function enter(pi) { var eim = pi.getEventInstance(); if (eim != null) { eim.stopEventTimer(); eim.dispose(); } var questProgress = pi.getQuestProgressInt(2330, 3300005) + pi.getQuestProgressInt(2330, 3300006) + pi.getQuestProgressInt(2330, 3300007); //3 Yetis if (questProgress == 3 && !pi.hasItem(4032388)) { if (pi.canHold(4032388)) { pi.getPlayer().message("You have aquired a key to the Wedding Hall. King Pepe must have dropped it."); pi.gainItem(4032388, 1); pi.playPortalSound(); pi.warp(106021400, 2); return true; } else { pi.getPlayer().message("Please make room in your ETC inventory."); return false; } } else { pi.playPortalSound(); pi.warp(106021400, 2); return true; } }