#include "analog.h" #include #include #include "rawinput/rawinput.h" #include "util/logging.h" #include "util/time.h" #include "util/utils.h" std::string Analog::getDisplayString(rawinput::RawInputManager *manager) { // device must be existing if (this->device_identifier.empty()) { return ""; } // get index string auto index = this->getIndex(); std::string indexString = fmt::format("{:#x}", index); // get device auto device = manager->devices_get(this->device_identifier); if (!device) { return "Device missing (" + indexString + ")"; } // return string based on device type switch (device->type) { case rawinput::MOUSE: { const char *name; switch (index) { case rawinput::MOUSEPOS_X: name = "X"; break; case rawinput::MOUSEPOS_Y: name = "Y"; break; case rawinput::MOUSEPOS_WHEEL: name = "Scroll Wheel"; break; default: name = "?"; break; } return fmt::format("{} ({})", name, device->desc); } case rawinput::HID: { auto hid = device->hidInfo; if (index < hid->value_caps_names.size()) { return hid->value_caps_names[index] + " (" + device->desc + ")"; } return "Invalid Axis (" + indexString + ")"; } case rawinput::MIDI: { auto midi = device->midiInfo; if (index < midi->controls_precision.size()) { return "MIDI PREC " + indexString + " (" + device->desc + ")"; } else if (index < midi->controls_precision.size() + midi->controls_single.size()) { return "MIDI CTRL " + indexString + " (" + device->desc + ")"; } else if (index < midi->controls_precision.size() + midi->controls_single.size() + midi->controls_onoff.size()) { return "MIDI ONOFF " + indexString + " (" + device->desc + ")"; } else if (index == midi->controls_precision.size() + midi->controls_single.size() + midi->controls_onoff.size()) { return "MIDI Pitch Bend (" + device->desc + ")"; } else { return "MIDI Unknown " + indexString + " (" + device->desc + ")"; } } case rawinput::DESTROYED: return "Device unplugged (" + indexString + ")"; default: return "Unknown Axis (" + indexString + ")"; } } float Analog::getSmoothedValue(float raw_rads) { auto now = get_performance_milliseconds(); // prevent extremely frequent polling if ((now - vector_history.at(vector_history_index).time_in_ms) < 0.9) { return smoothed_last_state; } // calculate derived values for the newly-read analog value vector_history_index = (vector_history_index + 1) % vector_history.size(); auto ¤t = vector_history.at(vector_history_index); current.time_in_ms = now; current.sine = sin(raw_rads); current.cosine = cos(raw_rads); // calculated the weighted sum of sines and cosines auto sines = 0.f; auto cosines = 0.f; for (auto &vector : vector_history) { auto time_diff = now - vector.time_in_ms; // time from QPC should never roll backwards, but just in case if (time_diff < 0.f) { time_diff = 0.f; } // the weight falls of linearly; value from 24ms ago counts as half, 48ms ago counts as 0 double weight = (-time_diff / 48.f) + 1.f; if (weight > 0.f) { sines += weight * vector.sine; cosines += weight * vector.cosine; } } // add a tiny bit so that cosine is never 0.0f when fed to atan2 if (cosines == 0.f) { cosines = std::nextafter(0.f, 1.f); } // average for angles: // arctan[(sum of sines of all angles) / (sum of cosines of all angles)] // atan2 will give [-pi, +pi], so normalize to make [0, 2pi] smoothed_last_state = normalizeAngle(atan2(sines, cosines)); return smoothed_last_state; } float Analog::calculateAngularDifference(float old_rads, float new_rads) { float delta = new_rads - old_rads; // assumes value doesn't change more than PI (180 deg) compared to last poll if (std::abs(delta) < M_PI) { return delta; } else { // use the coterminal angle instead if (delta < 0.f) { return M_TAU + delta; } else { return -(M_TAU - delta); } } } float Analog::applyAngularSensitivity(float raw_rads) { float delta = calculateAngularDifference(previous_raw_rads, raw_rads); previous_raw_rads = raw_rads; adjusted_rads = normalizeAngle(adjusted_rads + (delta * sensitivity)); return adjusted_rads; } float Analog::normalizeAngle(float rads) { // normalizes radian value into [0, 2pi] range. // for small angles, this is MUCH faster than fmodf. float angle = rads; while (angle > M_TAU) { angle -= M_TAU; } while (angle < 0.f) { angle += M_TAU; } return angle; } float Analog::applyMultiplier(float value) { if (1 < this->multiplier) { // multiplier - just multiply the value and take the decimal part return normalizeAnalogValue(value * this->multiplier); } else if (this->multiplier < -1) { const unsigned short number_of_divisions = -this->multiplier; // divisor - need to take care of over/underflow if (0.75f < this->divisor_previous_value && value < 0.25f) { this->divisor_region = (this->divisor_region + 1) % number_of_divisions; } else if (this->divisor_previous_value < 0.25f && 0.75f < value) { if (1 <= this->divisor_region) { this->divisor_region -= 1; } else { this->divisor_region = number_of_divisions - 1; } } this->divisor_previous_value = value; return ((float)this->divisor_region + value) / (float)number_of_divisions; } else { // multiplier in [-1, 1] range is just treated as 1 return value; } } float Analog::normalizeAnalogValue(float value) { // effectively the same as fmodf(value, 1.f) // for small values, this is MUCH faster than fmodf. float new_value = value; while (new_value > 1.f) { new_value -= 1.f; } while (new_value < 0.f) { new_value += 1.f; } return new_value; } float Analog::applyDeadzone(float raw_value) { float value = raw_value; const auto deadzone = this->getDeadzone(); if (deadzone > 0) { // calculate values const auto delta = value - 0.5f; const auto dtlen = 1.f - deadzone; // check mirror if (this->getDeadzoneMirror()) { // deadzone on the edges if (dtlen != 0.f) { value = std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, 0.5f + (delta / dtlen))); } else { value = 0.5f; } } else { // deadzone around the middle const auto limit = deadzone * 0.5f; if (dtlen != 0.f) { if (delta > limit) { value = std::min(1.f, 0.5f + std::max(0.f, (delta - limit) / dtlen)); } else if (delta < -limit) { value = std::max(0.f, 0.5f + std::min(0.f, (delta + limit) / dtlen)); } else { value = 0.5f; } } else { value = 0.5f; } } } else if (deadzone < 0) { // invert for mirror if (this->getDeadzoneMirror()) { value = 1.f - value; } // deadzone from minimum value if (deadzone > -1 && value > -deadzone) { value = std::min(1.f, (value + deadzone) / (1.f + deadzone)); } else { value = 0.f; } // revert value for mirror if (this->getDeadzoneMirror()) { value = 1.f - value; } } return value; }