/* * Time Temple - Kirston * Twilight of the Gods */ function start() { cm.sendAcceptDecline("If only I had the Mirror of Goodness then I can re-summon the Black Wizard! \r\nWait! something's not right! Why is the Black Wizard not summoned? Wait, what's this force? I feel something... totally different from the Black Wizard Ahhhhh!!!!! \r\n\r\n #b(Places a hand on the shoulder of Kryston.)"); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == 1) { cm.removeNpc(270050100, 2141000); cm.forceStartReactor(270050100, 2709000); } cm.dispose(); // If accepted, = summon PB + Kriston Disappear + 1 hour timer // If deny = NoTHING HAPPEN }