//@author kevintjuh93 var status = -1; function start(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { qm.dispose(); } else { if (mode > 0) { status++; } else { qm.dispose(); } if (status == 0) { qm.sendAcceptDecline("Hello, #h0#. Welcome to Maple World. It's currently event season, and we're welcome new characters with a gift. Would you like your gift now?"); } else if (status == 1) { qm.sendOk("Open your inventory and double-click on it! These gifts will make you look stylish. Oh, one more thing! You'll get another gift at level 30. Good luck!"); qm.forceStartQuest(); qm.forceCompleteQuest(); qm.gainItem(2430191, 1, true); } else if (status == 2) { qm.dispose(); } } }