
234 lines
7.5 KiB

#include "memory.h"
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include "external/rapidjson/document.h"
#include "util/fileutils.h"
#include "util/libutils.h"
#include "util/memutils.h"
#include "util/sigscan.h"
#include "util/utils.h"
using namespace std::placeholders;
using namespace rapidjson;
namespace api::modules {
// global lock to prevent simultaneous access to memory
static std::mutex MEMORY_LOCK;
Memory::Memory() : Module("memory", true) {
functions["write"] = std::bind(&Memory::write, this, _1, _2);
functions["read"] = std::bind(&Memory::read, this, _1, _2);
functions["signature"] = std::bind(&Memory::signature, this, _1, _2);
* write(dll_name: str, data: hex, offset: uint)
void Memory::write(Request &req, Response &res) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(MEMORY_LOCK);
// check params
if (req.params.Size() < 3) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsString()) {
return error_type(res, "dll_name", "str");
if (!req.params[1].IsString() || (req.params[1].GetStringLength() & 1)) {
return error_type(res, "data", "hex string");
if (!req.params[2].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "offset", "uint");
// get params
auto dll_name = req.params[0].GetString();
auto dll_path = MODULE_PATH / dll_name;
auto data = req.params[1].GetString();
intptr_t offset = req.params[2].GetUint();
// convert data to bin
size_t data_bin_size = strlen(data) / 2;
auto data_bin = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(data_bin_size);
hex2bin(data, data_bin.get());
// check if file exists in modules
if (!fileutils::file_exists(dll_path)) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find " + dll_path.string());
// get module
auto module = libutils::try_module(dll_name);
if (!module) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find module.");
// convert offset to RVA
offset = libutils::offset2rva(dll_path, offset);
if (offset == ~0) {
return error(res, "Couldn't convert offset to RVA.");
// get module information
MODULEINFO module_info {};
if (!GetModuleInformation(GetCurrentProcess(), module, &module_info, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) {
return error(res, "Couldn't get module information.");
// check bounds
if (offset + data_bin_size >= (size_t) module_info.lpBaseOfDll + module_info.SizeOfImage) {
return error(res, "Data out of bounds.");
auto data_pos = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(module_info.lpBaseOfDll) + offset;
// replace data
memutils::VProtectGuard guard(data_pos, data_bin_size);
memcpy(data_pos, data_bin.get(), data_bin_size);
* read(dll_name: str, offset: uint, size: uint)
void Memory::read(Request &req, Response &res) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(MEMORY_LOCK);
// check params
if (req.params.Size() < 3) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsString()) {
return error_type(res, "dll_name", "str");
if (!req.params[1].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "offset", "uint");
if (!req.params[2].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "size", "uint");
// get params
auto dll_name = req.params[0].GetString();
auto dll_path = MODULE_PATH / dll_name;
intptr_t offset = req.params[1].GetUint();
auto size = req.params[2].GetUint();
// check if file exists in modules
if (!fileutils::file_exists(dll_path)) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find " + dll_path.string());
// get module
auto module = libutils::try_module(dll_name);
if (!module) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find module.");
// convert offset to RVA
offset = libutils::offset2rva(dll_path, offset);
if (offset == ~0) {
return error(res, "Couldn't convert offset to RVA.");
// get module information
MODULEINFO module_info {};
if (!GetModuleInformation(GetCurrentProcess(), module, &module_info, sizeof(MODULEINFO))) {
return error(res, "Couldn't get module information.");
// check bounds
auto max = offset + size;
if ((size_t) max >= (size_t) module_info.lpBaseOfDll + module_info.SizeOfImage) {
return error(res, "Data out of bounds.");
// read memory to hex (without virtual protect)
std::string hex = bin2hex((uint8_t*) module_info.lpBaseOfDll + offset, size);
Value hex_val(hex.c_str(), res.doc()->GetAllocator());
* signature(
* dll_name: str,
* signature: hex,
* replacement: hex,
* offset: uint,
* usage: uint)
* Both signature and replacement will ignore bytes specified as "??" in the hex string.
* The offset specifies the offset between the found signature and the position to write the replacement to.
* The resulting integer is the file offset where the replacement was written to.
void Memory::signature(Request &req, Response &res) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(MEMORY_LOCK);
// check params
if (req.params.Size() < 5) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsString()) {
return error_type(res, "dll_name", "string");
if (!req.params[1].IsString() || (req.params[1].GetStringLength() & 1)) {
return error_type(res, "signature", "hex string");
if (!req.params[2].IsString() || (req.params[2].GetStringLength() & 1)) {
return error_type(res, "replacement", "hex string");
if (!req.params[3].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "offset", "uint");
if (!req.params[4].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "usage", "uint");
// get params
auto dll_name = req.params[0].GetString();
auto dll_path = MODULE_PATH / dll_name;
auto signature = req.params[1].GetString();
auto replacement = req.params[2].GetString();
auto offset = req.params[3].GetUint();
auto usage = req.params[4].GetUint();
// check if file exists in modules
if (!fileutils::file_exists(dll_path)) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find " + dll_path.string());
// get module
auto module = libutils::try_module(dll_name);
if (!module) {
return error(res, "Couldn't find module.");
// execute
auto result = replace_pattern(
// check result
if (!result) {
return error(res, std::string("Pattern not found in memory of ") + dll_name);
// convert to offset
auto rva = result - reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(module);
result = libutils::rva2offset(dll_path, rva);
if (result == -1) {
return error(res, "Couldn't convert RVA to file offset.");
// add result
Value result_val(result);