/* @author RonanLana */ function enter(pi) { var stage = ((Math.floor(pi.getMapId() / 100)) % 10) - 1; var em = pi.getEventManager("TD_Battle" + stage); if (em == null) { pi.playerMessage(5, "TD Battle " + stage + " encountered an unexpected error and is currently unavailable."); return false; } if (pi.getParty() == null) { pi.playerMessage(5, "You are currently not in a party, create one to attempt the boss."); return false; } else if (!pi.isLeader()) { pi.playerMessage(5, "Your party leader must enter the portal to start the battle."); return false; } else { var eli = em.getEligibleParty(pi.getParty()); if (eli.size() > 0) { if (!em.startInstance(pi.getParty(), pi.getPlayer().getMap(), 1)) { pi.playerMessage(5, "The battle against the boss has already begun, so you may not enter this place yet."); return false; } } else { pi.playerMessage(5, "Your party must consist of at least 2 players to attempt the boss."); return false; } pi.playPortalSound(); return true; } }