#include #include #include #include #include #include "avs/core.h" #include "avs/ea3.h" #include "avs/game.h" #include "util/logging.h" #include "util/detour.h" #include "util/fileutils.h" #include "util/libutils.h" // hooking related stuff static decltype(GetAdaptersInfo) *GetAdaptersInfo_orig = nullptr; static decltype(bind) *bind_orig = nullptr; // settings std::string NETWORK_ADDRESS = ""; std::string NETWORK_SUBNET = ""; static bool GetAdaptersInfo_log = true; // network structs static struct in_addr network; static struct in_addr prefix; static struct in_addr subnet; static ULONG WINAPI GetAdaptersInfo_hook(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen) { // call orig ULONG ret = GetAdaptersInfo_orig(pAdapterInfo, pOutBufLen); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // workaround for QMA not having enough buffer space if (pAdapterInfo != nullptr && avs::game::is_model({ "LMA", "MMA" })) { // allocate the output buffer size auto pAdapterInfo2 = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO) malloc(*pOutBufLen); // call ourself with an appropriate buffer size ret = GetAdaptersInfo_hook(pAdapterInfo2, pOutBufLen); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // copy best interface memcpy(pAdapterInfo, pAdapterInfo2, sizeof(*pAdapterInfo)); pAdapterInfo->Next = nullptr; // free our allocated memory free(pAdapterInfo2); } return ret; } // set the best network adapter PIP_ADAPTER_INFO info = pAdapterInfo; while (info != nullptr) { // set subnet struct in_addr info_subnet; info_subnet.s_addr = inet_addr(info->IpAddressList.IpMask.String); // set prefix struct in_addr info_prefix; info_prefix.s_addr = inet_addr(info->IpAddressList.IpAddress.String) & info_subnet.s_addr; // check base IP and subnet bool isCorrectBaseIp = prefix.s_addr == info_prefix.s_addr; bool isCorrectSubnetMask = subnet.s_addr == info_subnet.s_addr; // check if requirements are met if (isCorrectBaseIp && isCorrectSubnetMask) { // log adapter if (GetAdaptersInfo_log) log_info("network", "Using preferred network adapter: {}, {}", info->AdapterName, info->Description); // set adapter information memcpy(pAdapterInfo, info, sizeof(*info)); pAdapterInfo->Next = nullptr; // we're done GetAdaptersInfo_log = false; return ret; } // iterate info = info->Next; } // get IP forward table PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE pIpForwardTable = (MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE)); DWORD dwSize = 0; if (GetIpForwardTable(pIpForwardTable, &dwSize, 1) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { free(pIpForwardTable); pIpForwardTable = (MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *) malloc(dwSize); } if (GetIpForwardTable(pIpForwardTable, &dwSize, 1) != NO_ERROR || pIpForwardTable->dwNumEntries == 0) return ret; // determine best interface DWORD best = pIpForwardTable->table[0].dwForwardIfIndex; free(pIpForwardTable); // find fallback adapter info = pAdapterInfo; while (info != nullptr) { // check if this the adapter we search for if (info->Index == best) { // log information if (GetAdaptersInfo_log) log_info("network", "Using fallback network adapter: {}, {}", info->AdapterName, info->Description); // set adapter information memcpy(pAdapterInfo, info, sizeof(*info)); pAdapterInfo->Next = nullptr; // exit the loop break; } // iterate info = info->Next; } // return original value GetAdaptersInfo_log = false; return ret; } static int WINAPI bind_hook(SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) { #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma ide diagnostic ignored "OCDFAInspection" // cast to sockaddr_in struct sockaddr_in *in_name = (struct sockaddr_in *) name; #pragma clang diagnostic pop // override bind to allow all hosts in_name->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); // call original int ret = bind_orig(s, name, namelen); if (ret != 0) { log_warning("network", "bind failed: {}", WSAGetLastError()); } // return result return ret; } void networkhook_init() { // announce init log_info("network", "SpiceTools Network"); // set some same defaults network.s_addr = inet_addr(NETWORK_ADDRESS.c_str()); subnet.s_addr = inet_addr(NETWORK_SUBNET.c_str()); prefix.s_addr = network.s_addr & subnet.s_addr; // inet_ntoa(...) reuses the same char array so the results must be copied char s_network[17]{}, s_subnet[17]{}, s_prefix[17]{}; strncpy(s_network, inet_ntoa(network), 16); strncpy(s_subnet, inet_ntoa(subnet), 16); strncpy(s_prefix, inet_ntoa(prefix), 16); // log preferences log_info("network", "Network preferences: {}", s_network, s_subnet, s_prefix); // GetAdaptersInfo hook auto orig_addr = detour::iat_try( "GetAdaptersInfo", GetAdaptersInfo_hook, nullptr); if (!orig_addr) { log_warning("network", "Could not hook GetAdaptersInfo"); } else if (GetAdaptersInfo_orig == nullptr) { GetAdaptersInfo_orig = orig_addr; } /* * Bind Hook */ bool bind_hook_enabled = true; // disable hook for DDR A since the bind hook crashes there for some reason if (fileutils::file_exists(MODULE_PATH / "gamemdx.dll")) { bind_hook_enabled = false; } // hook bind if (bind_hook_enabled) { // hook by name auto new_bind_orig = detour::iat_try("bind", bind_hook, nullptr); if (bind_orig == nullptr) { bind_orig = new_bind_orig; } // hook ESS by ordinal HMODULE ess = libutils::try_module("ess.dll"); if (ess) { auto new_bind_orig2 = detour::iat_try_ordinal("WS2_32.dll", 2, bind_hook, ess); // try to get some valid pointer if (bind_orig == nullptr && new_bind_orig2 != nullptr) { bind_orig = new_bind_orig2; } } } }