var status = -1; function start(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == 0 && type == 0) { status--; } else if (mode == -1) { qm.dispose(); return; } else { status++; } if (status == 0) { qm.sendAcceptDecline("Your #bDad#k forgot his Lunch Box when he left for the farm this morning. Will you #bdeliver this Lunch Box#k to your Dad in #b#m100030300##k, honey?"); } else if (status == 1) { if (mode == 0 && type == 15) {//decline qm.sendNext("Good kids listen to their mothers. Now, Evan, be a good kid and talk to me again."); qm.dispose(); } else { if (!qm.isQuestStarted(22003)) { if (!qm.haveItem(4032448)) { qm.gainItem(4032448, true); } qm.forceStartQuest(); } qm.sendNext("Heehee, my Evan is such a good kid! Head #bleft after you exit the house#k. Rush over to your dad. I'm sure he's starving."); } } else if (status == 2) { qm.sendNextPrev("Come back to me if you happen to lose the Lunch Box. I'll make his lunch again."); } else if (status == 3) { qm.sendImage("UI/tutorial/evan/5/0"); qm.dispose(); } }