
447 lines
16 KiB

// enable touch functions - set version to windows 7
// mingw otherwise doesn't load touch stuff
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601
#include "wintouchemu.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "cfg/screen_resize.h"
#include "games/iidx/iidx.h"
#include "hooks/graphics/graphics.h"
#include "overlay/overlay.h"
#include "overlay/windows/generic_sub.h"
#include "touch/touch.h"
#include "util/detour.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "util/utils.h"
#include "avs/game.h"
namespace wintouchemu {
typedef struct {
POINT pos;
bool last_button_pressed;
DWORD touch_event;
} mouse_state_t;
// settings
bool FORCE = false;
bool LOG_FPS = false;
static inline bool is_emu_enabled() {
return FORCE || !is_touch_available() || GRAPHICS_SHOW_CURSOR;
static decltype(GetSystemMetrics) *GetSystemMetrics_orig = nullptr;
static decltype(RegisterTouchWindow) *RegisterTouchWindow_orig = nullptr;
static int WINAPI GetSystemMetrics_hook(int nIndex) {
* fake touch screen
* the game requires 0x01 and 0x02 flags to be set
* 0x40 and 0x80 are set for completeness
if (nIndex == 94)
return 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x40 | 0x80;
// call original
if (GetSystemMetrics_orig != nullptr) {
return GetSystemMetrics_orig(nIndex);
// return error
return 0;
static BOOL WINAPI RegisterTouchWindow_hook(HWND hwnd, ULONG ulFlags) {
// don't register it if the emu is enabled
if (is_emu_enabled()) {
return true;
// call default
return RegisterTouchWindow_orig(hwnd, ulFlags);
// state
BOOL (WINAPI *GetTouchInputInfo_orig)(HANDLE, UINT, PTOUCHINPUT, int);
bool USE_MOUSE = false;
std::vector<TouchEvent> TOUCH_EVENTS;
std::vector<TouchPoint> TOUCH_POINTS;
std::string WINDOW_TITLE_START = "";
std::optional<std::string> WINDOW_TITLE_END = std::nullopt;
bool INITIALIZED = false;
mouse_state_t mouse_state;
void hook(const char *window_title, HMODULE module) {
// hooks
auto system_metrics_hook = detour::iat_try(
"GetSystemMetrics", GetSystemMetrics_hook, module);
auto register_touch_window_hook = detour::iat_try(
"RegisterTouchWindow", RegisterTouchWindow_hook, module);
// don't hook twice
if (GetSystemMetrics_orig == nullptr) {
GetSystemMetrics_orig = system_metrics_hook;
if (RegisterTouchWindow_orig == nullptr) {
RegisterTouchWindow_orig = register_touch_window_hook;
// set module and title
WINDOW_TITLE_START = window_title;
void hook_title_ends(const char *window_title_start, const char *window_title_end, HMODULE module) {
hook(window_title_start, module);
WINDOW_TITLE_END = window_title_end;
static BOOL WINAPI GetTouchInputInfoHook(HANDLE hTouchInput, UINT cInputs, PTOUCHINPUT pInputs, int cbSize) {
// check if original should be called
if (hTouchInput != GetTouchInputInfoHook) {
return GetTouchInputInfo_orig(hTouchInput, cInputs, pInputs, cbSize);
// set touch inputs
bool result = false;
bool mouse_used = false;
for (UINT input = 0; input < cInputs; input++) {
auto *touch_input = &pInputs[input];
// clear touch input
touch_input->x = 0;
touch_input->y = 0;
touch_input->hSource = nullptr;
touch_input->dwID = 0;
touch_input->dwFlags = 0;
touch_input->dwMask = 0;
touch_input->dwTime = 0;
touch_input->dwExtraInfo = 0;
touch_input->cxContact = 0;
touch_input->cyContact = 0;
// get touch event
TouchEvent *touch_event = nullptr;
if (TOUCH_EVENTS.size() > input) {
touch_event = &TOUCH_EVENTS.at(input);
// check touch point
if (touch_event) {
// set touch point
result = true;
auto x = touch_event->x;
auto y = touch_event->y;
auto valid = true;
// log_misc("wintouchemu", "touch event ({}, {})", to_string(x), to_string(y));
// touch was received on subscreen window.
RECT clientRect {};
GetClientRect(TDJ_SUBSCREEN_WINDOW, &clientRect);
x = (float) x / clientRect.right * SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_WIDTH + SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_X;
y = (float) y / clientRect.bottom * SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_HEIGHT + SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_Y;
} else if (overlay::OVERLAY) {
// touch was received on global coords
valid = overlay::OVERLAY->transform_touch_point(&x, &y);
} else {
valid = false;
touch_input->x = x * 100;
touch_input->y = y * 100;
touch_input->hSource = hTouchInput;
touch_input->dwID = touch_event->id;
touch_input->dwFlags = 0;
switch (touch_event->type) {
if (valid) {
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN;
if (valid) {
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE;
case TOUCH_UP:
// don't check valid so that this touch ID can be released
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_UP;
touch_input->dwMask = 0;
touch_input->dwTime = 0;
touch_input->dwExtraInfo = 0;
touch_input->cxContact = 0;
touch_input->cyContact = 0;
} else if (USE_MOUSE && !mouse_used) {
// disable further mouse inputs this call
mouse_used = true;
if (mouse_state.touch_event) {
result = true;
touch_input->x = mouse_state.pos.x;
touch_input->y = mouse_state.pos.y;
touch_input->x -= SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_X;
touch_input->y -= SPICETOUCH_TOUCH_Y;
// log_misc("wintouchemu", "mouse state ({}, {})", to_string(touch_input->x), to_string(touch_input->y));
auto valid = true;
if (overlay::OVERLAY) {
valid = overlay::OVERLAY->transform_touch_point(
&touch_input->x, &touch_input->y);
// touch inputs require 100x precision per pixel
touch_input->x *= 100;
touch_input->y *= 100;
touch_input->hSource = hTouchInput;
touch_input->dwID = 0;
touch_input->dwFlags = 0;
switch (mouse_state.touch_event) {
if (valid) {
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN;
if (valid) {
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE;
// don't check valid so that this touch ID can be released
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_UP;
touch_input->dwMask = 0;
touch_input->dwTime = 0;
touch_input->dwExtraInfo = 0;
touch_input->cxContact = 0;
touch_input->cyContact = 0;
// reset it since the event was consumed & propagated as touch
mouse_state.touch_event = 0;
} else if (!GRAPHICS_IIDX_WSUB) {
* For some reason, Nostalgia won't show an active touch point unless a move event
* triggers in the same frame. To work around this, we just supply a fake move
* event if we didn't update the same pointer ID in the same call.
// find touch point which has no associated input event
TouchPoint *touch_point = nullptr;
for (auto &tp : TOUCH_POINTS) {
bool found = false;
for (UINT i = 0; i < cInputs; i++) {
if (input > 0 && pInputs[i].dwID == tp.id) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
touch_point = &tp;
// check if unused touch point was found
if (touch_point) {
// set touch point
result = true;
touch_input->x = touch_point->x * 100;
touch_input->y = touch_point->y * 100;
touch_input->hSource = hTouchInput;
touch_input->dwID = touch_point->id;
touch_input->dwFlags = 0;
touch_input->dwFlags |= TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE;
touch_input->dwMask = 0;
touch_input->dwTime = 0;
touch_input->dwExtraInfo = 0;
touch_input->cxContact = 0;
touch_input->cyContact = 0;
// return success
return result;
void update() {
// check if initialized
// no need for hooks if touch is available
if (!is_emu_enabled()) {
// get window handle
static HWND hWnd = nullptr;
if (hWnd == nullptr) {
// start with the active foreground window
hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
auto title = get_window_title(hWnd);
// if the foreground window does not match the window title start, find a window
// that does
if (!string_begins_with(title, WINDOW_TITLE_START)) {
hWnd = FindWindowBeginsWith(WINDOW_TITLE_START);
title = get_window_title(hWnd);
// if a window title end is set, check to see if it matches
if (WINDOW_TITLE_END.has_value() && !string_ends_with(title.c_str(), WINDOW_TITLE_END.value().c_str())) {
hWnd = nullptr;
title = "";
for (auto &window : find_windows_beginning_with(WINDOW_TITLE_START)) {
auto check_title = get_window_title(window);
if (string_ends_with(check_title.c_str(), WINDOW_TITLE_END.value().c_str())) {
hWnd = std::move(window);
title = std::move(check_title);
// check window
if (hWnd == nullptr) {
// check if windowed
// no handling is needed here
// graphics::MoveWindow_hook will attach hook to windowed subscreen
log_info("wintouchemu", "attach touch hook to windowed subscreen for TDJ");
USE_MOUSE = false;
} else if (avs::game::is_model("LDJ") && !GENERIC_SUB_WINDOW_FULLSIZE) {
// overlay subscreen in IIDX
// use mouse position as ImGui overlay will block the touch window
log_info("wintouchemu", "use mouse cursor API for overlay subscreen");
USE_MOUSE = true;
} else {
// create touch window - create overlay if not yet existing at this point
log_info("wintouchemu", "create touch window relative to main game window");
touch_create_wnd(hWnd, overlay::ENABLED && !overlay::OVERLAY);
USE_MOUSE = false;
"using raw mouse cursor API in full screen and injecting them as WM_TOUCH events");
USE_MOUSE = true;
} else {
log_info("wintouchemu", "activating DirectX hooks");
// mouse position based input only
USE_MOUSE = false;
// hooks
auto GetTouchInputInfo_orig_new = detour::iat_try(
"GetTouchInputInfo", GetTouchInputInfoHook, HOOKED_MODULE);
if (GetTouchInputInfo_orig == nullptr) {
GetTouchInputInfo_orig = GetTouchInputInfo_orig_new;
// update touch events
if (hWnd != nullptr) {
// get touch events
// get touch points
// get event count
auto event_count = TOUCH_EVENTS.size();
// for the fake move events
event_count += MAX(0, (int) (TOUCH_POINTS.size() - TOUCH_EVENTS.size()));
// check if new events are available
if (event_count > 0) {
// send fake event to make the game update it's touch inputs
auto wndProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC);
wndProc(hWnd, WM_TOUCH, MAKEWORD(event_count, 0), (LPARAM) GetTouchInputInfoHook);
// update frame logging
if (LOG_FPS) {
static int log_frames = 0;
static uint64_t log_time = 0;
if (log_time < get_system_seconds()) {
if (log_time > 0) {
log_info("wintouchemu", "polling at {} touch frames per second", log_frames);
log_frames = 0;
log_time = get_system_seconds();
// send separate WM_TOUCH event for mouse
// this must be separate from actual touch events because some games will ignore the return
// value from GetTouchInputInfo or fail to read dwFlags for valid events, so it's not OK to
// send empty events when the mouse button is not clicked/released
if (hWnd != nullptr && USE_MOUSE) {
bool button_pressed = ((GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x100) != 0);
// figure out what kind of touch event to simulate
if (button_pressed && !mouse_state.last_button_pressed) {
mouse_state.touch_event = TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN;
} else if (button_pressed && mouse_state.last_button_pressed) {
mouse_state.touch_event = TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE;
} else if (!button_pressed && mouse_state.last_button_pressed) {
mouse_state.touch_event = TOUCHEVENTF_UP;
mouse_state.last_button_pressed = button_pressed;
if (mouse_state.touch_event) {
// send fake event to make the game update it's touch inputs
auto wndProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC);
wndProc(hWnd, WM_TOUCH, MAKEWORD(1, 0), (LPARAM) GetTouchInputInfoHook);