map = eim.getInstanceMap(610030540);
for (var z = 0; z < pos_x.length; z++) {
var mob = em.getMonster(9400594);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob, new java.awt.Point(pos_x[z], pos_y[z]));
eim.startEventTimer(eventTime * 60000);
eim.schedule("spawnGuardians", 60000);
return eim;
function playerEntry(eim, player) {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] " + player.getName() + " has entered the map.");
var map = eim.getMapInstance(610030100 + (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") * 100));
player.changeMap(map, map.getPortal(0));
function spawnGuardians(eim) {
var map = eim.getMapInstance(610030100);
if (map.countPlayers() <= 0) {
map.broadcastStringMessage(5, "The Master Guardians have detected you.");
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { //spawn 20 guardians
var mob = eim.getMonster(9400594);
map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob, new java.awt.Point(1000, 336));
function scheduledTimeout(eim) {
function changedMap(eim, player, mapid) {
if (mapid < minMapId || mapid > maxMapId) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] Either the leader has quit the expedition or there is no longer the minimum number of members required to continue it.");
} else {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] " + player.getName() + " has left the instance.");
} else {
switch (mapid) {
case 610030200:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 0) {
eim.restartEventTimer(600000); //10 mins
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 1);
case 610030300:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 1) {
eim.restartEventTimer(600000); //10 mins
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 2);
case 610030400:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 2) {
eim.restartEventTimer(600000); //10 mins
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 3);
case 610030500:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 3) {
eim.restartEventTimer(1200000); //20 mins
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 4);
case 610030600:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 4) {
eim.restartEventTimer(3600000); //1 hr
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 5);
case 610030800:
if (eim.getIntProperty("current_instance") == 5) {
eim.restartEventTimer(60000); //1 min
eim.setIntProperty("current_instance", 6);
function changedLeader(eim, leader) {}
function playerDead(eim, player) {}
function playerRevive(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] Either the leader has quit the expedition or there is no longer the minimum number of members required to continue it.");
} else {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] " + player.getName() + " has left the instance.");
function playerDisconnected(eim, player) {
if (eim.isEventTeamLackingNow(true, minPlayers, player)) {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] Either the leader has quit the expedition or there is no longer the minimum number of members required to continue it.");
} else {
eim.dropMessage(5, "[Expedition] " + player.getName() + " has left the instance.");
function leftParty(eim, player) {}
function disbandParty(eim) {}
function monsterValue(eim, mobId) {
return 1;
function playerUnregistered(eim, player) {}
function playerExit(eim, player) {
player.changeMap(exitMap, 0);
function end(eim) {
var party = eim.getPlayers();
for (var i = 0; i < party.size(); i++) {
playerExit(eim, party.get(i));
function giveRandomEventReward(eim, player) {
function clearPQ(eim) {
function monsterKilled(mob, eim) {}
function allMonstersDead(eim) {}
function cancelSchedule() {}
function dispose(eim) {}

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