
54 lines
1.4 KiB

#include "card.h"
#include <functional>
#include "external/rapidjson/document.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/utils.h"
#include "misc/eamuse.h"
using namespace std::placeholders;
using namespace rapidjson;
namespace api::modules {
Card::Card() : Module("card") {
functions["insert"] = std::bind(&Card::insert, this, _1, _2);
* insert(index, card_id)
* index: uint in range [0, 1]
* card_id: hex string of length 16
void Card::insert(Request &req, Response &res) {
// check params
if (req.params.Size() < 2)
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsUint())
return error_type(res, "index", "uint");
if (!req.params[1].IsString())
return error_type(res, "card_id", "hex string");
if (req.params[1].GetStringLength() != 16)
return error_size(res, "card_id", 16);
// get params
auto index = req.params[0].GetUint();
auto card_hex = req.params[1].GetString();
// convert to binary
uint8_t card_bin[8] {};
if (!hex2bin(card_hex, card_bin)) {
return error_type(res, "card_id", "hex string");
// log
if (LOGGING) {
log_info("api::card", "inserting card: {}", card_hex);
// insert card
eamuse_card_insert(index & 1, card_bin);