var status = 0; var menu; var payment = false; var atHerbTown = false; function start() { if (cm.getPlayer().getMap().getId() == 251000100) { atHerbTown = true; } if (cm.haveItem(4031242)) { if (atHerbTown) { menu = "#L0##bI will use #t4031242##k to move to #b#m230030200##k.#l\r\n#L1#Go to #b#m230000000##k after paying #b10000mesos#k.#l"; } else { menu = "#L0##bI will use #t4031242##k to move to #b#m230030200##k.#l\r\n#L1#Go to #b#m251000000##k after paying #b10000mesos#k.#l"; } } else { if (atHerbTown) { menu = "#L0#Go to #b#m230030200##k after paying #b1000mesos#k.#l\r\n#L1#Go to #b#m230000000##k after paying #b10000mesos#k.#l"; } else { menu = "#L0#Go to #b#m230030200##k after paying #b1000mesos#k.#l\r\n#L1#Go to #b#m251000000##k after paying #b10000mesos#k.#l"; } payment = true; } cm.sendSimple("Ocean are all connected to each other. Place you can't reach by foot can easily reached oversea. How about taking #bDolphin Taxi#k with us today?\r\n" + menu); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode < 1) { cm.dispose(); } else { if (selection == 0) { if (payment) { if (cm.getPlayer().getMeso() < 1000) { cm.sendOk("I don't think you have enough money..."); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.gainMeso(-1000); } } else { cm.gainItem(4031242, -1); } cm.warp(230030200, 2); cm.dispose(); return; } else if (selection == 1) { if (cm.getPlayer().getMeso() < 10000) { cm.sendOk("I don't think you have enough money..."); cm.dispose(); return; } else { cm.gainMeso(-10000); cm.warp(atHerbTown ? 230000000 : 251000100); } } cm.dispose(); } }