var status = 0; var em; var eim; function sendBaseText() { cm.sendOk("Access is restricted to the public."); cm.dispose(); } function start() { em = cm.getEventManager("q3239"); if (em != null) eim = cm.getEventInstance(); if (em == null) { // No event handler sendBaseText(); return; } else if (eim == null && !cm.isQuestStarted(3239)) { // Not in instance, quest is not in progress sendBaseText(); return; } if (eim == null) { // Not in instance cm.sendYesNo("Are you ready to enter #b#m922000000##k?"); } else { // Inside the instance cm.sendYesNo("Are you ready to leave this place?"); } } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode < 1) { cm.dispose(); return; } if (eim == null) { // Not in instance, ready to enter cm.removeAll(4031092); // This handling is done in the portal script and in the event end, just for legacy purposes here if (!em.startInstance(cm.getPlayer())) { cm.sendOk("Someone else is already gathering some parts for me. Please wait until the area is cleared."); } } else { // Inside the instance, ready to exit eim.removePlayer(cm.getPlayer()); // This will end the event and warp the player out } cm.dispose(); }