# A single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++ This mini-repository has my very own implementation of a lock-free queue (that I designed from scratch) for C++. It only supports a two-thread use case (one consuming, and one producing). The threads can't switch roles, though you could use this queue completely from a single thread if you wish (but that would sort of defeat the purpose!). Note: If you need a general-purpose multi-producer, multi-consumer lock free queue, I have [one of those too][mpmc]. ## Features - [Blazing fast][benchmarks] - Compatible with C++11 (supports moving objects instead of making copies) - Fully generic (templated container of any type) -- just like `std::queue`, you never need to allocate memory for elements yourself (which saves you the hassle of writing a lock-free memory manager to hold the elements you're queueing) - Allocates memory up front, in contiguous blocks - Provides a `try_enqueue` method which is guaranteed never to allocate memory (the queue starts with an initial capacity) - Also provides an `enqueue` method which can dynamically grow the size of the queue as needed - Also provides `try_emplace`/`emplace` convenience methods - Has a blocking version with `wait_dequeue` - Completely "wait-free" (no compare-and-swap loop). Enqueue and dequeue are always O(1) (not counting memory allocation) - On x86, the memory barriers compile down to no-ops, meaning enqueue and dequeue are just a simple series of loads and stores (and branches) ## Use Simply drop the readerwriterqueue.h and atomicops.h files into your source code and include them :-) A modern compiler is required (MSVC2010+, GCC 4.7+, ICC 13+, or any C++11 compliant compiler should work). Note: If you're using GCC, you really do need GCC 4.7 or above -- [4.6 has a bug][gcc46bug] that prevents the atomic fence primitives from working correctly. Example: ```cpp using namespace moodycamel; ReaderWriterQueue q(100); // Reserve space for at least 100 elements up front q.enqueue(17); // Will allocate memory if the queue is full bool succeeded = q.try_enqueue(18); // Will only succeed if the queue has an empty slot (never allocates) assert(succeeded); int number; succeeded = q.try_dequeue(number); // Returns false if the queue was empty assert(succeeded && number == 17); // You can also peek at the front item of the queue (consumer only) int* front = q.peek(); assert(*front == 18); succeeded = q.try_dequeue(number); assert(succeeded && number == 18); front = q.peek(); assert(front == nullptr); // Returns nullptr if the queue was empty ``` The blocking version has the exact same API, with the addition of `wait_dequeue` and `wait_dequeue_timed` methods: ```cpp BlockingReaderWriterQueue q; std::thread reader([&]() { int item; for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) { // Fully-blocking: q.wait_dequeue(item); // Blocking with timeout if (q.wait_dequeue_timed(item, std::chrono::milliseconds(5))) ++i; } }); std::thread writer([&]() { for (int i = 0; i != 100; ++i) { q.enqueue(i); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } }); writer.join(); reader.join(); assert(q.size_approx() == 0); ``` Note that `wait_dequeue` will block indefinitely while the queue is empty; this means care must be taken to only call `wait_dequeue` if you're sure another element will come along eventually, or if the queue has a static lifetime. This is because destroying the queue while a thread is waiting on it will invoke undefined behaviour. ## Disclaimers The queue should only be used on platforms where aligned integer and pointer access is atomic; fortunately, that includes all modern processors (e.g. x86/x86-64, ARM, and PowerPC). *Not* for use with a DEC Alpha processor (which has very weak memory ordering) :-) Note that it's only been tested on x86(-64); if someone has access to other processors I'd love to run some tests on anything that's not x86-based. Finally, I am not an expert. This is my first foray into lock-free programming, and though I'm confident in the code, it's possible that there are bugs despite the effort I put into designing and testing this data structure. Use this code at your own risk; in particular, lock-free programming is a patent minefield, and this code may very well violate a pending patent (I haven't looked). It's worth noting that I came up with this algorithm and implementation from scratch, independent of any existing lock-free queues. ## More info See the [LICENSE.md][license] file for the license (simplified BSD). My [blog post][blog] introduces the context that led to this code, and may be of interest if you're curious about lock-free programming. [blog]: http://moodycamel.com/blog/2013/a-fast-lock-free-queue-for-c++ [license]: LICENSE.md [benchmarks]: http://moodycamel.com/blog/2013/a-fast-lock-free-queue-for-c++#benchmarks [gcc46bug]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16429669/stdatomic-thread-fence-has-undefined-reference [mpmc]: https://github.com/cameron314/concurrentqueue