/* * SpiceAPI Arduino Example Project * * To enable it in SpiceTools, use "-api 1337 -apipass changeme -apiserial COM1" or similar. */ /* * SpiceAPI Wrapper Buffer Sizes * * They should be as big as possible to be able to create/parse * some of the bigger requests/responses. Due to dynamic memory * limitations of some weaker devices, if you set them too high * you will probably experience crashes/bugs/problems, one * example would be "Request ID is invalid" in the log. */ #define SPICEAPI_WRAPPER_BUFFER_SIZE 256 #define SPICEAPI_WRAPPER_BUFFER_SIZE_STR 256 /* * WiFi Support * Uncomment to enable the wireless API interface. */ //#define ENABLE_WIFI /* * WiFi Settings * You can ignore these if you don't plan on using WiFi */ #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI #include WiFiClient client; #define SPICEAPI_INTERFACE client #define SPICEAPI_INTERFACE_WIFICLIENT #define SPICEAPI_INTERFACE_WIFICLIENT_HOST "" #define SPICEAPI_INTERFACE_WIFICLIENT_PORT 1337 #define WIFI_SSID "MySSID" #define WIFI_PASS "MyWifiPassword" #endif /* * This is the interface a serial connection will use. * You can change this to another Serial port, e.g. with an * Arduino Mega you can use Serial1/Serial2/Serial3. */ #ifndef ENABLE_WIFI #define SPICEAPI_INTERFACE Serial #endif /* * SpiceAPI Includes * * If you have the JSON strings beforehands or want to craft them * manually, you don't have to import the wrappers at all and can * use Connection::request to send and receive raw JSON strings. */ #include "connection.h" #include "wrappers.h" /* * This global object represents the API connection. * The first parameter is the buffer size of the JSON string * we're receiving. So a size of 512 will only be able to * hold a JSON of 512 characters maximum. * * An empty password string means no password is being used. * This is the recommended when using Serial only. */ spiceapi::Connection CON(512, "changeme"); void setup() { #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI /* * When using WiFi, we can use the Serial interface for debugging. * You can open Serial Monitor and see what IP it gets assigned to. */ Serial.begin(57600); // set WiFi mode to station (disables integrated AP) WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // now try connecting to our Router/AP Serial.print("Connecting"); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } // print debug info over serial Serial.print("\nLocal IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); #else /* * Since the API makes use of the Serial module, we need to * set it up using our preferred baud rate manually. */ SPICEAPI_INTERFACE.begin(57600); while (!SPICEAPI_INTERFACE); #endif } void loop() { /* * Here's a few tests/examples on how to make use of the wrappers. */ // insert cards for P1/P2 spiceapi::card_insert(CON, 0, "E004012345678901"); spiceapi::card_insert(CON, 1, "E004012345678902"); // insert a single coin / multiple coins spiceapi::coin_insert(CON); spiceapi::coin_insert(CON, 3); // get the IIDX led ticker text char ticker[9]; if (spiceapi::iidx_ticker_get(CON, ticker)) { // if a function returns true, that means success // now we can do something with the ticker as if it was a string //Serial1.println(ticker); } // get AVS info spiceapi::InfoAvs avs_info {}; if (spiceapi::info_avs(CON, avs_info)) { //Serial1.println(avs_info.model); } // enter some keys on P1 keypad (blocks until sequence is entered fully) spiceapi::keypads_write(CON, 0, "1234"); // get light states spiceapi::LightState lights[8]; size_t lights_size = spiceapi::lights_read(CON, lights, 8); for (size_t i = 0; i < lights_size; i++) { auto &light = lights[i]; //Serial1.println(light.name); //Serial1.println(light.value); // modify value to full bright light.value = 1.f; } // send back modified light states spiceapi::lights_write(CON, lights, lights_size); // refresh session (generates new crypt key, not that important for serial) spiceapi::control_session_refresh(CON); // you can also manually send requests without the wrappers // this avoids json generation, but you still need to parse it in some way const char *answer_json = CON.request( "{" "\"id\": 0," "\"module\":\"coin\"," "\"function\":\"insert\"," "\"params\":[]" "}" ); /* * For more functions/information, just check out wrappers.h yourself. * Have fun :) */ delay(5000); }