
177 lines
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2024-08-28 15:10:34 +00:00
#include "keypads.h"
#include <functional>
#include <windows.h>
#include "avs/game.h"
#include "external/rapidjson/document.h"
#include "misc/eamuse.h"
using namespace std::placeholders;
using namespace rapidjson;
namespace api::modules {
struct KeypadMapping {
char character;
uint16_t state;
static KeypadMapping KEYPAD_MAPPINGS[] = {
{ '0', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_0 },
{ '1', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_1 },
{ '2', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_2 },
{ '3', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_3 },
{ '4', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_4 },
{ '5', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_5 },
{ '6', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_6 },
{ '7', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_7 },
{ '8', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_8 },
{ '9', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_9 },
{ 'A', 1 << EAM_IO_KEYPAD_00 },
Keypads::Keypads() : Module("keypads") {
functions["write"] = std::bind(&Keypads::write, this, _1, _2);
functions["set"] = std::bind(&Keypads::set, this, _1, _2);
functions["get"] = std::bind(&Keypads::get, this, _1, _2);
* write(keypad: uint, input: str)
void Keypads::write(Request &req, Response &res) {
// check params
if (req.params.Size() < 2) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "keypad", "uint");
if (!req.params[1].IsString()) {
return error_type(res, "input", "string");
// get params
auto keypad = req.params[0].GetUint();
auto input = std::string(req.params[1].GetString());
// process all chars
for (auto c : input) {
uint16_t state = 0;
// find mapping
bool mapping_found = false;
for (auto &mapping : KEYPAD_MAPPINGS) {
if (_strnicmp(&mapping.character, &c, 1) == 0) {
state |= mapping.state;
mapping_found = true;
// check for error
if (!mapping_found) {
return error_unknown(res, "char", std::string("") + c);
* Write input to keypad.
* We try to make sure it was accepted by waiting a bit more than two frames.
DWORD sleep_time = 70;
if (avs::game::is_model("MDX")) {
// cuz fuck DDR
sleep_time = 150;
// set
eamuse_set_keypad_overrides(keypad, state);
// unset
eamuse_set_keypad_overrides(keypad, 0);
* set(keypad: uint, key: char, ...)
void Keypads::set(Request &req, Response &res) {
// check keypad
if (req.params.Size() < 1) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "keypad", "uint");
auto keypad = req.params[0].GetUint();
// iterate params
uint16_t state = 0;
auto params = req.params.GetArray();
for (size_t i = 1; i < params.Size(); i++) {
auto &param = params[i];
// check key
if (!param.IsString()) {
error_type(res, "key", "char");
if (param.GetStringLength() < 1) {
error_size(res, "key", 1);
// find mapping
auto key = param.GetString();
bool mapping_found = false;
for (auto &mapping : KEYPAD_MAPPINGS) {
if (_strnicmp(&mapping.character, key, 1) == 0) {
state |= mapping.state;
mapping_found = true;
// check for error
if (!mapping_found) {
return error_unknown(res, "key", key);
// set keypad state
eamuse_set_keypad_overrides(keypad, state);
* get(keypad: uint)
void Keypads::get(Request &req, Response &res) {
// check keypad
if (req.params.Size() < 1) {
return error_params_insufficient(res);
if (!req.params[0].IsUint()) {
return error_type(res, "keypad", "uint");
auto keypad = req.params[0].GetUint();
// get keypad state
auto state = eamuse_get_keypad_state(keypad);
// add keys to response
for (auto &mapping : KEYPAD_MAPPINGS) {
if (state & mapping.state) {
Value val(&mapping.character, 1);