var status = 0; var spawnPnpc = false; var spawnPnpcFee = 7000000; var jobType = 21; function start() { const GameConstants = Java.type(''); if (parseInt(cm.getJobId() / 100) == jobType && cm.canSpawnPlayerNpc(GameConstants.getHallOfFameMapid(cm.getJob()))) { spawnPnpc = true; var sendStr = "You have walked a long way to reach the power, wisdom and courage you hold today, haven't you? What do you say about having right now #ra NPC on the Hall of Fame holding the current image of your character#k? Do you like it?"; if (spawnPnpcFee > 0) { sendStr += " I can do it for you, for the fee of #b " + cm.numberWithCommas(spawnPnpcFee) + " mesos.#k"; } cm.sendYesNo(sendStr); } else { cm.sendOk("Behold, the distinguished brave heroes of Rien! Those stout hearts are who have been protecting our people since long ago, our valiant comrades."); cm.dispose(); } } function action(mode, type, selection) { status++; if (mode == 0 && type != 1) { status -= 2; } if (status == -1) { start(); } else { if (spawnPnpc) { if (mode > 0) { if (cm.getMeso() < spawnPnpcFee) { cm.sendOk("Sorry, you don't have enough mesos to purchase your place on the Hall of Fame."); cm.dispose(); return; } const PlayerNPC = Java.type(''); const GameConstants = Java.type(''); if (PlayerNPC.spawnPlayerNPC(GameConstants.getHallOfFameMapid(cm.getJob()), cm.getPlayer())) { cm.sendOk("There you go! Hope you will like it."); cm.gainMeso(-spawnPnpcFee); } else { cm.sendOk("Sorry, the Hall of Fame is currently full..."); } } cm.dispose(); } else { // do nothing } } }