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2024-08-28 15:10:34 +00:00
// set version to Windows 7 to enable Media Foundation functions
#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601
// turn on C-style COM objects
#include "camera.h"
#include <mfobjects.h>
#include <mfidl.h>
#include "avs/game.h"
#include "hooks/cfgmgr32hook.h"
#include "util/detour.h"
#include "util/memutils.h"
#include "util/utils.h"
static VTBL_TYPE(IMFActivate, GetAllocatedString) GetAllocatedString_orig = nullptr;
static decltype(MFEnumDeviceSources) *MFEnumDeviceSources_orig = nullptr;
namespace games::sdvx {
static std::wstring CAMERA0_ID;
static HRESULT WINAPI GetAllocatedString_hook(IMFActivate* This, REFGUID guidKey, LPWSTR *ppwszValue,
UINT32 *pcchLength) {
// call the original
HRESULT result = GetAllocatedString_orig(This, guidKey, ppwszValue, pcchLength);
// try first camera
wchar_t *pwc = nullptr;
if (CAMERA0_ID.length() == 23)
pwc = wcsstr(*ppwszValue, CAMERA0_ID.c_str());
// check if camera could be identified
if (pwc) {
// fake the USB IDs
pwc[4] = L'2';
pwc[5] = L'8';
pwc[6] = L'8';
pwc[7] = L'c';
pwc[13] = L'0';
pwc[14] = L'0';
pwc[15] = L'0';
pwc[16] = L'2';
pwc[21] = L'0';
pwc[22] = L'0';
// return original result
return result;
static void hook_camera(IMFActivate* camera, size_t no, std::wstring camera_id, std::string camera_instance) {
// don't hook if camera 0 is already hooked
if (CAMERA0_ID.length() > 0)
// save the camera ID
CAMERA0_ID = camera_id;
// cfgmgr hook
CFGMGR32_HOOK_SETTING camera_setting;
camera_setting.device_instance = 0xDEADBEEF;
camera_setting.parent_instance = ~camera_setting.device_instance;
camera_setting.device_id = "USB\\VEN_1022&DEV_7908";
camera_setting.device_node_id = "USB\\VID_288C&PID_0002&MI_00\\?&????????&?&????";
if (camera_instance.length() == 17) {
for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
camera_setting.device_node_id[28 + i] = camera_instance[i];
// save original method for later use
if (GetAllocatedString_orig == nullptr) {
GetAllocatedString_orig = camera->lpVtbl->GetAllocatedString;
// hook allocated string method for camera identification
memutils::VProtectGuard camera_guard(camera->lpVtbl);
camera->lpVtbl->GetAllocatedString = GetAllocatedString_hook;
static HRESULT WINAPI MFEnumDeviceSources_hook(IMFAttributes *pAttributes, IMFActivate ***pppSourceActivate,
UINT32 *pcSourceActivate) {
// call original function
HRESULT result_orig = MFEnumDeviceSources_orig(pAttributes, pppSourceActivate, pcSourceActivate);
// check for capture devices
if (FAILED(result_orig) || !*pcSourceActivate) {
return result_orig;
// iterate cameras
size_t cam_hook_num = 0;
for (size_t cam_num = 0; cam_num < *pcSourceActivate && cam_hook_num < 1; cam_num++) {
// flip
size_t cam_num_flipped = cam_num;
// get camera link
IMFActivate *camera = (*pppSourceActivate)[cam_num_flipped];
LPWSTR camera_link_lpwstr;
UINT32 camera_link_length;
if (SUCCEEDED(camera->lpVtbl->GetAllocatedString(
&camera_link_length))) {
// cut name to make ID
std::wstring camera_link_ws = std::wstring(camera_link_lpwstr);
std::wstring camera_id = camera_link_ws.substr(8, 23);
// get camera instance
std::string camera_link = ws2s(camera_link_ws);
std::string camera_instance = camera_link.substr(32, 17);
// hook the camera
hook_camera(camera, cam_hook_num, camera_id, camera_instance);
// increase camera hook number
// return result
return result_orig;
void camera_init() {
// camera media framework hook
MFEnumDeviceSources_orig = detour::iat_try(
"MFEnumDeviceSources", MFEnumDeviceSources_hook, avs::game::DLL_INSTANCE);