/** -- Version Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 - First Version by Drago (MapleStorySA) 2.0 - Second Version by Jayd - translated CPQ contents to English --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ var status = 0; var rnk = -1; function start() { status = -1; action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { cm.dispose(); } else { if (status >= 0 && mode == 0) { cm.sendOk("Alright then, I hope we can chat later next time."); cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 1) { status++; } else { status--; } if (cm.getPlayer().getMapId() == 980030010) { if (status == 0) { cm.sendNext("I hope you had fun at the Monster Carnival!"); } else if (status > 0) { cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.dispose(); } } else if (cm.getChar().getMap().isCPQLoserMap()) { if (status == 0) { if (cm.getChar().getParty() != null) { var shiu = ""; if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 300) { shiu += "#rA#k"; cm.sendOk("Unfortunately, you either drew or lost the battle despite your excellent performance. Victory can be yours next time! \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shiu); rnk = 10; } else if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 100) { shiu += "#rB#k"; rnk = 20; cm.sendOk("Unfortunately, you either drew or lost the battle, even with your ultimate performance. Just a little bit, and the victory could have been yours! \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shiu); } else if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 50) { shiu += "#rC#k"; rnk = 30; cm.sendOk("Unfortunately, you either drew or lost the battle. Victory is for those who strive. I see your efforts, so victory is not far from your reach. Keep it up!\r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shiu); } else { shiu += "#rD#k"; rnk = 40; cm.sendOk("Unfortunately, you either equalized or lost the battle, and your performance clearly reflects on it. I expect more from you next time. \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shiu); } } else { cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.dispose(); } } else if (status == 1) { switch (rnk) { case 10: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(35000); cm.dispose(); break; case 20: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(25000); cm.dispose(); break; case 30: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(12500); cm.dispose(); break; case 40: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(3500); cm.dispose(); break; default: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.dispose(); break; } } } else if (cm.getChar().getMap().isCPQWinnerMap()) { if (status == 0) { if (cm.getChar().getParty() != null) { var shi = ""; if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 300) { shi += "#rA#k"; rnk = 1; cm.sendOk("Congratulations on your victory!!! What a performance! The opposite group could not do anything! I hope the same good work next time! \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shi); } else if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 100) { shi += "#rB#k"; rnk = 2; cm.sendOk("Congratulations on your victory! That was awesome! You did a good job against the opposing group! Just a little longer, and you'll definitely get an A next time! \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shi); } else if (cm.getPlayer().getFestivalPoints() >= 50) { shi += "#rC#k"; rnk = 3; cm.sendOk("Congratulations on your victory. You did some things here and there, but that can not be considered a good victory. I expect more from you next time. \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shi); } else { shi += "#rD#k"; rnk = 4; cm.sendOk("Congratulations on your victory, though your performance did not quite reflect that. Be more active in your next participation in the Monster Carnival! \r\n\r\n#bYour result: " + shi); } } else { cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.dispose(); } } else if (status == 1) { switch (rnk) { case 1: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(875000); cm.dispose(); break; case 2: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(700000); cm.dispose(); break; case 3: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(555000); cm.dispose(); break; case 4: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.gainExp(100000); cm.dispose(); break; default: cm.warp(980030000, 0); cm.dispose(); break; } } } } }