Male VIP: Motivated Look, Perplexed Stare, Fearful Glance, Rebel's Fire, Alert Face, Babyface Pout, Sad Innocence, Curious Dog, Smart Aleck, Child's Play, Sarcastic Face Male REG: Demure Poise, Shade of Cool, Sad Innocence, Look of Wonder, Leisure Look, Alert Face, Cool Guy Gaze Female VIP: Hypnotized Look, Motivated Look, Keen Look, Strong Stare, Babyface Pout, Pucker Up Face, Hopeless Gaze, Soul's Window, Look of Death, Innocent Look, Tender Love Female REG: Gentle Glow, Poker Face, Athena's Grace, Compassion Look, Fearful Stare, Wisdom Glance, Wide-eyed Girl