var arena; var status = 0; function start() { arena = cm.getPlayer().getAriantColiseum(); if (arena == null) { cm.sendOk("Hey, I did not see you on the field during the battle in the arena! What are you doing here?"); cm.dispose(); return; } status = -1; action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == -1) { cm.dispose(); } else { if (mode == 0 && status == 0) { cm.dispose(); return; } if (mode == 1) { status++; } else { status--; } if (status == 0) { copns = arena.getAriantScore(cm.getPlayer()); if (copns < 1 && !cm.getPlayer().isGM()) { cm.sendOk("Too bad, you did not get any jewelry!"); cm.dispose(); } else { cm.sendNext("Ok, let's see... You did very well and you brought #b" + copns + "#k jewelry that I love. Since you have completed the match, I will reward you with a Battle Arena score of #b" + arena.getAriantRewardTier(cm.getPlayer()) + " points#k. If you want to know more about the Battle Arena score, then talk to #b#p2101015##k."); } } else if (status == 1) { //cm.warp(980010020, 0); copns = arena.getAriantRewardTier(cm.getPlayer()); arena.clearAriantRewardTier(cm.getPlayer()); arena.clearAriantScore(cm.getPlayer()); cm.removeAll(4031868); cm.getPlayer().gainExp(92.7 * cm.getPlayer().getExpRate() * copns, true, true); cm.getPlayer().gainAriantPoints(copns); cm.sendOk("Alright! Make me more jewels next time! Ahahahahah!"); cm.dispose(); } } }