var status = -1; var level = 1; function start() { action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == 1) { status++; } else { status--; } if (cm.getPlayer().getMapId() == 925100700) { cm.warp(251010404, 0); cm.dispose(); return; } if (status == 1) { // leaders cant withdraw cm.warp(251010404, 0); return; } if (!cm.isEventLeader()) { cm.sendYesNo("I wish for your leader to talk to me. Alternatively, you may be wanting to quit. Are you going to abandon this campaign?"); } else { var eim = cm.getEventInstance(); if (eim == null) { cm.warp(251010404, 0); cm.sendNext("How are you even here without being registered on an instance?"); cm.dispose(); return; } level = eim.getProperty("level"); switch (cm.getPlayer().getMapId()) { case 925100000: cm.sendNext("We are heading into the Pirate Ship now! To get in, we must destroy all the monsters guarding it."); cm.dispose(); break; case 925100100: var emp = eim.getProperty("stage2"); if (emp === "0") { if (cm.haveItem(4001120, 20)) { cm.sendNext("Excellent! Now hunt me 20 Rising Medals."); cm.gainItem(4001120, -20); cm.getMap().killAllMonsters(); eim.setProperty("stage2", "1"); } else { cm.sendNext("We are heading into the Pirate Ship now! To get in, we must qualify ourselves as noble pirates. Hunt me 20 Rookie Medals."); } } else if (emp === "1") { if (cm.haveItem(4001121, 20)) { cm.sendNext("Excellent! Now hunt me 20 Veteran Medals."); cm.gainItem(4001121, -20); cm.getMap().killAllMonsters(); eim.setProperty("stage2", "2"); } else { cm.sendNext("We are heading into the Pirate Ship now! To get in, we must qualify ourselves as noble pirates. Hunt me 20 Rising Medals."); } } else if (emp === "2") { if (cm.haveItem(4001122, 20)) { cm.sendNext("Excellent! Now let us go."); cm.gainItem(4001122, -20); cm.getMap().killAllMonsters(); eim.setProperty("stage2", "3"); eim.showClearEffect(cm.getMapId()); } else { cm.sendNext("We are heading into the Pirate Ship now! To get in, we must qualify ourselves as noble pirates. Hunt me 20 Veteran Medals."); } } else { cm.sendNext("The next stage has opened. GO!"); } cm.dispose(); break; case 925100200: case 925100300: cm.sendNext("To assault the pirate ship, we must destroy the guards first."); cm.dispose(); break; case 925100201: if (cm.getMap().getMonsters().size() == 0) { cm.sendNext("The Lord Pirate's chest has appeared! If you happen to have a key, drop it by the chest to reveal it's treasures. That will certainly make him upset."); if (eim.getProperty("stage2a") == "0") { cm.getMap().setReactorState(); eim.setProperty("stage2a", "1"); } } else { cm.sendNext("These bellflowers are in hiding. We must liberate them."); } cm.dispose(); break; case 925100301: if (cm.getMap().getMonsters().size() == 0) { cm.sendNext("The Lord Pirate's chest has appeared! If you happen to have a key, drop it by the chest to reveal it's treasures. That will certainly make him upset."); if (eim.getProperty("stage3a") === "0") { cm.getMap().setReactorState(); eim.setProperty("stage3a", "1"); } } else { cm.sendNext("These bellflowers are in hiding. We must liberate them."); } cm.dispose(); break; case 925100202: case 925100302: cm.sendNext("These are the Captains and Krus that devote their lives to the Lord Pirate. Kill them as you see fit."); cm.dispose(); break; case 925100400: cm.sendNext("These are the sources of the ship's power. We must seal it by using the Old Metal Keys on the doors!"); cm.dispose(); break; case 925100500: if (cm.getMap().getMonsters().size() == 0) { cm.sendNext("Thanks for saving our leader! We are in your debt."); } else { cm.sendNext("Defeat all monsters! Even Lord Pirate's minions!"); } cm.dispose(); break; } } }