/* This file is part of the OdinMS Maple Story Server Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy Matthias Butz Jan Christian Meyer This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ var status = 0; var eQuestChoices = [4000064, 4000065, 4000066, 4000075, 4000077, 4000089, 4000090, 4000091, 4000092, 4000093, 4000094]; var eQuestPrizes = []; eQuestPrizes[0] = [[2000000, 1], [2000006, 1], [2000003, 5], [2000002, 5], [4020006, 2], [4020000, 2], [4020004, 2], [2000003, 10], [2000003, 20], [2000002, 10], [2000002, 20], [2022026, 15], [2022024, 15], [1002393, 1]]; // Crow feather eQuestPrizes[1] = [[2000006, 1], [2000002, 5], [4020006, 2], [2000002, 10], [2000003, 10], [2000002, 20], [2000003, 20], [2022024, 15], [2022026, 15]]; // Raccoon firewood eQuestPrizes[2] = [[2000006, 1], [2000002, 5], [2000003, 5], [4020000, 2], [2000003, 10], [2000002, 10], [2000003, 20], [2000002, 20], [2022024, 15], [1002393, 1]]; // Cloud foxtail eQuestPrizes[3] = [[2060003, 1000], [4010004, 2], [4010006, 2], [2022022, 5], [2022022, 10], [2022022, 15], [2022019, 5], [2022019, 10], [2022019, 15], [2001002, 15], [2001001, 15], [1102040, 1], [1102043, 1]]; // Tringular bandana of the nightghost eQuestPrizes[4] = [[2000003, 1], [2022019, 5], [2000006, 5], [4010002, 2], [4010003, 2], [2000006, 10], [2000006, 15], [2022019, 10], [2022019, 15], [2060003, 1000], [2061003, 1000], [1082150, 1], [1082149, 1]]; // Dark cloud foxtail eQuestPrizes[5] = [[2000006, 1], [2000003, 5], [2000002, 5], [2000003, 10], [2000003, 20], [2000002, 10], [2000002, 15], [2060003, 1000], [2061003, 1000], [2022026, 15], [1002395, 1]]; // Littleman A's badge eQuestPrizes[6] = [[2022019, 5], [2000006, 5], [4010003, 2], [2022019, 10], [2022019, 15], [2000006, 10], [2000006, 15], [2060003, 1000], [2061003, 1000]]; // Littleman B's name plate eQuestPrizes[7] = [[2000003, 1], [2000006, 1], [2022019, 1], [2000006, 5], [4010002, 2], [4020001, 2], [2022019, 10], [2022019, 15], [2000006, 10], [2000006, 15], [2060003, 1000], [2061003, 1000]]; // Littleman C's necklace eQuestPrizes[8] = [[2022019, 5], [2022022, 5], [4010006, 2], [2022019, 10], [2022019, 15], [2022022, 10], [2022022, 15], [2001002, 15], [2001001, 15], [1102043, 1]]; // Leader A's shades eQuestPrizes[9] = [[4010004, 5], [2022019, 5], [2022022, 15], [2022019, 15], [2001002, 15], [2001001, 15], [1102043, 1]]; // Leader B's charm eQuestPrizes[10] = [[1102207, 1], [1442026, 1], [1302037, 1], [2070007, 1], [2340000, 1], [2330005, 1], [2022060, 25], [2022061, 20], [2022062, 15]]; // Boss pomade var requiredItem = 0; var lastSelection = 0; var prizeItem = 0; var prizeQuantity = 0; var info; var itemSet; var reward; function start() { status = -1; action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { cm.dispose(); } else { if (mode == 0 && status == 0) { cm.sendOk("Really? Let me know if you ever change your mind."); cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 0 && status == 1) { cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 1) { status++; } if (status == 0) { cm.sendYesNo("If you're looking for someone that can pinpoint the characteristics of various items, you're looking at one right now. I'm currently looking for something. Would you like to hear my story?"); } else if (status == 1) { var eQuestChoice = makeChoices(eQuestChoices); cm.sendSimple(eQuestChoice); } else if (status == 2) { requiredItem = eQuestChoices[selection]; reward = eQuestPrizes[selection]; itemSet = (Math.floor(Math.random() * reward.length)); prizeItem = reward[itemSet][0]; prizeQuantity = reward[itemSet][1]; if (!cm.canHold(prizeItem)) { cm.sendNext("I can't give you the reward if your equip, use, or etc. inventory is full. Please go take a look right now."); } else if (cm.hasItem(requiredItem, 100)) { // check they have >= 100 in Inventory cm.gainItem(requiredItem, -100); cm.gainItem(prizeItem, prizeQuantity); cm.sendOk("Hmmm ... if not for this minor scratch ... sigh. I'm afraid I can only deem this a standard-quality item. Well, here's \r\n#t" + prizeItem + "# for you."); } else { cm.sendOk("Hey, what do you think you're doing? Go lie to someone that DOESN'T know what he's talking about. Not me!"); } cm.dispose(); } } } function makeChoices(a) { var result = "The items I'm looking for are 1,2,3 ... phew, too many to\r\nmention. Anyhow, if you gather up 100 of the same items,\r\nthen i may trade it with something similiar. What? You may\r\nnot know this, but i keep my end of the promise, so you\r\nneed not worry. Now, shall we trade?\r\n"; for (var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) { result += " #L" + x + "##v" + a[x] + "##t" + a[x] + "##l\r\n"; } return result; }