# Initial Docker support thanks to xinyifly # Optimisation performed by wejrox # # Cosmic JAR creation stage # FROM maven:3.9.1-eclipse-temurin-17 AS jar # Build in a separated location which won't have permissions issues. WORKDIR /opt/cosmic # Any changes to the pom will affect the entire build, so it should be copied first. COPY pom.xml ./pom.xml # Grab all the dependencies listed in the pom early, since it prevents changes to source code from requiring a complete re-download. # Skip compiling tests since we don't want all the dependecies to be downloaded. RUN mvn -f ./pom.xml clean dependency:go-offline -Dmaven.test.skip -T 1C # Source code changes may not change dependencies, so it can go last. # Skip compiling tests since we don't want all the dependecies to be downloaded for plugins. COPY src ./src RUN mvn -f ./pom.xml clean package -Dmaven.test.skip -T 1C # # Server creation stage # FROM eclipse-temurin:17.0.6_10-jre # Host the server in a location that won't have permissions issues. WORKDIR /opt/server # Copy the wizet files first since they're so big and won't change often. COPY wz ./wz # Copy the JAR we build earlier. COPY --from=jar /opt/cosmic/target/Cosmic.jar ./Server.jar # Scripts are sourced on server startup, so you can mount over them for quicker redeploy. COPY scripts ./scripts/ # Config is read on server startup, so you can mount over it for quicker redeploy. COPY config.yaml ./ # Default exposure, although not required if using docker compose. # This exposes the login server, and channels. # Format for channels: WWCC, where WW is 75 plus the world number and CC is 75 plus the channel number (both zero indexed). EXPOSE 8484 7575 7576 7577 ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "./Server.jar"]