var status = -1; function start() { action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { var eim = cm.getEventInstance(); if (eim != null && eim.getIntProperty("glpq6") == 3) { cm.sendOk("... Well played. You overtook the Twisted Masters. Pass through that gate to receive your prizes."); cm.dispose(); return; } if (!cm.isEventLeader()) { cm.sendNext("I wish for your leader to talk to me."); cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 1) { status++; } else { status--; } if (eim != null) { if (eim.getIntProperty("glpq6") == 0) { if (status == 0) { cm.sendNext("Welcome to the Twisted Masters' Keep. I will be your host for this evening..."); } else if (status == 1) { cm.sendNext("Tonight, we have a feast of a squad of Maplers.. ahaha..."); } else if (status == 2) { cm.sendNext("Let our specially trained Master Guardians escort you!"); cm.mapMessage(6, "Engarde! Master Guardians approach!"); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var mob = eim.getMonster(9400594); const xPos = Math.floor(-1337 + (Math.random() * 1337)) cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob, new java.awt.Point(xPos, 276)); } for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { var mob = eim.getMonster(9400582); const xPos = Math.floor(-1337 + (Math.random() * 1337)) cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob, new java.awt.Point(xPos, 276)); } eim.setIntProperty("glpq6", 1); cm.dispose(); } } else if (eim.getIntProperty("glpq6") == 1) { if (cm.getMap().countMonsters() == 0) { if (status == 0) { cm.sendOk("Eh. What is this? You've defeated them?"); } else if (status == 1) { cm.sendNext("Well, no matter! The Twisted Masters will be glad to welcome you."); cm.mapMessage(6, "Twisted Masters approach!"); //Margana var mob = eim.getMonster(9400590); cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob, new java.awt.Point(-22, 1)); //Red Nirg var mob2 = eim.getMonster(9400591); cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob2, new java.awt.Point(-22, 276)); //Hsalf var mob4 = eim.getMonster(9400593); cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob4, new java.awt.Point(496, 276)); //Rellik var mob3 = eim.getMonster(9400592); cm.getMap().spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(mob3, new java.awt.Point(-496, 276)); eim.setIntProperty("glpq6", 2); cm.dispose(); } } else { cm.sendOk("Pay no attention to me. The Master Guardians will escort you!"); cm.dispose(); } } else if (eim.getIntProperty("glpq6") == 2) { if (cm.getMap().countMonsters() == 0) { cm.sendOk("WHAT? Ugh... this can't be happening."); cm.mapMessage(5, "The portal to the next stage has opened!"); eim.setIntProperty("glpq6", 3); eim.showClearEffect(true); eim.giveEventPlayersStageReward(6); eim.clearPQ(); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendOk("Pay no attention to me. The Twisted Masters will escort you!"); cm.dispose(); } } else { cm.sendOk("... Well played. You overtook the Twisted Masters. Pass through that gate to receive your prizes."); cm.dispose(); } } else { cm.dispose(); } }