var status = 0; var section = 0; //questid 29931, infoquest 7662 function start() { action(1, 0, 0); } function action(mode, type, selection) { if (mode == 1) { status++; } else { status--; } if (status == 1) { if (cm.getMapId() == 910320001) { cm.warp(910320000, 0); cm.dispose(); } else if (cm.getMapId() == 910330001) { var itemid = 4001321; if (!cm.canHold(itemid)) { cm.sendOk("Please make room for 1 ETC slot."); } else { cm.gainItem(itemid, 1); cm.warp(910320000, 0); } cm.dispose(); } else if (cm.getMapId() >= 910320100 && cm.getMapId() <= 910320304) { cm.sendYesNo("Would you like to exit this place?"); status = 99; } else { cm.sendSimple("My name is Mr.Lim.\r\n#b#e#L1#Enter the Dusty Platform.#l#n\r\n#L2#Head towards Train 999.#l\r\n#L3#Receive a medal of .#l#k"); } } else if (status == 2) { section = selection; if (selection == 1) { if (cm.getPlayer().getLevel() < 25 || cm.getPlayer().getLevel() > 30 || !cm.isLeader()) { cm.sendOk("You must be in the Level Range 25-30 and be the party leader."); } else { if (!cm.start_PyramidSubway(-1)) { cm.sendOk("The Dusty Platform is currently full at the moment."); } } //todo } else if (selection == 2) { if (cm.haveItem(4001321)) { if (cm.bonus_PyramidSubway(-1)) { cm.gainItem(4001321, -1); } else { cm.sendOk("The Train 999 is currently full at the moment"); } } else { cm.sendOk("You do not have the Boarding Pass."); } } else if (selection == 3) { var record = cm.getQuestRecord(7662); var data = record.getCustomData(); if (data == null) { record.setCustomData("0"); data = record.getCustomData(); } var mons = parseInt(data); if (mons < 10000) { cm.sendOk("Please defeat at least 10,000 monsters in the Station and look for me again. Kills : " + mons); } else if (cm.canHold(1142141) && !cm.haveItem(1142141)) { cm.gainItem(1142141, 1); cm.startQuest(29931); cm.completeQuest(29931); } else { cm.sendOk("Please make room."); } } cm.dispose(); } else if (status == 100) { cm.warp(910320000, 0); cm.dispose(); } }