function start() { if (cm.haveItem(4031576)) { var em = cm.getEventManager("Genie"); if (em.getProperty("entry") == "true") { cm.sendYesNo("This will not be a short flight, so you need to take care of some things, I suggest you do that first before getting on board. Do you still wish to board the genie?"); } else { cm.sendOk("This genie is getting ready for takeoff. I'm sorry, but you'll have to get on the next ride. The ride schedule is available through the guide at the ticketing booth."); cm.dispose(); } } else { cm.sendOk("Make sure you got an Ariant ticket to travel in this genie. Check your inventory."); cm.dispose(); } } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode <= 0) { cm.sendOk("Okay, talk to me if you change your mind!"); cm.dispose(); return; } var em = cm.getEventManager("Genie"); if (em.getProperty("entry") == "true") { cm.warp(200000152); cm.gainItem(4031576, -1); } else { cm.sendOk("This genie is getting ready for takeoff. I'm sorry, but you'll have to get on the next ride. The ride schedule is available through the guide at the ticketing booth."); } cm.dispose(); }