var status = -1; function start(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == 0 && type == 0) { status--; } else if (mode == -1) { qm.dispose(); return; } else { status++; } if (status == 0) { qm.sendNext("I'm finally here! *inhales* Ah, this must be air I'm breathing. And that, that must be the sun! And that, a tree! And that, a plant! And that, a flower! Woohahahaha! This is incredible! This is much better than I imagined the world to be while I was trapped inside the egg. And you... Are you my master? Hm, I pictured you differently."); } else if (status == 1) { qm.sendNextPrev("#bWhoooooa, it talks!", 2); } else if (status == 2) { qm.sendNextPrev("My master is strange. I guess I can't do anything about it now, since the pact has been made. *sigh* Well, good to meet you. We'll be seeing a lot of each other."); } else if (status == 3) { qm.sendNextPrev("#bEh? What do you mean? We'll be seeing a lot of each other? What pact?", 2); } else if (status == 4) { qm.sendNextPrev("What do you mean what do I mean?! You woke me from the Egg. You're my master! So of course it's your responsibility to take care of me and train me and help me become a strong Dragon. Obviously!"); } else if (status == 5) { qm.sendNextPrev("#bWhaaat? A Dragon? You're a Dragon?! I don't get it... Why am I your master? What are you talking about?", 2); } else if (status == 6) { qm.sendNextPrev("What are YOU talking about? Your spirit made a pact with my spirit! We're pretty much the same person now. Do I really have to explain? As a result, you've become my master. We're bound by the pact. You can't change your mind... The pact cannot be broken."); } else if (status == 7) { qm.sendNextPrev("#bWait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You're saying I have no choice but to help you?", 2); } else if (status == 8) { qm.sendNextPrev("Yuuup! Heeeey...! What's with the face? You...don't want to be my master?"); } else if (status == 9) { qm.sendNextPrev("#bNo... It's not that... I just don't know if I'm ready for a pet.", 2); } else if (status == 10) { qm.sendNextPrev("A p-p-pet?! Did you just call me a pet?! How dare... Why, I'm a Dragon! The strongest being in the world!"); } else if (status == 11) { qm.sendNextPrev("#b...#b(You stare at him skeptically. He looks like a lizard. A puny little one, at that.)#k", 2); } else if (status == 12) { qm.sendAcceptDecline("Why are you looking at me like that?! Just watch! See what I can do with my power. Ready?"); } else if (status == 13) { if (mode == 0 && type == 15) { qm.sendNext("You don't believe me? Grrrrr, you're getting me mad!"); qm.dispose(); } else { if (!qm.isQuestStarted(22500)) { qm.forceStartQuest(); } qm.sendNext("Command me to slay the #r#o1210100##ks! Do it now! I'll show you how fast a Dragon can defeat the #o1210100#s! Goooo, charge!"); } } else if (status == 14) { qm.sendNextPrev("Wait a minute! Did you distribute your AP? I'm heavily affected by my master's #bINT and LUK#k! If you really want to see what I can do, distribute your AP and #bequip your Magician equipment#k before you use the skill!"); } else if (status == 15) { qm.sendImage("UI/tutorial/evan/11/0"); qm.dispose(); } }