Re-implement Pipewire backend on 24-08-24

This commit is contained in:
Hazel 2024-08-28 11:43:11 -04:00
parent 06ba2a950f
commit 8db3a552d6
6 changed files with 318 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES ${SOURCE_FILES}

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@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ namespace hooks::audio {
enum class Backend {
extern bool ENABLED;
@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ namespace hooks::audio {
return Backend::Asio;
} else if (_stricmp(value, "waveout") == 0) {
return Backend::WaveOut;
} else if (_stricmp(value, "pipewire") == 0) {
return Backend::Pipewire;
} else if (_stricmp(value, "none") == 0) {
return Backend::None;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "hooks/audio/backends/wasapi/util.h"
#include "hooks/audio/implementations/asio.h"
#include "hooks/audio/implementations/wave_out.h"
#include "hooks/audio/implementations/pipewire.h"
#include "hooks/audio/implementations/none.h"
//#include "util/co_task_mem_ptr.h"
@ -161,6 +162,9 @@ IAudioClient *wrap_audio_client(IAudioClient *audio_client) {
case hooks::audio::Backend::WaveOut:
backend = new WaveOutBackend();
case hooks::audio::Backend::Pipewire:
backend = new PipewireBackend();
case hooks::audio::Backend::None:
backend = new NoneBackend();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
#include <winternl.h>
#include "pipewire.h"
#include "hooks/audio/audio.h"
#include "hooks/audio/backends/wasapi/audio_client.h"
#include "util/libutils.h"
#include "launcher/launcher.h"
#include "hooks/audio/util.h"
#include "hooks/audio/backends/wasapi/util.h"
... ShareMode : AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE <- backend to reimplement, THIS is the audio engine, GAME is client
... StreamFlags : AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST <- first is the whole reason for relay_handle_ requirement, second flag not tested
... hnsBufferDuration : 10000 <- wasapi people inventing new time units, 1ms (since 1unit==100ns, 10000*0.0001ms)
... hnsPeriodicity : 10000 <- same as above (1ms)
... nChannels : 2 <- channel_count
... nSamplesPerSec : 44100 <- bitrate
... nAvgBytesPerSec : 176400 <- raw buffer size per second (bitrate * stride)(bytes)
... nBlockAlign : 4 <- stride (bytes)
... wBitsPerSample : 16 <- sample size (bits)
... wValidBitsPerSample : 16 <- same as above
... dwChannelMask : SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT <- position config
_INFO: Code pipeline
INIT: on_is_format_supported()?->on_initialize()->on_set_event_handle()-:(LOOPx1):->on_start()
LOOP: if relay_handle_: on_get_buffer_size()->on_get_buffer()->..->on_release_buffer()
DEINIT: on_stop()
Check if the stream is driving. The stream needs to have the
* PW_STREAM_FLAG_DRIVER set. When the stream is driving,
* pw_stream_trigger_process() needs to be called when data is
* available (output) or needed (input). Since 0.3.34
bool pw_stream_is_driving(struct pw_stream *stream);
* */
/* Imports/Exports (refer to bmsound-wine.dll.spec) */
typedef void (*BmswConfigInit_t)(const char *);
typedef void (*BmswExperimentalForceProfile_t)(const char *);
typedef int(*BmswClientFormatIsSupported_t)(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, void *);
typedef int(*BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC_t)(void *);
typedef REFERENCE_TIME(*BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT_t)(void *);
typedef void *(*BmswClientCreate_t)(const char *, void *, void *);
typedef int(*BmswClientStart_t)(void *);
typedef int(*BmswClientStop_t)(void *);
typedef int(*BmswClientDestroy_t)(void *);
typedef unsigned char *(*BmswClientGetBuffer_t)(void *, uint32_t);
typedef int(*BmswClientReleaseBuffer_t)(void *, uint32_t);
typedef void (*BmswClientUpdateCallback_t)(void *, void *, void *);
static BmswConfigInit_t BmswConfigInit;
[[maybe_unused]] static BmswExperimentalForceProfile_t BmswExperimentalForceProfile;
static BmswClientFormatIsSupported_t BmswClientFormatIsSupported;
static BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC_t BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC;
static BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT_t BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT;
static BmswClientCreate_t BmswClientCreate;
static BmswClientStart_t BmswClientStart;
static BmswClientStop_t BmswClientStop;
static BmswClientDestroy_t BmswClientDestroy;
static BmswClientGetBuffer_t BmswClientGetBuffer;
static BmswClientReleaseBuffer_t BmswClientReleaseBuffer;
[[maybe_unused]] static BmswClientUpdateCallback_t BmswClientUpdateCallback;
static HMODULE bmsw_ = nullptr;
/* Audio init (unless specified otherwise, run once at start) */
// Reports to game whether each requested audio format is available for device (first success return will be used)
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_is_format_supported(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE *ShareMode, const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat, WAVEFORMATEX **ppClosestMatch) noexcept
// Format reporting and filtering
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
log_misc("audio::pipewire", "Checking backend support for {} channels, {} Hz, {}-bit",
// IIDX? will always request format that was last checked through this function
// Request format support from real backend (only accepts 44.1 kHz, stereo, 16-bits per channel for now)
return BmswClientFormatIsSupported(pFormat->nSamplesPerSec, pFormat->nChannels, pFormat->wBitsPerSample, nullptr) == 0 ? S_OK : AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT;
// Populate hnsPeriodicity, _INFO: runs before on_initialize, requires configured client stream data
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_device_period(REFERENCE_TIME *default_device_period, REFERENCE_TIME *minimum_device_period)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
*default_device_period = wrt_;
*minimum_device_period = wrt_;
return S_OK;
// This expects to be run once on_is_format_supported() succeeds, initializes backend based on passed arguments (and updates them if needed)
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE *ShareMode, DWORD *StreamFlags, REFERENCE_TIME *hnsBufferDuration, REFERENCE_TIME *hnsPeriodicity, const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat, LPCGUID AudioSessionGuid) noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
// Initialize pipewire client (without starting the thread)
client_ = BmswClientCreate(GAME_INSTANCE->title(), nullptr, nullptr);//(void *)callback_notify,this
if (!client_)
log_fatal("audio::pipewire", "Client could not be initialized");
log_info("audio::pipewire", "Client initialized: '{}'", fmt::ptr(client_));
// Adjust WASAPI configuration visible to game (passed arguments are populated and should match that of last on_is_format_supported call)
*hnsBufferDuration = wrt_;
*hnsPeriodicity = wrt_;
//_TODO: Init info
log_info("audio::asio", "Device Info:");
log_info("audio::pipewire", "... hnsBufferDuration : {}", *hnsBufferDuration);
log_info("audio::pipewire", "... hnsPeriodicity : {}", *hnsPeriodicity);
return S_OK;
// This takes ownership over shared event handle exclusive to AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK _INFO: first loop iteration runs directly after this, before on_start() call
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_set_event_handle(HANDLE *event_handle)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
this->relay_handle_ = *event_handle; // take over WASAPI's owned handle pre-initialized by client
//BmswClientUpdateCallback(client_, (void *) 0, this->relay_handle_);
*event_handle = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr); // replace WASAPI's handle with always off handle
return S_OK;
ULONG ntbuf_size = sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION) + 1024;
char ntbuf[ntbuf_size];
NTSTATUS status = NtQueryObject(*event_handle, ObjectNameInformation, ntinfo, ntbuf_size, &ntbuf_size);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
// possible to rename anonymous handle to access by name
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_start() noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
return S_OK;
PipewireBackend::PipewireBackend() : relay_handle_(nullptr), format_(hooks::audio::FORMAT), client_(nullptr)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
// Initialize bmsound-wine.dll once
if (!bmsw_ && (bmsw_ = libutils::try_library(MODULE_PATH / "bmsound-wine.dll")))
BmswConfigInit = (BmswConfigInit_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswConfigInit");
BmswExperimentalForceProfile = (BmswExperimentalForceProfile_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswExperimentalForceProfile");
BmswClientFormatIsSupported = (BmswClientFormatIsSupported_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientFormatIsSupported");
BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT = (BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT");
BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC = (BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC");
BmswClientCreate = (BmswClientCreate_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientCreate");
BmswClientStart = (BmswClientStart_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientStart");
BmswClientStop = (BmswClientStop_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientStop");
BmswClientDestroy = (BmswClientDestroy_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientDestroy");
BmswClientGetBuffer = (BmswClientGetBuffer_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientGetBuffer");
BmswClientReleaseBuffer = (BmswClientReleaseBuffer_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientReleaseBuffer");
BmswClientUpdateCallback = (BmswClientUpdateCallback_t) GetProcAddress(bmsw_, "BmswClientUpdateCallback");
// Load config
if (bmsw_)
// Sync config
wrt_ = BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT(nullptr); //_INFO: wrt affects reported latency (1:100ns)
fpc_ = BmswClientFormatPeriodFPC(nullptr);
log_fatal("audio::pipewire", "Library not found: '{}'", (MODULE_PATH / "bmsound-wine.dll").string());
/* Audio callback loop (reacts to state of relay_handle_, most likely separate thread */
// _REV: Synchronizing client and backend with nanotime may be necessary (bmsound-pw endpoint dependant)
inline static void callback_notify(void *self)
//log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
auto *self_ = (PipewireBackend *) self;
//std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::nanoseconds(10 * 1000 * 1000 - 227));
if (!SetEvent(self_->relay_handle_)) // has to be called for game-side audio loop to continue
DWORD last_error = GetLastError();
log_warning("audio::asio", "AsioBackend::buffer_switch: SetEvent failed: {} ({})",
// Amount in frames of data we may handle at once (which should always end up being what gets send by client, unless overrun happens)
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_buffer_size(uint32_t *buffer_frames) noexcept
static int iterc = -1;
if (iterc == -1)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}, frames: {} (INITIAL HIT)", __FUNCTION__, fpc_);
iterc = 0;
*buffer_frames = fpc_;
return S_OK;
// Wants a raw stream buffer to be assigned into *ppData, this stream will have x amount of sound frames stored into it by a client and assumes exclusive access until next on_release_buffer
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_buffer(uint32_t num_frames_requested, BYTE **ppData)
static int iterc = -1;
if (iterc == -1)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}, frames: {} (INITIAL HIT)", __FUNCTION__, num_frames_requested);
if (iterc > 999999)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "on_get_buffer, frames: {} (HIT {})", num_frames_requested, iterc);
iterc = 0;
*ppData = BmswClientGetBuffer(client_, num_frames_requested);
return S_OK;
// This releases access to buffer from last on_get_buffer and implies x amount of frames being valid data to be streamed
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_release_buffer(uint32_t num_frames_written, DWORD dwFlags)
static int iterc = -1;
if (iterc == -1)
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}, frames: {} (INITIAL HIT)", __FUNCTION__, num_frames_written);
iterc = 0;
BmswClientReleaseBuffer(client_, num_frames_written);
return S_OK;
/* Audio deinit (unless specified otherwise, run once at termination) */
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_stop() noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
return S_OK;
log_info("audio::pipewire", "~PipewireBackend");
if (client_) BmswClientDestroy(client_);
/* Unsorted (unknown callers, should be considered as unimplemented/untested) *///_BUG: does this need implementation?
const WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE &PipewireBackend::format() const noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
return format_;
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_stream_latency(REFERENCE_TIME *latency) noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
*latency = BmswClientFormatPeriodWRT(client_);
return S_OK;
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_current_padding(std::optional<uint32_t> &padding_frames) noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
padding_frames = 0;
return S_OK;
HRESULT PipewireBackend::on_get_mix_format(WAVEFORMATEX **pp_device_format) noexcept
log_info("audio::pipewire", "{}", __FUNCTION__);
return E_NOTIMPL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include "backend.h"
#include <thread>
struct PipewireBackend final : AudioBackend
HANDLE relay_handle_;
explicit PipewireBackend();
~PipewireBackend() final;
[[nodiscard]] const WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE &format() const noexcept override;
HRESULT on_initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE *ShareMode, DWORD *StreamFlags, REFERENCE_TIME *hnsBufferDuration, REFERENCE_TIME *hnsPeriodicity, const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat, LPCGUID AudioSessionGuid) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_get_buffer_size(uint32_t *buffer_frames) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_get_stream_latency(REFERENCE_TIME *latency) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_get_current_padding(std::optional<uint32_t> &padding_frames) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_is_format_supported(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE *ShareMode, const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat, WAVEFORMATEX **ppClosestMatch) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_get_mix_format(WAVEFORMATEX **pp_device_format) noexcept override;
HRESULT on_get_device_period(REFERENCE_TIME *default_device_period, REFERENCE_TIME *minimum_device_period) override;
HRESULT on_start() noexcept override;
HRESULT on_stop() noexcept override;
HRESULT on_set_event_handle(HANDLE *event_handle) override;
HRESULT on_get_buffer(uint32_t num_frames_requested, BYTE **ppData) override;
HRESULT on_release_buffer(uint32_t num_frames_written, DWORD dwFlags) override;
int fpc_;
void *client_;

View File

@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ static const std::vector<OptionDefinition> OPTION_DEFINITIONS = {
" Does nothing for games that do not output to exclusive WASAPI",
.type = OptionType::Enum,
.category = "Audio",
.elements = {{"asio", "ASIO"}, {"waveout", "waveOut"},{"none", "None"}},
.elements = {{"asio", "ASIO"}, {"waveout", "waveOut"},{"pipewire", "Pipewire (Linux)"},{"none", "None"}},
.title = "Spice Audio Hook ASIO Driver ID",