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2024-08-28 15:10:34 +00:00
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
#include "hook.h"
// all good code mixes C and C++, right?
using std::string;
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include "external/hash-library/md5.h"
#include "3rd_party/lodepng.h"
#include "3rd_party/stb_dxt.h"
#include "3rd_party/GuillotineBinPack.h"
#include "3rd_party/rapidxml_print.hpp"
#include "util/detour.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "texture_packer.h"
#include "modpath_handler.h"
// let me use the std:: version, dammit
#undef max
#undef min
#define VER_STRING "1.9-SPICE"
#ifdef _DEBUG
// debugging
//#define ALWAYS_CACHE
namespace layeredfs {
time_t dll_time{};
bool initialized;
enum img_format {
enum compress_type {
typedef struct image {
string name;
string name_md5;
img_format format;
compress_type compression;
string ifs_mod_path;
int width;
int height;
const string cache_folder() { return CACHE_FOLDER "/" + ifs_mod_path; }
const string cache_file() { return cache_folder() + "/" + name_md5; };
} image_t;
// ifs_textures["data/graphics/ver04/logo.ifs/tex/4f754d4f424f092637a49a5527ece9bb"] will be "konami"
std::unordered_map<string, image_t> ifs_textures;
typedef std::unordered_set<string> string_set;
char *avs_file_to_string(avs::core::avs_file_t f, rapidxml::xml_document<> &allocator) {
avs::core::avs_stat stat{};
avs::core::avs_fs_fstat(f, &stat);
char *ret = allocator.allocate_string(nullptr, stat.filesize + 1);
avs::core::avs_fs_read(f, (uint8_t *) ret, stat.filesize);
ret[stat.filesize] = '\0';
return ret;
bool is_binary_prop(avs::core::avs_file_t f) {
avs::core::avs_fs_lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
unsigned char head;
auto read = avs::core::avs_fs_read(f, &head, 1);
bool ret = (read == 1) && head == 0xA0;
avs::core::avs_fs_lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
//logf("detected binary: %s (read %d byte %02x)", ret ? "true": "false", read, head&0xff);
return ret;
avs::core::property_ptr prop_from_file_handle(avs::core::avs_file_t f) {
void *prop_buffer = nullptr;
avs::core::property_ptr prop = nullptr;
int ret = 0;
int flags =
avs::core::PROP_READ |
avs::core::PROP_WRITE |
avs::core::PROP_CREATE |
avs::core::PROP_APPEND |
auto memsize = avs::core::property_read_query_memsize_long(
(avs::core::avs_reader_t) avs::core::avs_fs_read,
f, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (memsize < 0) {
// normal prop
flags &= ~avs::core::PROP_BIN_PLAIN_NODE_NAMES;
avs::core::avs_fs_lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
memsize = avs::core::property_read_query_memsize(
(avs::core::avs_reader_t) avs::core::avs_fs_read,
f, nullptr, nullptr);
if (memsize < 0) {
logf("Couldn't get memsize %08X (%s)", memsize, avs::core::error_str(memsize).c_str());
goto FAIL;
prop_buffer = malloc(memsize);
prop = avs::core::property_create(flags, prop_buffer, memsize);
if ((int32_t) (intptr_t) prop < 0) {
logf("Couldn't create prop (%s)", avs::core::error_str((int32_t) (intptr_t) prop).c_str());
goto FAIL;
avs::core::avs_fs_lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
ret = avs::core::property_insert_read(prop, 0, (avs::core::avs_reader_t) avs::core::avs_fs_read, f);
if (ret < 0) {
logf("Couldn't read prop (%s)", avs::core::error_str(ret).c_str());
goto FAIL;
return prop;
if (prop) {
if (prop_buffer) {
return nullptr;
char *prop_to_xml_string(avs::core::property_ptr prop, rapidxml::xml_document<> &allocator) {
avs::core::node_stat dummy{};
auto prop_size = avs::core::property_node_query_stat(prop, nullptr, &dummy);
char *xml = allocator.allocate_string(nullptr, prop_size);
auto written = avs::core::property_mem_write(prop, (uint8_t *) xml, prop_size);
if (written > 0) {
xml[written] = '\0';
} else {
xml[0] = '\0';
logf("property_mem_write failed (%s)", avs::core::error_str(written).c_str());
return xml;
void rapidxml_dump_to_file(const string &out, const rapidxml::xml_document<> &xml) {
std::ofstream out_file;
// this is 3x faster than writing directly to the output file
std::string s;
print(std::back_inserter(s), xml, rapidxml::print_no_indenting);
out_file << s;
bool rapidxml_from_avs_filepath(
string const &path,
rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc,
rapidxml::xml_document<> &doc_to_allocate_with
) {
avs::core::avs_file_t f = avs::core::avs_fs_open(path.c_str(), 1, 420);
if ((int32_t) f < 0) {
logf("Couldn't open prop");
return false;
// if it's not binary, don't even bother parsing with avs
char *xml = nullptr;
if (is_binary_prop(f)) {
auto prop = prop_from_file_handle(f);
if (!prop)
return false;
xml = prop_to_xml_string(prop, doc_to_allocate_with);
// clean up
auto buffer = avs::core::property_desc_to_buffer(prop);
if (buffer) {
} else {
xml = avs_file_to_string(f, doc_to_allocate_with);
try {
// parse_declaration_node: to get the header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="shift-jis"?>
doc.parse<rapidxml::parse_declaration_node | rapidxml::parse_no_utf8>(xml);
} catch (const rapidxml::parse_error &e) {
logf("Couldn't parse xml (%s byte %d)", e.what(), (int) (e.where<char>() - xml));
return false;
return true;
void list_pngs_onefolder(string_set &names, string const &folder) {
auto search_path = folder + "/*.png";
const auto extension_len = strlen(".png");
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileA(search_path.c_str(), &fd);
do {
// read all (real) files in current folder
// , delete '!' read other 2 default folder . and ..
if (!(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
fd.cFileName[strlen(fd.cFileName) - extension_len] = '\0';
} while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &fd));
string_set list_pngs(string const &folder) {
string_set ret;
for (auto &mod : available_mods()) {
auto path = mod + "/" + folder;
list_pngs_onefolder(ret, path);
list_pngs_onefolder(ret, path + "/tex");
return ret;
#define FMT_4U16(arr) "%u %u %u %u", (arr)[0], (arr)[1], (arr)[2], (arr)[3]
#define FMT_2U16(arr) "%u %u", (arr)[0], (arr)[1]
rapidxml::xml_node<> *allocate_node_and_attrib(
rapidxml::xml_document<> *doc,
const char *node_name,
const char *node_value,
const char *attr_name,
const char *attr_value) {
auto node = doc->allocate_node(rapidxml::node_element, node_name, node_value);
node->append_attribute(doc->allocate_attribute(attr_name, attr_value));
return node;
bool add_images_to_list(string_set &extra_pngs, rapidxml::xml_node<> *texturelist_node,
string const &ifs_path, string const &ifs_mod_path, compress_type compress) {
auto start = time();
vector<Bitmap *> textures;
for (auto it = extra_pngs.begin(); it != extra_pngs.end(); ++it) {
logf_verbose("New image: %s", it->c_str());
string png_tex = *it + ".png";
auto png_loc = find_first_modfile(ifs_mod_path + "/" + png_tex);
if (!png_loc)
png_loc = find_first_modfile(ifs_mod_path + "/tex/" + png_tex);
if (!png_loc)
FILE *f = fopen(png_loc->c_str(), "rb");
if (!f) // shouldn't happen but check anyway
unsigned char header[33];
// this may read less bytes than expected but lodepng will die later anyway
fread(header, 1, 33, f);
unsigned width, height;
LodePNGState state = {};
if (lodepng_inspect(&width, &height, &state, header, 33)) {
logf("couldn't inspect png");
textures.push_back(new Bitmap(*it, width, height));
auto pack_start = time();
vector<Packer *> packed_textures;
logf("Packing textures for %d textures", textures.size());
if (!pack_textures(textures, packed_textures)) {
logf("Couldn't pack textures :(");
return false;
logf("Textures packed in %d ms into %d objects", time() - pack_start, packed_textures.size());
// because the property API, being
// a) written by Konami
// b) not documented since lol DLLs
// is absolutely garbage to work with for merging XMLs, we use rapidxml instead
// thus I hope my sanity is restored.
auto document = texturelist_node->document();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < packed_textures.size(); i++) {
Packer *canvas = packed_textures[i];
char tex_name[8];
snprintf(tex_name, 8, "ctex%03d", i);
auto canvas_node = document->allocate_node(rapidxml::node_element, "texture");
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("format", "argb8888rev"));
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("mag_filter", "nearest"));
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("min_filter", "nearest"));
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("name", document->allocate_string(tex_name)));
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("wrap_s", "clamp"));
canvas_node->append_attribute(document->allocate_attribute("wrap_t", "clamp"));
char tmp[64];
uint16_t size[2] = {(uint16_t) canvas->width, (uint16_t) canvas->height};
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), FMT_2U16(size));
allocate_node_and_attrib(document, "size", document->allocate_string(tmp), "__type", "2u16"));
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < canvas->bitmaps.size(); j++) {
Bitmap *texture = canvas->bitmaps[j];
auto tex_node = document->allocate_node(rapidxml::node_element, "image");
document->allocate_attribute("name", document->allocate_string(texture->name.c_str())));
uint16_t coords[4];
coords[0] = texture->packX * 2;
coords[1] = (texture->packX + texture->width) * 2;
coords[2] = texture->packY * 2;
coords[3] = (texture->packY + texture->height) * 2;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), FMT_4U16(coords));
allocate_node_and_attrib(document, "imgrect", document->allocate_string(tmp), "__type",
coords[0] += 2;
coords[1] -= 2;
coords[2] += 2;
coords[3] -= 2;
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), FMT_4U16(coords));
allocate_node_and_attrib(document, "uvrect", document->allocate_string(tmp), "__type", "4u16"));
// generate md5
MD5 md5_tex_name;
md5_tex_name.add(texture->name.c_str(), texture->name.length());
// build image info
image_t image_info;
image_info.name = texture->name;
image_info.name_md5 = md5_tex_name.getHash();
image_info.format = ARGB8888REV;
image_info.compression = compress;
image_info.ifs_mod_path = ifs_mod_path;
image_info.width = texture->width;
image_info.height = texture->height;
auto md5_path = ifs_path + "/tex/" + image_info.name_md5;
ifs_textures[md5_path] = image_info;
logf("Texture extend total time %d ms", time() - start);
return true;
void parse_texturelist(string const &path, string const &norm_path, optional<string> &mod_path) {
bool prop_was_rewritten = false;
// get a reasonable base path
auto ifs_path = norm_path;
ifs_path.resize(ifs_path.size() - strlen("/tex/texturelist.xml"));
logf_verbose("Reading ifs %s", ifs_path.c_str());
auto ifs_mod_path = ifs_path;
string_replace(ifs_mod_path, ".ifs", "_ifs");
// TODO ifs_path gets invalid later this function for unknown reasons
auto ifs_path2 = ifs_path;
if (!find_first_modfolder(ifs_mod_path)) {
logf_verbose("mod folder doesn't exist, skipping");
// open the correct file
auto path_to_open = mod_path ? *mod_path : path;
rapidxml::xml_document<> texturelist;
auto success = rapidxml_from_avs_filepath(path_to_open, texturelist, texturelist);
if (!success)
auto texturelist_node = texturelist.first_node("texturelist");
if (!texturelist_node) {
logf("texlist has no texturelist node");
auto extra_pngs = list_pngs(ifs_mod_path);
auto compress = NONE;
rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *compress_node;
if ((compress_node = texturelist_node->first_attribute("compress"))) {
if (!_stricmp(compress_node->value(), "avslz")) {
compress = AVSLZ;
} else {
for (auto texture = texturelist_node->first_node("texture");
texture = texture->next_sibling("texture")) {
auto format = texture->first_attribute("format");
if (!format) {
logf("Texture missing format %s", path_to_open.c_str());
//<size __type="2u16">128 128</size>
auto size = texture->first_node("size");
if (!size) {
logf("Texture missing size %s", path_to_open.c_str());
auto format_type = UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT;
if (!_stricmp(format->value(), "argb8888rev")) {
format_type = ARGB8888REV;
} else if (!_stricmp(format->value(), "dxt5")) {
format_type = DXT5;
for (auto image = texture->first_node("image");
image = image->next_sibling("image")) {
auto name = image->first_attribute("name");
if (!name) {
logf("Texture missing name %s", path_to_open.c_str());
uint16_t dimensions[4];
auto imgrect = image->first_node("imgrect");
auto uvrect = image->first_node("uvrect");
if (!imgrect || !uvrect) {
logf("Texture missing dimensions %s", path_to_open.c_str());
// it's a 4u16
sscanf(imgrect->value(), "%hu %hu %hu %hu",
// generate md5
MD5 md5_name;
md5_name.add(name->value(), strlen(name->value()));
//logf("Image '%s' compress %d format %d", tmp, compress, format_type);
image_t image_info;
image_info.name = name->value();
image_info.name_md5 = md5_name.getHash();
image_info.format = format_type;
image_info.compression = compress;
image_info.ifs_mod_path = ifs_mod_path;
image_info.width = (dimensions[1] - dimensions[0]) / 2;
image_info.height = (dimensions[3] - dimensions[2]) / 2;
auto md5_path = ifs_path2 + "/tex/" + image_info.name_md5;
ifs_textures[md5_path] = image_info;
// TODO: why does this make it not crash
if (config.verbose_logs) {
log_info("md5", "{}", md5_path);
logf_verbose("%d added PNGs for %s", extra_pngs.size(), ifs_path2.c_str());
if (!extra_pngs.empty()) {
if (add_images_to_list(extra_pngs, texturelist_node, ifs_path2, ifs_mod_path, compress))
prop_was_rewritten = true;
if (prop_was_rewritten) {
string outfolder = CACHE_FOLDER "/" + ifs_mod_path;
if (!mkdir_p(outfolder)) {
logf("Couldn't create cache folder");
string outfile = outfolder + "/texturelist.xml";
rapidxml_dump_to_file(outfile, texturelist);
mod_path = outfile;
bool cache_texture(string const &png_path, image_t &tex) {
string cache_path = tex.cache_folder();
if (!mkdir_p(cache_path)) {
logf("Couldn't create texture cache folder");
return false;
string cache_file = tex.cache_file();
auto cache_time = file_time(cache_file.c_str());
auto png_time = file_time(png_path.c_str());
// the cache is fresh, don't do the same work twice
if (cache_time > 0 && cache_time >= dll_time && cache_time >= png_time) {
return true;
// make the cache
FILE *cache;
unsigned error;
unsigned char *image;
unsigned width, height; // TODO use these to check against xml
error = lodepng_decode32_file(&image, &width, &height, png_path.c_str());
if (error) {
logf("can't load png %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error));
return false;
if ((int) width != tex.width || (int) height != tex.height) {
logf("Loaded png (%dx%d) doesn't match texturelist.xml (%dx%d), ignoring", width, height, tex.width,
return false;
size_t image_size = 4 * width * height;
switch (tex.format) {
case ARGB8888REV:
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_size; i += 4) {
// swap r and b
auto tmp = image[i];
image[i] = image[i + 2];
image[i + 2] = tmp;
case DXT5: {
size_t dxt5_size = image_size / 4;
auto *dxt5_image = (unsigned char *) malloc(dxt5_size);
rygCompress(dxt5_image, image, width, height, 1);
image = dxt5_image;
image_size = dxt5_size;
// the data has swapped endianness for every WORD
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_size; i += 2) {
auto tmp = image[i];
image[i] = image[i + 1];
image[i + 1] = tmp;
auto uncompressed_size = image_size;
if (tex.compression == AVSLZ) {
size_t compressed_size;
auto compressed = lz_compress(image, image_size, &compressed_size);
if (compressed == nullptr) {
logf("Couldn't compress");
return false;
image = compressed;
image_size = compressed_size;
cache = std::fopen(cache_file.c_str(), "wb");
if (!cache) {
logf("can't open cache for writing");
return false;
if (tex.compression == AVSLZ) {
uint32_t uncomp_sz = _byteswap_ulong((uint32_t) uncompressed_size);
uint32_t comp_sz = _byteswap_ulong((uint32_t) image_size);
fwrite(&uncomp_sz, 4, 1, cache);
fwrite(&comp_sz, 4, 1, cache);
fwrite(image, 1, image_size, cache);
return true;
void handle_texture(string const &norm_path, optional<string> &mod_path) {
auto tex_search = ifs_textures.find(norm_path);
if (tex_search == ifs_textures.end()) {
logf_verbose("Mapped file %s is found!", norm_path.c_str());
auto tex = tex_search->second;
// remove the /tex/, it's nicer to navigate
auto png_path = find_first_modfile(tex.ifs_mod_path + "/" + tex.name + ".png");
if (!png_path) {
// but maybe they used it anyway
png_path = find_first_modfile(tex.ifs_mod_path + "/tex/" + tex.name + ".png");
if (!png_path)
if (tex.compression == UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESS) {
logf("Unsupported compression for %s", png_path->c_str());
if (tex.format == UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT) {
logf("Unsupported texture format for %s", png_path->c_str());
logf_verbose("Mapped file %s found!", png_path->c_str());
if (cache_texture(*png_path, tex)) {
mod_path = tex.cache_file();
void hash_filenames(vector<string> &filenames, uint8_t hash[16]) {
MD5 digest;
for (auto &path : filenames) {
digest.add(path.c_str(), path.length());
void merge_xmls(string const &path, string const &norm_path, optional<string> &mod_path) {
auto start = time();
string out;
string out_folder;
rapidxml::xml_document<> merged_xml;
auto merge_path = norm_path;
string_replace(merge_path, ".xml", ".merged.xml");
auto to_merge = find_all_modfile(merge_path);
// nothing to do...
if (to_merge.empty()) {
auto starting = mod_path ? *mod_path : path;
out = CACHE_FOLDER "/" + norm_path;
auto out_hashed = out + ".hashed";
uint8_t hash[16];
hash_filenames(to_merge, hash);
uint8_t cache_hash[16] = {0};
FILE *cache_hashfile{};
cache_hashfile = std::fopen(out_hashed.c_str(), "rb");
if (cache_hashfile) {
fread(cache_hash, sizeof(uint8_t), std::size(cache_hash), cache_hashfile);
auto time_out = file_time(out.c_str());
// don't forget to take the input into account
time_t newest = file_time(starting.c_str());
for (auto &path : to_merge)
newest = std::max(newest, file_time(path.c_str()));
// no need to merge - timestamps all up to date, dll not newer, files haven't been deleted
if (time_out >= newest && time_out >= dll_time && memcmp(hash, cache_hash, sizeof(hash)) == 0) {
mod_path = out;
auto first_result = rapidxml_from_avs_filepath(starting, merged_xml, merged_xml);
if (!first_result) {
logf("Couldn't merge (can't load first xml %s)", starting.c_str());
logf("Merging into %s", starting.c_str());
for (auto &path : to_merge) {
logf(" %s", path.c_str());
rapidxml::xml_document<> rapid_to_merge;
auto merge_load_result = rapidxml_from_avs_filepath(path, rapid_to_merge, merged_xml);
if (!merge_load_result) {
logf("Couldn't merge (can't load xml) %s", path.c_str());
// toplevel nodes include doc declaration and mdb node
// getting the last node grabs the mdb node
// document -> mdb entry -> music entry
for (rapidxml::xml_node<> *node = rapid_to_merge.last_node()->first_node(); node; node = node->next_sibling()) {
auto folder_terminator = out.rfind("/");
out_folder = out.substr(0, folder_terminator);
if (!mkdir_p(out_folder)) {
logf("Couldn't create merged cache folder");
rapidxml_dump_to_file(out, merged_xml);
cache_hashfile = std::fopen(out_hashed.c_str(), "wb");
if (cache_hashfile) {
fwrite(hash, 1, sizeof(hash), cache_hashfile);
mod_path = out;
logf("Merge took %d ms", time() - start);
int hook_avs_fs_lstat(const char *name, struct avs::core::avs_stat *st) {
if (name == nullptr)
return avs::core::avs_fs_lstat(name, st);
logf_verbose("statting %s", name);
string path = name;
// can it be modded?
auto norm_path = normalise_path(path);
if (!norm_path)
return avs::core::avs_fs_lstat(name, st);
auto mod_path = find_first_modfile(*norm_path);
if (mod_path) {
logf_verbose("Overwriting lstat");
return avs::core::avs_fs_lstat(mod_path->c_str(), st);
return avs::core::avs_fs_lstat(name, st);
avs::core::avs_file_t hook_avs_fs_open(const char *name, uint16_t mode, int flags) {
if (name == nullptr)
return avs::core::avs_fs_open(name, mode, flags);
logf_verbose("opening %s mode %d flags %d", name, mode, flags);
// only touch reads
if (mode != 1) {
return avs::core::avs_fs_open(name, mode, flags);
string path = name;
// can it be modded ie is it under /data ?
auto _norm_path = normalise_path(path);
if (!_norm_path)
return avs::core::avs_fs_open(name, mode, flags);
// unpack success
auto norm_path = *_norm_path;
auto mod_path = find_first_modfile(norm_path);
if (!mod_path) {
// mod ifs paths use _ifs
string_replace(norm_path, ".ifs", "_ifs");
mod_path = find_first_modfile(norm_path);
if (string_ends_with(path.c_str(), ".xml")) {
merge_xmls(path, norm_path, mod_path);
if (string_ends_with(path.c_str(), "texturelist.xml")) {
parse_texturelist(path, norm_path, mod_path);
} else {
handle_texture(norm_path, mod_path);
if (mod_path) {
logf("Using %s", mod_path->c_str());
auto to_open = mod_path ? *mod_path : path;
auto ret = avs::core::avs_fs_open(to_open.c_str(), mode, flags);
logf_verbose("returned %d", ret);
return ret;
int init() {
logf("IFS layeredFS v"
" init...");
// init DLL time
char dll_filename[MAX_PATH];
if (GetModuleFileNameA(GetModuleHandle(nullptr), dll_filename, sizeof(dll_filename))) {
dll_time = file_time(dll_filename);
// init functions
// check if required functions are available
if (avs::core::avs_fs_open == nullptr || avs::core::avs_fs_lstat == nullptr
|| avs::core::property_node_read == nullptr) {
logf("optional avs imports not available :(");
return 1;
logf("Hooking ifs operations");
initialized = true;
logf("Detected mod folders:");
for (auto &p : available_mods()) {
logf("%s", p.c_str());
return 0;