var status = 0; var cost = 5000; function start() { cm.sendYesNo("Hello, I'm in charge of selling tickets for the ship ride to Orbis Station of Ossyria. The ride to Orbis takes off every 15 minutes, beginning on the hour, and it'll cost you #b" + cost + " mesos#k. Are you sure you want to purchase #b#t4031045##k?"); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { cm.dispose(); } else { if (mode == 0) { cm.sendNext("You must have some business to take care of here, right?"); cm.dispose(); return; } status++; if (status == 1) { if (cm.getMeso() >= cost && cm.canHold(4031045)) { cm.gainItem(4031045, 1); cm.gainMeso(-cost); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Are you sure you have #b" + cost + " mesos#k? If so, then I urge you to check your etc. inventory, and see if it's full or not."); cm.dispose(); } } } }